
  • To receive a free written summary of the podcast, sign up for our newsletter here.

    (Or copy paste this link in your browser: https://vigneshdevraj.com/#:~:text=of%20future%20generations.-,SUBSCRIBE,-TO%20RECEIVED%20A)

    In this episode, Dr. Vignesh Devraj unpacks the concept of spiritual bypassing that uses spirituality to avoid reality. He explains the subtle difference between genuine peace and avoidance, how negative emotions play a crucial role in growth, and why true spirituality is about embracing life’s full spectrum, not just the "good vibes."

    Topics Covered:

    Spirituality as a Tool for Understanding Reality

    Embracing Life’s Cycles: Creation & Destruction

    The Pitfalls of Toxic Positivity

    Spiritual Journeys Born from Personal Struggles

    Balancing Present Acceptance with Future



    00:00 — Introduction

    02:30 — Spirituality as a Tool for Reality

    04:30 — Understanding Life's Natural Cycles

    05:45 — Challenging Toxic Positivity

    06:50 — When Pain Sparks Spiritual Practice

    07:30 — Reframing Positive & Negative Experiences

    08:00 — The Sweet Spot: Present Peace & Future Potential

    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • To receive a free written summary of the podcast, sign up for our newsletter here.

    (Or copy paste this link in your browser: ⁠https://vigneshdevraj.com/#:~:text=of%20future%20generations.-,SUBSCRIBE,-TO%20RECEIVED%20A⁠)

    In this episode, we challenge the popular idea that "When you rest, you rust" and explore how rest actually restores and strengthens the body and mind. Dr. Vignesh Devraj shares insights on how consistent restful periods can improve overall health, emphasizing the importance of rest for longevity. We dive into different relaxation techniques, draw differences between laziness and genuine rest, and reveal what true recovery feels like.

    Topics Covered:

    Embracing Boredom

    The Aftermath of Recovery

    Negative Rest Periods that drain you

    Why our bodies ask for rest

    Loop of Recovery & Relapse

    Time stamps

    00:00 - 00:18: Introduction

    00:18 - 04:36: Recovery & Relapse

    04:36 - 07:15: Why should you rest?

    07:15 - 07:42: Laziness Vs Rest

    07:42 - 09:35: Rajas, Tamas and Sattva

    09:35 - 11:18: Laziness and Lack of Rest

    11:18 - 14:18: Is Netflix and Chill really resting?

    14:18 - 15:58: How do you know you’ve recovered?

    15:58 - 17:45: Recovery Protocols To Try

    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com andwww.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

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  • To receive a free written summary of the podcast, sign up for our newsletter here.

    (Or copy paste this link in your browser: ⁠https://vigneshdevraj.com/#:~:text=of%20future%20generations.-,SUBSCRIBE,-TO%20RECEIVED%20A⁠)

    In this episode, we explore the powerful influence of Karma and Karmic Relationships on our lives. From understanding the Law of Karma to examining how past actions shape our present, we discuss the complexities of karmic connections, the ties of past lives, types of Karma, and offer remedial tools to break negative cycles.

    Robert Svoboda also breaks down how bad habits are linked to karma and how it builds our everyday lives and other struggles in unexpected ways. Tune in for practical insights on navigating and transforming your karmic journey.

    Guest Profile - Dr Robert Svoboda

    Dr. Robert Svoboda is the first Westerner ever to graduate from a college of Ayurveda and be licensed to practice Ayurveda in India. During and after his formal Ayurvedic training he was tutored in Ayurveda, Yoga, Jyotish, Tantra and other forms of classical Indian lore by his mentor, the Aghori Vimalananda. He is the author of over a dozen books and has served as Adjunct Faculty at the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, NM, and at Bastyr University in Kenmore, WA. You can find out more about his work and study online with him at www.drsvoboda.com.

    Topics Covered
    The Law of Karma

    Past Life & Karmic Relations

    Karmic Detachment from Actions

    Different Types of Karma

    How Karma Influences Bad Habits


    00:00 - 00:21: Introduction

    00:21 - 03:30: The Law of Karma

    03:30 - 10:47: Complexities of Karma & Life

    10:47- 14:30: External Tools to Understand your Karmic Charts

    14:30 - 23:40: Connections & Karmic Relationships

    23:40 - 28:38: Cause & Effect Factor In Karma

    28:38 - 33:24: Remedies for Your Karma

    33:24 - 44:44: A Different Approach For Dealing With Karma

    44:44 - 52:45: Bad Habits & Karma’s Hold On It

    52:45 - 01:00:32: Karma Builds Life Beyond Control

    01:00:32 - 01:09:37: Conclusion

    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com andwww.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj
    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • To receive a free written summary of the podcast, sign up for our newsletterhere.

