Yes Baytown has a TOURISM department! When you think of Baytown I know many just think of the old mall and the chemical plants, but we are so much more.
Enjoy as we sit with Anna Yowell and Sheree Cardwell of Baytown Tourism as they share their love of Baytown and all we have to offer. I must say that these two are perfect at what they do. When you hear them speak you an truly feel their love of Baytown and their love of discovering new ways to share who and what Baytown is and what all Baytown has to offer.
Be sure to visit the tourism website to discover all the neat attractions Baytown has to offer
Better late than never!
Enjoy this very fun, and informative, sit down with two of the best to do what they do: Jake Boyd, our Adult Programming Librarian, and Kathy Bermudez, our Marketing Librarian. Listen as Jake explains the magic they bring to Baytown with innovative programs for the adults in our community. Get a glimpse into the marketing mind of Kathy and her mission to make us FAMOUS! It is clear with clever marketing, and amazing programs geared to all, we these two are working very hard to reach the community so they can enjoy all the amazing programs here at the Baytown Library.
Jake Boyd - Adult Programming Librarian
Kathy Bermudez - Marketing Librarian
Пропущенные эпизоды?
We are BACK!
Take a listen to this fun episode with Baytown Library's very own teen department gurus, Katie Beverly & Donald Craig. Enjoy as we discover Katie and Donald's journey to teens, the importance of teen programming, the programs available for teens, how teens can volunteer, and why Donald calls them his "minions"
If you have questions about teen programs:
Katie Beverly~ Teen Librarian
Donald Craig~ Family Services Technician
Welcome back!
Today we sit with Dr. Yvonne Thomas-Chapa and Karen Knight of Baytown's Historic Arts, Culture, and Entertainment District! The ACE District began in 2016, several entrepreneurs and landlords in the downtown area of Baytown decided it was time for businesses to regroup, form an organization, and see about getting more activity in the neighborhood. Since then the ACE District, and with earning their 501c3 non-profit status, have been highly active in the community holding events such as the Christmas on Texas Avenue Festival, Black History Month Celebration, International Woman’s Day Event, Praise and Worship events, our Summer Music Festivals, Trunk or Treat on Texas Avenue, and Caribbean Vibes on the Avenue. Please enjoy as Yvonne and Karen share what is coming next in 2023, giving back, and how to join ACE District with bringing back culture to Baytown!
To contact ACE District:
Email: info@acedistrictbaytown.org
Tel: (281) 810-2990
Kickin' it with Allbooked!
Enjoy this very fun episode crossover with our podcasts family Allbooked hosted by Lesley and Katie!
We hosted a city open house for our fellow city employees so they can get to know our Library/Community Engagement department better. We asked everyone about their favorite book and what they love the most about Baytown! So enjoy the fun and heartfelt responses!
To listen to the great book reviews on Allbooked from our amazing library staff at Sterling Municipal Library click the link below:
We are back with a very informative episode! We sit with Laura Alvarado and Argenis Santamaria with First3Years. They discuss the great work Babies In Baytown (BIB) and First3Years is doing for parents/guardians readying their children for school during their pivotal learning years. They also discuss their success working the COFI model (Community Organizing and Family Issues). Enjoy!
The get in contact with Laura and/or Argenis for more information:
Laura Alvarado, Community Systems Manager - lalvarado@first3yearstx.org
Arjenis Santamaria, Family Leadership Coordinator - asantamaria@first3yearstx.org
Enjoy as I sit with Brian Moran as we discuss the exciting plans coming from the 2027 Strategic Plan. There are some impressive changes, and improvements, coming to Baytown! It is clear the say that WE ARE LISTENING TO THE COMMUNITY!
To get a better understanding take a listen and share with others. If you have questions about the Strategic Plan, or any other improvements coming, go to www.baytownengage.com.
Brian Moran
Assistant to the City Manager
Take a listen as we welcome back Sabrina and Kourtney from our Community Engagement department. If you are an individual, or family, looking for ways to give back to the community this is the episode you really need to listen close to. Sabrina and Kourtney introduce the all new BAYTOWN SERVES! An amazing hub created by the Community Engagement team to house a place with all different volunteer opportunities for those seeking ways to give back.
To connect with Sabrina and Kourtney head to:
To take a look at all the volunteer opportunities :
We had the absolute please to sit with City of Baytown Councilwoman Ms. Laura Alvarado who is also the Community Systems Manager for First3Years & Lead for Babies in Baytown. She was joined with Ms. Valerie Adame who is the Board President for Church Women United Child Care Center & a Babies in Baytown Partner. We discussed the impactful Babies in Baytown (BIB) Community Impact fund application process, the creation of Babies in Baytown for all care givers, and how our community caregivers can gain the assistance they need from Babies in Baytown.
