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耳で体験する新感覚ボイスサスペンス『THE LEAKS』何者かによって録音された、どこにも発表されていない音声ファイル。それが白日の下に晒されたとき、“事実”は様相を変え別の物語が動き出します。1本の音声ファイルによって暴き出される芸能界や政界の裏の顔とは……?嘘か真か、真相は『THE LEAKS』にて、あなたの耳でお確かめください。音声アプリ「himalaya」で続きを先行配信中!
https://www.himalaya.com/mPP1a -
The Whistler narrates tales of crime and wrongdoing. At the beginning, he tells us, "I the Whistler know many things, for I walk by night. . . . I know many secrets hidden in the hearts of men and women who have stepped into the shadows." He then proceeds to that episode's story, occasionally making editorial comments along the way. In most episodes, the protagonist comes to a (richly deserved) bad end.
The show ran from 1942 till 1955, making it one of the longer running crime shows. As with many long-running radio shows, a number of actors portrayed the Whistler, the one recurring character, over they years. The episodes that I've listened to have been well-scripted and -acted with good production values.
Listen to our radio station Old Time Radio https://link.radioking.com/otradio
Listen to other Shows at My Classic Radio https://www.myclassicradio.net/
Podcast Service I Recommend https://redcircleinc.grsm.io/entertainmentradio7148
Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio
The Clock was a radio anthology narrated by Father Time and broadcast 80 half-hour episodes from November 3, 1946, to May 9, 1948. Its stories were mostly mystery and crime with a tiny smattering of supernaturally-themed episodes. The Clock originated in Australia and was syndicated to the United States.
Welcome to the Israeli Stories
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde was a 15 minute radio serial that ran for 52 episodes from September 9, 1943 to February 16, 1944 starring George Edwards. George Edwards (born as Harold Parks, 11 March 1886 in Kent Town, South Australia – 1953) was an Australian actor and producer. Edwards was a pioneer of the radio serial in Australia.
世界的なクライマー、山野井泰史と山野井妙子による、ヒマラヤの難峰ギャチュンカン登頂挑戦の記録と記憶。風雪、幾度もの雪崩、直面する死の氷壁……。想像を絶する困難に立ち向かう 2 人の生死を分けた決断とはーー。絶望的な状況から生還を果たす人間の精神と肉体の物語を、連続ドラマ化。
出演:三上博史 (山野井泰史)、田畑智子 (山野井妙子)、長塚圭史、若村麻由美
音楽:松永誠剛 -
ABC Mystery Time came on the air late enough in the Golden Age of Radio that all of the episodes should have survived. This is doubly sad because it was such a terrific program. The network and its affiliates tinkered with the title of the program at times, calling it Masters Of Mystery, Mystery Time Classics, and just plain old Mystery Time. The official name of the program, hosted by Don Dowd, was always ABC Mystery Time. The program did have enough to attract some serious star power, including the immortal Sir Laurence Olivier! Mystery Time may not be as recognizable as some of NBC and CBS’s mystery classics, but the shows are every bit as much fun!
The Zero Hour (aka Hollywood Radio Theater) was a 1973–74 American radio drama anthology series hosted by Rod Serling. With tales of mystery, adventure and suspense, the program was broadcast for two seasons. Some of the scripts were written by Serling. Originally placed into syndication on September 3, 1973, the series was picked up by the Mutual Broadcasting System in December of that year. The original format featured five-part dramas broadcast Monday through Friday with the story coming to a conclusion on Friday. Including commercials, each part was approximately 30 minutes long. Mutual affiliates could broadcast the series in any time slot that they wished. In 1974, still airing five days a week, the program changed to a full story in a single 30-minute installment with the same actor starring throughout the week in all five programs
The Sealed Book was a horror and mystery series aired on Mutual from June to September 1945. Produced by Jock MacGregor, it went on-air for 30 minutes every Sunday evenings, from 10:30pm to 11:00pm. Philip Clarke was the show’s host, while David Kogan and Robert Arthur Jr. were the scriptwriters.
Jump to navigation Jump to search. Alien Worlds was a syndicated radio show created by radio personality Lee Hansen. It aired 26 half-hour episodes between 1978 and 1980, becoming well known for its realistic sound effects, high production values and documentary style of dialog.
Ranger Bill is a Christian radio program from the 1950s, produced by Moody Radio. With over 200 episodes produced, Ranger Bill stars Miron Canaday as the title character and Stumpy Jenkins and Ed Ronne, Sr as Grey Wolf. The main character, Ranger Bill, is a forest ranger located in the town of Knotty Pine along the Rocky Mountains. The show describes the various tales of the adventures of Ranger Bill and his friends
モーニング娘。’24、アンジュルム、Juice=Juice など、多数のアイドルグループが所属するハロー!プロジェクトの新グループ「ロージークロニクル」の初冠番組!
TBS Podcast:https://www.tbsradio.jp/podcast/ -
The Forever Foreign podcast is a fictional story following the audio diary of one English teacher and his friends in Japan. It’s whimsical, sometimes funny, and it’s often based on real experiences from people who’ve lived in the land of the rising sun.
Podcast website: https://foreverforeignpod.com/ -
レインボーブリッジは2023年8月26日に開通30周年を迎えます。 開通30周年を記念し、過去と未来、あなたとあなたをつなぐ、7つのラジオドラマ「RAINBOW RADIO」をON AIR! いつの時もレインボーブリッジを渡ると、ここが東京だと思った。渡った先には、いつかの、そしてこれからのあなたがいる。 これは、レインボーブリッジがつなぐ、あなたの物語です。 レインボーブリッジ30周年特設サイトはコチラ https://www.shutoko.jp/ss/rainbowbridge30/
毎週金曜よる9時から放送中♪ -
心と心を通わせる場所。ひとつのテーマをもとに、長谷川 潤がゲストと語り合います。
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豊かで幸せになるための スピリチュアルラジオ番組