
  • In this episode, Yvonne is joined by Ellen Kavanagh Jones the founder of Waxperts, who is known as the waxing queen. She is a beauty entrepreneur who developed a pain-free waxing product that is also easy for salon owners to use. Today, Ellen and her husband are in the process of launching a new skincare range for pre-teens which perfectly addresses the skincare issues they suffer from.

    Ellen shares the details of her entrepreneurial journey and explains the role manifestation has played in her success.


    When Elin wanted to develop a new wax brand, she tried every single one of her competitor's products first. Research is a critical stage of the development of any new product. Regardless of the type of business you set up there will be difficult days, having a strong why will help to keep you going. Harness the fact that people who work for you and your customers are relying on you. You can use this to motivate you and keep you going through the bad days. In some sectors, word of mouth is still an important aspect of marketing. Sometimes you have a great idea that the market is not ready for just yet. Our skin is our biggest organ, and it changes as we age, so everyone needs to use products that have been developed for their age group. Failure is a big part of your learning. It is by far the fastest and most effective way to learn. A positive mindset makes a huge difference in all aspects of your life. Doing your manifestations last thing at night makes them far more effective.


    ‘Just find what you're good at….just be the best at that. ´

    ‘The drop when something does not go right is not for the faint-hearted.’

    ‘When I let go, my life will flow.’




    Louise Hay - https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=Louise+Hay&i=audible&ref=dp_byline_sr_audible_1

    Sara Blakely - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Spanx-Story-Underneath-Incredible-Storybook-ebook/dp/B07T8SG7WZ


    Website: pausepenny.com

    Instagram: @yvonnetchrakian_manifest @pause.penny

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yvonne-tchrakian-64257619/


    Yvonne started her career as a corporate lawyer for one of Ireland's top law firms. After the loss of a baby during pregnancy, Yvonne founded Pause. Penny - which was created to inspire people to manifest their dream lives. She is also a mom of four. Yvonne is a serial manifester, manifesting everything from her dream jobs (yes, multiple), her soulmate, dream house and even her twins!

    Podcast Description

    This podcast is all about manifesting your dream life. Interviews with incredible entrepreneurs who are using manifestation to create successful businesses and solo episodes on how to start manifesting everything you desire. Yvonne teaches you 7 simple steps to manifesting your dream life, shares her own personal manifestation stories and gives practical advice on how to make manifestation a lifestyle.

    Tune in and I guarantee you will be manifesting your dreams!

  • In this episode, Yvonne is joined by Julie Peelo the founder of PEELO the Irish premium handbag and accessories brand. Without realising it Julie has been using manifestation techniques to get herself to where she wanted to be at each stage of her life. At 23, she went to Italy without having a job lined up and not being able to speak Italian and worked across the world but came back to Ireland to become the design director for Ireland’s largest retailer, Dunnes Stores and marry her soulmate.

    Before setting up PEELO she had worked at John Rocha in Dublin, Marni in Milan, and John Galliano’s studio in Paris, DVF and was asked to re-invent the Juicy Couture brand. She and Yvonne discuss her journey and the role manifestation played.


    From a relatively early age Julie has followed her gut instincts and took risks. You cannot manifest something out of thin air. You have to take action, hustle for it, and work hard. When you see an opportunity, be brave and take it. Sometimes it can take a couple of years for everything to fall into place. Visualisation is enormously powerful for manifestation. The universe throws you challenges. Follow your gut when deciding how to tackle them. If bad things happen, decide what to do about it, then move on.


    ‘You gotta hustle a little bit. I worked my ass off which got me an absolute dream job in my 20s. ´

    ‘It was just really wild and creative.’

    ‘I am trying to target cruise ships because I think that would be interesting for my business.’




    website: pausepenny.com

    Instagram: @yvonnetchrakian_manifest @pause.penny

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yvonne-tchrakian-64257619/


    Yvonne started her career as a corporate lawyer for one of Ireland's top law firms. After the loss of a baby during pregnancy, Yvonne founded Pause. Penny - which was created to inspire people to manifest their dream lives. She is also a mom of four. Yvonne is a serial manifester, manifesting everything from her dream jobs (yes, multiple), her soulmate, dream house and even her twins!

    Podcast Description

    This podcast is all about manifesting your dream life. Interviews with incredible entrepreneurs who are using manifestation to create successful businesses and solo episodes on how to start manifesting everything you desire. Yvonne teaches you 7 simple steps to manifesting your dream life, shares her own personal manifestation stories and gives practical advice on how to make manifestation a lifestyle.

    Tune in and I guarantee you will be manifesting your dreams!

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  • In this episode, Dr Sarah McKay, a neuroscientist, author, and mom, joins Yvonne. They talk about a wide range of topics, including the biggest misconception about the female brain, what happens to the brain during pregnancy, PMS, and a range of other fascinating subjects. Dr McKay also explains why the idea that the Reticular Activating System (RAS) is the centre of manifestation is not backed up by neuroscience.


    Four out of five mothers experience “baby brain.” Dr McKay shares what the research tells us about this. Women´s brains change during pregnancy to prepare for motherhood, Dr McKay explains how and shares what the research tells us. Hormones are not the main driver of the female brain. But they do have an impact and affect some women much more than others. In countries where women do not feel they have a voice, rates of PMS are much higher. When it comes to things like PMS, we need to factor in what society has told us to expect and the impact that has on how we think and in turn how our bodies respond. The words we use and the social narrative we accept have a strong impact on how we think, feel and therefore act. The placenta has a biological sex too. Some of a baby´s cells migrate into the mother´s brain. The RAS potentially plays a role in what you pay attention to, and where your focus goes. But it does not mean you can use it to manifest. Your social networks have the biggest impact on your life.


    ‘We don't find clear variation of mood based on the day of the month in most women. ´

    ‘Be very conscious of what you are telling yourself.’

    ‘The loudest voice in the crowd is the people around us and that's the greatest source of strength and resilience that we should be seeking out.’

    ‘Our brains do change particularly during our first pregnancy.’


    RSA article - https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/wishing-upon-neuron-reticular-activating-system-wont-manifest-mckay-1a2pc/?trackingId=GdUfZDFVQvmUqN1mWYCFvw%3D%3D

    Placenta sex post - https://www.instagram.com/p/C5l4laCBzE0/


    Microchimerism - https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/scientists-discover-childrens-cells-living-in-mothers-brain/

    Brain change during pregnancy - https://www.uab.cat/web/newsroom/news-detail/pregnancy-leads-to-changes-in-the-mother-s-brain-1345668003610.html?noticiaid=1345716582270


    website: pausepenny.com

    Instagram: @yvonnetchrakian_manifest @pause.penny

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yvonne-tchrakian-64257619/


    Yvonne started her career as a corporate lawyer for one of Ireland's top law firms. After the loss of a baby during pregnancy, Yvonne founded Pause. Penny - which was created to inspire people to manifest their dream lives. She is also a mom of four. Yvonne is a serial manifester, manifesting everything from her dream jobs (yes, multiple), her soulmate, dream house and even her twins!

    Podcast Description

    This podcast is all about manifesting your dream life. Interviews with incredible entrepreneurs who are using manifestation to create successful businesses and solo episodes on how to start manifesting everything you desire. Yvonne teaches you 7 simple steps to manifesting your dream life, shares her own personal manifestation stories and gives practical advice on how to make manifestation a lifestyle.

    Tune in and I guarantee you will be manifesting your dreams!

  • In this episode, Yvonne is joined by Zain Peer the co-founder of London Nootropics. When he and his childhood friend Shez Shaikh discovered that adding certain natural plants that contained adaptogens to coffee gave their minds and body an incredible long-lasting boost they were amazed. So much so that they developed their own coffee adaptogen blends so others could also benefit.

    They were approached to get on Dragons' Den UK. They got offered a deal - but did they take it? What really happens behind the scenes? Do people really take the money?

    Zain shares their entrepreneurial journey including the role visualisation and manifesting played for them. He also provides a fascinating insight into what it is like to appear on Dragon´s Den. Yvonne and Zain also discuss the legal side of bringing investors into a company including some of the pros and cons of using this type of financing.


    Adaptogens which can be found in mushrooms, roots and other foods when combined with coffee are incredibly powerful. Adding the right adaptogens to coffee provides you with a more sustained boost. To work, the ingredients have to be high quality. To fully access the nutrients in mushrooms you need to consume an extract. To reach more people they have kept the price relatively low while keeping the quality super high. You can reset your body clock during travel using a simple adaptogen coffee. Being authentic in all you do is important. Prioritising serving others over continually increasing your profits is more likely to make you happier. Zain also shares a very effective sleep tip.


    ‘We started adding natural ingredients to coffee for like a more sustained boost. ´

    ‘The first thought of the business isn't to make loads of money and sell the business. It’s to share adaptogens with different people.’

    ‘We need an extract which makes the active compounds bioavailable so we can absorb them.’





    website: pausepenny.com

    Instagram: @yvonnetchrakian_manifest @pause.penny

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yvonne-tchrakian-64257619/


    Yvonne started her career as a corporate lawyer for one of Ireland's top law firms. After the loss of a baby during pregnancy, Yvonne founded Pause. Penny - which was created to inspire people to manifest their dream lives. She is also a mom of four. Yvonne is a serial manifester, manifesting everything from her dream jobs (yes, multiple), her soulmate, dream house and even her twins!

    Podcast Description

    This podcast is all about manifesting your dream life. Interviews with incredible entrepreneurs who are using manifestation to create successful businesses and solo episodes on how to start manifesting everything you desire. Yvonne teaches you 7 simple steps to manifesting your dream life, shares her own personal manifestation stories and gives practical advice on how to make manifestation a lifestyle.

    Tune in and I guarantee you will be manifesting your dreams!

  • In this episode, Yvonne sits down with Lauren Murrell, a former lawyer who is the CEO and co-founder of BySarah. Lauren is a super manifester, a high-vibe kind of girl, who used affirmations and the power of her mind to help her to overcome a cancer with a 20% chance of survival.

    When chemotherapy and full-body irradiation rendered Lauren´s skin red, raw, and hypersensitive, none of the commercial products provided relief. So, her sister Sarah formulated her own skincare solutions in her kitchen and their company BySarah was born. Today, they provide natural skincare products for people with stressed and sensitive skin from across the world.


    When life gets really hard, you have a choice. You can feel completely powerless and be a victim of life or fight with every ounce of your being. Using language and believing that there can be a better way is incredibly, incredibly powerful. Use visual inputs e.g. posters to help you to see your better future. The mind is incredibly powerful, it can push your body beyond what you and others think is physically possible. When you're manifesting and hoping for things you can't hold on to it too tightly you just have to trust it will happen. Don´t doubt the signs. Chemo brain is real – at one stage Lauren could only read children´s books. BySarah skincare is helping people who are going through life-stage events like cancer treatment, menopause, pregnancy and more to restore their skin to health. You're over 70% more likely to achieve your goal. If you write it down, take action, and have accountability. Be kind to yourself, it is really, really hard to build a business.


    ‘Stay strong, keep really strong. ´

    ‘The rebuilding of my body required so much of my mind.’

    ‘We're not just selling products to make money; we're selling products to help people to help the planet to make a positive impact.’

    ‘You´ve got to write it to invite it.’




    website: pausepenny.com

    Instagram: @yvonnetchrakian_manifest @pause.penny

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yvonne-tchrakian-64257619/


    Yvonne started her career as a corporate lawyer for one of Ireland's top law firms. After the loss of a baby during pregnancy, Yvonne founded Pause. Penny - which was created to inspire people to manifest their dream lives. She is also a mom of four. Yvonne is a serial manifester, manifesting everything from her dream jobs (yes, multiple), her soulmate, dream house and even her twins!

