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Wild Fish Wild Places Television gives you a peak behind the scenes of filming an international fishing show and share stories that will blow your mind! Getting held captive in Montevideo Uruguay, cab drivers blocking traffic to try and stab another driver, traveling into recently FARC controlled Colombia jungle, volcano eruptions, swimming with piranhas and so much more!
The Tribunal Podcast is a discussion of MTV's The Challenge.
New SERIES ALERT!!!! Similar concept, sparkly new show! Join me and some verrrry special guests as I Watch Along to Apple TV+'s thriller tv show, SUSPICION! I was lucky enough to play Tara on the deliciously suspenseful drama alongside some VERY talented actors. I'd love to take you backstage and share all the inside info, bts gold, and provide some good positive inspo.
I'm so happy you're here, and I'm SO happy to BE BACK!! xx -
A Weekly Star Trek podcast focusing on the past, present, and future of Trek. Live every week on YouTube at 9:30 PM ET.
Football Ruined My Life is the new podcast about old football.
Colin Shindler, author of the best selling Manchester United Ruined My Life, joins with the distinguished football journalist Patrick Barclay and the Super Agent Jon Holmes (think Gary Lineker, Peter Shilton, Tony Woodcock etc.) to talk about football as it used to be in the days before the invention of the Premier League.
The podcast views those days fondly - though not uncritically - in comparison to today's game, which it views critically though not unfondly. We welcome everyone who wants to remember Jimmy Greaves and Bobby Charlton, Brian Clough and Bill Shankly and the days when you went to a Football League ground to watch your football and didn't wait for it to arrive on television.
Nostalgic? Yes. Well informed? Certainly. But above all, it glories in the football of our youth when the game seemed charmingly innocent, full of skillful, good hearted, kindly men like Norman Hunter, Ron Harris and Peter Storey.
Join us every week for a romp through the 1960s, 70s and 80s that will warm you like a cup of scalding hot Bovril.
Produced by Paul Kobrak.
Contact the team at [email protected] -
Skuff TV's Surf podcast; featuring current surf news and highlights, profile and interviews, lifestyle and locations; to the biggest events and the craziest moves... The best surfing action from all over the globe, right here in the one surfcast... www.skuff.tv
このプログラムは、東京のFMラジオステーション「JK RADIO TOKYO UNITED」で放送中のコーナー「FOOTBALL FANATIC」から世界のサッカー情報や、試合の行方を、ジョンカビラが大胆妄想「応援」ヴァーチャル実況いたします!
A weekly Japanese football podcast focusing on the J.League.
日本語と英語でサッカーの世界情報についての話を聴いて、英語が学べるポッドキャスト。 // A weekly podcast in Japanese & English, discussing the world of football.
\\ おたよりは全部紹介スタイルです //
https://twitter.com/footonair_kyh -
サッカー・ヴィッセル神戸の動きや、チームのトピックス、さらにはインタビューなどもお届けします。 出演者:芥田愛菜美
【Opening Music】
'Scenery' by T.B.
https://twitter.com/otonohatb -
★★シーズン2からはフルver.配信!- 毎週土曜日10時更新★★
【テーマリクエスト募集中!】https://bit.ly/3M6PcNr -
※#001~#012はstand fmでのみ聴くことができます。
リバプールFCラボ ~ LFCサポーターの"情報"と"情熱"が集う場所
→WEBサイト https://lfclab.jp/
→Twitter https://twitter.com/lfc_lab
https://lfclab.jp/zakkan/20848 -
ラ・リーガを愛するマドリディスタ Yoshifuji と 8 流アトレティックファン(兼ユナサポ)Hiraki の 2 人がスペインサッカーに関するニュースや試合について語っていく音声サッカー番組です。
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7quHfsHoub6hBrvWFWHzre
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/jp/podcast/the-retreat-time/id1619788565
note: https://note.com/hiracky16/m/m742284d22293
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RetreatTime
LISTEN: https://listen.style/p/time-retreat?Eedq2kmk
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@RetreatTime