
  • Episode 13: An Emotion Soup

    Ever feel like you get the "you look great!" when you definitely don't feel great? Join me and Amy (https://www.instagram.com/longcovidrockstar/) on this episode of A Friend for the Long Haul as we tackle the frustrating things people say to those with chronic illness and long covid. We get real about the pressure to perform and the emotional toll of "have you tried X?"

    But this episode isn't all venting! Amy's a total rockstar when it comes to mindset and pacing, and she shares how she reclaimed enjoyment in her life. We even dive into how she negotiated a return to work on her terms (because boundaries are essential!)

    Feeling lost in the shuffle of illness? We talk about the impact of social conditioning and the patriarchy on our self-worth, especially for chronically ill and disabled folks. Amy will leave you with some actionable tips for starting a gratitude practice and reconnecting with the parts of yourself that might feel hidden.

    This episode is a must-listen if you struggle with

    Feeling invisible in your illness Saying good things about yourself Dealing with unsolicited advice Reclaiming joy and purpose

    Hit subscribe and leave us a rating to let us know what you think! We're here for you, friends.

    Be sure to follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/afriendforthelonghaul for updates and unhinged content.

    My website is: https://sites.google.com/view/friendforthelonghaul

    Don't forget to check out the pod playlist on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3n0GXLFRWqDJyifglNNM4K

  • Episode 12: Born to be Horizontal, Forced to be Vertical

    Navigating Long Covid in Your Early 20s on A Friend for the Long Haul

    This week on A Friend for the Long Haul, I'm joined by Ally, who got hit with covid right before her college graduation, which developed into long covid. We explore the unique challenges of starting a new chapter in your twenties after acquiring a chronic illness.

    In this episode, you'll hear:

    How Ally navigates friendships and relationships What it was like starting her first job after college with long covid Ally's journey with pacing and the importance of mobility aidss The emotions of meeting another long hauler for the first time (Chef Taryn of episode 4!)

    Plus, we chat about TurnTo, a brand new app designed specifically for people with long covid and ME/CFS!

    TurnTo leverages AI to curate personalized daily content, from the latest research breakthroughs to inspiring user stories. Ally shares her experience with working on the development of the app and how it's helped her on her long haul journey. By the way - this is not an ad, the app is free and so useful.

    Feeling lost and alone with long covid in your twenties? This episode is for you! Join us for a supportive conversation and discover some tools and resources you may find useful.

    #AFriendForTheLongHaul #LongCovidCommunity #ChronicIllnessWarriors

    Tune in, and let’s navigate this long haul together.
    Don’t forget to subscribe, leave a review, and share this episode with anyone who might benefit from hearing Ally's story.

    You can find Ally on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/livinglongcovid/

    Be sure to follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/afriendforthelonghaul for updates and unhinged content.

    My website is: https://sites.google.com/view/friendforthelonghaul

    Don't forget to check out the pod playlist on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3n0GXLFRWqDJyifglNNM4K

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  • Episode 11: “It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” - Jiddu Krishnamurti
    Hello everyone, and welcome back to another episode of A Friend for the Long Haul. I’m incredibly excited about this week's guest, Steph Fowler, the fantastic brain behind Misfit Mental Health. Steph is a therapist with a unique and powerful story that will resonate deeply with the many of us who have felt like we just don’t fit in.
    In this episode, Steph and I discuss:

    Steph’s "Misfit" Experience: We start with Steph’s personal story, where she shares the challenges of facing burnout, and the path to rebuilding her life.

    Career Shifts and Finding Her Path: Steph opens up about her career changes and how the search for a better fit eventually led her to work for herself, creating a space where she could be her authentic self.

    Living with Chronic Illness and Dynamic Disabilities: We discuss Steph’s experience with chronic illness, dynamic disabilities, and the ongoing challenges of navigating life in a world that often overlooks the realities of living with Long Covid.

    The Misfit Mental Health Philosophy: Steph explains how living as a misfit can be both liberating and isolating, and the importance of acknowledging and processing past harms to move toward healing.

    Self-Assurance: Steph and I discuss acceptance and self-assurance, and how validating one’s own needs, strengths, and values is crucial in navigating a world that doesn’t always support uniqueness.