    (Or copy paste this link in your browser:⁠https://vigneshdevraj.com/#:~:text=of%20future%20generations.-,SUBSCRIBE,-TO%20RECEIVED%20A⁠)

    In today’s episode, we dive into a hard truth. The way we do business today is causing unnecessary suffering. Employees are burnt out, their health is deteriorating, and this ripple effect touches their families and communities. Fear and stress dominate workplaces, while customers are sold products that harm rather than nourish.

    In the relentless pursuit of profit and success, we’re diminishing lives, communities, and even the planet. But does businesshave to hurt people to thrive? Raj Sisodia, through his groundbreaking work, shows us it doesn’t. Let’s explore how business can be a force for healing, not harm.

    Topics Covered:

    Global burnout crisis

    Healing organisations

    Marketing gimmicks for profits

    Finding your Purpose

    Self love


    00:00 - 01:18: Introduction

    01:18 - 06:09: Healing Organisations

    06:09 - 09:50: Priorities that matters

    09:50 - 11:57: Exploiting Unrealistic Needs

    11:57 - 28:11: Conscious Profits & Sales

    19:05 - 20:35: Healing Leadership

    20:35 - 26:10: Step 1: Know Yourself

    26:10 - 31:20: Step 2: Love Yourself31:20 - 35:50: Step 3: Be Yourself

    35:50 - 43:14: Step 4: Choose Yourself

    43:14 - 49:35: Step 5: Express Yourself

    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultationhere.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on -Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this athttps://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com andwww.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat|@vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj
    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: -The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • To receive a free written summary of the podcast, sign up for our newsletter here.

    (Or copy paste this link in your browser: ⁠https://vigneshdevraj.com/#:~:text=of%20future%20generations.-,SUBSCRIBE,-TO%20RECEIVED%20A⁠)

    Burnout isn’t just exhaustion, it’s a silent thief that drains your energy, passion, and sense of self. It creeps into workplaces, toxic relationships, and even the pressures of society. But what if we could recognize it, understand it, and reclaim our well-being?

    In this episode, we dive deep into the many faces of burnout, how it manifests, why it happens, and most importantly, what we can do to heal and prevent it. It’s time to break free and rediscover balance. It also talks about ‘sacred exchanges’ and how it’s the key to hold long-term relationships that not only give you joy but also add profound meaning to your life and longevity.

    Topics Covered:

    Approaching a Burnout

    Check-in with Yourself

    Office Culture & Burnout

    Outgrowing Relationships


    00:00 - 00:31: Introduction

    00:31 - 05:38: How to look for a burnout?

    05:38 - 09:00: Community & Burnout

    09:00 - 20:26: Check-in With Yourself

    20:26 - 28:11: Price vs Pay-Off

    28:11 - 36:16: Types of Relationships

    36:16 - 47:02: Outgrowing Relationships

    47:02 - 49:52: Fitting In vs Belonging

    49:52 - 1:00:25: Healing Idiopathic Diseases

    1:00:25 - 1:04:27: Nature, Health and Tech

    1:04:27 - 1:07:51: Conclusions

    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • To receive a free written summary of the podcast, sign up for our newsletter here.

    In this transformative episode, Dr. Vignesh Devraj sits down with world-renowned therapist and author, Marisa Peer, to explore the psychology of the victim mindset. Why do we get stuck in cycles of self-doubt and limitation? More importantly, how can we break free? Marisa shares powerful insights on reprogramming the subconscious mind, reclaiming personal power, and cultivating a mindset that fosters success and well-being. If you're ready to step out of limiting beliefs and into self-mastery, this conversation is for you.

    Topics Covered:

    Freedom from Victim Mentality

    Baby Steps to Rewiring Your Life

    Forgiving yourself from Blame & Shame

    Moving On from Your Past Life


    00:00 - 05:09: Free yourself from Victim Mentality

    05:09 - 07:55: Baby Steps to rewire life

    07:55 - 10:51: Flip the Story

    10:51 - 12:05: Case Study 1

    12:05 - 13:19: Getting Better at Forgiveness

    13:19 - 14:56: Shame & Guilt

    14:56 - 19:05: Redirecting Your Life

    19:05 - 21:35: The Power To Move On

    21:35 - 23:23: Magic of RTT Therapy

    23:23 - 30:39: Using the Right Words

    30:39 - 33:18: Conclusion

    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • To receive a free written summary of the podcast, sign up for our newsletter here.

