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Psykopodiaa on psykologian aiheita ja ilmiöitä käsittelevä podcast, jonka emäntä on psykologi Nina Lyytinen. Joka jaksossa Ninan kanssa keskustelemassa on asiantuntijavieras.
Podcast sopii Sinulle, jos olet kiinnostunut työssä jaksamisesta, hyvästä johtamisesta, omista vaikuttamisen keinoista hyvinvointisi edistämiseen - ja yleisesti ihmisistä, ihmismielestä ja ihmisen käyttäytymisestä.
Psykologiliitto valitsi Nina Lyytisen Vuoden psykologiksi 2023 mm. vaikuttavasta toiminnasta psykologisen tiedon popularisoinnista Psykopodiaan kautta.
—IG, FB: @psykopodiaa / Anna palautetta, ehdota aiheita -> http://psykopodiaa.fi/palaute -
Eavesdrop on three Jungian analysts as they engage in lively, sometimes irreverent conversations about a wide range of topics as they share what it’s like to see the world through the depth psychological lens provided by Carl Jung. Half of each episode is spent discussing a dream submitted by a listener.
Want help for your real-life relationship problems? We address issues that couples face every day and provide tools to deal with: affairs, limerence, sexual rejection, lying, communication issues, and much more. If you want to know how to make your relationships stronger - this podcast is for you. https://www.MarriageHelper.com
House Guest with Kenzie Elizabeth (formerly known as the ILYSM podcast) is the go to podcast for your twenties. Listen to Kenzie and guests dive into life, relationships, navigating different stages of life, friendship, career and more. You’ll feel like you’re on the couch in your friends living room & leave feeling empowered & grounded.
In The Adult Chair, Michelle Chalfant applies her holistic approach to healing and transformation as a foundation for better understanding our relationship with ourselves and our relationship with stress, anxiety, depression, physical health, self-love, peace, emotional balance, and how our understanding of ourselves impacts the most important relationships in our lives.
The Confessions of a Bikini Pro Podcast is the only place where IFBB bikini pros share their struggles, strategies, stories, insights, and advice in a real, raw, and vulnerable setting.
The goal of this podcast is to educate, inspire, and remind other competitors, athletes, or the every day gym goer that even the most elite professionals face hardships, health problems, mental obstacles, and other adversities.
All show notes, time stamps, links, and information can be found on this page, just search the athlete you want to listen to in the alphabetized categories section or keep scrolling.
Make sure to subscribe, rate, and review this podcast if you love it as much as we do so we can continue spreading the message to people worldwide! And be sure to follow @celestial_fit on instagram too for behind the scenes, sneak peeks, and more! Tag her and the guests in your posts and stories loving on the podcasts too!
Make sure to rate, review, and subscribe so you never miss an episode! -
Sibling Revelry explores the sibling bond, family dynamics, the human mind, and so much more. Kate and Oliver dive deep into the things that interest them and talk to other siblings in a free-formed, wide open, relaxed conversation to not only have some laughs, but to maybe inspire some people along the way with universal tales of what it’s like to grow up with brothers and sisters.
Your new favorite mother-daughter duo talking about things (that aren’t things) together and with special guests. Join Courtney Carver and Bailey Carver talking about simplicity, wellness, happiness and secrets to living a life you love. Plus, we'll be interviewing amazing humans about how to live a meaningful life.
If you work with kids, families, or clients impacted by trauma, you’re in the right place.
The Attachment Theory in Action Podcast is your go-to podcast for real conversations about trauma, attachment, and making a meaningful difference in the lives of those you serve.
Every other week, host Kirsty Nolan sits down with experts in attachment, trauma, and child development to talk about the stuff that really matters—how trauma shapes behavior and development, how to build stronger relationships, and how to bring these insights into your daily work.
Looking for practical tips you can actually use? Wondering how to better support your clients? Curious about the latest research in attachment and trauma? We’ve got you covered.
With nearly 2 million downloads, over 300 episodes, and a loyal community of listeners, the Attachment Theory in Action Podcast helps professionals like you grow and learn—all in under an hour, every other week.
Whether you’re a therapist, counselor, social worker, parent, or simply someone who cares deeply about helping others, this is a space for learning, growth, and inspiration. Hit follow, and let’s dive into the work that changes lives.
The Attachment Theory in Action Podcast is brought to you by The Knowledge Center at Chaddock. The Knowledge Center has equipped thousands of educators, clinicians, and helping professionals on the latest trauma-informed, attachment based strategies. Visit TKCChaddock.org to learn more.
Want to jump behind the mic and share your expertise? Visit AttachmentTheoryInAction.com to fill out our form to be a guest. -
Meet Mental Note – a podcast highlighting both the work and the beauty of mental health recovery. Stories will span a variety of mental illness struggles from eating disorders to depression, OCD and Bipolar. We will introduce you to relatable personalities, and dive deep into how they choose health amidst daunting illnesses. At the end of it all, we will provide hope that recovery is possible—and worth it.
The Primed Mind Podcast is for anyone looking to take their life to the next level by unlocking their mind's full potential. Host Elliot Roe is known as one of the top mindset and performance coaches in the world, working with top performers operating in the most demanding industries in the world.
With this mindset podcast and the Primed Mind app, Elliot introduces you to some of the world's top minds and shares the most effective mindsets, systems, and strategies that help you become the best version of yourself.