    Rediscovering and Celebrating Your True Self: We delve into the journey of rediscovering and celebrating the person you are beneath decades of social conditioning.

    Join us for a conversation filled with authenticity that I thoroughly enjoyed! Steph also provides us with some tips for what to ask and what to look for when you are seeking a new therapist. Whether you’ve felt like a misfit all your life or are simply looking for inspiration to embrace your true self, this episode is a must-listen.
    Tune in, and let’s navigate this long haul together.
    Don’t forget to subscribe, leave a review, and share this episode with anyone who might benefit from Steph’s story and wisdom.
    You can find Steph at https://misfitmentalhealth.com and on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/misfit.mental.health.
    Be sure to follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/afriendforthelonghaul for updates and unhinged content.
    My website is: https://sites.google.com/view/friendforthelonghaul
    Don't forget to check out the pod playlist on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3n0GXLFRWqDJyifglNNM4K

  • Episode 10: The 11th Recording and 10th Release

    Welcome back to another episode of A Friend for the Long Haul! I’m happy to have Wanda Belisle join me for this episode. Wanda is a Registered Health Coach who’s aim is to help people with ME/CFS and Long Covid.

    In this episode, Wanda and I dive deep into her story and the work she’s doing:

    Wanda's Prior History with Post-Viral Illness and ME/CFS: We kick things off by exploring Wanda’s own battle with post-viral illness and ME/CFS, which started in her teens, giving us a glimpse into her resilience and strength.

    The Possibility of Contracting Covid-19 in February 2020: Wanda shares her story of possibly having Covid-19 early in the pandemic and how it contributed to a severe flare.

    Finding an Improved Baseline: Through her work with practitioners and her own efforts, Wanda has managed to find a better baseline. She opens up about the strategies and treatments that have made a difference in her life.

    Starting Her Health Coaching Business: Wanda’s passion for helping others led her to start a business as a health coach years before the pandemic. We discuss how her business has evolved since the pandemic began.

    Challenging Ableist and Ill-Informed Notions: Both of us reflect on the ableist and ill-informed pre-conceived notions we had about post-viral illness before experiencing it ourselves, and how our perspectives have shifted. This portion may be a bit difficult for some listeners as we confront and name how ignorant we were in the past about these matters.

    Tips for the Newly Diagnosed: Wanda offers advice for those newly diagnosed with ME/CFS or Long Covid, providing practical tips for navigating this challenging journey.

    Future Plans for Her Coaching Business: Finally, Wanda shares exciting plans she has for her coaching business and her vision for the future.

    Join us for an inspiring conversation filled with insights, personal stories, and practical advice. Whether you’re dealing with ME/CFS, Long Covid, or simply looking for a story of resilience and hope, this episode is for you.

    Tune in, and let’s get through this long haul together.

    PS I am not a client of Wanda's and this is not an ad or promotion. I'm highly selective about any wellness or health professionals I have on this podcast because I am very protective of this community. I have a lot of time for Wanda because of her transparency and openness.

    Make sure to subscribe, leave a review, and share this episode with anyone who might benefit from Wanda’s story. You can find her at https://www.wandabelisle.com/ and on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/wandabelisle

    Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/afriendforthelonghaul/

    And check out my website at https://sites.google.com/view/friendforthelonghaul - check out the Providers link to find a living Google doc full of long hauler submitted and approved healthcare providers!

    Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Byron Katie: https://thework.com/

    Jarred Younger's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@youngerlab

    Solve M.E. Videos featuring Jarred Younger:




    Ally Boothroyd's YouTube Channel for Yoga Nidra: https://www.youtube.com/@SarovaraYoga

    Jennifer Piercy's Insight Timer page: https://insighttimer.com/jenniferpiercy

    Don't forget to check out the podcast playlist on Spotify using this link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3n0GXLFRWqDJyifglNNM4K?si=e67cfc837de84b5d

  • Welcome back to A Friend for the Long Haul with me, your host, Beth. This week, I am joined by Alysia Dagrosa, a board-certified patient advocate, full-spectrum doula, certified lactation counselor, Endometriosis advocate, and first wave long hauler.

