
  • In this bonus episode, Heather is joined by Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR live at the National Eucharistic Congress (NEC) for a special Abiding Together and They that Hope podcast mashup. They reflect on their experiences at the NEC and share how they hope God will transform the lives of not only those in attendance, but also those at home. Heather and Fr. Dave also discuss finding Jesus in our daily lives and the importance of feasting on God instead of earthly things. This episode is a production of Franciscan University and OSV. Special thanks to MAX Studios for recording and hosting the live podcast stage.

    Heather’s Highlight from the NEC - Adoration with Floriani

    Heather’s One Thing - Receiving a copy of her new book: Encountering Emmanuel (A Guided Advent Journal for Prayer and Meditation)

    Fr. Dave’s Highlight from the NEC - His time spent with the young people at the Congress

    Fr. Dave’s One Thing - Deep friendships

    Other Resources Mentioned:

    Msgr. James Shea’s Full Speech at the National Eucharistic Congress


    Season 15 begins September 2024 - join our email list to receive updates!

    Journal Questions:

    How have I experienced Eucharistic revival this year? Have you allowed the stress of your duties and burdens take your eyes off Christ in this season? How can I shift my gaze from my inner world to Christ?

    Discussion Questions:

    How has Christ encountered you personally when you felt lost in the crowd? What obstacles cause you to miss Him when He’s right in front of you? How can you put yourself back into the reality that God is sovereign and in control?

    Quote to Ponder:

    “The One whom the Father has sent into our hearts, the Spirit of his Son, is truly God. Consubstantial with the Father and the Son, the Spirit is inseparable from them, in both the inner life of the Trinity and his gift of love for the world. In adoring the Holy Trinity, life-giving, consubstantial, and indivisible, the Church's faith also professes the distinction of persons. When the Father sends his Word, he always sends his Breath. In their joint mission, the Son and the Holy Spirit are distinct but inseparable. To be sure, it is Christ who is seen, the visible image of the invisible God, but it is the Spirit who reveals him.” (CCC 689)

    Scripture for Lectio:

    “When he was at table with them, he took the bread and blessed, and broke it, and gave it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognized him; and he vanished out of their sight. They said to each other, “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the scriptures?” (Luke 24:30-32)

  • In this week's episode, we conclude our book study on the Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. We chat about the resurrection, what it means to be restored and reconciled, and making space for childlike wonder. We hope you’ve enjoyed this book study with us and will see you again this Fall!

    Everyone’s One Thing - The “Abiding” Women’s Conference in Louisiana

    Journal Questions:

    Where do I need to ask God for mercy in my life right now? Where is my heart hard? How can I allow time and space for playfulness, joy, and childlike wonder? Where am I dying and need Christ to bring life and make things new?

    Discussion Questions:

    When have you experienced mercy? Who is someone that you need to offer mercy to? What do you experience when God has you in a process or journey? Are you able to be patient or are you filled with unrest and anxiety? In what ways do you live life in gray? In what ways do you live life in technicolor?

    Quote to Ponder:

    “We are not on earth to guard a museum, but to cultivate a flowering garden of life.” - Pope John XXIII

    Scripture for Lectio:

    “Therefore we have been buried with him by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in the newness of life. For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.” - Romans 6:4-5


    (00:00) - Introduction

    (01:37) - Welcome

    (03:00) - Aslan Gives His Life for Edmund

    (07:27) - The Process and Pain of Restoration

    (11:16) - Communion in Suffering

    (15:17) - Resurrection

    (19:32) - Living in Technicolor

    (23:53) - The Final Battle

    (24:25) - Returning to the Wardrobe

    (27:42) - Childlike Faith

    (29:08) - One Things

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  • In this week's episode, we continue with our book study on the Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe (chapters 9-12). We discuss themes like the false narrative of the enemy, the dynamic of stoney hearts that God wants to restore and turn to flesh, true living of the paschal mystery, and the power of God’s resurrection power in our lives. We hope you enjoy this episode!

    Heather’s One Thing - The Abiding Together small groups! We love you!

    Sister Miriam’s One Thing - Fire Within- Fr. Thomas Dubay

    Michelle’s One Thing - The movie “Gifted”

    Journal Questions:

    Instead of being child-like, we can be childish with God. What is the difference between these two dynamics that I can see in my own life? The enemy makes empty promises. What is one empty promise that he has made to me? What is one promise of God and His faithfulness that I have seen at work in my life? “Battle looks like surrender.” What is one battle that I need to move into a disposition of surrender to God?

    Discussion Questions:

    What is one of the false narratives that the enemy has been telling in your life? What do you think the Father wants to say about that false narrative? What area of your heart do you feel has been turned to stone or has been hardened? Why? “Hurting people, hurt people.” How have you experienced this concept and how can we offer a response of healing? Where have you settled for the dry bread from the enemy instead of the banquet that God is offering you?

    Quote to Ponder:

    "Aslan is on the move” - (Mr. Beaver) C.S. Lewis - The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

    Scripture for Lectio:

    “A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you; and I will remove from your body the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” -Ezekiel 36:26


    (00:00) - Introduction

    (01:36) - Welcome

    (03:42) - Edmund’s Narrative

    (10:48) - The Winter in Our Hearts

    (13:16) - Father Christmas vs the White Witch

    (15:15) - The Gifts of Father Christmas

    (20:03) - The Empty Promises of Turkish Delight

    (23:02) - The Thawing of Winter into Spring

    (27:09) - One Things

  • In this week's episode, we continue our book study on the Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe Chapters 5-8. We reflect deeper on the story and how it relates to our spiritual lives. Themes such as the battle of light and darkness, jealousy and making others feel small, the power of the name of Jesus, surrender vs control and how the story of Narnia is an echo of what our hearts long for in Christ.

    Heather’s One Thing - Evangelization Ministry of Catholic Christian Outreach

    Sister Miriam’s One Thing - The women from the “Undone” retreat

    Michelle’s One Thing - The book “Just Mercy” by Bryan Stevenson

    Journal Questions:

    Who can I go to who will speak wisdom into my life? Like Edmund, are there any places in my life that I feel fear when I think about God? What parts of my heart have been turned to stone and need the warmth of God’s hand to bring them back to life?

    Discussion Questions:

    What is one truth about God that you can see in your story? Where do you need to grow into your royal identity as a daughter of God? Discuss the truth about how the name of Jesus contains His presence. How could this change how you pray? “He isn’t safe, but He’s good.” How have you experienced the truth of this quote?

    Quote to Ponder:

    “"Safe?" said Mr. Beaver ..."Who said anything about safe? Course he isn't safe. But he's good. He's the King, I tell you.”” - (Mr. Beaver) C.S. Lewis - The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe

    Scripture for Lectio:

    "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death' or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!" Then he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true. He said to me: "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children." - Revelation 21:4-7


    (00:00) - Introduction

    (01:36) - Welcome

    (03:48) - Discovering the Truth

    (08:33) - The Professor

    (14:14) - Going Back into the Wardrobe

    (15:22) - The Power of Aslan

    (23:54) - Safety and Goodness

    (29:56) - One Things

  • In this week's episode, we begin our book study on The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (Chapters 1-4). We dive into the themes of this chapter such as innocence, faith, temptation, sin, and shared adventure. We hope you will continue to join us on the journey into this wonderful story, which we hope will help us reflect more deeply on our relationship with Christ, our own story of faith and redemption, and the invitation to adventure with God.

    Heather’s One Thing - Her Into the Deep Playlist

    Sister Miriam’s One Thing - The song “Pieces” (the live version) by Amanda Cook

    Michelle’s One Thing - The song “Electricity” by Ellie and Drew Holcomb

    Other Resources Mentioned:

    Audiobook on YouTube

    Journal Questions:

    How has the enemy spoken things in my life that bring about shame? What are the parts of Edmund that I see in myself? What parts of Lucy do I see? What is my Turkish delight (sin or temptation) that keeps me bound? Where are the places I hide from the Lord and others?

    Discussion Questions:

    What stood out to you in the reading for this week? Where in my life has the enemy taken a place and I need "Christmas" to come? Discuss the difference of femininity between Lucy and the witch. How have different examples of femininity affected your life? When we numb our heart and our identity, we numb our wonder and our inheritance. How have you seen this truth in your life? Where are the places and spaces that you can find wonder that leads to God?

    Quote to Ponder:

    "And what wonderful adventures we shall have, now that we are all in it together." - (Lucy) C.S. Lewis

    Scripture for Lectio:

    “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:3)


    (00:00) - Introduction

    (01:39) - Welcome

    (4:00) - History of Narnia

    (9:48) - Lucy in the Beginning

    (16:37) - Edmund in the Beginning

    (22:38) - Winter vs Christmas

    (26:00) - Living like Lucy and Learning from Edmund

    (30:21) - Final Reflections

    (33:13) - One Things

    (36:54) - Photo Challenge

  • In this week's episode, we conclude season 14 by reflecting on what we have learned in our lives this past season. We chat about surrendering control and allowing the Holy Spirit to move in power, the need to be grateful for what we already have and the importance of being present in the present moment. We also share personal experiences of transformation and deep intimacy we have found with God, even in the midst of suffering. Thank you for an amazing season, we are truly honored to be on this journey with you. God bless!

    Heather’s One Thing - Her recent Healing Pilgrimage to France through Franciscan University (check out their website to join future pilgrimages) and Michelle’s Sweatshirt

    Sister Miriam’s One Thing - You :)

    Michelle’s One Thing - Her Summer Reading List, Word on Fire’s children’s books, and the book Between Brothers by Sarah Metts


    Join us July 8-29 2024 as we re-release our book study on The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis.

    Season 15 begins September 2024 - join our email list to receive updates!

    Journal Questions:

    Which episode, conversation, or theme resonated with me most this season? What miracles have I been managing lately? What has the process of transformation looked like in my life? How do I partner with fear in my life? What freedom and goodness does the Lord offer me in those areas?

    Discussion Questions:

    What does it look like to move through the power of the Holy Spirit? What is God asking you to get rid of and let go of before you move into the next season of life? What graces are you grateful for in this season of your life? How will you cultivate intimacy with the Lord and community with others throughout the summer?

    Quote to Ponder:

    “Faith walks simply, childlike, between the darkness of human life and the hope of what is to come.” (Catherine Doherty)

    Scripture for Lectio:

    “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” (Colossians 3:15)

    Sponsor - Behold Visio Divina:

    Encounter the Lord more deeply amidst all the seasons in life through Behold Visio Divina. Behold is devoted to helping women encounter who Christ is through prayer and sacred art. Through their books, formation, and workshops, Behold hopes women can encounter the beauty of who God created them to be and share that with the world! Offering over 10 different sacred art prayer companions on themes such as praying through fear, post abortive healing, relational healing, and many others, Behold has options for every woman’s heart. Upcoming book topics include miscarriage and infant loss, iconography, and scrupulosity.

    Friend, you are seen, known, and loved wherever the Lord has you in life. And we are here to provide the opportunity to invite you and Jesus into conversation through art and community. We currently are accepting registration for our in person and virtual groups taking part this summer. Take a look at our small groups here and join us!

    Because the Abiding Together community holds such a special place in our heart, Behold is offering 15% off any of their items, small group registration, and books. Use the code “ABIDING” for this special rate at www.beholdvisiodivina.com. On our website you can also register for our “Weekly Dose of Beauty” emails! We hope you can join our Behold family soon, please know of our prayers for you!

  • In this week's episode, we welcome Sarah Kroger, a GMA Dove Award®-nominated artist, songwriter, and worship leader to the podcast to speak into the beauty of worship. Sarah shares her story of becoming a worship leader, how she creates music based on the joys and sorrows from her personal life, and her passion for collaborating with others and the Holy Spirit. We also chat about spiritual dryness, cultivating peace and persisting in faith while in seasons of darkness, and the fruit that comes about from suffering. Check out Sarah’s new album, A New Reality, here!

    Heather’s One Thing - Pinwheel recipe and the upcoming Restore the Glory Podcast series on our four identities

    Sister Miriam’s One Thing - CORDA (especially the Valor and Grace candle)

    Michelle’s One Thing - The book Aslan’s Breath: Seeing the Holy Spirit in Narnia by Matthew Dickerson and her priest friends and the gift of their fatherhood

    Sarah’s One Thing - The book The Night is Normal by Dr. Alicia Britt Chole and Sourdough bread!

    Other Resources Mentioned:

    Check out Sarah’s website and Listen to her new album, A New Reality, on Spotify

    Journal Questions:

    What parts of my life or my faith scare me? How can I find God in those scary parts? When have I experienced a dying of my childhood faith? When have I experienced a resurrection of that death? Whose suffering has borne fruit in my life? How can I submit my will to God to more closely work in partnership with Him?

    Discussion Questions:

    How has your practice of faith evolved throughout different seasons? How are you using your gifts to glorify God? How are you withholding my gifts? How can you invite the Holy Spirit into your own gifts and projects? What’s your next right step in following the inspiration of the Holy Spirit?

    Quote to Ponder:

    “I raise a hallelujah, in the presence of my enemies. I raise a hallelujah, louder than my unbelief. I raise a hallelujah, my weapon is a melody.” (Raise A Hallelujah by Jonathan and Melissa Helser)

    Scripture for Lectio:

    “But the hour is coming and is now here when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such as these to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:23-24)

    Sponsor - Annunciation Heights:

    Looking for an adventure-filled experience rooted in your Catholic faith this summer? Annunciation Heights Catholic Youth and Family Camp in Estes Park, Colorado is the perfect place for you and your family! As a ministry of the Archdiocese of Denver, Annunciation Heights exists to be a place of transformative encounter with Jesus Christ, so that all who come to camp may live life fully for the glory of the Father. A Catholic camping experience can be deeply transformative for your child and your family. With week-long youth camps, four-day family camps, and outdoor education and retreat programs throughout the year, the impact of camp can last a lifetime. Join us at the Heights and discover what God has in store! To register for a camp program or to learn more, visit our website at AnnunciationHeights.org today!

  • In this week's episode, we welcome Brya Hanan, a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, to share how we can learn to engage as an adult with the young parts of ourselves. Brya shares her story, the trauma she experienced as a child, and how it affected not only her self-perception but also how she related to others. She reflects on her healing journey and shares practical ways you can begin your healing journey. We also chat about how our unmet needs as a child can affect us as adults, how to have compassion for ourselves in our brokenness, and why healing ourselves allows us to love those around us much more fully.

    Heather’s One Thing - Her parents

    Sister Miriam’s One Thing - Lentil Curry and Naan Bread

    Michelle’s One Thing - Her husband, Chris, and his loving support

    Brya’s One Thing - Barre Classes!

    Other Resources Mentioned:

    Buy Brya’s book here Check out Brya’s website and Instagram Restore the Glory Podcast Episode 99: Parts Work with Brya Hanan

    Journal Questions:

    Where do I sense deep divides within myself? How do I care for others as a way of avoiding care for myself? What would it look like for me to befriend my inner child? What are my defense mechanisms? Is it time to seek out therapy?

    Discussion Questions:

    What “templates” of wounds and experiences do you find yourself living through? In your healing journey, when have you experienced things getting worse before they got better? What made the change for the better? What does your inner child need to hear today? When do you feel dysregulated? When do you feel well-regulated?

    Quotes to Ponder:

    “Remember, you are held safe. You are loved. You are protected. You are in communion with God and with those whom God has sent you. What is of God will last. It belongs to the eternal life. Choose it, and it will be yours.” (Henri J.M. Nouwen, The Inner Voice of Love)

    “The history of every human being passes through the threshold of a woman’s motherhood.” (Saint Pope JPII)

    Scripture for Lectio:

    A large crowd followed and pressed around him. And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering. At once Jesus realized that power had gone out from him. He turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who touched my clothes?” “You see the people crowding against you,” his disciples answered, “and yet you can ask, ‘Who touched me?’ ” But Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it. Then the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth. He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you.Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” (Mark 5: 24- 34)

    Sponsor - Holy Confident Birth:

    Are you an expectant mama who’s dreaming of a natural birth experience that feels like an act of worship, leaves you feeling empowered in your motherhood, and even brings you closer to Christ? Maybe you’ve been searching high and low for a resource that will help you get there AND that aligns with your Catholic values, but it just didn’t seem to exist! If you want to feel EQUIPPED to knock your birth out of the park, EMPOWERED in your ability to make informed decisions, and EXCITED for the Spirit-led, fear-free birth you’ve been dreaming of, The Holy Confident Birth Course might be just the solution you’ve been looking for. Inside this course, you’ll find eight modules comprised of video lessons and handouts,where you’ll learn about the labor and birth process, building the perfect team, managing your options and interventions, advocating for yourself during labor and so much more!

    If you want to take the next step towards a birth you’ll love, learn more at www.holyconfidentbirth.com/birthcourse and use code ABIDE for an extra $49 off at checkout.

  • In this week's episode, we welcome Dr. Mary Healy, author, and professor of Scripture at Sacred Heart Major Seminary, to talk about living life in the power of the Holy Spirit. Dr. Healy shares how her life was radically transformed through an encounter with the Holy Spirit and reflects on the beauty of allowing the Holy Spirit to work in her life. We also chat practically about how to live life day by day in the power of the Holy Spirit, how to learn to hear and respond to the voice of the Holy Spirit, and how we can prepare our hearts for Pentecost.

    Heather’s One Thing - Wild Goose Series on the Holy Spirit

    Heather’s Other One Thing - Peter and Debbie Herbeck (check out Renewal Ministries and Be Love Revolution)

    Sister Miriam’s One Thing - Springtime!

    Michelle’s One Thing - Camp Chosatonga (for boys) and Camp Kahdalia (for girls) and Mission on the Mountain

    Dr. Mary Healy’s One Thing - Blessed Elena Guerra

    Journal Questions:

    When did the love of God first become real to me? Have you ever experienced “white knuckle” Christianity? How can I live my life in the power of the Holy Spirit? What areas of my life are hardest to surrender to the Holy Spirit? Where in my life have I rationed the Holy Spirit? Where am I blocking the Holy Spirit?

    Discussion Questions:

    When do you feel like your failures are too much for God? What has your experience been with the Holy Spirit? Who in your life is filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit? What sacrifices have I had to make to surrender more fully to God?