If you're looking to boost your motivation, improve your habits, increase your confidence, or multiply your business & personal income, then subscribe to The Primed Mind Podcast today! -
Sluts & Scholars is one of Cosmopolitan's "Hot Podcasts to Listen To." Nicoletta Heidegger is a licensed marriage and family therapist and sexologist and she chats with folks from across sexuality, kink, and professional spectrums about desire, pleasure, shame, stigma and (of course) bodily functions. Combining irreverence and expertise, on the docket is anything remotely related to sexual, reproductive and bodily autonomy; from the indigenous menstrual practices of the Hupa Valley tribe, to beauty confidence advice from Dita von Teese, and anal sex pro tips from Jessica Drake. Sluts and Scholars is a proud member of Pleasure Podcasts. For network details, contact [email protected]*Sluts and scholars is a sex positive, shame free, educational podcast where we try to help make your sex smarter and your smarts sexier. While we love to give advice and resources, please note that this podcast is not intended to be therapy or a replacement for therapy. Thanks for tuning in and we hope you enjoy!
Dopey Podcast is the world’s greatest podcast on drugs, addiction and dumb shit. Chris and I were two IV heroin addicts who loved to talk about all the coke we smoked, snorted and shot, all the pills we ate, smoked, all the weed we smoked and ate, all the booze we consumed and all the consequences we suffered. After making the show for 2 and a half years, Chris tragically relapsed and died from a fentanyl overdose. Dopey continued on, at first to mourn the horrible loss of Chris, but then to continue our mission - which was at its core, to keep addicts and alcoholics company. Whether to laugh at our time in rehab, or cry at the worst missteps we made, Dopey tells the truth about drugs, addiction and recovery. We continually mine the universe for stories rife with debauchery and highlight serious drug taking and alcoholism. We also examine different paths toward addiction recovery. We shine a light on harm reduction and medication assisted treatment. We talk with celebrities and nobodies and stockpile stories to be the greatest one stop shop podcast on all things drugs, addiction, recovery and comedy pathfinding the route to the heart of the opioid epidemic.
You can simplify your life and Katy Wells will show you how.
Katy is the host of the globally recognized Top-50 Podcast, The Maximized Minimalist, and a leading declutter expert.
It’s her mission to uncover the root cause of people’s clutter problems and guide them through practical and sustainable solutions in the forms of decluttering physical, mental and emotional clutter and what’s holding them back in life.
Through her online programs, social media channels, youtube channel and podcast, she has helped hundreds of thousands of families transform their home from chaotic to calm, have less stress and anxiety and gain freedom from clutter.
Tune in and buckle up - your life is about the change. Listen weekly on Wednesdays!
Get started decluttering your home with her FREE guide here: https://www.decluttersurvivalguide.com
To learn more about Katy and her signature programs go to: https://www.katyjoywells.com -
Sacred Sons is an organization dedicated to Masculine Alchemy and Embodiment. We utilize the power of ceremony, ritual, and intentional spaces to deepen into authentic brotherhood and catalyze growth in men worldwide. Sacred Sons Co-founder Adam Jackson hosts weekly episodes where we dive deep into conversations with facilitators, musicians, athletes, artists, and influencers from around the world.
Eletty elämä, elämässä kohdatut ilot ja surut, sekä elämämme varrella vastaantulleet ihmiset nostavat jatkuvasti esiin asioita ja aiheita, jotka innostavat pohtimaan ja ihmettelemään kaikkea ympäröivää menoa ja meininkiä ääneen, mieluiten jonkun toisen kanssa.
Podcastissamme pyrimme nostamaan esiin tuota elämänmakuista keskustelua, joka on saanut inspiraationsa eletyistä hetkistä ja suhteista. Teemme rohkeita avauksia ja suoria kysymyksiä etenkin niistä aiheista, joista liian usein ollaan kristillisissä piireissä hiljaa. Samalla tuomme esille toivon, ilon ja armon näkökulmaa.
Uusi jakso ilmestyy viikottain.
Podcast by Elli Meklin ja Pia Rendic
Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/meklin-rendic-viisastelijat--5417495/support. -
Vertaistukea parin klikkauksen päässä. Podcastin tarkoitus on voimaannuttaa ja antaa vertaistukea. Jokaisessa jaksossa kuullaan yhden naisen voimatarina haastavasta elämäntilanteesta, jossa naisen henkilökohtainen kokemus on kääntynyt lopulta mielen voimavaraksi. Äänessä vahvat naiset.
Välkommen till Ärligt Tränat Podcast!I denna podcast diskuteras allt möjligt kring ärlig hälsa, välmående & att tillfriskna från en ätstörning.Jag vill dela med mig av både personliga lärdomar från en recovery men även fantastiska gäster som delar med sig av sina erfarenheter. I samhället är det ibland svårt att hitta ett sunt förhållningssätt till träning, så ärligt tränat & lyssna!
Ehjäksi-podcastissa puhutaan ennakkoluulottomasti, tabuja rikkomalla ja etenkin omista kokemuksista käsin henkisen kasvun aiheista. Podcastin ääninä ovat Jenni Aho ja Lotta Kvist sekä vaihtuvat vieraat. Jenni on oman elämänsä Peter Pan ja uteliaan mielensä takia hän on päätynyt tutkimaan henkisyyttä. Lotta Kvist on Helsingissä toimiva henkisen kasvun ohjaaja, jonka etäpalvelut ovat saatavissa myös muualle Suomeen ja maailmaan. Lisätietoja: www.lottakvist.fi.
Pääasia-podcastin 5. tuotantokaudella Mehiläisen psykoterapeutti Thea Strandholm tapaa business-maailmasta tuttuja julkisuuden henkilöitä. Terapiaistuntoa mukailevat keskustelut käsittelevät työelämän monia teemoja: jaksamista, inspiroitumista, arjen ja työn yhdistämistä sekä uran käännekohtia. Tervetuloa mukaan tutustumaan inhimillisiin tarinoihin menestyksen takana.