    In this deeply personal episode, Alysia recounts the early days of the pandemic, contracting COVID-19 in March 2020, and the challenges she faced living with and caring for her family during lockdown. From her father’s cabin fever-induced escapades THAT WILL INFURIATE YOU to the severe health complications that followed, Alysia's story is both harrowing and heartfelt. She opens up about the multi-system failures she experienced, her own struggles with long Covid, and the emotional toll of dealing with a family in denial. While Alysia and I were talking, I was so wrapped up in her story that I couldn't quite process what I was hearing. While editing this episode, I felt all the emotions and you'll go from curious to incredulous to feeling deep empathy to being simply wowed by Alysia as a human.

    In addition, you'll learn SO MUCH about Endometriosis in this episode. If you're struggling with endo, please give this episode a listen. We mostly get into Alysia's endo advocacy work in the second half and she provides so much education here.

    Content Warning: This episode discusses serious difficult family dynamics, COVID-19 infection, hospital trips, strokes, and food and body issues which may be difficult for some listeners.

    This episode is longer than usual, so feel free to take breaks as needed. Join us for an honest conversation filled with vulnerability, resilience, and even moments of humor. Plus Alysia's amazing singing at the end!

    Don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and share the podcast with your friends. Your support helps us reach more listeners who can benefit from these stories. Tune in every Monday for new episodes!

    You can find Alysia on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/tantielys/

    Find out more about A Friend for the Long Haul here: https://sites.google.com/view/afriendforthelonghaul

    Or on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/afriendforthelonghaul/

    Don't miss this show's playlist, which you can find on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3n0GXLFRWqDJyifglNNM4K?si=665f477ed2b647a0

    Disclaimer: While this podcast discusses medical topics, none of the content is intended as medical advice. Please consult your medical professional with any questions or concerns you may have.

    For more information about the PASC care package fundraiser mentioned at the beginning of this episode, check out https://www.instagram.com/chillusions/

    Keywords: Long COVID, patient advocacy, pandemic stories, COVID-19 recovery, endometriosis, endo, advocacy, stroke, personal journey, family struggles, COVID-19 impact

  • Season 1 Episode 8: We Really Went off ScriptJoin me, Beth, on this week’s episode of A Friend for the Long Haul, as I have a heartfelt conversation with my dear friend Katy. Katy (a first wave Covid long hauler from Canada) and I have known each other online since 2020. When I announced that Katy was going to be on the podcast, I said that I couldn't remember my Covid life without her. Our experience through the trials of long covid has brought us closer together and we’re sharing our stories with you.In this episode, we reflect on the early days of the pandemic when the uncertainty of prolonged symptoms left us feeling isolated and misunderstood - and that part never really went away. Katy and I discuss our shared experiences with conditions like postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), including harrowing episodes of anaphylaxis triggered by food and medications.We discuss our advocacy efforts to raise awareness and support for long Covid sufferers, discussing how we attempt to preserve our energy and find joy in the small details of life. Don’t miss this episode filled with lols, strength, and hope.

    By the way, 10kms is equal to 6.21371, I was close!!

    Remember to subscribe to A Friend for the Long Haul and rate the pod on your favorite platform. Your support means the world to me and my listeners, and we’re grateful to have your ears.Thank you for listening!Katy was a speaker at the following event, hosted by Ed Yong: https://youtu.be/BjNy1rn0yPk?si=cYV37I8vgST3YVjJ and she will be back on another podcast to talk more about that - hopefully with other speakers from that event. Ed, I'd love to chat with you too! :D Here's Ed's website: https://edyong.me/ You can find Katy on on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/suddendeparture/ Keywords: Long Covid, chronic illness, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, mast cell activation syndrome, anaphylaxis, advocacy, covid long hauler, Ed Yong, pandemic, health journey, energy preservation, spoons, spoonie life, pasc, me/cfs, mcas, pots, asthmaLand acknowledgement: Katy and I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the traditional territories on which we are situated. Katy was speaking to you from the unceded traditional territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. Beth joined from the traditional territory of the Núu-agha-tʉvʉ-pʉ̱ (Ute), hinono’eino’ biito’owu’ (Arapaho), Tséstho’e (Cheyenne), Ndé Kónitsąąíí Gokíyaa (Lipan Apache), and Očhéthi Šakówiŋ communities.We honor and respect the Indigenous peoples who have lived on and cared for these lands for generations. It is important for us to recognize the histories and cultures of these nations as we continue our conversation today. Thank you.