    Podcast Description

    This podcast is all about manifesting your dream life. Interviews with incredible entrepreneurs who are using manifestation to create successful businesses and solo episodes on how to start manifesting everything you desire. Yvonne teaches you 7 simple steps to manifesting your dream life, shares her own personal manifestation stories and gives practical advice on how to make manifestation a lifestyle.

    Tune in and I guarantee you will be manifesting your dreams!

  • In this solo episode, Yvonne shares some of the Q&As she has recently got on Instagram and from a huge event she did. She explains how to surrender and let go, while still taking action, why you can´t manifest for others but can still help them and how to keep your vibe high. As well as how naming your brain helps you to replace negativity with positive thoughts and how to stop drifting in life.

    This episode contains the answers to the manifestation questions nobody else is providing practical and logical answers for.


    Letting go (surrendering) does not mean doing nothing at all. You still need to take the practical steps e.g. update your CV and physically apply for your dream job. You can´t manifest for someone else, but you can help them on their journey. Nobody can be positive 24/7, having down days is normal but you can actively work to quickly bring your vibe back up. Yvonne explains how. What you put out is what you get back. Name your brain. Stop drifting in life. If you don´t know exactly what you want to manifest, write down how you want to feel instead. Let go of fear, doubt, and anxiety so you can tune into your gut - your intuition. The science shows that this is critical for manifestation. When you push yourself out of your comfort zone once doing it again becomes much easier.


    ‘Then your brain, science, starts to rewire those pathways for positivity and the negativity becomes less and less and less.’

    ‘S**t happens, life happens, but it’s the way you react to it.’

    ‘You cannot manifest for somebody else, but you can help them on their journey.’


    The Surrender Experiment by Michael A Singer - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Surrender-Experiment-Journey-Lifes-Perfection-ebook/dp/B00XVJBKHE

    Top 5 Regrets of the Dying - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Top-Five-Regrets-Dying-Transformed-ebook/dp/B07KNRLY1L


    website: pausepenny.com

    Instagram: @yvonnetchrakian_manifest @pause.penny

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yvonne-tchrakian-64257619/


    Yvonne started her career as a corporate lawyer for one of Ireland's top law firms. After the loss of a baby during pregnancy, Yvonne founded Pause. Penny - which was created to inspire people to manifest their dream lives. She is also a mom of four. Yvonne is a serial manifester, manifesting everything from her dream jobs (yes, multiple), her soulmate, dream house and even her twins!

    Podcast Description

    This podcast is all about manifesting your dream life. Interviews with incredible entrepreneurs who are using manifestation to create successful businesses and solo episodes on how to start manifesting everything you desire. Yvonne teaches you 7 simple steps to manifesting your dream life, shares her own personal manifestation stories and gives practical advice on how to make manifestation a lifestyle.

    Tune in and I guarantee you will be manifesting your dreams!

  • In this episode, Yvonne sits down with Dr. Jonathan Fisher cardiologist and author of Just One Heart join Yvonne. They discuss how emotions affect the heart. Jonathan shares the latest research which demonstrates that intense emotions can physically change the shape of the heart and lead to heart attack like symptoms.

    They also discuss the importance of developing and maintaining empathy and connection to others. Johnathan explains that the heart has 4 dimensions – the emotional, physical, social, and spiritual hearts. All 4 play an important role in keeping your heart healthy.


    The heart is not just about the physical systems like blood flow, stress and other emotions also impacts how it works. Research shows that intense emotions can produce the symptoms of a heart attack. It is called Takotsubo cardiomyopathy or broken heart syndrome. Fortunately, just as stress and loss can break our hearts, positive emotions can help our hearts to function better. Jonathan explains how to tap into this. The fast pace we live at is leading us to lose our connection with others, which is bad for our physical health. Covid can impact the nervous system which plays a role in how the heart functions. The loss and emotional stress people felt are also still impacting some people´s heart health. When you remember something bad that happened it reactivates the physical sensations associated with that pain. Life is short. You can be healthy one day and seriously ill the next. That is why you should do what gives you purpose and meaning. When you manifest or visualise, you are training the neural pathways that affect the way our bodies move and function. It is good for our health.


    ‘At least 60% of what I see as a heart doctor relates to either unaddressed or poorly addressed underlying stress because of what is going on in the world. ´

    ‘We have to learn to listen to our bodies, to sit quietly and tune in.’

    ‘It is wise to recognise that and to limit the intake into our nervous system of this information.’


    Just One Heart by Jonathan Fisher - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Just-One-Heart-Cardiologists-Happiness-ebook/dp/B0D1526W7D

    Barbara Fredrickson positive and negative emotions research - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20363063/



    Website: pausepenny.com

    Instagram: @yvonnetchrakian_manifest @pause.penny

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yvonne-tchrakian-64257619/


    Yvonne started her career as a corporate lawyer for one of Ireland's top law firms. After the loss of a baby during pregnancy, Yvonne founded Pause. Penny - which was created to inspire people to manifest their dream lives. She is also a mom of four. Yvonne is a serial manifester, manifesting everything from her dream jobs (yes, multiple), her soulmate, dream house and even her twins!

    Podcast Description

    This podcast is all about manifesting your dream life. Interviews with incredible entrepreneurs who are using manifestation to create successful businesses and solo episodes on how to start manifesting everything you desire. Yvonne teaches you 7 simple steps to manifesting your dream life, shares her own personal manifestation stories and gives practical advice on how to make manifestation a lifestyle.

    Tune in and I guarantee you will be manifesting your dreams!

  • In this episode, Yvonne sits down with Gary Fox who started his podcast as a way to connect with interesting, highly successful people. To say it worked is an understatement. In just 5 years he has reached the point where 310,000+ people download his podcast every quarter . Gary has already interviewed many of the world´s most successful business founders and has attracted some really big sponsors.

    Gary and Yvonne explain how to get started with podcasting. Including how to overcome your fears, attract the best guests, achieve a good recording, tackle editing and grow a loyal audience. As well as how to monetise your podcast.


    Right now, podcasting represents a big opportunity, 500 million people regularly listen to them. Yet there are only 400,000 active podcasts. Podcast audiences grow slowly. Start by interviewing people in your network. You're asking your guests and audience for the invaluable gift of their time, so each episode must deliver excellence. It does not matter how much you are offered, if a sponsor is not honest or does not fit in with your brand, say no to them. Look at everything you are asked to do and ask yourself “What is the value of this?” Never try to catch your guests out. When building your business, work hard, but not to the point where you lose yourself or your health suffers. Living a more balanced life helps you to avoid big downs. Try to understand what works for you and don´t ever feel you should do things. Be super careful about how you treat others.


    ‘Podcasting is a level 1 in terms of difficulty to get started and a level 10 in terms of keeping going. ´

    ‘Speed is everything, if you are goanna do it, do it.’

    ‘I hate that bro hustle culture.’

    ‘Female entrepreneurs are treated extremely poorly.’


    The Entrepreneur Experiment Podcast - https://www.mrgaryfox.com/podcast



    website: pausepenny.com

    Instagram: @yvonnetchrakian_manifest @pause.penny

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yvonne-tchrakian-64257619/


    Yvonne started her career as a corporate lawyer for one of Ireland's top law firms. After the loss of a baby during pregnancy, Yvonne founded Pause. Penny - which was created to inspire people to manifest their dream lives. She is also a mom of four. Yvonne is a serial manifester, manifesting everything from her dream jobs (yes, multiple), her soulmate, dream house and even her twins!

    Podcast Description

    This podcast is all about manifesting your dream life. Interviews with incredible entrepreneurs who are using manifestation to create successful businesses and solo episodes on how to start manifesting everything you desire. Yvonne teaches you 7 simple steps to manifesting your dream life, shares her own personal manifestation stories and gives practical advice on how to make manifestation a lifestyle.

    Tune in and I guarantee you will be manifesting your dreams!

  • For this episode, Yvonne is joined by Nicole Vignola who has worked for many years to make neuroscience tangible for the masses. Enabling them to understand the science behind how their brains are wired so they can stop sabotaging themselves. She is just about to launch her first book REWIRE to provide people with a structured way of doing this.

    This episode is packed with insights into why we do what we do. Including why siblings often see, and react to, the world in radically different ways. How to weaken the negative pathways that keep us locked in fear and negative behaviour. What compels us to contact our ex, even during a bad break-up and much more.


    Anyone can rewire their brains to change habits, behaviours and thought patterns. Plasticity works both ways. You can weaken as well as strengthen pathways. So, you can reduce the impact fear is having on you. Because we are hardwired for survival, we naturally pay more attention to the negative. Social media can be used positively, but when you let it get out of control, it will demotivate you. Your life partner becomes ingrained in your neural network. During a breakup, your brain struggles and constantly wants to check in with them. You can help others, but you can´t change someone else´s brain. Only they can do that. Manifestation helps to block out negativity and keeps you focused and strengthens the right neural pathways.


    ‘Plasticity works both ways. We can strengthen pathways, or we can weaken them.’

    ‘Reframing is being more realistic about the situation.’

    ‘Sweat before you scroll.’

    ‘I was mimicking the way my mother behaved.’


    REWIRE by Nicole Vignola (buy anywhere in the world link) - https://geni.us/1sWgaf6



    website: pausepenny.com

    Instagram: @yvonnetchrakian_manifest @pause.penny

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yvonne-tchrakian-64257619/


    Yvonne started her career as a corporate lawyer for one of Ireland's top law firms. After the loss of a baby during pregnancy, Yvonne founded Pause. Penny - which was created to inspire people to manifest their dream lives. She is also a mom of four. Yvonne is a serial manifester, manifesting everything from her dream jobs (yes, multiple), her soulmate, dream house and even her twins!

    Podcast Description

    This podcast is all about manifesting your dream life. Interviews with incredible entrepreneurs who are using manifestation to create successful businesses and solo episodes on how to start manifesting everything you desire. Yvonne teaches you 7 simple steps to manifesting your dream life, shares her own personal manifestation stories and gives practical advice on how to make manifestation a lifestyle.

    Tune in and I guarantee you will be manifesting your dreams!

  • In this episode, Yvonne sits down with Emma Seppälä, Ph. D who is a Yale lecturer and faculty director, international speaker, and the best-selling author of Sovereign and The Happiness Track. Through those books, she helps people to use the science of happiness to accelerate their success and reclaim full control over all aspects of their lives (sovereignty).

    She and Yvonne discuss what happiness is, and why it is so elusive. As well as discuss how to teach your children to be happy. This episode is packed with things anyone can do to become happier and improve their lives.


    There are two types of happiness. The hedonic type gives you a fleeting dopamine high. Eudaimonic happiness, e.g., when you help others, is long-lasting and sustaining. Gratitude matters, it keeps everything in perspective. Self-criticism is self-loathing. If your friend makes a mistake, you sympathize and help them through it, so why is it that when you make a mistake you tear yourself apart? It's not normal to have a toxic relationship with yourself. Sovereignty is reclaiming your potential, and your right to love yourself. When facing a challenge, don´t ask am I good enough. Instead, ask what do I need. When you say yes to something you don´t want to do, you are saying no to you. Lack of sleep is one of the biggest predictors of suicide. Fear, doubt, and anxiety overshadow intuition. Be rational but also take note of what your intuition is telling you. Sovereignty requires the courage to go against the grain. When you have a supportive relationship with yourself you become a highly positive influence on others.


    ‘If you have a life characterized by compassion, by kindness then your happiness levels are also more sustained. ´

    ‘It can be hard in the moment, but over time, you reap the rewards.’

    ‘Self-criticism leads to anxiety, depression, fear of failure, less willingness to try again.’





    Website: pausepenny.com

    Instagram: @yvonnetchrakian_manifest @pause.penny

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yvonne-tchrakian-64257619/


    Yvonne started her career as a corporate lawyer for one of Ireland's top law firms. After the loss of a baby during pregnancy, Yvonne founded Pause. Penny - which was created to inspire people to manifest their dream lives. She is also a mom of four. Yvonne is a serial manifester, manifesting everything from her dream jobs (yes, multiple), her soulmate, dream house, and even her twins!

    Podcast Description

    This podcast is all about manifesting your dream life. Interviews with incredible entrepreneurs who are using manifestation to create successful businesses and solo episodes on how to start manifesting everything you desire. Yvonne teaches you 7 simple steps to manifesting your dream life, shares her own personal manifestation stories, and gives practical advice on how to make manifestation a lifestyle.

    Tune in and I guarantee you will be manifesting your dreams!

  • This week on All Up in Your Biz, Yvonne looks back at three of her recent episodes with Neuroscience experts, Matt Cooke, James R. Doty and Anne-Sophie Fluri. Rounding up some of the best moments to show the key role that our brains play when manifesting a better life!


    James R. Doty

    Pre-order Jim's upcoming book on manifestation here: https://amzn.eu/d/addnirp

    Matt Cooke





    Anne-Sophie Fluri




    Yvonne started her career as a corporate lawyer for one of Ireland's top law firms. After the loss of a baby during pregnancy, Yvonne founded Pause. Penny - which was created to inspire people to manifest their dream lives. She is also a mom of four. Yvonne is a serial manifester, manifesting everything from her dream jobs (yes, multiple), her soulmate, dream house and even her twins! Podcast Description This podcast is all about manifesting your dream life. Interviews with incredible entrepreneurs who are using manifestation to create successful businesses and solo episodes on how to start manifesting everything you desire.

    Yvonne teaches you 7 simple steps to manifesting your dream life, shares her own personal manifestation stories and gives practical advice on how to make manifestation a lifestyle. Tune in and I guarantee you will be manifesting your dreams!


    website: pausepenny.com

    Instagram: @yvonnetchrakian_manifest @pause.penny

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yvonne-tchrakian-64257619/

  • In this solo episode, Yvonne explains how to make manifestation your lifestyle - your way of being. Doing this keeps your vibration high so that you continue to take the action you need to attract what you want.

    Yvonne shares the 5-minute routine she follows that enables her to do exactly that. She uses practical everyday examples, which makes it easy to follow the strategies and tips she shares in this episode.


    Making manifestation a way of life rewires your brain and keeps your vibration high making it easier to get what you are manifesting. Affirmations enable you to tap into the natural process of neuroplasticity to rewire your brain and banish negative thoughts and beliefs. Change your affirmations up based on how you are feeling. Yvonne provides examples to help you to understand how to do this. It can take time to change your thought patterns. Some of them will have been formed in childhood and have been setting the scene for you and impacting your life ever since. Being grateful plays a big role in keeping you positive and balanced. Visualise your short-term goals. Figure out what works for you. Yvonne doesn´t meditate, but some people find it beneficial. Visualise regularly. Yvonne shares how she does it quickly so she can fit it into the spare moments she has.


    ‘You’ve got to keep that vibration high on a daily basis. ´

    ‘Affirmations are so important for rewiring your brain for positivity.’

    ‘I 100% believe that anyone can achieve anything when they believe.’

    ‘Visualise every day that you're going to achieve your goal just for one minute in snapshots.’


    website: pausepenny.com

    Instagram: @yvonnetchrakian_manifest @pause.penny

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yvonne-tchrakian-64257619/


    Yvonne started her career as a corporate lawyer for one of Ireland's top law firms. After the loss of a baby during pregnancy, Yvonne founded Pause. Penny - which was created to inspire people to manifest their dream lives. She is also a mom of four. Yvonne is a serial manifester, manifesting everything from her dream jobs (yes, multiple), her soulmate, dream house and even her twins!

    Podcast Description

    This podcast is all about manifesting your dream life. Interviews with incredible entrepreneurs who are using manifestation to create successful businesses and solo episodes on how to start manifesting everything you desire. Yvonne teaches you 7 simple steps to manifesting your dream life, shares her own personal manifestation stories and gives practical advice on how to make manifestation a lifestyle.

    Tune in and I guarantee you will be manifesting your dreams!

  • In this episode, Yvonne sits down with Caroline Dalton who has been appointed as CEO to one of the world’s most exciting hair product companies. The Kardashian-Jenner crew, Madonna, and Jennifer Lopez are just some of the global superstars who use their products and have their hair cut and cared for by the founder of the brand.

    Caroline explains the role manifestation played in her getting into that position.

    This episode is also a must-listen for anyone who wants to grow their brand. In particular, those who want to sell their products in some of the biggest physical stores in the world. For decades, Caroline headed up buying teams for Dunnes and Primark. So, you can be sure that the insider tips she shares will get you noticed, enable you to pitch successfully and use physical retailers to reach more people.


    Building relationships is key to business success. Maintaining a strong network leads to your being presented with amazing, life-changing opportunities. Remember that the person who holds a junior position today could easily become the decision-maker for a big brand at a later date. Your reputation follows you, so don´t be a d**khead. The right culture is essential for building a strong team that will stick with you. If you have a product that you are selling only online, it makes sense to get it into physical stores too. Choose stores that serve the customers you are targeting. Be persistent. If you send in samples, follow up to make sure that the person who makes the decisions has seen it. Do your pitch in person. You are the most passionate about your brand. It is all about relationships. If the person you are pitching to can relate to you and your customer base, they will be more likely to say yes.


