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Professors Nick Berente from the University of Notre Dame and Jan Recker from the University of Hamburg talk about current and persistent topics in information systems research, a field that explores how digital technologies change business and society.
You can find papers and other materials we discuss in each episode at http://www.janrecker.com/this-is-research-podcast/. -
Tired of wondering where your next lead will come from? What if you had a reliable, and predictable, source of new potential customers coming into your sales funnel each month? This is Predictable Prospecting and here I'll show you how some of the best sales leaders in the industry are creating consistent, and measurable procedures to bring in fresh, qualified leads to their sales funnels each and every month.
Welcome to Anatomy of a Strategy! Recorded in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, hosted by Tara Hunt, a 20-year digital marketing veteran and CEO of Truly, and Stefani Forster, journalist, content strategist, and Creative Director of Truly. (Previously co-hosted by Carlos Pacheco)
AOAS is a marketing podcast that explores the hidden psychology and behaviors that drive marketing strategies. It’s not about marketing per se. We don’t celebrate and rehash case studies as much as dissecting the culture in and around the successes and failures of marketing. We ask, “What was going on in the world that helped that message succeed, and that other one fail?”
AOAS is less of a marketing practice podcast and more of a Marketing THOUGHT podcast. -
The official podcast of the Pharma Marketing Network. Interviews with innovators, thought leaders, influencers and experts in the field of healthcare and pharmaceutical marketing.
This podcast explores public health careers, epidemiology, and public health entrepreneurship. The episodes features conversations that encourage you to think creatively and use innovation, while also helping you see public health everywhere.
Tired of insurance-driven dentistry? Want your independence back? Dr. Steve Rasner shares protocols and strategies that will allow you to regain your independence and elevate your practice to extraordinary levels of success.
MSL Talk, hosted by Tom Caravela, MSL Recruiter and Founder of The Carolan Group, offers insights for Medical Science Liaisons, aspiring MSLs, and Medical Affairs leaders.
Dust Safety Science is a podcast focused on improving awareness, knowledge, connection, and change around workplace safety in industries manufacturing or handling combustible dusts.
The Public Health Insight Podcast is a weekly podcast ranked in the top 5% of all podcasts globally. The podcast covers all things public health and global health, from the sustainable development goals to the social determinants of health, as well as interesting dialogues about the diverse career opportunities that exist in the fields. Since its launch in March 2020, the podcast has featured more than 40 high-profile guests and has built an audience in more than 5,000 cities in over 190 countries.
Astu biopolymeerien ihmeelliseen maailmaan Chemigaten Podcastissa. Tiedät, miksi monen teollisuuden alan tulevaisuus on tärkkelyksessä ja polysakkarideissa. Oppainasi toimivat Tom Schauman ja Maisa Kantola Chemigatelta
The Ground Investigation Podcast is a show featuring interviews and insights from leaders in the geotechnical and geo-environmental business world. Join host Michael Taylor as he discusses the ups and downs of running a business in the GI industry, getting geological experts to share their learnings and lessons as well as their plans for the future, highlighting what they think will improve the ground investigation industry moving forward.
What is the role of Artificial Intelligence in compliance? What about Machine Learning? ChatGPT? These questions are but three of the many questions we will explore in this exciting new podcast series, Compliance and AI. Hosted by Tom Fox, the award-winning Voice of Compliance, this podcast will look at how AI will impact compliance programs into the next decade and beyond. If you want to find out why the future is now, join Tom Fox on this journey to the frontiers of compliance.
The changing climate of sustainable investing
Contas-Poupança é um podcast de Pedro Andersson, jornalista especializado em Finanças Pessoais, que aproveita as suas viagens de carro para falar sobre dinheiro. Todas as segundas-feiras às 7h, uma nova boleia para começar bem a sua semana financeira. Disponível em todas as aplicações de podcast e nos sites da SIC Notícias e Expresso.
Bárbara Barroso é fundadora do MoneyLab, especialista em finanças pessoais, consultora financeira, empresária e palestrante internacional há 20 anos. Eleita em Portugal como a autoridade #1 de Finanças Pessoais, pelo Canal História, a especialista em educação financeira apresenta-nos o Money Bar. Um podcast de finanças pessoais, onde se pretende falar sobre temas relacionados com dinheiro, de uma forma descontraída e descomplicada, quase como se fosse beber um copo com os amigos.
O podcast de liderança e carreira do Expresso. Todas as semanas a jornalista Cátia Mateus mostra-lhe quem são, como começaram e o que fizeram para chegar ao topo os gestores portugueses que marcaram o passado, os que dirigem a atualidade e os que prometem moldar o futuro. Histórias inspiradoras, contadas na primeira pessoa, por quem ousa fazer acontecer.
4 comunicadores, 4 especialistas, 4 temas - Economia, Sociedade, Política e Ciência -, todas as semanas no [IN] Pertinente. Um confronto bem disposto entre a curiosidade e o saber. Porque quando há factos, há argumentos.
[IN] Pertinente é um podcast da Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos que pretende dar respostas às perguntas de todos, contribuindo para uma sociedade mais informada.
Voz: Isabel Abreu; Banda Sonora: Fred Pinto Ferreira -
Paulo Moreira é um dos principais impulsionadores do conceito da Inteligência Emocional em Portugal.
É autor do best-seller "Inteligência Emocional - uma abordagem prática", CEO da empresa EQ-TRAINING, fundador da marca Treino Inteligência Emocional, Doutorando em Psicologia das Emoções e Bem-Estar, criador de Jogos e co-criador da Banda Desenhada Emoty, que fala sobre emoções.
Neste podcast, Paulo Moreira explora o mundo da Inteligência Emocional e também entrevista alguns convidados. -
Braço de jornalismo do Grupo Suno, o Suno Notícias deixa o investidor sempre bem informado a respeito dos fatos mais relevantes da economia, de finanças, da política e de tudo mais que impacta o preço dos ativos. Neste canal, o editor multimídia Gregory Prudenciano comanda lives diárias e outros conteúdos especiais com o objetivo de fazer do Suno Notícias a melhor fonte de informações para os investidores.
Nosso foco é explicar o noticiário de forma didática, mostrando como a macroeconomia, os movimentos setoriais, o noticiário internacional e a política afetam os ativos.