  • Episode 6: Rest is Medicine

    Join us in our latest episode of A Friend for the Long Haul, where we dive deep into the world of chronic illness and movement with the incredible Julie Hunter!

    Julie is an endurance athlete and health & fitness coach with over a decade of experience. After battling her own health problems, including ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, MCAS, POTS, and multiple TBIs, Julie turned her journey into a beacon of hope for others facing similar struggles and used her experience not only to help herself cope with Long Covid, but to help others with her coaching business, Movement with ME.

    In this episode, Julie opens up about:

    Top Trends with Long Covid Clients: Discover the latest insights and trends Julie has observed while working with Long Covid sufferers.

    Julie's Personal Journey: Get inspired by Julie's courageous battle against chronic illness and how it fueled her passion to help others reclaim their lives.

    Personalized Movement Plans vs. Graded Exercise Therapy: Ever wondered about the difference? Julie breaks it down for us.

    Whether you're looking for personalized strategies to incorporate movement into your routine or seeking solace in shared experiences, this episode is a must-listen! 🎧

    Tune in Monday, May 6th on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Amazon Music. #PodcastHealing #WellnessJourney #COVIDRecovery #EmpowermentPodcast #LongCovid #ChronicIllness #PainManagement #HealthCoaching #FitnessJourney #MECFS #Fibromyalgia #MCAS #POTS #TBIs #EnduranceCoaching #InvisibleIllness

    You can find out more about Julie's approach to coaching on her website: www.movementwithme.com

    or, find Julie on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/movement_with_me

    Don't forget to check out the podcast playlist on Spotify!


  • Episode 5: Memes are Tiny Prayers

    In this episode, I'm joined by the incredible Lior Ocean, an intuitive medium, fine artist, and beacon of light. Lior shares their story of navigating long covid, chronic illness, and disability while finding solace in art and spirituality. Lior speaks from a very unique perspective - they worked on the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2016 and 2017. Just before the start of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, they obtained a Master's Degree in Infectious Diseases.

    We delve into the philosophy of non-duality, and Lior shares insights on its intersection with chronic illness and how spirituality influences their approach to life's challenges. Recording this episode was honestly very healing for me, as Lior and I discuss how to start learning to trust your intuition when you feel like you can't trust your body. I cried about 4 times editing this conversation!You can find Lior at https://www.liorocean.com/ and on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/liorocean/

    Books mentioned in this episode:

    Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times by Pema Chodron Loving Our Own Bones: Disability Wisdom and the Spiritual Subversiveness of Knowing Ourselves Whole by Julia Watts Belser
  • Episode 4: Oat-my-goodness, Chef!

    In this episode of "A Friend for the Long Haul," I invite you to pull up a chair and join a warm, inviting conversation with Chef Taryn Marquez.

    Through her incredible journey battling severe COVID-19, Taryn emerged not only as a survivor but as a beacon for many. Join us as we delve into her courageous story, sharing laughs, tears, and a delicious recipes along the way.

    On the Menu: Vegan Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Balls

    Get ready to tantalize your tastebuds as we whip up one of Chef Taryn's signature treats! These delectable snacks aren't just about flavor – they're full of nutrition.

    1/2 cup maple syrup 1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons peanut butter 3/4 cup GF rolled oats 3 tablespoons mini vegan chocolate chips 1 tablespoon Zivolife functional food powder (or chia or flax seeds) 3 tablespoons cocoa powder

    Mix all ingredients thoroughly, form into balls or any shape that suits you on parchment and refrigerate overnight.

    In our friendly kitchen chat, we'll explore:

    Taryn's COVID Experience: From her challenging stay in the hospital to her remarkable road to recovery, hear firsthand how she overcame the odds with unwavering determination and a sprinkle of culinary magic.

    Bloom-19: Spreading Awareness and Deliciousness: Discover the story behind Taryn's initiative, Bloom-19, and how she's using her platform to share recipes tailored for fellow long Covid sufferers.