    ‘I think it focuses your mind. It starts to focus you on what you actually want. ´

    ‘You fail. It´s actually not that bad, you just start again.’

    ‘Most of the people that I have around me, that have been supportive are people that I have worked with before.’




    website: pausepenny.com

    Instagram: @yvonnetchrakian_manifest @pause.penny

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yvonne-tchrakian-64257619/


    Yvonne started her career as a corporate lawyer for one of Ireland's top law firms. After the loss of a baby during pregnancy, Yvonne founded Pause. Penny - which was created to inspire people to manifest their dream lives. She is also a mom of four. Yvonne is a serial manifester, manifesting everything from her dream jobs (yes, multiple), her soulmate, dream house and even her twins!

    Podcast Description

    This podcast is all about manifesting your dream life. Interviews with incredible entrepreneurs who are using manifestation to create successful businesses and solo episodes on how to start manifesting everything you desire. Yvonne teaches you 7 simple steps to manifesting your dream life, shares her own personal manifestation stories and gives practical advice on how to make manifestation a lifestyle.

    Tune in and I guarantee you will be manifesting your dreams!

  • For this episode, Yvonne is joined by Matt Cooke. He did not believe in anything spiritual, then out of nowhere, he heard the voice of his mother who had passed away 18 months earlier. An experience, that set him on a journey to try to understand how this could happen. He explains how quantum mechanics and physics provided the answer and helped him to understand why manifestation works.

    Matt and Yvonne explain why they believe that with our thoughts, our feelings, and our beliefs, we absolutely can create our reality. They do this by sharing their own experiences and the details of several scientific studies. Before sharing, in detail, how they personally manifest.


    Everything is just energy vibrating at different frequencies. When your body's energy vibration changes, you become able to pick up on new types of energy. Quantum mechanics dictates that what we observe (are conscious of) turns energy into physical reality. Where our focus goes impacts our outcomes. Because 95% of who we are is subconsciously programmed, manifestation starts with self-observation. Reframing our subconscious negative thought patterns enables us to rewire our brains. Being positive is not about lying to yourself. It is being honest and accepting of your situation and actively taking steps to change things, knowing you will succeed. Being authentic. It´s not about faking it until you make it. It is about feeling it until you make it, which acts as the switch. To manifest your ultimate destination, identify the steps and manifest each of those in turn. Why matters. The moment you let go, is the moment you achieve what you are manifesting.


    ‘Everything is just energy. Science tells us that.’

    ‘Energy creates all things physical.´

    ‘There's a separation between who we are and the thoughts or the feelings, we're not the thoughts or the feelings.’

    ‘Manifestation is not magic.’






    Double Slit Experiment - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-slit_experiment

    The Miracle Morning - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Miracle-Morning-Updated-Expanded-Transform-ebook/dp/B0CJ6N7CK9


    Mind Magic - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mind-Magic-Tricks-happier-confident/dp/0717199851


    Website: pausepenny.com

    Instagram: @yvonnetchrakian_manifest @pause.penny

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yvonne-tchrakian-64257619/


    Yvonne started her career as a corporate lawyer for one of Ireland's top law firms. After the loss of a baby during pregnancy, Yvonne founded Pause. Penny - which was created to inspire people to manifest their dream lives. She is also a mom of four. Yvonne is a serial manifester, manifesting everything from her dream jobs (yes, multiple), her soulmate, dream house and even her twins!

    Podcast Description

    This podcast is all about manifesting your dream life. Interviews with incredible entrepreneurs who are using manifestation to create successful businesses and solo episodes on how to start manifesting everything you desire. Yvonne teaches you 7 simple steps to manifesting your dream life, shares her own personal manifestation stories and gives practical advice on how to make manifestation a lifestyle.

    Tune in and I guarantee you will be manifesting your dreams!

  • In this episode, Yvonne is joined by Pan Cooke who is an artist, cartoonivist and author who grew up with undiagnosed OCD. At about 10 he started to try to calm his constantly anxious mind using exhausting, time-consuming rituals.

    He explains what the different types of OCD are and how the right treatment has helped him to manage his condition better. Pan is about to get married, has 300,000+ Instagram followers and a successful career as a portrait artist with many celebrity clients. He dedicates much of his time to sharing the stories of people of colour who have been victims of police brutality in the US, using the medium of comics—an incredibly effective approach.


    For Pan, thoughts that most of us would quickly dismiss as unimportant would seem like threats to him. People with OCD frequently use compulsions or rituals, to try to neutralize intrusive and often frightening thoughts. This gives the thought even more power. OCD sufferers do not enjoy their rituals, they overtake their lives. Many people with OCD hide it and do so extremely well. OCD can´t be cured but it can be treated. Presenting information in a truly neutral way using the medium of drawings is an incredibly powerful way to share a story.


    ‘Nearly 10 years after the puzzle first showed up, I was diagnosed with OCD. ´

    ‘People with OCD are very good at keeping secrets, like hiding their compulsions.’

    ‘Social media is almost more of a news platform than a lot of actual papers and stuff.’

    ‘You can fail at something you don't want to do. You can fail at jobs that you hate. So, you might as well attempt something that you love.’



    Puzzled by Pan Cooke - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Puzzled-Memoir-about-Growing-OCD/dp/059361562X/

    Eric Garner - https://www.instagram.com/p/CFh20ZGAeYz/?img_index=1

    George Floyd - https://www.instagram.com/p/C04xWPeO4kO/?img_index=1

    Sinead O´Connor booed off stage - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJ6pW8UGhxE

    Sinead O´Connor - https://www.instagram.com/p/C04xWPeO4kO/?img_index=1


    website: pausepenny.com

    Instagram: @yvonnetchrakian_manifest @pause.penny

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yvonne-tchrakian-64257619/


    Yvonne started her career as a corporate lawyer for one of Ireland's top law firms. After the loss of a baby during pregnancy, Yvonne founded Pause. Penny - which was created to inspire people to manifest their dream lives. She is also a mom of four. Yvonne is a serial manifester, manifesting everything from her dream jobs (yes, multiple), her soulmate, dream house and even her twins!

