
  • In this episode of Big Dreams Great Teams‪®‬, I am joined by Aubrey Nation, a Registered Nurse, Yoga and Meditation Teacher and Wellness Expert who specialises in Functional Genetic Testing. Aubrey shares her insights on personalised health, functional genetic testing and what the impact of stress can be on our health as entrepreneurs.

    We discuss the different types of stress, the role of genes in stress response, and share some practical tips for managing stress. We also explore the importance of optimising circadian rhythm, staying hydrated, and balancing blood sugar levels.


    How stress can influence your business performance and decision-making abilities.Why optimising circadian rhythm, staying hydrated, and balancing blood sugar levels are key factors in managing stress and improving overall health as an entrepreneur. How functional genetic testing can provide insights into your genetic makeup and help tailor nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle strategies to optimise your health and enhance your business performance.How stress can impact you in various ways, including digestion, metabolism, nervous system, immune system, and the reproductive system.How understanding one's genetic predispositions can empower you to make informed choices and take proactive steps to support your well-being.


    00:00 Introduction to Aubrey Nation and Functional Genetic Testing

    06:06 Understanding the Impact of Stress

    13:18 Different Types of Stress

    24:15 Key Tips for Entrepreneurs

    28:40 The Power of Personalized Health

    Connect with Aubrey Nation:

    Learn more about Body Blueprint: https://www.aubreynation.com/bodyblueprint/



    Connect with Paula:



    Facebook: @paulamaidensbuildingawesometeams

  • In this episode, I discuss the relationship between a high performing team and culture. There are many different ways of looking at this and I explore the questions of ‘does high performance come from a good culture?’ Or, ‘does culture drive high performance?’

    I explore how they are interdependent, with each influencing and reinforcing the other. I talk about why it is important to look at both because an awesome culture does not form itself, it is formed by you as the leader and the rest of your team.

    I share some real-life examples and questions to support you in assessing your team’s performance and the culture in your business so that you can make the changes you need to have a thriving team, that you want and deserve.


    What the relationship is between high performance and culture.How high performance and culture influence and reinforce each other.How a strong culture shapes attitudes and behaviours, laying the foundation for high performance.How high performance drives a positive culture by encouraging communication, collaboration and innovation.To create a thriving team, it is important to focus on both culture and high performance.


    00:00 Introduction: The Relationship Between High Performance and Culture

    05:20 Chapter 2: How High Performance Drives a Positive Culture

    11:48 Conclusion: The Interdependence of High Performance and Culture


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    Facebook: @paulamaidensbuildingawesometeams

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  • In this episode, I discuss the importance of fostering an environment in your business where team members feel empowered to take initiative and make decisions, particularly in busy or peak times.

    I talk about why giving permission and creating psychological safety for team members is important for your business, and how it allows them to make executive decisions and show initiative. I talk about the significance of team members feeling comfortable to make decisions and discuss the concept that mistakes are inevitable, and valuable for your business growth.

    I share some personal examples where my team members' proactive decisions have been both successful and unsuccessful, and talk about how to support your team members through the learning process. I highlight the importance of clarifying roles, decision-making processes, and boundaries to minimise errors and maximise your team’s performance.


    How to foster an environment where team members feel empowered to take initiative and make decisions.Why giving permission and creating psychological safety for team members is important for your business.How to create an environment where team members feel comfortable to make decisions.Why mistakes are inevitable, but are valuable for your business growth. How to clarify decision-making scope and set limits and boundaries.Examples where team members' proactive decisions have been both successful and unsuccessful.How to invest in improving your team’s performance and your leadership effectiveness.


    00:00 Introduction and Overview

    07:43 Creating Psychological Safety

    13:24 Learning from Mistakes

    26:48 Introducing Elevate: Investing in Team Performance


    Learn more about Elevate Group Mentoring here.

    Apply for Elevate Group Mentoring here.

    Book a call to chat about Elevate Group Mentoring here.

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    Facebook: @paulamaidensbuildingawesometeams

  • Today, I discuss the four characteristics of an effective team and how to identify whether your team is operating efficiently (or not!). I share the reasons why having regular conversations with your team about expectations and decision-making is important if you want your team to operate effectively and in a spacious way.

    I talk about how to understand the timings and spaciousness of your team, and how to identify if what you are experiencing right now in your business and with your team is related to capacity, planning, or skill-related issues.

