Welcome to this super relaxing ASMR session, where I'll be whispering gently into your ears with up-close, binaural sounds to give you maximum tingles. Sit back, put on your headphones, and let the whispers and soft sounds melt your stress away. ✨
💤 What to Expect:✔️ Ear-to-ear close-up whispers 👂
✔️ Gentle, tingly in-ear sounds 🎤
✔️ Personal attention & relaxation vibes 💆♂️
✔️ Perfect for sleep, study, or stress relief 😴#ASMR #GentleWhispering
Recipe: 1-1/2 cup rice cereal 1 cup chocolate chips1/2 tsp. salt1/4 tsp. vanilla extract1/4 cup corn syrup1/2 can of 14 oz sweetened condensed milk1/2 cup light brown sugar1/2 stick of unsalted butter(Over medium heat.)1. Melt the butter in the pan. 2. After the butter is melted, add the brown sugar, and stir continuously until melted together.3. Add the condensed milk and corn syrup, and mix well. Let it sit until everything is combined. (~4 minutes in the video)4. Add salt and vanilla5. Turn off the heat6. Add the cereal, stir well7. Transfer to the lined/greased pan8. Sprinkle more chocolate chips over the top, and leave them to melt (~5 minutes), then spread the chocolate to cover the whole thing. 9. Let cool/harden for 3 hours, and then cut and serve! *** HAPPY HOLIDAYS! ***Amazon MP3https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=ntt_srch_drd_B01BAXDICM?ie=UTF8&field-keywords=GentleWhispering&index=digital-music&search-type=ssGoogle Play MP3https://play.google.com/store/music/artist/Gentlewhispering?id=Apc4txglf3f2siowzgqccttky5i&hl=enSpotify MP3https://play.spotify.com/artist/3gkB9Cdx4UuWQxjhelyd87?play=true&utm_source=open.spotify.com&utm_medium=openiTunes MP3https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/gentlewhispering/id1077570705#see-all/top-songshttps://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/maria-gentlewhispering/id1048320316Disclaimer: *** This video is created for relaxation, entertainment and ASMR/tingles/chills inducing purposes only. For more information about ASMR phenomenon please click here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomous_sensory_meridian_response This video cannot replace any medication or professional treatment. If you have sleep/anxiety/psychological troubles please consult your physician. Thank you :) ***PayPal (Donations): https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=RA5K2GG7687VJ Email: MariaGentlewhispering@gmail.com11/25/14
Пропущенные эпизоды?
I had a copyright claim against my channel because I used a bit of songs in this video so those parts had to be silenced, sorry about any inconvenience :( Happy Hump day, my loves ♥.♥ :) In this video let's just chill together and share some of our favorite things, please. I'm a bit sick but could not wait to make a video so forgive my nasally voice :( I was very giddy and happy while making this video and I hope you won't mind my bubbliness. ^.^ We'll look at a favorite ASMR channel of this month 02:05 (Darya Lozhkina ASMR Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHC6fhzmkO9pdwFwNaFvArw ), then we'll listen to 2 favorite songs that are super catchy 05:25, tap on swede boots :D 08:23, test out Nyx cosmetics favorites 13:56, we'll squish and fold my new Favorite purse, Omg *-* 18:15 and rummage through it 21:05, aaannd we'll introduce ourselves to the Crystal of the month 27:24. I hope you will enjoy hanging around with me, I'd absolutely love it if you do ^.^! Thank you for watching, enjoy ♥ #ASMR #GentleWhispering #relax