    Podcast Description

    This podcast is all about manifesting your dream life. Interviews with incredible entrepreneurs who are using manifestation to create successful businesses and solo episodes on how to start manifesting everything you desire. Yvonne teaches you 7 simple steps to manifesting your dream life, shares her own personal manifestation stories and gives practical advice on how to make manifestation a lifestyle.

    Tune in and I guarantee you will be manifesting your dreams!

  • In this episode, Yvonne continues to answer the top questions she has been asked by her listeners and followers about manifestation. Today she answers the following questions – How can I get started with manifesting? How can I raise my vibration? How can I let go of fear and doubt? What should I be manifesting? How can I manifest more quickly? Why am I not manifesting successfully? And How can I tell when my manifestation is coming?


    Before you start manifesting you have got to figure out what your beliefs are. What are you saying to yourself, how do you perceive what is possible for you? To change and replace your current neural pathways, you have to first understand what they are. Review who you are spending time with, and what you watch, read, and listen to. Be ready to change if necessary. Everyone has down days. Figuring out what is making you happy on good days will help you to identify ways to raise your vibe on bad days. Fear and doubt are normal, but don´t let it consume you. Learn to be happy in the present. Be clear about what you really want, and who you want to feel and be. Intuition is huge, always follow your gut.


    ‘Manifestation is a lifestyle. ´

    ‘You need to know what your underlying beliefs are.’

    ‘When you are consumed and constantly thinking about it, it means there is fear and doubt.’


    The Source by Tara Swart - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Source-Open-Your-Mind-Change/dp/B07KM72PJB

    Dr David Amen - https://danielamenmd.com/

    Spanx book - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Spanx-Story-Underneath-Incredible-Storybook-ebook/dp/B07T8SG7WZ


    website: pausepenny.com

    Instagram: @yvonnetchrakian_manifest @pause.penny

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yvonne-tchrakian-64257619/


    Yvonne started her career as a corporate lawyer for one of Ireland's top law firms. After the loss of a baby during pregnancy, Yvonne founded Pause. Penny - which was created to inspire people to manifest their dream lives. She is also a mom of four. Yvonne is a serial manifester, manifesting everything from her dream jobs (yes, multiple), her soulmate, dream house and even her twins!

    Podcast Description

    This podcast is all about manifesting your dream life. Interviews with incredible entrepreneurs who are using manifestation to create successful businesses and solo episodes on how to start manifesting everything you desire. Yvonne teaches you 7 simple steps to manifesting your dream life, shares her own personal manifestation stories and gives practical advice on how to make manifestation a lifestyle.

    Tune in and I guarantee you will be manifesting your dreams!

  • In today's episode, Yvonne interviews neurosurgeon, new york times bestseller and international public speaker, James R. Doty, otherwise known as Jim. Jim shares his personal journey of overcoming a challenging childhood and finding hope through a chance encounter with a compassionate mentor. He shares practical steps for manifesting dreams, rewiring the brain, and finding gratitude in everyday experiences. This episode highlights the power of manifestation, the importance of changing one's mindset, and the role of self-awareness in achieving success.

    Jim is also currently set to release his upcoming book "Mind Magic: The Neuroscience of Manifestation and How It Changes Everything."


    Start by changing how you view the world and your circumstances. Shift from a negative mindset to one that sees infinite possibilities.

    Recognize the importance of value tagging in manifestation. By embedding your intentions in your subconscious and making them salient, you increase the likelihood of manifesting your desires.

    Manifestation requires effort and action. It's not just about visualizing, but also about actively working towards your goals and being open to opportunities.

    Cultivate a mindset of gratitude and positivity. By focusing on what you are grateful for and maintaining a positive outlook, you can attract more positive experiences into your life.

    Learn to find peace and acceptance in the journey, regardless of the outcome. Avoid attaching your happiness solely to achieving specific goals and instead find contentment in the present moment.


    "The universe doesn't give a fuck about you because it has no fucks to give."

    "I'm an atheist. I'm a complete non-believer, at least in the context of organized religion."

    "I cannot control my circumstances or my situation, but I can control how I respond to them."

    "I did an event for 25 people last Sunday. Over one-third of the group said they hate their jobs."


    website: pausepenny.com

    Instagram: @yvonnetchrakian_manifest @pause.penny

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yvonne-tchrakian-64257619/


    Pre-order Jim's upcoming book on manifestation here: https://amzn.eu/d/addnirp


    Yvonne started her career as a corporate lawyer for one of Ireland's top law firms. After the loss of a baby during pregnancy, Yvonne founded Pause. Penny - which was created to inspire people to manifest their dream lives. She is also a mom of four. Yvonne is a serial manifester, manifesting everything from her dream jobs (yes, multiple), her soulmate, dream house and even her twins!

    Podcast Description

    This podcast is all about manifesting your dream life. Interviews with incredible entrepreneurs who are using manifestation to create successful businesses and solo episodes on how to start manifesting everything you desire. Yvonne teaches you 7 simple steps to manifesting your dream life, shares her own personal manifestation stories and gives practical advice on how to make manifestation a lifestyle.

    Tune in and I guarantee you will be manifesting your dreams!

  • In this episode, Yvonne talks about another key component of successful manifestation - visualisation. She explains what it is, and the highly positive impact it has on how your brain works. As well as guiding you so that you can improve the effectiveness of your manifestations by honing your visualisation skills. The techniques she shares tap into the way our brains work naturally, which is why they are so effective.

    Yvonne´s recent Instagram poll showed that visualisation is something that a lot of people struggle with. So, listening to this episode is highly likely to benefit you.


