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Weekly Summary of Likkutei Sichos in Italian
Pochi minuti per riflettere su cosa vuol dire essere ebrei. Imparando la nostra storia, i nostri modi di vivere nella vita quotidiana. Seguendo gli insegnamenti del più grande Coach mai esistito, il Creatore.
Rav Yehoshua Liff grew up in Baltimore in the environment of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel, where his father was a Rebbe. Living in Eretz Yisroel Rabbi Liff has been a Mechanech to many Talmidim for close to four decades as Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Ner Yaakov, and presently as the Nasi of Yeshiva Ateres Yaakov in Ramat Beit Shemesh. His book about his personal stories with many Gedolim including Rav Moshe Feinstien, Rav Shach, Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz, and more, was published by Artscroll titled “At His Rebbe’s Side”, and he continues to share his Torah thoughts and stories to countless listeners.
Approfondimenti della Torah secondo la parashà settimanale a cura di Roberto Asioli, insegnante di ebraico biblico e cabalà.
Recent Shiuirim. Currently learning Megilah
Studying abroad in Israel is a life-changing experience. Over the last 10 years, Thrive Study Abroad has guided hundreds of students on their study abroad journey, gifting them with an immersive and meaningful Israel experience. Hear their real, uncensored stories in our exclusive podcast, Thrive: Study AbroadCast.
Jewish explorations of the big picture
”על הלאום היהודי” הוא פודקאסט מרתק על אחדות לאומית, יהדות, זהות מתחדשת, ועתיד מרגש ואופטימי למדינת ישראל.
במאות השנים האחרונות, אבותינו עלו לארץ ישראל מעיראק, תימן, יוון, פולין, מרוקו, גרמניה, ספרד, רוסיה, גרמניה, ועוד, והקימו את מדינת ישראל כנגד כל הסיכויים תוך אמונה בצדקת הדרך ובחזון ייחודי.
בכך הפכה למעשה מדינת ישראל לקיבוץ גלויות מרהיב ולאחת מאבני הדרך המשמעותיות בהיסטוריה האנושית כולה,
מעולם לא תועד מצב דומה בהיסטוריה האנושית שעם שלם התאחד וחזר לביתו לאחר 2000 שנה.
העם היהודי עשה זאת, כדבר נבואת התנ”ך, הספר הקדוש והחשוב ביותר שנכתב אי-פעם.
ודווקא כאן בארץ ישראל, לאחר כמעט 80 שנות תפארת, של מעצמה ביטחונית מזרח-תיכונית, ומעצמה כלכלית עולמית, מצאנו את עצמנו שואלים שוב ושוב;
למה? למה אנחנו כאן בארץ ישראל? מה היא בכלל מדינה יהודית? ומה הוא יהודי?
בכדי לענות על השאלות האלו אני מתכוון לפגוש את האושיות המעניינות והמרתקות ביותר. -
Each week, Israeli journalist and Torah scholar Sivan Rahav-Meir and Tablet’s own Liel Leibovitz discuss the week’s parsha, giving practical advice from our holiest book.
Interesting Halacha shiur that is short and sweet! You can learn a lot in just five minutes. Any questions or comments email rabbi@bnaiisrael.org
commenti dalla tradizione ebraica sugli eventi che portarono il popolo d'Israele ad essere liberati dalla schiavitù egiziana. Non si è mai visto una cosa simile.. Dio scende per difendere i poveri dalla tirannia di Faraone. Una storia dalla quale anche oggi possiamo imparare molto.
Conocido libro de la Filosofía Jasídica Jabad que explica el sentido profundo, místico, de muchas de las mitzvot.
Escrito por Rabí Menajem Mendel Schneesohn de Lubavitch, 3er Rebe de Jabad. -
Yoga, Ahimsa & The Tragedy Of War
The Yoga of War Podcast features conversations and insights on the moral implications of the Israel-Gaza War from a wide variety of pro-Israel voices and perspectives.
Ahimsa is nonviolence and a cornerstone of yogic living. War is something to be avoided whenever possible, but also (per the Bhagavad Gita) a moral imperative when it comes to defending yourself and your community.
After the massacre and unthinkable atrocities of October 7, 2023, Israel had no choice but to go to war and finally defeat its enemies on seven fronts, starting with Hamas in Gaza.
The IDF takes extraordinary measures literally unheard of in the history of warfare to mitigate civilian casualties, but tragically, every war results in civilian deaths. That is an inevitable reality.
To support Israel in this war isn’t to support war nor is it to ignore the horrors occurring in Gaza. It is to support the right of a nation to defend itself and its people in hopes of peace on both sides of the border.
Please consider supporting the show 🙏
GoFundMe: https://gofund.me/9d5262f8
Venmo: @miniyogis
Zelle: shana@yogathletica.com
And thank you! 🙏
#israelpodcast #jewishpodcast #israel #israelhamaswar #israelgazawar #istandwithisrael #istandwithisraelforever #amyisraelchai #bringthemhomenow
#newpodcastalert #femalepodcasters #podcastlaunch #podcastinterviews
Uno sguardo da vicino alla religione che ha cambiato la storia del mondo
Il Podcast della ScuolaNonScuola raccoglie le registrazioni audio dei corsi e delle conferenze tenute da Pier Giorgio Caselli. Il tema dominante è l'uomo e la sua evoluzione, e viene trasmesso in discorsi spontanei attraverso molteplici punti di vista: la meditazione profonda, l'alchimia spirituale, gli stati profondi di coscienza, la divina commedia, la poesia e l'arte come cammino iniziatico, l'elevazione della qualità delle relazioni che viviamo, i sogni lucidi e il Bardo, la fisica moderna, lo sviluppo della creatività e delle capacità intuitive ecc.
Le catechesi e le meditazioni sul Dono della Divina Volontà
negli scritti della Serva di Dio Luisa Piccarreta tenute da Fra' Pio Maria
Ciampi, fondatore della Comunità "Fiat! Totus Tuus" -
Sanskrit Recitations from the Works of Adiguru Shankaracharya. Listen to recitations of Stotras, of Sanskrit Hymns, of Adiguru Shankaracharya. Shri Shankara is the most important Indian Philosopher-Saint. He was the Master-Exponent of Kevala Advaita Vedanta. But he was also a Bhakta, a devotee. He composed many hymns in devotion to Shiva, Krishna, Devi.
These are recordings from Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany.