It is the final (official) show on the Blind Guy Talks Tech feed and the entire gang get together to share their thoughts on the show, and as usual, everything else!
A message from Blind Guy Steven Scott:
"It's been an absolute blast doing this podcast for the last year and I want to personally thank you for making it the huge success it has been. Without your emails, your contributions and your commitment to the cause this would never have been possible. And all of that proved to me it was possible to do a daily technology show on the radio which is why I was so pleased and honoured when AMI-audio asked us to do this. I love doing this show, a show that started off as an idea that led to me being laughed out of the office and told that such a show concept would never catch on. At RNIB it became the most listened to show and most commented on, and at AMI Double Tap became so popular it spawned a TV show. Now the radio show goes daily, proving the hunger for not just the information, but the entertainment and joy that I hope we bring to you. Shaun Preece has been a monumental part of all of this, and has supported me in all my wacky ideas leading to this point. He, like me, are humbled by your reaction to the show and your willingness to keep coming back for more. Also, I must thank Tim Schwartz for standing by us all these years, Robin Christopherson for continuing to bring positivity and fresh ideas every day, and to Sally Clay who has given us all the shake we required when we needed it to make sure we make this as relevant to as many people as possible. Thanks to all of you, and I hope you will continue to enjoy hearing all of us on our shared journey into a new chapter."
Remember to subscribe to Double Tap on your podcast app or smart speaker of choice, and subscribe to us on YouTube for more content from the TV show and more. And we're also across social media @DoubleTapOnAir. -
As this podcast nears the end of the road, Blind Guys Steven Scott and Shaun Preece take a last look at the inbox on this show. All future emails will be read on the new Double Tap each day starting September 1st at noon ET on AMI-Audio in Canada, and available shortly afterwards worldwide on the podcast feed. Search for Double Tap wherever you get your podcasts.Continue to email the same email address if you wish - we are keeping that and the phone number alive and well so do keep in touch.Keep your feedback coming by emailing hello@blindguytalkstech.com or call 0204 571 3354 and leave us a voicemail.
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So it's finally here - the date for the next Apple Event 2022 - and the Blind Guys are all excited. Well, one of them for sure.Steven and Shaun read through the rumours and talk about the new iPhone 14 excitement as well as the new Apple Watch Series 8 rumours, plus they read through the inbox.Remember, Blind Guys moves to Double Tap from September 1st 2022 so make sure and subscribe to the podcast now.Keep your feedback coming by emailing hello@blindguytalkstech.com or call 0204 571 3354 and leave us a voicemail.
Humanware have finally announced more details of its new Stellar Trek GPS and OCR/AI device.Today on the podcast Blind Guys Steven Scott and Shaun Preece discuss the new features and that price of £1049. Looking forward to hearing your comments on the email and phone.Keep your feedback coming by emailing hello@blindguytalkstech.com or call 0204 571 3354 and leave us a voicemail.
Today the Blind Guys Steven Scott and Shaun Preece read through the big tech news stories of the day.There's talk on Apple's request to its users to update the software on all their devices as it was discovered their software could be hacked. There's also talk about Steven's new Logitech G915 keyboard - yes another one - and there's the controversial news that snoring could score you disability benefits in the UK!Keep your feedback coming by emailing hello@blindguytalkstech.com or call 0204 571 3354 and leave us a voicemail.
It's another dip into the mailbox today as Blind Guys Steven Scott and Shaun Preece hear your reaction of our news that the show will be moving to Double Tap on AMI-audio and podcast from September 1st.Remember to subscribe to Double Tap now as a podcast and also on Youtube to make sure you keep up to date with the big show and catch up with previous episodes.Keep your feedback coming by emailing hello@blindguytalkstech.com or call 0204 571 3354 and leave us a voicemail.
Prepare yourselves for another wild ride as the Saturday Edition rolls into town!On the show today is Blind Guy Steven Scott, Shaun Preece, Robin Christopherson, Tim Schwartz and Blind Girl Sally Clay talking about everything from Shaun's personal problems to Steven's latest pointless gadget, Tim's new podcast and everyone's feelings on crying! Plus there's talk about the wonderful Sennheiser Ambeo earphones that record in beautiful binaural audio!Keep your feedback coming by emailing hello@blindguytalkstech.com or call 0204 571 3354 and leave us a voicemail.
And here it is - the news you've been waiting for. Blind Guy Steven Scott and Shaun Preece get together to chat you through some news we've been wanting to share with you for a few weeks.Keep your feedback coming by emailing hello@blindguytalkstech.com or call 0204 571 3354 and leave us a voicemail.
It's another listener review today on the podcast with those Blind Guys Steven Scott and Shaun Preece.Listener Gordon got in touch a few weeks back to share his thoughts on his new ROKit Frames, an alternative to the popular Bose Frames and the more recent option Anker Soundcore Frames. However after spending some more time with them on holiday, he asked we delete the original review we had yet to air and replace it with his updated views.We also hear today from listener Bilal who calls in to ask about running firmware updates on his computer after he came away from the beta of Windows 11.Keep your feedback coming by emailing hello@blindguytalkstech.com or call 0204 571 3354 and leave us a voicemail.
We've got a great listener review on today's episode featuring those Blind Guys Steven Scott and Shaun Preece. Today we hear from listener Derry Lawlor who shares his thoughts on the Focusrite Vocaster audio interface after spending a few weeks getting to know it.We also get a special shout out from YouTube country singing sensation Blind Joe, and we read more of your tweets and comments.Keep your feedback coming by emailing hello@blindguytalkstech.com or call 0204 571 3354 and leave us a voicemail.
Today on the show Blind Guy Steven Scott and that other Blind Guy Shaun Preece get into the inbox and read through your feedback.Keep your feedback coming by emailing hello@blindguytalkstech.com or call 0204 571 3354 and leave us a voicemail.
Samsung have announced a new range of devices including a new range of Flip and Fold phones, new ear buds and a new series of watches.Today on the podcast Blind Guy Steven Scott along with that other Blind Guy Shaun Preece are joined by contributor Aaron Hewitt who is also blind and shares his thoughts on the announcements from his perspective as someone who has converted to Android phones recently.Keep your feedback coming by emailing hello@blindguytalkstech.com or call 0204 571 3354 and leave us a voicemail.
It's a short one today as Blin Guy Steven Scot and that other Blind Guy Shaun Preece get together in hot sweaty studios to talk tech.Steven is once again on his travels and is visiting friends in London so shares what he is up to there, but the journey down to London was much more the focus of the conversation.Steven talks about his new bluetooth transmitter that he is using with his Victor Reader Stream and the cheap AirPods-style ear buds he bought to go along with it. Links are here:Bluetooth transmitter from Amazon - https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09FL1HD4N?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_shareCheap Airpod-styl ear buds from Amazon - https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09TN4MP6V?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_shareKeep your feedback coming by emailing hello@blindguytalkstech.com or call 0204 571 3354 and leave us a voicemail.
It's all about the news today on Blind Guy Talks Tech with Steven Scott and shaun Preece discussing the latest news from Samsung and rumours about what is coming next from Apple.Could we see a new type of folding device from Samsung this week in their latest UnPacked event on August 10th, and could apple be about to launch a HomePod to rival the Amazon Echo Show?Keep your feedback coming by emailing hello@blindguytalkstech.com or call 0204 571 3354 and leave us a voicemail.
And we're back for another week of tech talk discussing the big stories in the tech universe with Blind Guy Steven Scott and his good friend and colleague Shaun Preece.Today they read through the inbox and answer your queries.Keep your feedback coming by emailing hello@blindguytalkstech.com or call 0204 571 3354 and leave us a voicemail.
After a short hiatus, we are all back together for the Saturday Edition where we learn about Shaun's... problems, as well as having a rather interesting and opinionated view around the topic of ableist language.Keep your feedback coming by emailing hello@blindguytalkstech.com or call 0204 571 3354 and leave us a voicemail.
Today on the podcast Blind Guy Steven Scott and that other Blind Guy Shaun Preece get together to read through the inbox and listen to your messages. There's plenty of discussion on dating, using online dating services and experiences of losing sight.Plus today we meet Guy Holland from the company UniCook, a product that aims to make it even safer to cook in the kitchen using your standard electric hob.Keep your feedback coming by emailing hello@blindguytalkstech.com or call 0204 571 3354 and leave us a voicemail.
Today on the podcast Blind Guy Steven Scott is joined by those other blind guys Shaun Preece and Robin Christopherson to discuss the new way to enjoy Windows - on a Mac!Steven has installed the Windows 11 ARM beta release on his M1 Mac mini and talks about his experiences so far - as well as talking about trying out JAWS on the ARM beta release.Keep your feedback coming by emailing hello@blindguytalkstech.com or call 0204 571 3354 and leave us a voicemail.
The gremlins are in the system! But it's the good gremlins this time and that other Blind Guy Scott takes over this week to interview the one and only Sally Clay.In this recurring series we hear interviews with each of the team talking about their lives and experiences.Enjoy!Keep your feedback coming by emailing hello@blindguytalkstech.com or call 0204 571 3354 and leave us a voicemail.
The popular Sky TV service is now available on Apple TV via its Sky Go app.The new app allows existing Sky customers with Sky Q Multiscreen subscriptions to use Sky Go as a way to watch live and on demand content, however is the app accessible and does it contain any accessibility features?Today on the episode Blind Guy Steven Scott finds out - despite him supposedly being on holiday! That other blind guy Shaun Preece joins the conversation too and there's even a quick look into the mailbag.Keep your feedback coming by emailing hello@blindguytalkstech.com or call 0204 571 3354 and leave us a voicemail.
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