    Working on your team and making them more efficient, more effective, and more cohesive will only make things better for you and your business in the long run, and will help you to scale with ease.


    Learn the four characteristics of an effective team.Learn how to identify whether your team is operating efficiently (or not!)Why teams with real responsibilities take ownership of their tasks, think about the bigger picture, and problem-solve.What working in a spacious way really means for your business. How to have equal contribution within your team where everyone has an important role and is valued.How to have a workplace culture that fosters proactive thinking, and positive energy.Why working on your team and making them more efficient, more effective and more cohesive will only make things better for you and your business.


    00:00 Introduction: The Importance of Team Effectiveness

    03:41 Chapter 1: Real Responsibilities

    04:09 Chapter 2: Working in a Spacious Way

    04:35 Chapter 3: Equal Contribution

    06:02 Chapter 4: An Efficient and Upbeat Vibe

    15:51 Chapter 5: Introducing Elevate


    Elevate Group Mentoring

    Learn more about Elevate Group Mentoring here

    Apply for Elevate Group Mentoring here

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    Facebook: @paulamaidensbuildingawesometeams

    Book a Dream Team Discovery Call

  • In this episode, I discuss two common business challenges that have been a theme for many of my clients in the first quarter of 2024. I talk about how to manage team members you feel are performing at an average or below-average level, and how to evaluate your team costs and efficiency, particularly in the context of potential changes in revenue.

    I share the reasons why it’s important for you to recognise and address team performance issues early on so that you can prevent it from negatively impacting your business, and why you should have an understanding of where your team members are spending their time. In this episode, I share lots of real-life examples to help you reflect and identify areas of your team that could be improved so that you can feel confident in having open conversations about optimising productivity and overall team performance.


    Why addressing average or below-average team members is crucial to maintaining a high-performing team.Why understanding where team members spend their time helps to identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement.How to regularly evaluate team costs and efficiencies, especially when facing potential changes in revenue.How to have open and supportive conversations with team members to increase productivity, and overall team performance.


    Book a Dream Team Discovery Call

    Connect with Paula:

    Website: www.paulamaidens.com

    Instagram: @paulamaidensconsulting

    Facebook: @paulamaidensbuildingawesometeams

  • In this episode, I talk about how to determine appropriate pay structures for your team members, and how it can impact your team dynamics and business outcomes. I explore some of the intricacies of underpaying and overpaying for a role, and explain why it is important to align pay rates with market research, financial feasibility, and the role's inherent value within your business.

    From assessing hiring challenges to considering future potential and seeking objective advice, I share how to navigate pay decisions in your business, and how to apply a balanced approach that will help to foster growth, profitability, and employee satisfaction in your business.


    The 4 main areas to consider when choosing a salary for a role in your business.How paying team members appropriately can positively impact team dynamics and your business performance.Why market research is crucial to understanding current pay rates for similar roles.When to seek objective advice to refine pay decisions.Why it's important to identify rare or specialised skill sets in the market.Why business profitability and cash flow are a big part of this equation.


    00:00 The Importance of Getting Pay Right

    01:25 Pay Does Not Equal Happiness or Productivity

    06:40 Consider Finances and Profitability

    09:01 The Hiring Wobbles: Importance of Knowing Your Numbers

    12:30 Profitable Growth and Hiring Order

    15:49 Additional Factors to Consider: Difficulty of Hiring and Value of the Role

    23:51 The Role of Intuition and Feeling

    26:45 Conclusion and Invitation for Further Assistance


    Book a Dream Team Discovery Call

    Connect with Paula:

    Website: www.paulamaidens.com


    Facebook: @paulamaidensbuildingawesometeams

  • In this episode, I discuss what decision-making authority is in your business and why it is important. I share how to hand over more of your decision-making power to build trust and confidence with your team.

    I explore the reasons why clear decision-making power is essential to ensure the smooth operations and growth of your business. I share some real life examples of decision-making authority and also highlight some of the frustrations that can arise when there is a lack of decision-making clarity.

    I hope this episode encourages you to define your own decision-making authority for each team member, and empowers you to reflect upon some of the small decisions you can hand over to your team sooner rather than later.


    Why clear decision-making authority is essential for the successful operations and growth of your business.How a lack of clarity in decision-making power can lead to frustration.How to explicitly define decision-making authority for each team member to empower them and avoid unnecessary checks and delays.How to start with small decisions and gradually hand over more decision-making power to build trust and confidence with your team.


    00:00 Introduction and Personal Reflection

    02:20 The Importance of Decision-Making Authority

    08:02 Examples of Decision-Making Authority

    13:22 Handing Over Decision-Making Power

    22:44 Deciding Decision-Making Authority Early

    24:41 Flexing the Decision-Making Authority Muscle

    25:11 Conclusion


    Book a Dream Team Discovery Call

    Connect with Paula:

    Website: www.paulamaidens.com

    Instagram: @paulamaidensconsulting

    Facebook: @paulamaidensbuildingawesometeams

  • In this episode of Big Dreams Great Teams‪®‬, I am joined by Mel Daniels, a Content Marketing Strategist, speaker, podcast host and author. Mel shares her insights on how to create powerful content, the importance of authenticity, and when and how to delegate content creation within your team.

    Mel shares the four P’s of content creation, and why they are important. Mel and I talk about how to start with core content, such as blogs, podcasts, or videos, and then repurpose it for other areas such as social media. We discuss the importance of being authentic and how we should always focus on our strengths when it comes to crafting content, rather than following someone else’s content formula.

    We explore the timing and methods for delegating content creation tasks within your team, emphasising the importance of recognising a team members' strengths and setting realistic expectations.


    How to focus on your strengths as a leader and bring your unique perspective to your content.The 4 P’s of content creation.How to start with core content, such as blogs, podcasts, or videos, and then repurpose it.How to be authentic and true to yourself in your content creation, rather than following someone else's formula.When and how to delegate content creation within your team.


    00:00 Introduction and Background

    06:04 Understanding Powerful Content

    12:11 Consistency and Authenticity

    30:35 Top Three Tips

    33:23 Conclusion and Contact Information

    Connect with Mel Daniels:

    Unlock your Content Creator Archetype

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/meldbusiness

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/meldbusiness

    Facebook Group: The Content Project

    Website: www.meldbusinessservices.com.au

    Membership: www.thecontenteffect.com.au/thecontenteffect

    Connect with Paula:



    Facebook: @paulamaidensbuildingawesometeams

  • In this episode of Big Dreams Great Teams‪®, I delve into the importance of setting and maintaining healthy boundaries in your business, and with your team. Boundaries are a positive tool for creating a thriving work environment, and they will support your business for further growth and success.

    I talk about how clear boundaries are guiding principles that help to define responsibilities and expectations. I explore how clear boundaries can help you to reduce things such as stress and decision fatigue. I share practical strategies for establishing and upholding boundaries in various work-related scenarios, even when you may find it challenging to uphold them.


    How modeling healthy boundary-setting behavior is a trait of a good leader.How to set boundaries to ensure fairness and reasonableness.How setting and maintaining boundaries requires aspects of clarifying expectations, and discussing and checking for mutual agreement.How clear boundaries can help to reduce things such as stress and decision fatigue.How communication boundaries are crucial to maintaining healthy relationships with team members and clients.Chapters

    00:00 Introduction: The Importance of Boundaries

    03:19 The Benefits of Clear Boundaries

    07:28 The Importance of Communication Boundaries

    14:57 Setting Boundaries in Different Business Scenarios

    26:11 Challenges of Holding Boundaries

    31:09 Understanding and Empathy in Setting Boundaries

    33:18 Summary and Conclusion


    Book a Dream Team Discovery Call

    Connect with Paula:

    Website: www.paulamaidens.com

    Instagram: @paulamaidensconsulting

    Facebook: @paulamaidensbuildingawesometeams

  • In this episode, I discuss the importance of having performance enhancing conversations with your team. These conversations are necessary to have regularly when you want to improve the performance of team members who are already ‘doing okay’ but you know could be doing better.

    I talk about how performance enhancing conversations should be two-sided conversations with the aim of supporting the individual to improve and excel in their role. I share the importance of mindset, intention, and language in these types of conversations, as well as, the need for preparation and practice.


    Performance enhancing conversations are necessary to improve the performance of team members who are already ‘doing okay’ but could be doing better.These conversations should be two-sided and aimed at supporting individuals to improve.Mindset, intention, and language play a crucial role in the success of performance enhancing conversations.Preparation, including gathering specific examples and anticipating reactions, is key to having effective conversations.Closing the conversation with gratitude and appreciation can strengthen the relationship and motivate the individual to improve.Performance enhancing conversations have the power to energise, inspire, and improve relationships within the team.


    00:00 Introduction: Performance Enhancing Conversations

    03:19 Mindset, Intention, and Language

    09:18 Preparing for the Conversation

    21:31 Closing the Conversation

    23:49 Conclusion: Power of Performance Enhancing Conversations


    Book a Dream Team Discovery Call

    Connect with Paula:

    Website: www.paulamaidens.com

    Instagram: @paulamaidensconsulting

    Facebook: @paulamaidensbuildingawesometeams

  • In this episode of Big Dreams Great Teams‪®‬, Paula is joined by Shana Lynn, a trusted advisor for top-tier subscription companies looking to amp up their customer retention. Today, Shana talks about being an online community strategist, and shares her expertise on hiring and managing community managers.

    We discuss the benefits of having someone else manage your online community, as they can focus on nurturing the community while you focus on revenue generation and growing your business further. Shana highlights the importance of establishing a framework for community management and we talk about how to set clear expectations and boundaries for this role from the beginning.

    Shana shares her insights on best practices for hiring a community manager, including the qualities and experience to look for. We address common concerns about trust, and offer some valuable advice on how you can empower a community manager to succeed in your business.


    How hiring a community manager allows you to focus on revenue generation while they nurture your community.How to establish a framework for community management.The qualities to look for when hiring a community manager.How to build trust and address concerns quickly.How to empower your community manager and give them ownership of role outcomes.


    00:00 Introduction and Background

    01:30 The Benefits of Hiring a Community Manager

    04:29 Establishing a Framework for Community Management

    06:06 Best Practices for Hiring a Community Manager

    08:28 Addressing Concerns and Building Trust

    13:26 Setting Clear Expectations and Boundaries

    14:40 Screening for Trustworthy Candidates

    17:47 Managing the Community Manager

    23:40 Empowering the Community Manager

    28:22 Final Tips and Advice

    29:44 Resources and Training Programs

    Connect with Shana:

    Podcast: communitycreatorspodcast.com

    Website: shanalynn.com

    Instagram: instagram.com/shanaspeaks

    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/shanabresnahan

    FB: Facebook.com/shanaspeaks

    Connect with Paula:



    Facebook: @paulamaidensbuildingawesometeams

  • In this episode the host, Paula Maidens discusses the importance of mastering delegation to overcome the cycle of overwork.

    She shares seven steps to effectively delegate tasks and responsibilities in a business and offers ways that you can delegate effectively, free up their time, reduce stress, and create a business that can thrive beyond their personal involvement.


    Why mastering delegation is crucial for entrepreneurs to overcome the cycle of overwork and reclaim their time.That the first step to effective delegation starts with YOU What a team needs to truly step up to hold accountability for their rolesWhat is an accountability system and accountability loop and why they are essential to mastering delegationWhy striving for perfection may be sabotaging your team. Why trust is so hard for many entrepreneurs


    00:00 Introduction: The Cycle of Overwork

    02:21 Step 1: Identify Your Zone of Genius

    04:39 Step 2: Determine Skills and Experience Needed

    06:27 Step 3: Set Clear Expectations

    07:22 Step 4: Establish an Accountability System

    10:36 Step 5: Trust Your Team

    12:26 Step 6: Letting Go

    14:18 Step 7: Continuous Improvement

    16:51 Conclusion: The Importance of Delegation


    Fundamentals of Leadership Self Study Course


    Discount code PODCAST to get $50 off

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    Facebook: @paulamaidensbuildingawesometeams

  • In this conversation, Paula talks to offshoring expert Tiffany English about all things offshoring and in particular, how to make a success of hiring a Filipino VA.

    Tiffany starts with sharing the difference between offshoring versus outsourcing and the various skills and roles that Filipino offshore resources can excel in including how much this has evolved over the last 10-15 years.

    Tiffany provides insights into managing offshore teams, including the importance of clear expectations and regular communication, shares the average costs of hiring offshore resources and the various options and benefits of working with an offshore provider.

    She also shares wisdom about the cultural differences and what’s required to build an offshore team that is going to both integrate and succeed for the long term in your business.