    Quote to Ponder:

    “I would sacrifice myself a thousand times if I had the lives . . . I will go and I will do as the Holy Spirit inspires me” (Catherine of Sienna)

    Scripture for Lectio:

    “When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.” (Acts 2:1-4)

    Sponsor - Hallow:

    Get 3 months free of Hallow, the #1 app for prayer, meditation, and music at https://www.hallow.com/abide with over 10,000 audio-guided prayers to help you find peace and grow closer to God. Join the 33 Days to Morning Glory Marian Consecration with Sr. Miriam today!

  • In this week's episode, we continue our conversation about leading with our God-given authority, particularly in our spiritual or biological motherhood. We talk about how God has blessed us with the Sacraments, Scripture, and prayer to fight spiritual battles. We reflect on the importance of rooting our identity in Christ, how Our Lady modeled feminine leadership, and practical ways to do spiritual warfare. We also discuss generational bondage, repairing trust, and the power of an apology given and received.

    Heather’s One Thing - Her Battle Cry playlist and her friendship with Michelle and Sister Miriam and the way they have helped her through dark seasons in life

    Sister Miriam’s One Thing - Having Heather visit and The Litany of the Waiting Woman

    Michelle’s One Thing - Bee Still a Catholic Jewelry Company

    Other Resources Mentioned:

    Priscilla Shirer’s talk on the Armor of God and the schemes of the devil Sr. Miriam and Fr. John Burn’s talks on forgiveness (Healing Through Forgiveness and Seeking Healing Through Forgiveness) Sr. Miriam’s Forgiveness Meditation Renouncing Lies and Announcing Truth – 7 Deadly Wounds Scripture Verses on Identity

    Journal Questions:

    What areas does the enemy often attack me in this area? What are my frequent sins? What are the deeper longs behind my frequent sins? Am I tempted to under-spiritualize or over-spiritualize the sufferings, temptations, and attacks in my life? When did I last go to confession? When am I planning to go next? What battles have I inherited from my family? How can I take responsibility for those battles?

    Discussion Questions:

    How can you apply the invitation to worship rather than worry in your current season? What are the prayers and tools God has given you out of love to help you on this journey? Who has been entrusted to you? How can you pray for them and do battle? Where in my life can I invite Christ’s Precious Blood into my life and family? What are some of Jesus’ promises in response to the attacks you face?

    Quote to Ponder:

    “Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication.” (Ephesians 6:10-18)

    Scripture for Lectio:

    “Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them” (Deuteronomy 4:9)

    Sponsor - Leanne Bowen:

    Today’s sponsor is Leanne Bowen Fine Art. Leanne is a Catholic Artist and a stay at home mom. She has released a beautiful collection of candles, prints, and gifts just in time for Mother's Day, Confirmations and all the upcoming Sacraments! She has an incredible Holy Spirit candle and a baptism candle that smells just like Chrism. These are beautiful gifts intentionally curated for those receiving their Sacraments. Her most popular print, Sacrifice of Love, depicts a married couple embracing the cross on their wedding day. It is bound to be the most intentional gift your friends or family will receive for their wedding.

    Leanne also just released a batch of bronze Prayer Card Holders that are absolutely stunning. They come in a three pack of each of the Hearts of the Holy Family. They are sturdy and beautiful- the perfect weight to hold small prints. She is offering 15% off site wide to all our listeners with the code ABIDE15 at www.LeanneBowen.com.

  • In this week's episode, we reflect on leading with our God-given authority rather than worldly influence. We discuss the importance of remembering our identity in Christ and how true authority is a display of intimacy that has been rooted in a real tangible love. We share the ways we may have been wounded by authority figures in our past, why these wounds can distort our perception of authority, and how to heal from these wounds so that we can lead others into the light of Christ.

    Heather’s One Thing - Chicken Khao Soi (Thai Coconut Curry Noodle Soup) from My Kitchen Little

    Sister Miriam’s On Thing - The book Litanies of the Heart by Dr Gerry Crete

    Michelle’s One Thing - Beatify: Lullabies with the Saints (an album of Catholic lullabies) from Beatify with Josh Blakesley and Kelly Lombardi

    Other Resources Mentioned:

    The Restore the Glory Podcast series on Parts Work (Parts Work (Part 1) w/ Gerry Crete; Parts Work (Part 2) w/ Brya Hanan; Parts Work (Part 3) w/ Bishop Andrew Miller)

    Journal Questions:

    How have I abdicated my God-given authority? When do I perceive surrender to be a form of defeat? How has authority been misused in my life? How is God inviting me to stay with Him in faithfulness and obedience? Where do I need to be both honoring and honest?

    Discussion Questions:

    How often do you think God is holding out on you? How do I lose sight of God-given authority by seeking out worldly influence? What accountability do I need to choose surrendered, God-given authority over worldly influence? When have you felt safe under God’s authority? How do you need to grow and mature to better lead and serve others?

    Quote to Ponder:

    “The fourth commandment opens the second table of the Decalogue. It shows us the order of charity. God has willed that, after him, we should honor our parents to whom we owe life and who have handed on to us the knowledge of God. We are obliged to honor and respect all those whom God, for our good, has vested with his authority.” (CCC 2197)

    Scripture for Lectio:

    “Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.” (Deuteronomy 4:9)

    Sponsor - WalletWin:

    A big thank you to our sponsor WalletWin, Catholic financial formation for the whole family and creators of The Catholic Money Academy.

    Most of us were never taught how to manage our money 💰from a Catholic perspective. This has left many feeling weighed down 😩about finances and unable to freely pursue God’s calling.

    This is why we’re so excited to tell you about Catholic Money Academy from WalletWin. Since 2017, they’ve helped thousands of Catholics…

    …eliminate debt 💸

    …build their savings 💪

    …morally invest 🙌

    …give generously ❤️

    …and more!

    With their step-by-step program rooted in Catholic principles, they take the guesswork out of managing money. The Catholic Money Academy contains engaging video content, live coaching calls, and thorough financial formation to help you become the good steward you’re called to be. 🕊️💰

    If you’re ready to feel confident and at peace with your finances, visit WalletWin.com/AbidingTogether to start your extended 30-day free trial.