    Looking Forward with Hope: Taryn has big dreams for the future and we discuss the silver linings she's discovered amidst the storm. Through her optimism, we're reminded of the importance of savoring (food pun!) each moment.

    The Importance of Family: At the heart of Taryn's journey lies a profound appreciation for the love and support of family. We'll explore the role of connection, compassion, and community in navigating life's toughest challenges, including caring for her father with the help of her sister, Cindy.

    So grab your apron, pour yourself a cup of comfort, and join us for an episode filled with warmth, wisdom, and of course, a sprinkle of culinary delight. Oh, and there are some bloopers in there, too.

    Taryn's website and store can be found at https://www.bloom-19.com/

    and you can find her on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/bloom19official/

    Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please follow and give me and the guest some stars. :)

  • Episode 3: A Developing Friendship

    In this episode of A Friend for the Long Haul, I chat with John Zeising about his career as an EMT and firefighter, his passion for photography, and the unexpected turn his life took after getting COVID-19 on his Christmas Eve shift in 2020. Discover the profound impact of disability advocacy on his life and how he remains committed to serving his community.

    This episode was recorded later in the day on a Friday, during a week when I had traveled out of town for the first time in a long time. I was dealing with post-exertional malaise as a result. You may find that I'm a little slower than usual to compute and there may be some rambling, but it's real life with long Covid, so I'm just going to roll with it.

    You can find out more about John by going to his website, 4th Dimension Photography LLC (johnzeising.com)

    John's podcast is called Long Covid - Sharing the Journey and you can find it on Spotify.

    Follow the A Friend for the Long Haul podcast playlist on Spotify! Each guest shares a song that relates to their experience with Long Covid.

    John is also on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/colorado_sky/

    Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please follow and give me and the guest some stars. :)

  • Episode 2: That Time Megan Bit into an Onion

    In the second episode of A Friend for the Long Haul, join host Beth and her darling friend Megan as they delve into the depths of online girl friendship. Remember in the intro episode of this podcast, when Beth said that her brand is dark humor as a coping mechanism? If you thought the intro was relatable, wait until she starts chatting with Megan. Despite a significant age gap and never having met face-to-face, Beth and Megan share a bond that transcends time and distance. Megan is the powerhouse behind Fancy Free Nursery in Tampa, Florida (we'll give some credit to her husband Robby, too) and she opens up about her battle with long Covid since November 2020.

    Tune in as Megan chats about her pre-illness dedication to fitness, the challenges of running a small business while chronically ill, covid-conscious family dynamics, and raising awareness of Covid's impact on children. Plus, don't miss Megan's ingenious STEM project idea for school kids.

    Important Links:

    Megan's business website, Fancy Free Nursery: https://www.fancyfreenursery.com/

    Fancy Free's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fancyfreenursery/

    Follow the A Friend for the Long Haul ⁠podcast playlist on Spotify!⁠ Each guest shares a song that relates to their experience with Long Covid.

    Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please follow and give me and the guest some stars.

  • Episode 1: True Friendship is like Oxygen with LesaJoin in for the inaugural episode of A Friend for the Long Haul, where we dive deep into the world of friendship and overcoming whatever the heck the last four years have been with our host, Beth, and her dear friend Lesa. Lesa, a business development strategist, a devoted godmother, and long hauler, shares her story with us. In this heartfelt conversation, Beth and Lesa open up about Lesa's move to Nashville that did not go as planned, the realities of living with long Covid, the use of home oxygen therapy, as well as the importance of community. Discover the little things that make a big difference, from the humble sticky note to the healing magic of puppies. tldr: Listen in as Beth and Lesa tell each other how much they love each other for about 55 minutes.

    Important Links! None of these are ads, but are mentioned in this episode:

    Lesa's Substack: https://lesaschultz.substack.com/

    Ally Boothroyd's YouTube channel for Yoga Nidra: https://www.youtube.com/@SarovaraYoga/

    Information on the Pulmonary Wellness Foundation https://pulmonarywellness.org/

    Follow the A Friend for the Long Haul ⁠podcast playlist on Spotify!⁠ Each guest shares a song that relates to their experience with Long Covid.

    Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please follow and give me and the guest some stars. :)