    Offshoring versus outsourcing - the differences and what works best for eachHow Filipino offshore resources have evolved beyond traditional admin roles and what roles and skills they can excel inThe key elements for managing offshore teams to make them a long term successConsiderations before you embark on offshoringChoosing the right provider and what options are available to youTypical costs of hiring a full time offshore resource, compliance requirements and benefits


    00:00 Introduction and Background

    02:11 Understanding Offshoring and Outsourcing

    03:39 Full-Time vs. Part-Time Offshore Employees

    04:32 Roles and Skills of Offshore Filipino Resources

    06:32 Evolution of Offshore Roles

    08:38 Managing Offshore Teams

    10:33 Considerations for Offshoring

    12:00 Cost of Hiring Offshore Resources

    13:20 Pros and Cons of Offshoring

    16:38 Working with Offshore Providers

    18:14 Additional Benefits of Offshoring

    21:37 Final Thoughts and Contact Information

    Connect with Tiffany:

    Website: www.accessoffshoring.com.au

    Email: [email protected]

    Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/tiffanyenglish26/

    Book a time to speak to Tiff: https://calendly.com/accessoffshoring/offshoreplan

    Connect with Paula:



    Facebook: @paulamaidensbuildingawesometeams

    Chat to Paula about working together via a Dream Team Discovery Call

  • In this episode Paula dives into the common question of “When it is the right time to let someone go” along with all those other common questions about firing including "How much time is reasonable" "How do you know enough is enough" etc etc!

    This episode covers all the important considerations you need to take into account including the importance of being clear about expectations and responsibilities and giving someone the opportunity to change and improve before making this big decision.


    The importance of clarity regardless of whether the person is an employee or subcontractor.Sharing your expectations clearly, even if it seems too detailed. Disappointment often stems from unmet expectations.Why being clear is being fair and allows the team member the change to improveWhy addressing performance issues early and NOT panicking is key to successful leadership

    Want to chat to Paula to explore working together?

    Book a Dream Team Discovery Call

    Connect with Paula:



    Facebook: @paulamaidensbuildingawesometeams

  • How to BE yourself at work with Cassandra Goodman

    Welcome to another podcast episode with Paula Maidens. In this episode, Paula interviews Cassandra Goodman, a seasoned leader with over two decades of global executive experience. Cassandra, the author of "Being True: How to Be Yourself at Work," shares insights on authentic leadership and the importance of activating your true brilliance in the business world.

    Cassandra shares that true success involves not only loving what you do but also loving who you are while doing it. She reflects on her own journey and how it took years to realise the significance of being authentic at work. The conversation covers the challenges all leaders face in balancing authenticity with societal expectations, especially as they climb the corporate ladder.

    Highlights of this episode:

    Challenges of being authentic when societal conditioning encourages more masculine traits and pressure to conform.The concept of "imposter syndrome" and how to embrace it as a leader and care for the parts of yourself that feel inadequate.The difficulty of sustaining the coal-fired fuel equivalent energy in leadership versus anchoring into one's personal true essence for sustainable and authentic leadership.Practical tips for leaders, encouraging them to tune into their inner dialogue, recognise different parts of themselves, and develop a deeper level of self-awareness.Being true to oneself in various contexts, whether in a corporate role or as an entrepreneur and the importance of skillful authenticity and self-awareness.

    This episode of Paula Maidens with Cassandra Goodman provides valuable insights into authentic leadership, exploring the challenges leaders face and offering practical tips to activate true brilliance in any business context. Cassandra's expertise and wisdom shineS through as she encourages leaders to embark on the journey of self-awareness and self-leadership with practical tips and personal insights.

    Connect with Cassandra:

    Learn more about the work Cassandra does on her website

    Join Cassandra’s 13,000+ followers on LinkedIn

    Follow Cassandra on Instagram

    Subscribe to her Hello Monday Morning newsletter

    Buy her books Being True and Self-Fidelity

    Listen to her audiobook Being True

    Listen to her podcast True Power

    Connect with Paula:



    Facebook: @paulamaidensbuildingawesometeams

    Chat to Paula about working together via a Dream Team Discovery Call

  • 5 Interview Questions you Must ASK In 2024

    Welcome to another podcast episode with Paula Maidens. The host, Paula Maidens discusses the importance of strategic hiring in the new year and shares five strategic interview questions to ensure you make the right choices for your team.

    Highlights of this episode:

    The threefold purpose of an interview and why this needs to be kept front of mind when structuring and executing your interviewWhy strategic interview questions are needed to gain valuable insights you don’t want to missThe importance of starting with an easy, familiar question to help both parties ease into the conversation.Understanding the candidate's grasp of the role and their research into the company and why this is a valuable insight you don’t want to miss.How certain questions will allow for a deeper understanding of the candidate's time management approach, preferences, and compatibility with the role.How to understand a candidate's expectations from a managerial perspective and why you don’t want to miss this at the interview.

    In this episode, Paula encourages essential business owners, CEOs and key decision makers to focus on the quality of interview questions for successful hires, invites listeners to share and highlight hiring goals for 2024, and promises to return with a new episode next week.


    Grab my top 12 Essential Interview Questions to help you interview effectively to make sure you are always making confident hiring decisions!

    Want to chat to Paula to explore working together?

    Book a Dream Team Discovery Call

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    Facebook: @paulamaidensbuildingawesometeams

  • Profit Profit Profit : How to get more of it in 2024

    Welcome to 2024 with our first Big Dreams Great Team® podcast episode for the new year!

    In this episode, Paula is joined by her guest, Laura O’Hagan, a profit and growth consultant who helps business owners pay themselves more. Laura specialises in the health, beauty, and professional services industries.

    The focus of this episode is all about: Profit. Answering questions such as why profit is often overlooked in favour of sales or revenue. Laura and Paula discuss reasons behind the lack of emphasis on profit in business conversations and why it is critical to both growth and sustainability.

    Dive in to this episode to hear:

    Misconceptions that revenue equals success and how this overshadows the importance of profitability.Strategies to improve business profitability by optimising finances and expenses.The significance of examining the formula of revenue minus profit minus owner's compensation to identify expenses and optimise spending.The importance of examining expenses, reevaluating service offerings, and considering pricing structures to ensure profitability.How to assessing expenses categorically, separating profit-generating costs, necessary expenses, and potential wasteful spending. Reviewing expenses regularly helps eliminate duplications and unnecessary costs.Practical advice and tools to help business owners better understand their financial landscape and make informed decisions.

    Paula and Laura highlight the importance of these strategies in driving businesses towards enhanced profitability for this year and future years. They also discuss empowering business owners to reconsider their compensation models for sustainable growth.

    Tune in and enjoy the new learnings this new year!


    LINKEDIN: linkedin.com/in/laura-o-hagan-a55ba23



    Website: https://laurajohagan.com/

    Download Laura’s Profit Benchmarks https://laurajohagan.com/benchmarks/


    Chat to Paula about working together via a Dream Team Discovery Call



    Facebook: @paulamaidensbuildingawesometeams

  • Part 3- Hire Smarter Summer Series - Profitable Onboarding

    Welcome to the final episode of the Hire Smarter Mini-Series with Paula Maidens. The host, Paula has shared invaluable insights in this three-part series to help you make confident and informed hiring decisions.

    In part one, Paula covered the common mistakes to avoid when hiring and in part two, Paula emphasised the significance of getting clear on the qualities and behaviors you desire in a candidate.

    In this episode called "Profitable Onboarding," Paula explores the often overlooked aspect of onboarding as a strategic investment rather than just an expense. She delves into the importance of viewing new hires as contributors to scaling your service-based business profitably.

    Highlights of this episode:

    The shift from viewing hiring as an expense to understanding it as a strategic investment in scaling your business.Strategies to ensure a quick return on your hiring investment by setting clear expectations from day one.Exploring key elements—training, information, expectations, and corrective conversations—for a profitable onboarding process.The significance of setting specific expectations to guide new hires effectively during their initial month and how this impacts how fast they get up to speed.Embracing transparent discussions to guide new hires back on track, ensuring continuous improvement.Paula also shares a glimpse of the 2024 Hiring Mastery Bootcamp, which offers a comprehensive guide for successful hiring and your opportunity to get access to exclusive waitlist perks.

    This episode emphasises the significance of establishing the right expectations, providing comprehensive training, and maintaining open dialogue and by doing so, your business can set new hires up for success from day one.

    This entire Hire Smarter Mini Series has focused on empowering you, as the CEO of your business to hire strategically, emphasising the importance of clarity, preparation, and structured onboarding for successful and effective team integration.


    Join the Hiring Mastery Bootcamp for exclusive waitlist bonuses here.

    Want to chat to Paula to explore working together?