    Other Resources and Products You’ll Love from WalletWin:

    🚑 The Catholic Family Emergency Binder

    🗓️ The BIG Catholic Calendar

    👦🏻 WalletWin Kids

    🎧 The Catholic Money Show Podcast

  • In this week's episode, we reflect on the themes of resurrection, grief, and hope in Pope Francis’ Easter Vigil homily. We chat about the sadness of unfulfilled dreams and the tender places in our hearts where we are afraid to hope and want to stay in the tomb. We also talk about the anxieties and worries that can come with trying to figure things out on our own and the importance of surrendering our plans to God. Just like Christ, we are called to walk through the sufferings of this life with Him into the Resurrection.

    Heather’s One Thing - Her Easter playlist

    Heather’s Other One Thing - The book Becoming Wife: Saying Yes to More than the Dress by Rachel Bulman (or on Amazon here)

    Sister Miriam’s On Thing - The book Beloved Daughter by Carrie Daunt

    Michelle’s One Thing - The book Befriending Your Inner Child: A Catholic Approach to Healing and Wholeness by Brya Hanan (or on Amazon here)

    Other Resources Mentioned:

    The Restore the Glory Podcast series on Parts Work (Parts Work (Part 1) w/ Gerry Crete; Parts Work (Part 2) w/ Brya Hanan; Parts Work (Part 3) w/ Bishop Andrew Miller)

    Journal Questions:

    What hopes have been dashed by the sorrowful mysteries of my life? Where are the places that I am afraid to hope? Do I believe my dreams are doomed to fail? What anxieties in my heart are preventing me from hoping?

    Discussion Questions:

    How are you still living in winter during the spring of Easter? Do you know how to practice Resurrection? In what ways do you believe your dreams rely on you for their fulfillment? How do you intellectualize or explain away your dreams?

    Quote to Ponder:

    “Yet the same women who bore this darkness in their hearts tell us something quite extraordinary. When they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had already been rolled back. This is the Pasch of Christ, the revelation of God’s power: the victory of life over death, the triumph of light over darkness, the rebirth of hope amid the ruins of failure. It is the Lord, the God of the impossible, who rolled away the stone forever. Even now, he opens our hearts, so that hope may be born ever anew. We too, then, should “look up” to him.” (Pope Francis, Easter Vigil Homily)

    Scripture for Lectio:

    “When they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had already been rolled back.” (Mark 16:4)

    Sponsor - Farm of the Child:

    Farm of the Child is a Catholic children's home, school and clinic in Trujillo, Honduras where children receive healing care from a team of Honduran staff, Franciscan sisters, and international missionaries. Each year, the Farm of the Child attracts dedicated missionaries who make a 2 year commitment of service. Missionaries come from all different walks of life in order to serve in a variety of functions such as teaching, nursing, project management and community outreach. After spending 6 weeks in Antigua, Guatemala learning Spanish, missionaries travel to the children’s home where they live together and are guided by the four pillars of community, spirituality, simplicity and service. Short term immersion trips, remote and summer service opportunities are also available.

    If you think you might be called to serve in the capacity of an international missionary, email [email protected]. Want to learn more about how to get involved in the mission in the US? Check out farmofthechild.org and sign up for our monthly newsletter here: https://www.farmofthechild.org/contact-us

  • In this week's episode, we conclude our Lenten study on the book “A Time of Renewal” and discuss the theme of “focus”. We chat about our natural temptation to focus on our woundedness, why we should take action and invite Jesus into these places, and how our wounds can be transformed into signs of the resurrection power of Christ. We also talk about the crosses we bear and the importance of recognizing the little resurrections in our life. Friends, thank you for journeying with us this Lenten season. We look forward to seeing you again after Easter!

    Heather’s One Thing - Our team behind the scenes: Kate, Camille, and Kristina! We are so grateful for you

    Sister Miriam’s On Thing - Springtime!

    Michelle’s One Thing - These Easter themed charcuterie boards! Option 1 Here. Option 2 Here.


    We will be taking a two week break for Easter beginning on 4/1/24! Season 14 will continue on 4/15/24!

    Journal Questions:

    What was hard for me? What were the graces and mercies I experienced? How have I grown? How can I make this week holy? What wounds do I bring to Jesus? What wounds do I simply “stare at”?

    Discussion Questions:

    Where in your life are you seeking glory? Do I live like the Resurrection is a reality? When do you lose hope? Does the story you tell yourself about God align with God’s story (the Paschal Mystery)? What are the places of my heart that I don’t believe the narrative (of the Paschal Mystery)?

    Quotes to Ponder:

    “How are wounds made glorious? By our deciding what we will do with them. Our Jesus turned his wounds into beauty, and there is not one of us who would say, “Oh, this should not be in eternity.” Our poor hearts thrill to the verity that he is always showing his wounds to the Father on our behalf. They are transformed now in glory. Likewise, there is a transformation that we too can make of our own little everyday wounds which sometimes seem so deep and so big and so insufferable to us. How do we transform them into glory? By looking at Jesus, by remembering his suffering which was turned into glory.” (Mother Mary Francis P.C.C. A Time of Renewal. Kindle Edition. Page 207)

    Scripture for Lectio:

    “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” (John 12:24)

    Sponsor - Pearl and Thistle:

    Pearl & Thistle equips Catholics to both understand and love God’s design for our bodies and menstrual cycles – from puberty to perimenopause, and everything in between!

    Pearl & Thistle features online courses, like:

    Cycle Prep - for parents and daughters to prepare for her first period, together!

    Perimenopause Prep - for couples who want to navigate NFP amidst cycle changes, together!

    Plus, books for teens and single women and tons of downloadable body literacy resources!

    Pearl and Thistle founder Christina Valenzuela weaves together modern cycle science with insights from Scripture, tradition, and JPII’s Theology of the Body to give us the positive language to talk about cycles, periods, and fertility – even when it all may just feel like a confusing mess.

    Learn more about Pearl and Thistle’s innovative approach to Catholic body literacy @pearlandthistle or pearlandthistle.com, and be sure to use code TOGETHER to get 10% off at-home courses!

