We all know that during the Gettysburg Campaign in 1863, JEB Stuart was "ridin' 'round up North gettin' his name in the papers." Undoubtedly, he ain't caused nothing but a little fuss.
But what about his foray into the Keystone State in 1862? Well, Tracy Baer joins us to fill us in on that lesser-known raid.
I'm learning. You're learning. Let's learn together. I'll continue to do the heavy-lifting finding and interviewing guests and all I ask from you is your support to keep AG going and growing. You can hear the rest of this episode and hundreds of others by joining here www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg
Season 13 begins with LBG Deb Novotny joining us to talk about Civil War battle flags, particularly those that led regiments across the fields here at Gettysburg. Such stories involve the 26th North Carolina's boy-colonel Henry K. Burgwyn, the 16th Maine tearing their flag to shreds in order to save it from capture and more!
SUPPORT THE SHOW I'm learning, you're learning, so let's learn together. I'll do the heavy lifting by finding and booking guests and producing ooodles of content to further our education. All I ask of you is your support to keep it going and growing. Here are a few ways you can do it:
Support the sponsors in the ads on the show Grab a bag of delicious Little Ground Top Coffee www.addressinggettysburg.com/cafe Join our Officers' Club www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg Grab some merch from the thumbnails below this video or here www.addressinggettysburg.com/shop Join us for Tacos and Trivia at the Seminary on February 15 https://www.seminaryridgemuseum.org/events/tacos-and-trivia-0215 -
Пропущенные эпизоды?
As promised, we're back to releasing Patreon episodes. Thanks for giving me that two month reprieve from uploading in order to catch up.
So... Carrie Janney was in town back in November for the Fortenbaugh Lecture at Gettysburg College. The next day, she was in the studio to sit and talk about the fascinating Rebel-turned-American-again, John S Mosby. Mosby was a headache for Yankee troops operating in NOVA , but he was much more than just a guerrilla leader. After the war, Mosby became a reformed Rebel and a big target for the Lost Causers of his day. Carrie and I dig into who the man was and the many things he did in anticipation of her upcoming book.
I'm learning, you're learning, so let's learn together! You can hear the rest of this episode in its entirety AND you can learn more about the Civil War with me WHILE supporting our efforts to bring it to you by join us at www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg
Back in 2021, Bo Brinkman and I interviewed actor Tom Berenger about, not only his role in Gettysburg, but his career as well. Take a trip down memory lane with and enjoy this classic episode of Addressing Gettysburg.
We're busy recording new shows for 2025 and--guess what-- our patrons have already heard them and stored the information in their notebooks and brains. Join them and never wait again! Please go to www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg
LBG Deb Novotny joins us for the first time to talk about Evergreen Cemetery, the private cemetery adjacent to Gettysburg National Cemetery. "Cemetery Hill" gets its name from Evergreen. It's home to many famous names from the Battle of Gettysburg, the civilian population during the battle and even a Pittsburgh Steeler and movie actor. If you ever get the chance when you visit Gettysburg, you must make time to stroll through Evergreen Cemetery. You won't be disappointed.
~JOIN US for TACOS and TRIVIA~ Together with the Seminary Ridge Museum and Education Center, it's our second annual Tacos and Trivia night, Saturday, February 15, 2025 @ 6pm. Get your tickets here https://www.seminaryridgemuseum.org/events/tacos-and-trivia-0215
JOIN the 530+ brave digital history PIONEERS at our Patreon Channel www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg
JOIN US FOR TACOS AND TRIVIA at the Seminary! February 15, 2025 https://www.seminaryridgemuseum.org/events/tacos-and-trivia-0215
This week's classic AG episode is from the bleak restriction-laden year of 2020. Bob Steenstra, Tim Smith, Roy Frampton and Matt braved the chilly air and sat atop East Cemetery Hill near that tree in front of Rickett's Battery and behind the Howard statue to record an show about Gettysburg National Cemetery. Perhaps the piece of information that blew listeners' minds at the time was the melody that the poem "The Bivouac of the Dead" fits percfectly with.
LBG Roy Frampton joins Matt, Bob and Tim from near the Howard Statue on East Cemetery Hill. While this Ask A Gettysburg Guide is about the National Cemetery, we didn't think four people on lawn chairs talking into microphones would look appropriate in the cemetery itself. So, we went across the street.
In this episode, we cover topics such as:
-USCT graves
-the cemetery during the battle and the monuments within it
-A confederate mass grave in the Annex?
-Revelry in the town the night before the Dedication
-Confederate soldiers buried among the Union dead
-boxes containing the personal effects taken from the "Unknown" soldiers
-The Bivouac of the Dead matching up with the melody of Gilligan's Island
-methods used to identify the dead
-families recovering their buried soldiers and which unit has the most soldiers buried in its section.
As always, this is brought to you by the awesome support of our Patrons. Become one today by clicking here. Don't forget to support our sponsors who are still doing modified-business during the lockdown. www.gettysbike.com www.victorianphotostudio.com www.masondixondistillery.com Copyright 2020. All rights reserved
Tim Smith joined the ladies of That's What She Said to talk about Gettysburg's most famous female, Jennie Wade. After they sign off, I left the audio in as they take questions from our First Lieutenants who watched the recording session.
ORIGINAL AIR DATE: March 8, 2020
"Jim Pangburn is back in the studio with us for our tenth Ask A Gettysburg Guide. What do we cover on this episode?
Let's see:
did Longstreet dawdle? - medal of honor winners - Doubleday's removal from command of the First Corps - substitutes - Civil War soldier basic training - Batteries on Benner's hill This is free because of our sponsors and our generous Patrons. Please consider becoming a Patron and/or supporting our sponsors to keep the show going. Outro music, "Garryowen" arranged and performed by Billy Webster."PATREON- www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg
LITTLE GROUND TOP COFFEE- www.addressinggettysburg.com/cafe
Matt Atkinson, Gettysburg National Military Park
R. E. Lee stands today as one of the most influential military leaders in world history. But what were his upbringing, education and experiences that molded the man? Join Ranger Matt Atkinson and explore Lee's life before the Civil War.
This lecture was originally released on February 18, 2023 and is being re-released now as part of our "Classic Rewind" season.
Support the Show by: Becoming a Patron- https://www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg
Pepping-up with Little Ground Top- www.addressinggettysburg.com/cafe
Grabbing some merch- https://www.addressinggettysburg.com/shop
Getting a book- https://www.addressinggettysburg.com/books
Joining our book club. Email [email protected]
Joining our Film Club- [email protected]
Supporting Our Sponsors:
Mike Scott Voice- https://www.mikescottvoice.com
Seminary Ridge Museum- https://www.seminaryridgemuseum.org/
For the Historian- Mention us for 20% off retail sales (in store) plus free shipping (online)- https://www.forthehistorian.com
Buy Billy Webster's Music- Billy Webster arranged and performed the rendition of "Garryowen" that you hear at the end of the show. https://billysongs.com
"Garryowen" by Billy Webster
Karlton Smith, Gettysburg National Military Park This program looks at the military career of Brig. Gen. John Gibbon, focusing on his Civil War service, especially Gettysburg. It will also look at Gibbon's post war service on the frontier and his attitude concerning the Native Americans he encountered.
Enjoy this and all AG shows in 2025 while sippinig a delicious cup of Little Ground Top- www.addressinggettysburg.com/cafe
And, while you're at it, help this podcast of the People, by the People and FOR the People go and grow by becoming a Patron. It is our mission to get to the truth of our Civil War as best as we can through exploration of various topics with renowned historians, amateur historians, Licensed Battlefield Guides, professors and more. You can explore with us with up to FOUR additional episodes per month by joining at www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg
ORIGINAL AIRDATE December 23, 2019
This is the continuation of Ask A Gettysburg Guide #3 with Tim Smith. Apparently, back then it didn't occur to me to make a long episode and instead I split it in two. Or maybe there was another reason that I've forgotten. Either way, enjoy.
There original shownotes:
Merry Christmas! It's time for the final Ask A Gettysburg Guide of 2019. Bob Steenstra and Tim Smith continue with the questions that we couldn't fit into the previous Ask A Gettysburg Guide. Instagrammers who answered the call for questions in this episode are: @Soldier_Up_ @SJcolmus @Mrsmaestas2 @civil_war_Nerd @Cwhitt @Tylerfashistory
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and if you want to book a tour with any of the guides you hear on our podcast, email [email protected] and I will put you in touch with one.
