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Podcast on technology and law | بودكاست عن التقنية والقانون
The first ever podcast of its kind: interviews with GS volunteers across the country & even the world, conversations with goal-getter girls, and panel discussions & debates about all the latest news & information regarding all things Girl Scouts. (This podcast is not affiliated with or sponsored by GSUSA; it is completely volunteer and girl driven.)
أقباسٌ من نور السيرة العطرة، تضيء الطريقَ للسائرين في هذه الحياة، وتُنير القلوبَ والبصائر، بهدي النبي المختار ﷺ وسيرته، فسلامٌ على من بعثه اللهُ مبشرًا ونذيرًا، وداعيًا إلى الله بإذنه وسراجًا مُنيرًا.
بودكاست حواري فكري قيمي يهدف إلى مناقشة القضايا الاجتماعية في المجتمع السعودي وإثراءها من بعد قيمي
The Riverside County Child Support Services (RivCoDCSS) Coffee Break features Nathan Hartel, Deputy Director. Our Coffee Break podcast series aims to cover a variety of topics of interest to the public. The goal is to inform all child support customers on common questions they may have. RivCoDCSS aims to clear up different misunderstandings the public may perceive to be true and restore them with facts. The podcast episodes cover a variety of informative topics on who we are and what we do
بحب أحس ديمًا بالونس وبحب الفويس أوفر جدًا فبسجل اَي حاجة تقع تحت ايدي ..
Mind Your Mind Speaks is a podcast series from the Cobb Collaborative that brings together subject matter experts and community leaders to help raise awareness, share resources, and inspire action through recorded conversations. This podcast is hosted by Cobb Collaborative Executive Director, Irene Barton. For show notes and links, visit cobbcollaboarative.org/podcast and for more information, email communications@cobbcollaborative.org
É isso aí, histórias loucas e aleatórias, sabe?
Alog .. TLog .. CLog
قصصنا هي تاريخنا الشخصي، قصصنا بودكاست ل رشا الديب يوثق قصص متعددة، قصص نساء تعرضن للعنف بكافة انواعه، من خلال الحوار والحكي على لسان صاحبات القصص، نود تنبيه المستمعين ان القصص تحتوى على محتوى تعنيف جنسي وجسدي ونفسي.
Our Stories podcast/ El-Mafasha, a podcast by Rasha AL Deeb, documents women stories as a personal history, that creates the collective history, the true history at the end. It is like the pieces of a puzzle; every story is a piece. Stories overlap and gather like puzzle pieces to form the whole real picture of truth.
El-Mafasha gives safe space for women to release their anger -
Speaking about what I (Sunflower) and experience throughout life
Are you a nonprofit marketing and communications leader responsible for reaching and engaging people with health issues? Join host Spencer Brooks of Brooks Digital in a series of in-depth conversations with nonprofit marketing leaders and experts who discuss the unique challenges of marketing in the health issue space.
تهدريزة بالليبي حنستفيدو منها وحنسمعو قصص نجاح الشباب الليبيين المؤثريين فالشارع الليبي والسوشال ميديا
Basic Hiking Training and shared experiences
Hey everyone, I'm Ryan Pruitt and this is Unfolding Enactus, a podcast that takes a unique look at how Enactus is engaging the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders to use innovative business principles to improve the world! Each episode of this podcast we will unfold the why, what, and how of a featured Enactus university team from among the international nonprofit’s 1,700 teams in 36 countries worldwide! On this podcast, you’ll get to hear from people all around the world, including places like Egypt, the United States, the Philippines, and Germany! Episodes one through three of Unfolding Enactus will lead up to the first-ever virtual Enactus World Cup held online through September 8th to September 11th! Let’s all get hyped! See everyone at Enactus World Cup 2020!
Les podcasts ADCE sont là !
Au menu, un contenu varié issu des membres de l'association, mais aussi de nos magnifiques participants de la formation de podcasting du projet ECHOES