  • In this week's episode, we continue our Lenten study on the book “A Time of Renewal” and focus on how life is a continual process of refinement and how true learning comes through the healing found in suffering and communion. We also talk about the feelings of shame that accompany situations where we fall short, the importance of recognizing our limitations in humility, and how God desires to redeem our deepest wounds to help us grow in communion and love.

    Heather’s One Thing - Sarah Kroger’s new song No Filter

    Sister Miriam’s On Thing - Heather Khym’s Lenten Playlist (AGAIN!!)

    Michelle’s One Thing - Floret Flowers


    We will be taking a two week break for Easter beginning on 4/1/24. Season 14 will continue on 4/15/24!

    Journal Questions:

    What learning curves in my life do I react to with shame or fear? Where in my life do I feel like I need to figure it out? What are my most frequent complaints? How do they wound the Heart of Christ? How can I honor the Lord this upcoming Holy Week?

    Discussion Questions:

    What lessons are you learning this Lent? What blocks and walls do you experience when learning new lessons? How is the Lord inviting you to put in effort in learning the lessons of this season? How can you show loving and attentive devotion to the Lord in your daily life?

    Quote to Ponder:

    “Let us think for a few minutes about the process of learning. All real learning requires a great effort….One could perhaps define the greatest scholars as those who have put forth the most effort with the equipment that God gave them. There is always some form of suffering in all learning because there must be patience, and patience is suffering. There is always humility in learning. It is the great scholars who realize how little they know…”

    (Mother Mary Francis P.C.C. A Time of Renewal. Kindle Edition. Page 175)

    Scripture for Lectio:

    “He said to his apostles, “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.”” (John 16:12)

    Sponsor - The Christa McAuliffe Academy School of Arts and Sciences:

    Discover CMASAS, where education is as unique as your child. CMASAS offers a personalized learning experience that adapts to each student's passions and pace. This WASC-accredited K-12 online school is an asynchronous, mastery-based program is a great fit for families seeking flexibility.

    CMASAS offers an experienced instructional support team with an average of 15 years’ experience. Course Instructors and Personalized Education Coaches (PECs) work with parents and students to develop a Personalized Education Plan specific to each student’s goals.

    The CMASAS community represents 30 countries. Students create lifelong friendships as they connect at clubs, homerooms, international trips, and in-person events. With dual-enrollment and AP options, students often graduate with college credits.

    We're excited to offer Abiding Together listeners a special promo code ABIDE2024 to waive the enrollment registration fee. Discover how CMASAS can redefine education for your child:

    Visit www.cmasas.org, Email [email protected], Call 503.226.7374

  • In this week's episode, we continue our Lenten study on the book “A Time of Renewal” and focus on the theme of “filling up the sufferings of Christ”. We reflect on the connection between repentance and love, recognizing how they complement each other, and the beauty of repentance as an intimate act of drawing nearer to God. We share our own struggles during this Lenten season, how others have helped keep us accountable, and the importance of helping others grow in holiness. Lastly, we chat about the significance of renouncing falsehoods about ourselves and embracing the truth about our identity that can only be found in God.

    Heather’s One Thing -The song Jesus is My Healer by Gateway Worship

    Sister Miriam’s On Thing - Andrew Laubacher and his organization called Humanality

    Michelle’s One Thing - Fr. Mark Mary CFR new book The Father: 30 Meditations to Draw You Into the Heart of God

    Journal Questions:

    Where is the ease of the Lord in my life? How can I turn back to the Lord in moments of hardship this Lent? In the people I struggle with most, how do I encounter the image of God in them? In my own self-righteousness, from whom do I withhold the kingdom of God?

    Discussion Questions:

    Do you perceive repentance as an opportunity for intimacy or a response to punishment? How can you more urgently respond to God’s invitation of love? What accountability can you incorporate to be steadfast to your Lenten promises? How can you invite a culture of redemption into your life?

    Quote to Ponder:

    “Our joy must be in him, where alone things have permanent depth and even eternality. The more earnestly we live our Lent, the more will we be finding our joy in Jesus.” (Mother Mary Francis P.C.C. A Time of Renewal. Kindle Edition. Page 148)

    Scripture for Lectio:

    “He delivered us from the dominion of the darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved son.” (Colossians 1:13)

    Sponsor - Mary’s Meals:

    Mary’s Meals sets up community-run school feeding projects in some of the world’s poorest communities, where poverty and hunger prevent children from gaining an education. The idea is a simple one that works. Mary’s Meals provides one daily meal in a place of learning to attract chronically poor children into the classroom, where they receive an education that can, in the future, be their ladder out of poverty.

    Bringing hope to hungry children around the world, their mission is to enable people to offer their money, goods, skills, time, or prayer, and through this involvement, provide the most effective help to those suffering the effects of extreme poverty in the world’s poorest Communities.

    Today, Mary’s Meals is providing more than 2.4 million children with a daily school meal across five continents. But the need is great! The appalling reality is that there are still 73 million children living in extreme poverty in need of school feeding. Please help to reach the next hungry child waiting for Mary’s Meals.

    To get involved or learn more visit marysmeals.ca in Canada or marysmealsusa.org in the USA.

  • In this week's episode, we continue our Lenten study on the book “A Time of Renewal” and focus on the theme of the right kind of zeal. We chat about how we may be feeling tired and tempted to relax our Lenten penances and discuss the importance of taking time to reflect on why we felt called to take on a specific sacrifice and then recommitting ourselves with zeal to carry it out. We also talk about the joys of living in covenant with the Lord, the heartache we should experience when our hearts wander, and the beauty of giving ourselves totally to Him out of love.

    Heather’s One Thing - Happy 80th birthday to her dad!

    Heather’s Other One Thing - Episode 5 of Fr. Dave’s series called: My father’s Father. Watch on Wildgoose TV here or Faith and Reason here.

    Sister Miriam’s On Thing - Heather Khym’s Lenten Playlist

    Michelle’s One Thing - The song Closing Distance by Seven Hills Worship (acoustic version here)

    Journal Questions:

    What do you need to fill your tank for the long spiritual roadtrip of Lent? What spiritual rest stops do I need to take to continue to go the distance with the Lord? How am I letting my emotions drive the bus? Do I treat my covenant with the Lord with the same respect as I show the covenants of marriage or religious life?