    Book a Dream Team Discovery Call

    Connect with me:

    Website: www.paulamaidens.com

    Instagram: @paulamaidensconsulting

    Facebook: @paulamaidensbuildingawesometeams

  • Episode 108 - How to Decide Your Top 5 Qualities To Only Hire Rockstars

    In Part 2 of the Hire Smarter Mini-Series, the host Paula Maidens, focuses on achieving clarity before embarking on the hiring process and the significance of understanding five key aspects before getting started on your hiring process.

    Paula highlights the tendency to overlook these crucial clarity aspects during what’s often a busy and stressful hiring process, however mapping out these details increases the likelihood of hiring the right candidate while reducing the chances of making a hiring mistake.

    Paula’s focus in this episode revolves around the critical yet often overlooked aspect of hiring—hiring for the specific characteristics or behaviours that a candidate brings to your workplace. These elements are often overshadowed by an emphasis on skills and experience which can lead to hiring someone who doesn’t feel like they are a fit for your team.

    Highlights of this episode:

    5 critical aspects that need clarity for successful hiring.How clarity maximises your chances of hiring the right candidate while minimising the risk of hiring the wrong one.Common misconceptions and pitfalls that are typically associated with the hiring process.Why getting a comprehensive understanding of an individual's work style beyond their resume is essential to their successAligning the working methods of the new team member with the preferences and comfort of the CEO or leader in a business as well as the team as a whole.The significance of communication methods and how different individuals prefer various modes of communication.

    This episode focuses on the importance of you as the CEO,understanding your own needs, preferences, and work style, and how to translate these into specific hiring criteria and expectations for potential hires to ensure a better fit within your business. Paula also touches upon the diversity of preferences regarding communication methods and tools, highlighting that what works for one person or business might not suit another.

    Part 3 of the Hire Smarter Mini Series will be released next week with a topic of Profitable Onboarding


    Download the Top 15 Hiring Qualities for Service-Based Businesses Guide here that was discussed in this podcast episode

    Want to chat to Paula to explore working together?

    Book a Dream Team Discovery Call

    Connect with Paula:



    Facebook: @paulamaidensbuildingawesometeams

  • Episode 107 - The Reasons Most People Hire Wrong (and How to Avoid That For Good)

    In this first episode of the Hire Smarter Mini-Series, hosted by Paula Maidens, the focus is on equipping CEOs with the knowledge and strategies needed to make great hiring decisions, ultimately leading to profitable scaling for service-based businesses.

    Paula dives into the reasons most people hire wrong (and how to avoid that for good) and shares the inherent challenges of the hiring process, its potential for stress and overwhelm, especially when you as the CEO are already juggling multiple responsibilities.

    The episode begins by addressing the common but not often talked about mistake of having an external focus when hiring, and explains how to shift your perspective to consider who you need to BE to attract the right person. The importance of adopting a solid, objective hiring process is highlighted, emphasizing your role as CEO to setting up scaffolding as your foundation for success.

    Paula discusses avoiding emotional hiring decisions, which often lead to suboptimal choices including such as hiring friends or making decisions based on initial impressions. Paula shares her own personal experiences to underscore the significance of learning from (or better still avoiding!) emotional hiring mistakes.

    The episode concludes by exploring the pitfalls of hiring from a place of uncertainty, stressing the need for absolute clarity on the type of person required and the role they'll play in the business. Paula draws parallels with intentional dating, emphasising that hiring without clarity is akin to a trial-and-error approach.

    Highlights of this episode:

    Challenges of the hiring process and the need for preparation.Mistake 1: External focus – Shifting perspective to who you as the CEO need to be.Importance of a solid, objective hiring process for support and success.Mistake 2: Emotional hiring decisions – Avoiding choices influenced by emotions and how to make sure you stay objective.Learning from personal hiring mistakes and the impact on business momentum.Pitfalls of hiring from uncertainty and the necessity of clarity for success.Encouragement to believe in the possibility of finding the right hire.Preview of upcoming episodes on qualities to look for and onboarding strategies.

    This episode of the Hire Smarter Mini-Series, Paula Maidens guides CEOs through the intricacies of avoiding the common mistakes that most people make when hiring to ensure you make effective hiring decisions so that you can profitably scale your service-based businesses. Paula addresses the challenges of hiring, emphasising the importance of preparation and the need for you as the business owner to shift into ‘CEO mode’ to focus on your powerful role in the hiring process, so that you can support yourself to success.

    Part 2 of the Hire Smarter Mini Series will be released next week with a topic of How to Decide Your Top 5 Qualities To Only Hire Rockstars


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