For scripture is clear God will not be mocked whatsoever a person plants so shall they reap! Mockery is the act of insulting a person in this case God or a thing in this situation his laws and guidance as foolish and of no value. Mockery is also making a fool out of someone. No person, group, or government can eradicate the laws of God for he is sovereign. I challenge you to go to the scriptures and see for yourself the results of those individuals and rulers who continued in their own courses of action and the consequences of their deeds.
Let us remember the Lord our God and what he has done in our own lives and in doing so the scripture become more authentic to our own situations and circumstances understanding that He is the same yesterday, today, and for evermore.
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We will all experience times in our lives that time and chance has delivered. In these time especially when they tend to linger on for days, weeks, months, and sometimes years, we often begin to loos hope in change or deliverance. These are the time we must hold on to our faith and continue to trust and believe in Gods timing and deliverance.
If you are serious about knowing your design and purpose you must seek your creator and maker It is written Christ is the way, the truth and the life and no man comes to the father but through him. He is our Co-creator and knows the Vision, Design, Plan, and purpose for your life.
Now that we have made a distinction between the commonalities of Sheep and Goats and the differences, I believe we can move on with upcoming broadcast. It is also equally important that when we make differences concerning these two animals for spiritual reference we are not deceived. Always remember that the Love of God through Christ Jesus is equal, his care, concern, and provision to all his creation. Remember we determine our spiritual status to be Sheep or Goats based on our personal relationship with the Good Sheppard not any other memberships.
Psalm 79: 13 Then we your people, the sheep of your pasture, will thank you forever and ever, praising your greatness from generation to generation.
Psalm 100: 3 Know that the Lord is God it is he who made us, and we are his. We are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
This scripture will only come into true completeness in our lives when we begin and continue to develop our own personal relationships with the Lord. It is and always has been his desire for us to come back into a relationship with him as it was in the Garden of Eden. In this place man developed their relationship with Father God the same way we developed our relationship with our parents. In this closeness they both learned who God was and is and his love and care for us his creation. He also gave us charge to care for his other earthly creations so that we would better understand him as an example of his love and care for us. Religion may get you in the church building and introduce you to the Lover of your soul and play a critical role in your salvation. However, it is your personal relationship of discovery and learning of who he is and how much he adores and loves you that will become contagious and long lasting in your life. Because He first loved us, we through building our connection began to Believe in him, Trust him, Rest in him, Hope in him, receive of him, and most of all began to Love Jesus our Good Shepeard. St. John Chapter 1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
The Praise of the Lord is a strong weapon against the enemies of our spiritual warfare and has been perfected by the newborns and babies of the kingdom. Who without any hesitation or hindrance or impurity offer their appreciation to the Lord with true thanksgiving. We who are in warfare often find if difficult to Praise and Worship not having an understanding that it is often the solution to our situation. It may not change what we go through, but it will change how we go through it and gives us a preview of our victory in Christ.
There is no other name in heaven by which man must be saved other than the name of Jesus Christ. This is the will of God the Father creator of all things. When we Honor his Son our Lord we Honor our Father God who in his wisdom has established all things.
We will not find rest “true lasting rest” in no other one but our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who is and shall always be our prince of Peace. He has promised that if we focus our minds on him and heavenly things, those things of goodness and his righteousness we will come to the place of his perfect peace. This peace will not be logical to the human mind because this peace is high above logic and is not subject to the laws of logic or your situation or circumstance. His peace disregards your condition and replaces it with his in heavenly places. In him there is no room for fear regardless of what we experience when we become determined to draw close to him and embrace his perfect love. We are in an ancient war for our souls and for our personal faith in Christ. Yet be encouraged Jesus overcame the world and the world systems including Death and the Grave. By his unfailing love for us which was demonstrated and beatified by his death and resurrection. “We the body of Christ” we have been ordained through him and by him to overcome all the evil devices and sufferings this world brings in our lives.
In these times of troubles and tribulations we must remember that some things in our lives are allowed to produce in us the fruits of the Holy Ghost which are Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, kindness, and Hope. Some of our sufferings are for our purification as we learn to produce these fruits not only for those in the body of Christ but for also those who Godless and have no knowledge of Him and his Goodness and Righteousness. Remember he came and died for those who did not know him nor desired to be saved by him. He was rejected by many of those who he came to save in the household of faith. So we will suffer in his sufferings as we continue to share the Gospel to those in great need of salvation and deliverance.
Many times, it becomes ever so difficult to tolerate the evils of this world and those who are used mightily in executing the plans of the Wicked ones. We often tend to equate prosperity with goodness and righteousness which can be deceiving according to human standards and the standards of this world and world systems. Be encouraged that we do not labor in vain nor will we receive things that are temporary and can be corrupted. We store up things in Heaven that will be everlasting rewards of our labors of love for Christ Jesus as we seek to build his kingdom on earth.
Embrace the pending union of the Groom and Bride and ready yourself for his Coming.
We often encounter situations and circumstances that we cannot change, nor can we ignore. In this time, we must continue to be found faithful in the things of God. Understand that this is a test of our faith and our commitment to the things we hold dear and important to our personal walk with the Lord. We are living in the last days and men and women will continue to seek the pleasures of their own desires to a level not seen in may places. These will be contradictory to our lifestyle and learnings. This is a personal walk and a personal salvation that the Lord Jesus Christ extends to all of mankind to accept or reject. To nurture or abandon with the seductions of this world and world systems.
It is common to look at the world through our own lenses and not see all the things that God is doing in our lives and in the lives of others in the mist of situation and devastations. It is written “All things work together for them who Love the Lord and are called according to his purposes” Our hope and faith is that even in disappointments, trials, tribulations, and in Triumph we remain and seek to remain in his perfect will concerning us. Remember we serve the God of All creation let us acknowledge Him in the splendor of Holiness.
We are given the command to pray without halting. This is the way of he saints to continue in communications and supplication for all mankind. We are to always pray to seek his will for our lives, his will for our love ones, our leaders, situations in the lives of those in our communities, cities and nation. We are to lift up those who cannot and will not pray for themselves. No prayer is too short or small when given in honesty.
The proof of our love in not in emotions nor is it in our intellect it is proven in our obedience to his word and our ever-increasing relationship as we strive to become what he has ordained us to be in him. The work of salvation and all that comes with his will for us will be completed, that is his promise to his servants.
Even in the mist of troubles on every side there is no better place of peace and protection than under the wing of the Lord. Yes we have trials and struggles and some are ordained for death of the body but not of the soul. We must develop our relationship with Christ to the level that regardless of what this life may bring us we will have the knowledge, Peace and resolve to trust and depend on him. Suffering is also ordained in this life with the promise that we who sow in tears will reap in Joy. Joy that cannot be compared to the sorrow we have experienced.
If it was not for your grace and mercy, we all would be consumed thank you for remembering that we are dust and that our time on earth is short. Help us to seek you in all things and especially when we fall short of performing your statures and understanding your holy word. It is written a righteous man falls down be get back up again. Thank you for your patience and willingness to pick us up every time we fall. Please remember we do not need to fear God wen we go wrong that is the time we need to come to him the most so that he can and will restore us back into our place in him. Remember that we are in need of his forgiveness and cleansing everyday of our lives. Christ has made provision for us in our walk and in this ever-increasing sinful world.
Come unto the Lord with the newness of our commitment unto him. Often it is appropriate to bring a new thing into the worship and praise of our Lord and to express our love for him with a fresh tempo and arrangement of our devotion unto him.
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