    Discussion Questions:

    How do you need the Lord to love you this week? Have you been feeling empty, angsty, or frustrated this Lent? How is the Lord inviting you into deeper freedom through this experience? How can you suffer and fast with more joy?

    Quotes to Ponder:

    “The ancient name for Lent is “the season of the battle”, agonia, which was the Greek word for the final testing of the athlete or the warrior, and has become the term for the Agony in the Garden.” (Mother Mary Francis P.C.C. A Time of Renewal. Kindle Edition. Page 143)

    Scripture for Lectio:

    “His disciples recalled the words of Scripture, Zeal for your house will consume me.” (John 2:17)

    Sponsor - JPII Healing Center:

    Discover the healing God deeply desires for you.

    Our brand-new Healing the Whole Person Video Series dives deep into your areas of woundedness and pain and the healing and restoration God deeply longs to give you. All 8 transformational talks by Dr. Bob Schuchts and Sr. Miriam James Heidland, as well as 10hrs of Q&As, are now available to you on our streaming platform right in the comfort of your home. To aid you in your journey to healing and wholeness use code Abiding25 to receive 25% off individual and group leader subscriptions (expires 4/1/24).

    Additionally, the numerous books and resources offered in our online store offer you insight and accompaniment on your path to healing. There you will find several familiar authors including Dr. Bob Schuchts and Abiding Together’s very own Sr. Miriam.

  • In this week's episode, we continue our Lenten study on the book “A Time of Renewal” and focus on the theme of being in conversation with Jesus. We reflect on the importance of reserving space for dialogue with God, surrendering to Him our own plans and desires, and allowing Him to love us in our poverty. The process of dying to self is always accompanied with the hope in the promise of resurrection and new life that Jesus offers.

    Heather’s One Thing - In thanksgiving for Deacon Bob and Fr Dave Pivonka letting her use their studio to record this episode and for being asked to be a guest on their podcast called They That Hope.

    Sister Miriam’s One Thing - The book How to Know a Person: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen by David Brooks

    Michelle’s One Thing - Her household sisters at Francisan University

    Journal Questions:

    Am I in conversation with God or in a monologue with myself? How can I create more space for dialogue with God? What Isaacs (idols) do I have? How do I self-sabotage in order to confirm my deepest fears?

    Discussion Questions:

    What does it look like for you to be a new creation in Christ? Have you ever felt like God contradicts Himself? How did He resolve that apparent contradiction? What littleness in your life do you tend to hide and run away from? How can you be more open with the Lord in your littleness? What holds me back from entering into prayer honestly or making a confession regularly?

    Quotes to Ponder:

    “Then, a word about the Tabor Gospel. I was newly impressed by the fact that Moses and Elijah were in conversation with Jesus. Let us be occupied always in being in conversation with Jesus. We know the deepest conversations are the wordless ones. We love that simple and profound word of Pope Saint John Paul II, “Let Jesus be the one to whom you talk the most.””

    (Mother Mary Francis P.C.C. A Time of Renewal. Kindle Edition. Page 76)

    Scripture for Lectio:

    “Here am I, Lord!” (Genesis 22:1)

    Sponsor - CORDA:

    Connect with the saints and create a peaceful place of prayer with CORDA's handcrafted Catholic candles. Each candle has a custom scent inspired by saints and the faith, and they're made with clean coconut wax and have a beautiful, modern design.

    There’s 24 candles and counting, including ones inspired by St. Therese, St. Augustine, and Morning Prayer, with unique scents for everyone. There’s even a fragrance-free option, inspired by Mary the Immaculate Conception.

    Each CORDA candle comes beautifully packaged, with the story behind the scent inspiration on the box. And the simple design of the candle leads with beauty, making them perfect for gifting and helping you share the faith in a lovely and meaningful way.

    If you know someone getting married or having a baby, CORDA also offers special bulk discounts for wedding favors, bridal showers, and baby showers!

    CORDA is a Catholic small business run by a husband-and-wife team, and they'd love to gift you a free tealight sampler with your next order of $35 or more - thar's 6 free mini candles! To receive your special gift, be sure to go to cordacandles.com/abiding and follow the steps on that page (good now through April 30, 2024).

  • In this week's episode, we continue our Lenten study on the book “A Time of Renewal” and focus on the theme of true self-denial. We reflect on the importance of recognizing our need for God’s love and allowing ourselves to be transformed by His grace. We also share personal experiences and insights on repentance, amendment, and trusting in God’s plan especially when the desires of our heart are not being fulfilled. We end by discussing the joys that can come from Lent when approached with a tender, sensitive, and alert heart.

    Heather’s One Thing - Lenten Playlist

    Heather’s Other One Thing - The talk Joy, Hope, and the Way Around by Monsignor Shea

    Sister Miriam’s One Thing - The Pints with Aquinas episode on Transhumanism and Emerging Technologies w/ Fr. Michael Baggot (Watch on YouTube here)

    Michelle’s One Thing - The book A Grand Slam for God: A Journey from Baseball Star to Catholic Priest by Fr. Burke Masters

    Journal Questions:

    Have I ever approached Lent with a sense of wonder? How have I approached Lent with self hatred in the past? What parts of myself are the stranger I need to welcome home and allow the Father to love? How can I be more open to God as the Divine Interruptor?

    Discussion Questions:

    Where are you hungry? Where are others in your life hungry? Who in your life is the stranger you need to welcome? Do you believe something wonderful can happen this Lent? Where have you become resigned and hard of heart instead of tender and sensitive?

    Quotes to Ponder:

    We are called to a glorious festival of love—to be spiritually dizzied with the fact that this is how much God has loved us. Surely we shall all look at the crucifix with a new vision, a deepened understanding that he really.

    (Mother Mary Francis P.C.C. A Time of Renewal. Kindle Edition. Page 37)

    Scripture for Lectio:

    “After John had been arrested, Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God: “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the Gospel.”” (Mark 1:14-15)

    Sponsor - Reform Wellness:

    Reform Wellness is a Christ-centered functional medicine and holistic wellness ministry. Reform redefines health as the state of your body and soul. Their mission is to empower the whole person to find well-being in Christ and become the best versions of themselves physically and spiritually. Reform works with private clients, corporate teams, religious communities, and educational institutions worldwide, both in-person and online. They offer valuable information, educational resources, and lifelong tools to improve your well-being.