As we take a backward glance at our extensive (dad)body of work for the sake of our new listeners who might not go all the way back to the beginning and work their way forward, we chose this episode to be our first. Back in the old days, when Ask A Gettysburg Guide began, we hadn't, yet, fleshed-out the format of the show. Back then, it was a shotgun-approach: listeners sent in questions and I asked the guides for the answers. LBG Bob Steenstra was my cohost and would be until The Rona hit. Tim Smith was a frequent guest and was the first guide to come on the show as a guest. This is Episode 3, one of a two parter. This show "aired" on December 23, 2019. Here are the original shownotes:
It's time for another Ask A Gettysburg Guide! This time we received so many questions that we had to make this into two episodes. That means next week there will be another just in time for Christmas!
In this episode we take questions from Instagrammers: The Great Tronetti @HistorywithBrad @GrantHarvey15 @NCHistoryNerd @CWhitt @Veronica Brestensky @Civil_War_Footsteps @Soldier_up_ @SJcolums @Mrsmeastas2
If you would like to be put in contact with Bob, Tim or any of the guides we feature on Addressing Gettysburg, let me know! Email [email protected]
Get your oodles of bags of our delicous coffee, Little Ground Top, here www.addressinggettysburg.com/cafe
Our Patreon channel was launched right around the time this episode came out about the Battle of Gettysburg. Podcast listening is an easy way to learn about your favorite subjects and, in our case, become a part of an online and in-person community. Support the going and growing of Addressing Gettysburg AND gain a deeper knowledge and appreciation of the Civil War (among other things) by joining here www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg
It's the holidays and Garry Adelman joined us to take YouTube viewers' questions LIVE about just about anything they wanted relating to the Battle of Gettysburg
Make the Holiday break morning's delicious with Little Ground Top coffee from Bantam Roasters and Addressing Gettysburg www.addressinggettysburg.com/cafe
As always, we keep this going because of our generous and loyal Patrons at www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg . 'tis the season to join them.
Learn the rules of the incredibly fun game known as "Grumble Jones" on our website www.addressinggettysburg.com
Carolyn Ivanoff joins us to talk about her great book "We Fought at Gettysburg: Firsthand Accounts by the Survivors of the 17th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry". This book is a MUST HAVE in your Gettysburg library. Press play to find out why.
There are hundreds of episodes like this on our Patreon page and our Patrons have chosen this as one of the episodes they want to share with you. Thank them by joining their ranks at www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg
During the holiday season we are giving all non-Patrons a gift, from AG and our Patrons to you, the non-Patrons. It is the gift of knowledge that Patrons are gaining in such quantities that their tummies hurt.
Here is another episode that they highly recommended for you. In this episode, the first installment of many, historian Richard Condon joins Matt to begin the daunting task of learning about Reconstruction, which, you may know, probably has more to do with our understanding of the Civil War than the war itself, at least what's known officially as The Reconstruction Era which begins in 1865. But, it began in 1861 and Rich explains how.
Still stinging from that whopper of a guide exam? Ya didn't believe us when we said that our Patreon content would help you. Did ya? Well, prepare for the next one by finally joining our community. Become a Patron at www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg today and make the Yuletide bright for yourself.
Happy Holidays!
It's December and that means it's time to share with you full Patreon episodes from 2024. This time, our Patrons weighed-in on what they thought were the 5 best episodes of the year. So, we listened to them and are gifting them to you because even "free" listens help Addressing Gettysburg.
In this episode, we hear from John Michael Priest, author of "Stand To It and Give Them Hell." Due to a commiunciation error on my part, I wasn't able to prepare like I typically do for a book-based interview, but, when has that stopped me before? John and I decided to wing it and, somehow, it ended up as a Patron favorite. We hope you enjoy.
And if you do enjoy it, please consider becoming a Patron in 2025, or maybe gifting a membership to the Gettysnerd in your family. We have big plans to expand what Addressing Gettysburg does in 2025 and, since we're listener-supported, we need YOUR help! So, if you can, go to www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg
LBG Chris Army is joined by hater-turned-Patron Dwayne. Som eknow him as "McNair." Dwayne has done extensive research on Scales' Brigade and asked if he could sit in on an Ask A Guide. We love to include our Patrons in whatever they can contribute to, so, of course, I said yes.
