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赤坂Bizタワー23階のUoCから、press共同編集長のHide & Misaが越領域のクリエイターにワクワクする社会創造の「種」を聞く「UoC Mandala Radio」。
様々な領域で活動するゲストたちが今、つくっているものやアクション、そこに見える未来とは? -
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豊かで幸せになるための スピリチュアルラジオ番組
ディープじゃなくそこそこアニメを語るポッドキャスト『そこあに』 作品特集・インタビュー特集。毎週日曜深夜お届けします。
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Googleフォーム: https://forms.gle/kZ1Ah2rgaN8AXTqB9
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Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/zatsudan_72
LISTEN: https://listen.style/p/zatsudan_72?JFjyJtmy -
Surviving The System is a podcast created to shed light on the hypocrisy and injustice of “the system” in our nation today. I founded this podcast after first hand experience of how the system works - the shady tactics by law enforcement, the blatant disregard for the law by the legal system, the ever increasing attempts to crush the human spirit by the prison industrial complex and so called “re-entry” efforts. All of it appearing to be designed to keep people beat down, with no opportunity to learn and grow from their past mistakes. Since my experience with the system, I’ve learned that things are almost never cut and dry, right or wrong. So called “criminals” are some of the most compassionate, talented and intelligent individuals this world has to offer. On the flip side, there are some people who appear to lead the perfect life are all too often miserable human beings who are simply better at hiding their crimes from the rest of the world. My goal by starting Surviving The System is to reach as many people as possible who have been through the system, or are currently going through the system, and remind them that they are not defined by their worst mistake! You are a being of incredible power who has been conditioned by the system to forget. You can have the life you want, you can be the person you’ve always wanted to be. Throw off the shackles and remember who you are!
■X(旧Twitter):https://twitter.com/nantentekomai -
For 58 years, The ACCJ Journal has chronicled the activities of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan and supported its advocacy efforts. Now the magazine of the ACCJ is available in audio format so that you can keep up with what’s happening in Japan’s global business community no matter where you are or what you are doing. Listen to narrated version of Journal stories and enjoy podcast-first content as well.
「防災 FRONT LINE」さまざまなシチュエーションを想定して、防災の備えを一緒に考えて行く番組。
子どもを持つことを肯定的に思えず、結婚後も悩み迷い続けてきた私が、40 代で妊娠・出産できたからこそ良かったこと、子どもを持つことで自然に開かれた、新しい人生について語ります。 「自信がないまま、そのままでママになって大丈夫!」 と思えるようなヒントを「心のあり方」をベースにお伝えします。 聞くだけで、勇気と自信が湧いてくる番組をゆる~~くお届けします。お楽しみに!!
ポッドキャスト「こういっちゃなんですが」ではパーソナリティのこういちが気になるニュースや自分の周りの出来事について話します。お便りフォーム→https://forms.gle/zLmTr82EERojLDYc9 ハッシュタグ→ 前番組: #ゲイ的ニュースラジオ #こういっちゃなんですが
Do you want to live the life you love? Then, this is the right podcast for you. Our host, Acco brings inspiring guests to share tips to step out of your comfort zone, and to make a difference to the world.
Key words of this podcast :
Sustainable, Global, SDGs
Visit our website to leave comments and get connected:
Across the World Facebook
https://www.facebook.com/acroslife -
取材裏話などのブログは https://anyaqiu-blog.tumblr.com/
感想、出演希望は https://twitter.com/anyaqiu へリプください。 -
As a new parent of a child with a rare genetic syndrome, I was lost. There was no guide. There was no rulebook. This was not what I had imagined. As I navigated my way through this new reality, I realized something that should have been simple, but was not. A truth that had always been there, but that I had lost sight of for a time - I am not alone. And neither are you. These are the stories of my family, and of families like ours. These are the stories of how we have persevered, cried, bonded, and grown. These are the stories of children who have been told that they cannot, and that have proved the world wrong.
TCK、帰国子女、そして海外ツールを持つ方々の人生をテーマに、海外生活や異文化体験がもたらす強み&豊かさをお伝えする情報発信番組です。元帰国子女やTCKのインタビューコーナーでは、海外移動が人生にもたらした影響のみならず、“Where is your HOME”という大胆な質問を軸に、個人のHome感についてもお聴きしていきます。また、TCK基礎知識のみならず、日本社会に適応するためのコツ、アイデンティティーや自分らしさを考える一助となる番組です。TCK以外の日本の皆さんにも、この番組を通じて、国際化日本の未来を一緒に創っていきたいです。 一般社団法人 育ちネット多文化CROSS 代表理事 初田美紀子 https://www.crossactnet.com/