Sink into deep relaxation with this soothing ASMR experience featuring a gentle hand massage and delicate tickles. Triggers included: Soft touches, fingertip tracing, massage sounds.Amazon Storefront https://www.amazon.com/shop/gentlewhisperingSpotify Video https://open.spotify.com/show/0kToYjBezGVp3B15I0vzA8Amazon Mp3 https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=ntt_srch_drd_B01BAXDICM?ie=UTF8&field-keywords=GentleWhispering&index=digital-music&search-type=ss YouTube Mp3 https://music.youtube.com/channel/UCAYaoy-i0_bTnd9yzzDMkhw Spotify Mp3 https://play.spotify.com/artist/3gkB9Cdx4UuWQxjhelyd87?play=true&utm_source=open.spotify.com&utm_medium=open iTunes Mp3 https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/gentlewhispering/id1077570705#see-all/top-songshttps://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/maria-gentlewhispering/id1048320316Disclaimer: ***- This video is created for relaxation, entertainment and ASMR/tingles/chills inducing purposes only. For more information about ASMR phenomenon please click here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomous_sensory_meridian_response -This video cannot replace any medication or professional treatment. If you have sleep/anxiety/psychological troubles please consult your physician. Thank you :) ***PayPal (Donations, if you feel you need to give back) https://www.paypal.me/GentleWhisperingEmail: MariaGentlewhispering@gmail.com#ASMR #GentleWhispering #HandMassage #Relaxation #Tingles #SleepSounds #SoftTouches #GentleTriggers
Welcome to our thrift store, today I will wrap, fold and ring up your items for you, as well as use announcement mic to do price checks. I hope you enjoy nostalgic vibes. Thank you for being here! ♥ #ASMR #GentleWhispering #ThriftShop #OldSchoolVibes #RelaxingASMR #Nostalgia
Welcome to your ultimate relaxation session! 🌿✨ In this ASMR Chiropractor Roleplay, experience soothing stretches, gentle neck spinal adjustments, and relaxing massage techniques designed to give you tingles, stress relief, and deep relaxation. 💤💆♂️#ASMR #GentleWhispering #Chiropractor #RelaxingCracks #Tingles
Welcome to your personal lavender spa experience! 🌙✨ In this ASMR video, immerse yourself in the calming ambiance of a luxurious spa, featuring soothing whispers, gentle skincare sounds, and the relaxing aroma of lavender. 💜💤
00:00 Lavender air infusion
02:03 Skin examination
03:24 Steamer start and skin cleansing
09:00 Steamer
13:05 Gloves, exfoliating mask
20:37 Towel drying
24:10 Gentle compressions with tissues
30:41 Exfoliating pads
33:30 Purple Sheet mask
34:30 Rollers on mask
38:14 Background clean-up
40:18 Lavender pillows crinkles
43:01 Removing the mask and working it in
45:08 Lavender oil application
49:01 Purple led light mask, dampened sound, tapping, brushing
Thank you for being here! 💜
#ASMR #GentleWhispering #Relaxation #SelfCare #SpaSounds
✨ Welcome to a calming ASMR experience! In this video, watch as I gently alter your clothes and attach buttons, creating soft, soothing sounds that will help you relax and unwind.
🌟 What you'll hear:
- Soft Pattern crinkling- Threading the needle
- Fabric rustling
- Button attaching
- Gentle sewing motions
Thank you for watching, and enjoy the relaxation! 🌙
#ASMR #GentleWhispering #ButtonAttaching #SewingASMR #SatisfyingSounds #FabricSounds #HandmadeComfort
Welcome, in this ASMR video, you'll experience soothing soundscapes, gentle whispers, and hypnotic hand movements designed to calm your mind, ease your stress, and guide you into a state of tranquility. Enjoy and unwind. 00:00 Hypnotic hands and whispers03:25 Waves04:57 Tuning fork and light07:04 Light and whispers, twinkle twinkle08:47 Wind, cooling your brain10:28 Soothing lavender crunch13:32 Ahhhhh.... deep breaths15:00 Clunky drops17:25 Drop drop.. Raindrop20:26 Water globe bubble sounds22:00 Steel drum
24:00 Cooling breeze
25:32 Pluck pluck pluck
26:56 Warm
27:55 Hypnotic Waves
29:42 Relax, sleepThank you for being here! :) ♥ Which part was your favorite? 💤 Perfect for relaxation, sleep, or stress relief. 🌙 Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more calming content.