Scales Brigade (from its Brigade Plaque):
C. S. A.
Army of Northern Virginia
Hills Corps Pender’s Division
Scales’s Brigade13th 16th 22nd 34th 38th North Carolina Infantry
July 1. Crossed Willoughby Run about 3.30 P. M. relieving Heth’s line and advancing with left flank on Chambersburg Pike took part in the struggle until it ended. When the Union forces made their final stand on Seminary Ridge the Brigade charged and aided in dislodging them but suffered heavy losses. Gen. A. M. Scales was wounded and all the field officers but one were killed or wounded.
July 2. In position near here with skirmishers out in front and on flank.
July 3. In Longstreet’s assault the Brigade supported the right wing of Pettigrew’s Division. With few officers to lead them the men advanced in good order through a storm of shot and shell and when the front line neared the Union works they pushed forward to aid it in the final struggle and were among the last to retire.
July 4. After night withdrew and began the march to Hagerstown.
Present about 1250 Killed 102 Wounded 381 Missing 116 Total 599
Support the Show by:
Becoming a Patron- https://www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg . Now with a FREE TRIAL for 2nd Lieutenants
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Getting a book- https://www.addressinggettysburg.com/books
Joining our book club: Email [email protected] to get in!
Joining our Film Club: Email [email protected] to get in!
Enjoying our coffee LITTLE GROUND TOP- www.addressinggettysburg/com/cafe or at Bantam Roasters, 82 Steinwehr Ave
Support our scheduler Dave's store TRHistorical: www.trhistorical.com
Supporting Our Sponsors:
You best be visiting our Studio Sponsor, The Gettysburg Museum of History- www.gettysburgmuseumofhistory.comSeminary Ridge Museum- https://www.seminaryridgemuseum.org/
For the Historian- Mention us for 20% off retail sales (in store) plus free shipping (online)- https://www.forthehistorian.com
Buy Billy Webster's Album "Marching Through Georgia - https://billysongs.com
Music possibly by:
"Garryowen" by Billy Webster: www.billysongs.com
Camp Chase Fifes & Drums: https://www.campchasefifesanddrums.org
California Consolidated Drum Band check them out here: https://www.facebook.com/CCDrumBand
Kevin MacLeod: www.incompetech.com
The Federal City Brass Band- www.jvmusic.net
Historian and Patron Kenneth Gavin joins us to talk about Gettysburg during the American Revolution. That's right, it existed before July 1, 1863. This is Part 1 of a 2-part series exploring the make-up of the town, how it contributed to the war effort, the economy and more. I really enjoyed learning about Gettysburg in a different era of American history and I think you will too. Ken is an engaging guest and we will have him on often.
Join Ken and hundreds of other highly intelligent Gettysnerds on our Patreon channel www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg
Or, gift a membership to your beloved Gettysnerd https://www.patreon.com/AddressingGettysburg/gift?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2gW8KuD1FKzZSKLsnL844CNqQUIOH81ekBhuMTuN9jbpQKZcOoG2eGtBQ_aem_pbkVWyIGepx9etfU8ynQ2w
OR buy only this episode https://www.patreon.com/posts/four-score-and-1-116078660?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
LBG Paul Bailey joins us for the first time on an Ask A Guide to talk about the Army of the Potomac's Major General John Newton. A Virginian who remained loyal to his oath to the United States of America, Newton participated in the construction of the Washington defenses, led a brigade in the Peninsula Campaign and worked his way up to the rank of major general and controversially commanding the 1st Corps here at Gettysburg. There's so much more to this man and Paul tells us in an engaging way.
Support Addressing Gettysburg by:
-Joining Patreon www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg
-Grabbing a bag or ten of our first coffee brand, Little Ground Top www.addressinggettysburg.com/cafe
-Visiting the Gettysburg Museum of History at 219 Baltimore Street in Gettysburg www.gettysburgmuseumofhistory.com
-Visiting the Seminary Ridge Museum and Education Center https://www.seminaryridgemuseum.org/
-Grabbing some great merch from our shop www.addressinggettysburg.com/shop or from our friend Dave at TR Historical www.trhistorical.com
-Reading a book from For The Historian www.forthehistorian.com
Britt Isenberg joins us for the first time on AG to talk about the 21st Pa Cavalry. You might know that George Washington Sandoe was the first Union soldier to be killed in the BOG, but did you know all of the other things we talk about in this episode? Maybe a good deal. Probably some. Regardless, you should listen. You'll like Britt and you'll find the information compelling...or else!
Listen to this episode by becoming a Patron, in a FREE 7-day trial or make a one-time purchase here www.patreon.com/addressinggettysburg
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