    We invite you to learn more about Reform’s foundational course Reform Online which offers educational tools, best practices, and community through their nine wellness pillars. Reform is extending an exclusive discount for all our listeners on their Lenten Cohort. We highly recommend this three-month foundational course; we’ve each taken Reform Online and still benefit from the fruits in our daily lives. Use code “Abide10'' for your exclusive discount through February 29.

  • In this week's episode, we begin our seven week Lenten study of the book “A Time of Renewal” by Mother Mary Francis P.C.C. In this episode we cover the introduction and the sections on the first four days of Lent. We discuss how Lent is an opportunity for us to grow in intimacy with God and how viewing fasting as a time of renewal, not suffering, can help us encounter a deeper transformation. We also reflect on our ability to help others grow in holiness, why Lent is the Springtime of the liturgical year, and how we can allow ourselves to bloom this Lenten season.

    Heather’s One Thing - Aspire to Live a Quiet Life by Francis Chan

    Sister Miriam’s One Thing - the women at the Trini-tea fundraiser (pictures here)

    Michelle’s One Thing - ABBA by Johnathan Helser and the people of Louisiana

    Journal Questions:

    Take inventory of your heart: where are you? Where do I need to reflower? What areas of my life does the Lord want to prune? Am I approaching this Lent like “just another Lent”? How can I accept this Lent as a unique season and invitation from the Lord? What practices put me back in the gaze of the Father? How can I incorporate them into my Lenten plan?

    Discussion Questions:

    Which fruits in my life are good fruits? Which fruits are bad fruits? How can you be more conscious of your responsibility for one another’s holiness? Whose growth in holiness is God inviting you to be conscious of? Who can you offer your Lenten prayers and fasts up for? How close are you to the Lord today?

    Quotes to Ponder:

    “I hope we will not allow ourselves to think of it as “just another Lent”. There is a very deep sense in which there is not another Lent and then another and another after that. This Lent is unlike any other. It is this acceptable time. We do not know if there will be another Lent for us, but we do know God has brought us to this acceptable time, to this prolonged day of salvation.” (Mother Mary Francis P.C.C. A Time of Renewal. Kindle Edition. Page 19)

    Scripture for Lectio:

    “Is not this the fast that I chose: to loose the bonds of wickedness and to undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free and break every yoke?” (Isaiah 58:6)

    Sponsor - The Little Rose Shop:

    Discover the beauty of integrating faith into your everyday life with The Little Rose Shop.

    Our Morning Offering Prayer mug is the perfect companion for your morning routine, allowing you to start each day with a heartfelt prayer, focusing your thoughts on Christ. Plus, explore our Quiet Books collection, including the Mass Quiet Book, Rosary Quiet Book, and the Where is Jesus Quiet Book. These engaging books are designed for babies and toddlers, making it easy to introduce them to the wonders of faith in a quiet and interactive way—perfect for adoration or Mass.

    As a special treat for Abiding Together listeners, use promo code ABIDING15 for an exclusive 15% discount at checkout. Enrich your spiritual journey and bring the joy of faith into your home with The Little Rose Shop.

  • In this week's episode, we welcome Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR as our guest to dive deep into what it means to be in relationship with God as Father. Together we chat about how our earthly fathers both positively and negatively impact our relationship with God the Father and how to begin to receive the love of God the Father. We also share how our relationship with God the Father has changed through the loss of earthly fathers. Check out Fr. Dave’s new (free!) video series entitled My father’s Father (or watch here on Wildgoose).

    Heather’s One Thing - Upcoming pilgrimages with Franciscan to France and Alaska

    Sister Miriam’s One Thing - The the beauty of the Pensacola beach

    Michelle’s One Thing - Watching NFL Playoffs with Sister Miriam

    Fr. Dave’s One Thing - The book A Little Liar by Mitch Albom

    Other Resources Mentioned:

    My father’s Father Trailer Link My father’s Father on Wildgoose My father’s Father on Faith and Reason S3 E18: The Holy Spirit with Fr. Dave Pivonka S5 E22: The Holy Spirit with Fr. Dave Pivonka The Father’s Love Spotify Playlist

    Journal Questions:

    What does (or did) my father’s relationship with our Heavenly Father look like? In what ways can I grow in honoring and being honest about my father? Other than my earthly father, who in my life revealed the heart of our Heavenly Father to me? For those whose fathers have passed away: how has my relationship with God the Father changed since my father passed away?

    Discussion Questions:

    How has your relationship with your earthly father shaped your relationship with your Heavenly Father? In your current state of life, when do you feel most connected to your identity as a child? What thoughts, emotions, and associations arise when you think of your primary identity as a child? How can you grow in and more deeply receive your daughterhood from the Father?

    Quotes to Ponder:

    “The whole of the Christian life is like a great pilgrimage to the house of the Father, whose unconditional love for every human creature, and in particular for the 'prodigal son,' we discover anew each day.” (JPII Tertio Millennio Adveniente)

    Scripture for Lectio:

    “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1)

    Sponsor - Ascension:

    With the Ascension App, you can easily find answers to the most challenging questions about church teaching and Scripture. Designed to help you understand the faith like never before, you’ll experience the peace that comes from deepening your prayer life and knowledge of God.

    The Ascension App includes:

    Both of Fr. Mike's In a Year podcasts in one place Transcripts for every podcast episode The full texts of the Bible and Catechism Nearly 1,000 questions that Bible In a Year listeners have had over the years with their answers! Episode summaries, bonus content, and reflection questions Daily readings with video reflections from your favorite Catholic creators!

    And if you’re feeling overwhelmed or disconnected as you prepare for Lent, you’re not alone. The Ascension App will be a one-stop-shop for prayer this season, with Fr. Mark Toups’ Lenten Companion audio + video reflections guiding you day-by-day to an encounter with the person of Christ. Explore the Ascension App’s premium features with a free 7-day trial!