More information:
Babies in Baytown website: https://first3yearstx.org/babies-in-baytown/Link to grant (deadline March 31, 2022): https://forms.gle/X9xVrfqxgPceqfGs5Also find the grant on our Facebook, Instagram & TwitterLaura Alvarado: 469.394.3331 or email: lalvarado@first3yearstx.org
We all love our Parks & Recreation department for all they do and provide the citizens of Baytown. Today we have the pleasure to sit with Cliff Hatch the new Parks & Recreation Director and two members of his team: Cornell Gordon and Kyle Frye. Enjoy as we discuss the Parks' Perfect Trails Projects, New features coming to many city parks, the return of Special Olympics to Baytown, and more! Be sure to follow their projects on their social media pages and at Perfect Trails Projects
Follow this, and other City of Baytown projects, here:
Enjoy as we sit with one of our newest members of the Community Engagement team, Kourtney Bonzo. We discuss Kourtney's journey to Baytown, her love of volunteerism, and what is to come in 2022 for the community from the Community Engagement team. Kourtney details her latest project called Adopt-a-Spot.
What is the program?:
"When you join Baytown's Adopt-a-Spot program, you become a vital part of keeping Baytown clean and attractive. Plus, being an Adopter gives participants an opportunity to give back to the community, teach their children about community responsibility, receive positive publicity for their business, have a preplanned quarterly activity, and gain valuable community volunteer experience.
No special skills or experience are required – just dedicated volunteers with a commitment to the community and concern for the environment."
Amazing right?! Enjoy as Kourtney provides all the details so we all can get involved and take pride in our amazing City! Enjoy!
Contact Kourtney:
Get involved!:
Enjoy as Sabrina, Jamie, and Erline recap all the amazing projects, programs, and work produced from the Community Engagement team in 2021. We also discussed past Baytown Engage Podcast guests and hinted to what will be coming in 2022 for the department and Podcast. Enjoy the journey down memory lane!
Please visit www.baytownengage.com for all upcoming projects happening in the City of Baytown. It is your direct link to watching city growth!
Enjoy as we sit with three current academy members of Baytown Engage Civic Academy Cohort 2. Wanda. Gwen, and Janda share their love of Baytown, the beauty in being a part of the community, and how the academy has opened their eyes to see all the amazing work the city is doing to makes Baytown bigger and better. Enjoy and be sure to join the conversation and stay ENGAGED at www.baytownengage.com .
Enjoy as we sit with one of our very first Baytown Engage Civic Academy Alum, Ms. Phelitria Barnes. Ms. Barnes is not new to civic awareness, but she is new to seeing things on the side of the citizen. We had a great time discussing her deep roots in Baytown and McNair, her mother's volunteer fight fighter days, community impact, and her BIG why for being part of the first ever Civic Academy here in Baytown. Enjoy and be sure to join the conversation and stay ENGAGED at www.baytownengage.com .
Enjoy as I sit with Rachel as we discuss what it means to be a Talent Management Specialist for the City of Baytown. Rachel shares her journey to the City, the Pipe Academy, and how she helps empower employees to feel Empowered to make changes that will bring unity and growth to the City.
Enjoy as we sit with Lisa Loredo who is our in house Homebound Delivery Technician. Lisa shares her journey to the library, her love of helping our patrons, Friday Morning Adult Book Club, and the all new Romance Book Club! She also explains how she still provided great books to her patrons during the height of Covid.
If you, or someone you know, wants to inquire about Homebound Delivery and our adult book clubs contact Lisa:
This episode was a true TREAT! I sat with Jake and Kathy with the Sterling Library. We discussed how it was starting during the high points of COVID and trying to bring programming to the citizens. We talked about the awesome new programs that they have launched:
Books and LooksCooking TimeBullet Journaling Creative Writing ClubBe sure to take a listen and find out what more will be coming our way!
To contact Jake our Adult Programming Librarian: jacob.boyd@baytown.org
To contact Kathy our Programming & Marketing Librarian: katherine.torres@baytown.org
Sabrina and I had the pleasure to sit with Jenna Stevenson the Aquatic Superintendent. Jenna shares with us the impact the pandemic had on our water parks, her journey to the City of Baytown, the ins and outs of running a water park ( well over 500 employees just for aquatics!), the amazing awards won for the innovation City of Baytown's water park displays, and what is coming next for Aquatics in Baytown!
Today we sit with our very own Emergency Management Team! We welcomed Jamie Galloway, the Emergency Management & Prep Coordinator, along with David Alamia, the Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator. We discussed their career journey and how they made their way to the City of Baytown. They both shared much needed information on how to prepare for hurricane season, virtual preparedness training they offer, and the entire range the Emergency Management team covers--- It is not just weather related!
Enjoy this very informative episode discussing Homelessness Outreach. I sit with Christina Dickerson who is the Community Case Worker for Marcelous-Williams Resource Center. Christina works hard to help those in need of resources to get back on track. From mapping out a plan to see all areas of the clients needs to going the extra mile to get them the resources they do not even know they need. Christina truly loves what she is doing and has a true heart to serve!
If you, or someone you know, needs assistance with homelessness or insecurity in other areas:
Talent Yield Coalition Inc., 501(c) 3 non profit
Marcelous-Williams Resource Center
811 N Main, Highlands, Texas 77562
Office: (855) 449-1472
Fax #: (281) 884-6030
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