    As kids, we all played pretend games and daydreamed. So, you already possess the ability to visualise. Most famous and successful people visualise and have done so from a young age. Yvonne shares several examples, during the episode. Writing down what you want to manifest is a vital first step. Engage all of your senses when visualising and notice your feelings of joy. Get a snapshot in your mind and replay it several times, every day. Repetition is essential, it makes your mind focus your efforts on achieving what you are manifesting and enables you to notice opportunities when they present themselves, instead of missing them. Neuroscience proves that repetition is an effective tool.


    ‘Visualisation is for everyone. ´

    ‘It is repetition and practice.’

    ‘When your brain is focused on it, opportunities will start to arise.’


    website: pausepenny.com

    Instagram: @yvonnetchrakian_manifest @pause.penny

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yvonne-tchrakian-64257619/


    Yvonne started her career as a corporate lawyer for one of Ireland's top law firms. After the loss of a baby during pregnancy, Yvonne founded Pause. Penny - which was created to inspire people to manifest their dream lives. She is also a mom of four. Yvonne is a serial manifester, manifesting everything from her dream jobs (yes, multiple), her soulmate, dream house and even her twins!

    Podcast Description

    This podcast is all about manifesting your dream life. Interviews with incredible entrepreneurs who are using manifestation to create successful businesses and solo episodes on how to start manifesting everything you desire. Yvonne teaches you 7 simple steps to manifesting your dream life, shares her own personal manifestation stories and gives practical advice on how to make manifestation a lifestyle.

    Tune in and I guarantee you will be manifesting your dreams!

  • In this episode, Yvonne provides an answer for one the questions she is asked most often – How do I let it go and trust the process. For manifestation to work, once you have put everything you can in place you have to stop worrying and let the universe make it happen, so this is an especially important episode.

    Yvonne explains exactly what letting go means and how to do it. She shares examples of how she does it and provides you with simple strategies and affirmations you can use to make letting go much easier for you.


    Letting go is a crucial part of manifestation. Letting go does not mean sitting back and doing nothing. Without action nothing happens. But, once you have put everything in place that you can, you have to stop fussing and let go. You have got to be patient. The universe does not run on your timeline. Things rarely happen instantly. How is not your problem, stop worrying about how it will happen.


    ‘If you want to manifest, you have got to learn to let it go. ´

    ‘You don´t ask how, just start taking action and stay in alignment.’

    ‘Think it, write it, box it, manifest it.’


    website: pausepenny.com

    Instagram: @yvonnetchrakian_manifest @pause.penny

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yvonne-tchrakian-64257619/


    Yvonne started her career as a corporate lawyer for one of Ireland's top law firms. After the loss of a baby during pregnancy, Yvonne founded Pause. Penny - which was created to inspire people to manifest their dream lives. She is also a mom of four. Yvonne is a serial manifester, manifesting everything from her dream jobs (yes, multiple), her soulmate, dream house and even her twins!


    This podcast is all about manifesting your dream life. Interviews with incredible entrepreneurs who are using manifestation to create successful businesses and solo episodes on how to start manifesting everything you desire. Yvonne teaches you 7 simple steps to manifesting your dream life, shares her own personal manifestation stories and gives practical advice on how to make manifestation a lifestyle.

    Tune in and I guarantee you will be manifesting your dreams!

  • For this episode, Yvonne sits down with the neuroscientist Anne-Sophie Fluri, to discuss the role manifestation can play in rewiring the brain. A process that enables you to free yourself from the thought patterns, behaviours and habits that are holding you back.

    They explain the science behind this and share practical ways to incorporate manifestation and other techniques into your daily life.


    The way we think, and therefore act, as adults is impacted by the way those in authority taught us to think about ourselves as children. Negative thought patterns can be unlearned. Manifestation, when done properly, is a really effective way to goal set. Visualisation is a powerful part of manifestation. Especially visualising yourself taking each step needed to achieve something. Not everyone finds visualising easy, but you can learn it. How is shared in the episode. Positive affirmations are not effective if you feel you are lying to yourself, which is why you need to tweak the language so that your affirmations are realistic. Your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions must be aligned. Recognise that things can go wrong, don´t think too much about this. Whatever you consume before bed is more likely to be consolidated in your memory. Essential oils used at bedtime help to encode memories. Stress is contagious and damaging. Take time off. Make sure it is a complete break.


    ‘I am finally able to get people on the podcast to talk about the science that backs up manifestation.'

    ‘You've said them so many times that they become real, and your brain is perceiving them as true.’

    ‘Manifestation helps you to set that goal into focus every morning.’




    Meditating monks brain function research - https://www.researchgate.net/publication/43130704_Duality_and_nonduality_in_meditation_research/link/5be14545a6fdcc3a8dc17f01/download

    Some of Dr Arman Danielyan´s child and adolescent brain function research - https://scholar.google.es/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&as_vis=1&q=Arman+Danielyan&btnG=

    Andrew Huberman on prayer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivDqfmicrAI


    Essential oils and memory research - https://www.researchgate.net/publication/354467785_Potential_Neuroprotective_Activity_of_Essential_Oils_in_Memory_and_Learning_Impairment


    website: pausepenny.com

    Instagram: @yvonnetchrakian_manifest @pause.penny

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yvonne-tchrakian-64257619/


    Yvonne started her career as a corporate lawyer for one of Ireland's top law firms. After the loss of a baby during pregnancy, Yvonne founded Pause. Penny - which was created to inspire people to manifest their dream lives. She is also a mom of four. Yvonne is a serial manifester, manifesting everything from her dream jobs (yes, multiple), her soulmate, dream house and even her twins!

    Podcast Description

    This podcast is all about manifesting your dream life. Interviews with incredible entrepreneurs who are using manifestation to create successful businesses and solo episodes on how to start manifesting everything you desire. Yvonne teaches you 7 simple steps to manifesting your dream life, shares her own personal manifestation stories and gives practical advice on how to make manifestation a lifestyle.

    Tune in and I guarantee you will be manifesting your dreams!