#ASMR #GentleWhispering #SoothingSoundscapes #Whispers #HandMovements #Relaxation #Sleep -
Join me in this relaxing ASMR video as I softly whisper about my ornate gemstone rings. Each ring has its own special story and design, which I’ll describe to you in detail. This video is perfect for those who love ASMR and beautiful jewelry. Thank you for being here! ♥
00:00 Jewelry box mirror tapping
01:28 Melodic rings tapping
04:10 Whisper tour of rings
28:52 Lower shelves with extra rings and pendants
37:43 Good byes and extra melody with rings#ASMR #GentleWhispering #rings
Let's hang out and I'll gently apply different jelly products on you as you drift off to sleep. 00:00 Intro, brushing02:27 jelly eye pads07:31 sparkly jelly slime12:16 jelly mask upclose and application21:01 removing the mask23:00 hydrogel collagen mask25:33 jelly on your ears28:47 brushing your beautiful face29:09 playing with the backgroundThank you for being here! ♥ #ASMR #GentleWhispering #jelly
Today I'll be presenting to you soothing sounds of unique collectables.
00:00 intro
01:04 chess set, gliding, clicking, brushing
12:20 hand movements, palette cleansing
13:19 ship mantel clock, tapping, wood sounds
21:20 wood tapping, scratching, satisfying
22:06 soothing ticking with hand movements and tapping
23:34 wooden box for telescope
25:20 telescope
30:10 hand movements to relax you further
Thank you for being here! :) ♥ #ASMR #GentleWhispering #antiques
Happy New Year, friends! Here are most viewed clips on my channel from this year. What were your biggest changes this year and what are your goals for the next year? Thank you for being here :) С Наступающим Новым Годом, друзья! В этом видео вы увидете клипы с самыми высокими просмотрами на моём канале в 2024 году. Поделитесь вашими самыми большими изменениями в уходящем году и вашими желаниями в новом году! Спасибо, что вы здесь!
00:00 Thank you
01:59 ASMR Cranial Nerve Exam
07:39 Sleep-inducing Haircut and Curling
11:56 ASMR Tracing & Describing Gorgeous Faces
19:39 Макияж на День Св. Валентина
24:17 Detailed Brow Shaping & Tinting
29:04 ASMR Tingly trigger assortment for sleep & relaxation
36:34 ASMR Perfectionist Photoshoot - Hair Fixing
40:28 Personal attention before you fall asleep (◡‿◡✿) ASMR
44:57 Retro Hotel Check-in ASMR
46:09 Cooling You Down On A Hot Summer Night ASMR
50:57 ASMR Paint Consultation for Your Home Aesthetics
51:58 Luxury ASMR Spa - Whisper
53:45 Feel the Tingles: Incredible ASMR Experience
#ASMR #GentleWhispering #bestof2024
Welcome to our travel cafe, today you'll taste some desserts and beverages and I'll offer you some travel books to browse through as you enjoy your time with us. Thank you for being here! ♥#ASMR #GentleWhispering
Hello Friends! Today let's enjoy some soothing sounds together from heels clicking, fabric, jewelry, tinsel, behind ear whispers, soft foam taps and much more . Which part was your favorite? #ASMR #GentleWhispering
Welcome to our thrift store, today I will wrap, fold and ring up your items for you. What do you think about the announcement voice at 06:18 and a few more throughout the video? This video is great for background play, the sounds are distant and very simple but I find videos like this to be my favorite lately and wanted to make one myself. Thank you for being here! ♥
Welcome to your spa treatment, today I'll use only luxurious Dior products to pamper you with. Get comfortable and relax.PS. This video is not sponsored, all products I purchased by myself, I was inspired by the golden massage tool with pearls that I found by a chance and it made really soothing sound, I hope you enjoy it ♥ Thank you for being here ♥
#ASMR #GentleWhispering
Hello friend, today we'll have a delicious meal together, talk about self compassion, I'll rummage through your purse looking for glasses and gently look around the house while you are resting. ♥ Thank you for being here! :)
00:00 Talking about hard days and self compassion
04:35 Rummaging through purse
31:26 Gently looking around house
36:17 Saying goodbyes#ASMR #GentleWhispering #cozy
Welcome! Today, I'll be testing your sense of smell with a variety of recognizable scents. Follow along as I examine how well your nose can identify these aromas. #ASMR #GentleWhispering #exam
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