This episode of Mountain Monsters is brought to you by Bass Pro Shop apparently (?) The AIMS team is on another wild hunt for a rather mild BIGFOOT... have the boys lost their lust for huntin' squatch? Are poachers the new cryptid? Who farted? Trick question. The AIMS team is never not farting... but there's another scent in the air, could it be the winds of change? We'llll see!
Get ready for trauma on this very special episode of, Huckleberry: Special Victims Unit. The AIMS team is on a mission of retribution and healing as they hunt the ASH MAN, the short king molestation monster of Wirt county! Buckle in Hucklefucks, this episode is certified All Trigger Warning! "Fat Shaq" is on the prowl and he's cumming, (sic) for YOU!
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The AIMS team is at it again as they face up against Appalachian Prometheus, The GREAT FIRE APE! Master of fire... or he eats fire, or has like... fire laser powers?? With the AIMS team on the case there's no way of knowing! Join the BIGFEETS boys for this very special episode of Mountain Monsters, brought to you by AA.
The thrilling ornithological conclusion to The Raven Mocker saga! Does it get a little racisit? We'llll seeeee!
Join the BIGFEETS crew as we all learn that bigfeets are in all actuality... birds. Old lady witch birds. Who knew? The AIMS team, that's who!
The Bigfeets boys are officially reunited and stronger than ever!
We watch as the AIMS team, befuddled as ever, fumble around Appalachian forests in search of the ever elusive Thunder Bros, or... maybe they're trying to evade them? There's literally no way of knowing! Grab your cheapest axe and tune in to this episode of BIGFEETS! -
The Bigfeets boys watchROBERT'S BACK!! JEHESIOUS CRIPES! We thought bigfoot ate him... we really did. Our apologies, we've been stalling. Turns out, Robert Brockway has been busy sharpening the many, MANY axes it takes to defeat the Lightning Man. Never has a cryptid posed such a threat... Robert knew, far, FAR in advance. You're only alive today because ROBERT BROCKWAY sacrificed his time and sanity to shield you against the onslaught of the Lightning Man and its various Thunder Brothers. And Seanbaby's hat. Also Jason Pargin is in this episode as Jason Pargin; Author.
The unbearable weight of Robert Brockway's departure into the phantom realm leads the BIGFEETS crew to further twist and mangle format convention. How about a bad movie? WHY NOT? THE WORLD IS ON FIRE AND ALL THINGS ARE HELL. According to the director of, "The Badge, the Bible and Bigfoot" this sentiment is exactly why you should watch her and exclusively her "movies." Further proof that we are made only but to suffer. Life is a farce. Seanbaby is wearing another hat, and we are all alone.
The BIGFEETS crew continue to struggle with the loss of woefully under-appreciated and some might say, handsomest man(?) Robert Brockway. Will ALASKA MONSTERS prove to be yet another hollow surrogate for the majesty that is the AIMS crew? Could such a bitter loss possibly be rectified by pale imitations of Wild Bill?
Seanbaby's hats... what's up with that? Enough is enough on this episode of BIGFEETS! -
Have you ever wondered what size shoe Huckleberry wears? How many pints of piss equals one Shaq? What are these rumors of a Hogzilla spin off? Just how many hats has Seanbaby stolen from the lost and found? Does Jason Pargin have a new book coming out? All these questions and more will be "answered"!
Seanbaby and Jason Pargin veer off the bigfoot path in Robert Brockway's absence to do a little investigating of their own. Is UFO COWBOYS a cryptid worthy of discovery or will the BIGFEETS boys face certain doom for moonlighting against their beloved Mountain Monsters hillbillies?
The Bigfeet Boys watch Season 2, Episode 10 of Mountain Monsters: The Squalling Savage of Central Kentucky: The AIMS crew meanders under new leadership as Trapper reels in the face of Death's grim rictus.
The Bigfeet Boys watch Season 2, Episode 9 of Mountain Monsters: The Stonish Giant of Harrison County: The AIMS crew discover the subtle differences between flint and... flint. Mud armor, ACTIVATE!
The Bigfeet Boys watch Season 2, Episode 8 of Mountain Monsters: The Bigfoot of Ashe County: AIMS Erupts. Psychic Bigfoot's feelings were hurt in the making of this episode.
The Bigfeet Boys watch Season 2, Episode 7 of Mountain Monsters: The Bigfoot of Ashe County: AIMS Under Attack. The sterling reputation of the Cherokee Devil was irreparably damaged in the making of this episode, and there will be legal action.
The Bigfeet Boys watch Season 2, Episode 6 of Mountain Monsters: The Bigfoot of Washington County. Several local children were drowned in quicksand during the making of this episode.
The Bigfeet Boys watch Season 2, Episode 5 of Mountain Monsters: The Bigfoot of Clay County. No complete breakfast was harmed in the making of this episode... unless it was missing Golden Delicious apples, packed with the hearty apple energy Yahoos need to play!
The Bigfeet Boys watch Season 2, Episode 4 of Mountain Monsters: The Bigfoot of Lincoln County. Some corn was harmed in the making of this episode (but not a lot).
The Bigfeet Boys watch Season 2, Episode 3 of Mountain Monsters: The Bigfoot of Eastern Kentucky. Donna was fucking killed in the making of this episode.
The Bigfeet Boys watch Season 2, Episode 2 of Mountain Monsters: The Bigfoot of Putnam County. Thanks to timely bigfoot intervention, no chupacabras were harmed in the making of this episode.
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