    (Or copy paste this link in your browser: ⁠https://vigneshdevraj.com/#:~:text=of%20future%20generations.-,SUBSCRIBE,-TO%20RECEIVED%20A⁠)

    Is the mind as complex as it seems or is it simpler than we think? In this episode, Marisa Peer breaks down the straightforward rules that govern our minds, exploring how we shape these rules and, in turn, how they shape us. Tune in to discover actionable insights and transformative hacks to help you unlock your full potential across every aspect of life.

    Key Topics

    The Power of Belief Systems

    How Belief Systems Are Formed

    Misbeliefs and Their Impact on Mindsets

    The Role of Words in Shaping Beliefs

    Steps to Transform and Reframe Your Beliefs


    00:00 - 00:55: Introduction

    00:55 - 02:14: Simple Rules of Mind

    02:14 - 04:50: Belief Systems

    04:50 - 8:00: Case Study 1

    08:00 - 09:22: Changing the way you see Love

    09:22 - 11:56: 3 thing that brings you closer to Love

    11:56 - 15:47: Common Mis-beliefs & Mindsets15:47 - 20:25: Motherhood & Shared Belief20:25 - 26:30: Words & Unaware Belief Systems 26:30 - 28:50: Tell Better Lies

    28:50 - 36:23 : Talk to your Mind

    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • To receive a free written summary of the podcast, sign up for our newsletter here.

    (Or copy paste this link in your browser: ⁠https://vigneshdevraj.com/#:~:text=of%20future%20generations.-,SUBSCRIBE,-TO%20RECEIVED%20A⁠)

    As the world grapples with the rapid advancements in AI, it's easy to overlook the ancient wisdom embedded in our own natural intelligence, a force that has existed for millions of years. In this episode, we dive deep into the three interconnected forms of intelligence shaping our world: Natural, Artificial, and Divine Intelligence. Join us!

    Topics Covered:

    The inevitable rise of Artificial Intelligence

    Should we fear AI?

    Our Fundamental Natural Intelligence

    The Connection to Divine Intelligence

    The interplay between these intelligences

    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • To receive a free written summary of the podcast, sign up for our newsletter here.

    (Or copy paste this link in your browser: ⁠https://vigneshdevraj.com/#:~:text=of%20future%20generations.-,SUBSCRIBE,-TO%20RECEIVED%20A⁠)

    Many Ancient rituals start off with chanting mantras, this isn’t just a coincidence but a thoughtful step towards rewiring the vibrations and bringing clarity towards your intentions. This episode brings in perspective the science of how music, voice and emotions positively works on your nervous system, transforming your life unlike anything else. Tune in!

    Topics Covered In the Episode:

    How mantras change life

    Connection between Voice & Emotion

    Increasing your vibration with Mantras

    Tina Turner's untold story

    Healing with Mantras


    00:00 - 04:45 : Introduction

    04:45 - 07:01: How mantras changed Regula

    07:01 - 16:30: Tina Turner & Beyond

    16:30 - 18:20: Regula’s favourite Chants

    18:20 - 21:30: Connection between Voice & Emotion

    21:30 - 25:10: Protection with Mantras

    25:10 - 27:02: How Mantras transform you

    27:02 - 33:33: Regula’s Attempt to go beyond

    33:33 - 45:54: Giving it back to the Old Generations

    45:54 - 47:38: Regula at Sitaram Retreat

    You can listen to Regula Curti's work here:


    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • To receive a free written summary of the podcast, sign up for our newsletter here.

    (Or copy paste this link in your browser: ⁠https://vigneshdevraj.com/#:~:text=of%20future%20generations.-,SUBSCRIBE,-TO%20RECEIVED%20A⁠)

    Beyond the tridosha concepts, Ayurvedic treatment finds a stern balance on understanding the concepts of Prakriti and Vikriti as per Ayurvedic medicine. This episode is filled with insights on how Prakriti can change over time to diagnosing Vikriti, how Vikriti manifests differently in each person and how they affect an individual’s health and well being. Tune In!

    Topics Covered In the Episode:

    Introduction to Prakriti & Vikriti

    The Prakriti changes

    How Vikriti works

    Satmi and Oka-Satmiya


    00:00 - 01:55 : Introduction

    01:55 - 07:45: Tridosha, Prakriti & Vikriti

    07:45 - 20:22: The Vikriti Diagnosis

    20:22 - 29:11: Can you change your Prakriti?

    29:11 - 38:47: How Vikriti differs person to person

    38:47 - 42:20: Satmi and Ok-Satmiya

    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj
    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • To receive a free written summary of the podcast, sign up for our newsletter here.

    (Or copy paste this link in your browser: ⁠https://vigneshdevraj.com/#:~:text=of%20future%20generations.-,SUBSCRIBE,-TO%20RECEIVED%20A⁠)

    Every year, we set a long list of resolutions, only for the willpower to taper down quickly and feeling disappointed. This year, try Sankalpa. Sankalpa is a beautiful spiritual concept which roughly means setting an intention. You just gently set an intention for something beautiful to happen in your life, do everything in your power to get you there and leave the rest to the universe.

    Tune in to know more.

    Topics Covered in this Episode:

    Breaking the loop of resolutions

    Using imagination to set a goal

    The trap of willpower and self-pressure

    Using Sankalpa to start new habits

    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • To receive a free written summary of the podcast, sign up for our newsletter here.

    (Or copy paste this link in your browser: https://vigneshdevraj.com/#:~:text=of%20future%20generations.-,SUBSCRIBE,-TO%20RECEIVED%20A)

    Embarking on a wellness journey requires thoughtful planning and a deep understanding of individual needs. In this episode, Dr Vignesh Devraj interviews Katharina, MD, Neue Wege, who specializes in guiding individuals to discover the right Ayurvedic retreats tailored to their health conditions.

    Together, they discuss the growing global interest in Ayurveda, the art of selecting the perfect treatment plan, and the meticulous process behind curating transformative wellness travel experiences.

    Tune in to know more.

    Topics Covered in the Episode:

    Understanding the Global Rise in Interest in Ayurveda and Wellness Travel

    How to Identify the Ayurvedic Retreat That Aligns With Your Health Needs

    Key Factors to Consider When Choosing the Right Ayurvedic Treatment

    Demystifying Wellness Travel: Practical Tips for First-Time Seekers

    To know more about Neue Wege, check out their website and Instagram handles given below.

    Website - https://www.neuewege.com/

    Instagram - @neuewegereisen

    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • To receive a free written summary of the podcast, sign up for our newsletter here.

    (Or copy paste this link in your browser: https://vigneshdevraj.com/#:~:text=of%20future%20generations.-,SUBSCRIBE,-TO%20RECEIVED%20A)

    The mind is a delicate interplay of three fundamental qualities: Satva, Rajas, and Tamas. These gunas shape our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, influencing every aspect of our mental and emotional well-being.

    Understanding these Gunas can play a key role in battling fear of judgement or fear of failure and to master the art of contentment in our lives. In this episode, Dr Vignesh Devraj and Dr Ramkumar Kutty, explore the three gunas offering practical insights to help navigate life’s challenges.

    Tune in to know more!

    Topics Covered in the Episode:

    Understanding Satva, Rajas, and Tamas

    How the Gunas Influence Mental Health

    Maintaining the state of Satva

    The importance of contentment

    Acceptance, fear of judgement and fear of failure

    Understanding Karma in the Present

    Cultivating Satva for Long-Term Mental Well-Being

    You can know more about Dr Ramkumar at


    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • To receive a free written summary of the podcast, sign up for our newsletter here. (Or copy paste this link in your browser: https://vigneshdevraj.com/#:~:text=of%20future%20generations.-,SUBSCRIBE,-TO%20RECEIVED%20A)

    Motherhood is the most transformative journey in a woman’s life both physically and mentally, this requires preparations months in advance. But in most pregnancy cases aren’t planned , and this could immensely affect the postpartum life of the mother, leading to multiple conditions, emotional burnout and even depression.

    In this episode Dr Aparna finds practical Ayurvedic solutions to multiple pregnancy related problems that young mothers struggle with. Tune In!

    Topics Covered In the Episode:

    Preparing for pregnancy

    Dealing with Postpartum Depression

    Tridosha & Postpartum Practises

    The aftermath of Postpartum

    Panchakarma after Pregnancy

    Sutika Paricharya


    00:00 - 05:56 : How to Prepare for Pregnancy

    05:56 - 07:36 : Case Study on NRI Pregnancy

    07:36 - 10:02 : Restructuring the Pregnancy Diet

    10:02 - 10:42 : Digestive Issues during Pregnancy

    10:42 - 15:10 : Dealing with Postpartum Depression

    15:10 - 18:37 : Personal Experience of Dr Aparna

    18:38 - 20:27 : Being a Toddler’s Mother

    20:27 - 26:13 : Tridosha & Postpartum Practises

    26:13 - 29:11 : The Emotional Support

    29:11 - 31:26 : Educating the In-laws

    31:26 - 35:27 : The aftermath of Postpartum

    35:27 - 39:00 : Case Studies on Postpartum Problems3

    9:00 - 42:53 : Panchakarma after Pregnancy

    42:53 - 45:19 : Sutika Paricharya

    45:19 - 46:03: Conclusion

    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • To receive a free written summary of the podcast, sign up for our newsletter here. (Or copy paste this link in your browser: https://vigneshdevraj.com/#:~:text=of%20future%20generations.-,SUBSCRIBE,-TO%20RECEIVED%20A)

    Panchakarma is an ancient Ayurvedic detoxification and rejuvenation process that gives the body the opportunity to release toxins and restore balance. This episode highlights the gradual healing process of Panchakarma, from the essential preparation to the recovery back into the daily world and the mental transformation that Panchakarma gives you inbetween. Tune In!

    Topics Covered In the Episode:

    Introduction to Panchakarma

    Importance of preparatory procedures for Panchakarma

    Challenges in modern-day Panchakarma practices

    Choosing the right Panchakarma therapy

    Post-Panchakarma recovery into daily life

    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • To receive a free written summary of the podcast, sign up for our newsletter here.

    (Or copy paste this link in your browser: https://vigneshdevraj.com/#:~:text=of%20future%20generations.-,SUBSCRIBE,-TO%20RECEIVED%20A)

    The discovery of penicillin in the 1940s revolutionized medicine, saving millions of lives and establishing the foundation for modern healthcare. However, the misuse and overuse of antibiotics have led to an alarming global crisis: Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). This man-made disaster threatens the future of healthcare, making once-treatable infections deadly again. Addressing AMR requires awareness, collective action, and a shift in how we use antibiotics.

    In this episode, Dr Vignesh and Dr Ranga Reddy Burri give a breakdown of the crisis, its causes, and the urgent need for sustainable solutions.

    Key topics discussed in this episode are:

    AMR: The Silent Pandemic

    The Silent Drives of AMR

    Antibiotics: The two-edged Sword

    AMR in the West and in India

    Need to build an new ecosystem


    00:00 - 07:09: The Silent Pandemic approaching us

    07:09 - 15:16: What is AMR?

    15:16 - 27:15: What’s accelerating AMR?

    27:15 - 31:47: Government dealing with AMR

    31:47 - 39:57: The way forward with antibiotics

    39:57 - 46:26: Build an new ecosystem

    46:26 - 58:50: AMR in the West vs India

    58:50 - 01:02:11: Is it too late to reverse AMR?

    01:02:11- 01:06:43: Conclusion

    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • To receive a free written summary of the podcast, sign up for our newsletter here.

    (Or copy paste this link in your browser: ⁠https://vigneshdevraj.com/#:~:text=of%20future%20generations.-,SUBSCRIBE,-TO%20RECEIVED%20A⁠)

    Governed by the Ether and Air Elements, the ability to move you and forward is taken care of by Vata. This episode can help you understand Vata, how it functions in your body, mind and gut, and more importantly how to take care of it to ensure long-term vitality. Tune In!

    Topics Covered in this Episode:

    Vata role in our body

    Vata, Body Pain & Stiffness

    Relation of Vata & Dryness

    How to balance Vata?


    00:00 - 03:45: What is Vata?

    03:45 - 04:22: Signs of Good Vata

    04:22 - 05:20: Vata, Body Pain & Stiffness

    05:20 - 07:22: Relation of Vata & Dryness

    07:22 - 14:57: How to balance Vata?

    14:57 - 15:14: Conclusion

    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life. You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • To receive a free written summary of the podcast, sign up for our newsletter here.

    (Or copy paste this link in your browser: ⁠https://vigneshdevraj.com/#:~:text=of%20future%20generations.-,SUBSCRIBE,-TO%20RECEIVED%20A⁠)

    Governed by the Fire and Water elements, Pitta is responsible for transforming energy and driving progress in both body and mind. This episode offers a concise understanding of Pitta, its functions in your body, mind, and gut, and, most importantly, how to nurture it for long-term vitality. Tune in!

    Topics Covered in this Episode:

    Pitta’s role in our body

    Lifestyle Habits that aggravate Pitta

    How Pitta and Gut are connected

    Pitta, Ambition and Anger

    Simple ways to Balance Pitta


    00:00 - 01:00: What is Pitta?

    01:00 - 03:38: Decoding Pitta Role

    03:38 - 04:55: What causes Pitta Imbalance?

    04:55 - 06:48: Acid Reflux and Pitta

    06:48 - 08:04: Signs of High Pitta

    08:04 - 12:16: How to balance High Pitta?

    12:16 - 14:15: High Pitta in the Mind

    14:15 - 14:52: Conclusion

    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • To receive a free written summary of the podcast, sign up for our newsletter here.

    (Or copy paste this link in your browser: ⁠https://vigneshdevraj.com/#:~:text=of%20future%20generations.-,SUBSCRIBE,-TO%20RECEIVED%20A⁠)

    In this episode, Dr Vignesh Devraj decodes what Kapha is, and how it shows up in our body, mind and gut. This episode is your quick guide to everything Kapha - the good, the bad, the do(s) and the don’t(s)!

    Topics Covered in this Episode:

    What is Kapha?

    Understanding good Kapha and bad Kapha

    How Kapha shows up in body

    How Kapha shows up in gut

    How Kapha shows up in mind

    Understanding and balancing Kapha


    00:00 - 02:45: Kapha in our Body

    02:45 - 03:24: Kapha’s role in the Body

    02:24 - 03:30: Why should you know your Dosha?

    03:30 - 06:49: Stop doing this while taking a Dosha Quiz

    06:49 - 07:42: Dr Vignesh on Dosha Obsession

    07:47 - 08:27: Doshas can be reversed!

    08:27 - 11:04: Case Studies

    11:04 - 12:13: Types of Dosha

    12:13 - 18:55: Breakdown of Doshas

    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

    We truly hope you are enjoying our content. Want to help us shape and grow this show faster? Leave your review and subscribe to the podcast, so you’ll never miss out on any new episodes. Thanks for your support.

    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.

  • To receive a free written summary of the podcast, sign up for our newsletter here.

    (Or copy paste this link in your browser: ⁠https://vigneshdevraj.com/#:~:text=of%20future%20generations.-,SUBSCRIBE,-TO%20RECEIVED%20A⁠)

    This episode addresses the most famous topic when it comes to Ayurveda, Doshas. Every patient is obsessed about finding out their dominant dosha to connect their problems and body type issues with.

    In this episode, Dr Vignesh puts this obsession under a microscope and breaks down the common mistakes and overlooked points while assessing their Dosha to drive home the point that you are beyond one label of Kapha, Pitta or Vata!

    Topics Covered in this Episode:

    What is Dosha? How does it affect you?

    Why most people are still confused about Dosha

    Every patient's Obsession with Dosha

    Cognitive bias with Dosha Quizzes

    Types of Dosha & Dominant Doshas

    How to Reverse Doshas

    Dr Vignesh Devraj

    If you are interested in doing one on one Ayurvedic consultation with Dr Vignesh Devraj please find the details in this link: https://calendly.com/drvignesh/30-minute-session-with-dr-vignesh-devraj-md-ay-ist

    If you are economically challenged, please use the form provided to request a free Ayurvedic consultation here.

    (or copy paste this in your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd29nHcrC1RssR-6WAqWCWQWKKJo7nGcEm8ITEl2-ErcnfVEg/viewform )


    What makes Ayurveda unique in its treatment approach is its practical wisdom on the concept of Vata. Vata is responsible for Prana - the life energy, nervous system - the master panel of our body, and our emotions. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned that controlling Vata is the most difficult part of healing and recovery.

    Recently I have recorded a workshop on - Balancing The Mighty Vata which has over 6 hrs of content, with notes filled with practical inputs that can be integrated into our life.

    You can access this at https://drvignesh.teachable.com/

    For further information about Dr Vignesh Devraj, kindly visit www.vigneshdevraj.com and www.sitaramretreat.com

    Instagram - @sitarambeachretreat | @vigneshdevraj

    Twitter - @VigneshDevraj

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    Disclaimer: - The content of the podcast episodes is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical procedures, consultations, diagnosis, or treatment in any manner. We strongly do not recommend using the content of these episodes as medical advice for any medical conditions for you, others, or for treating your patients.