
  • As an entrepreneur, it is natural to want to celebrate your financial wins and breakthroughs. But how can we do it in a way that goes deeper than the numbers and in a way that creates connection (and not comparison or fomo) with our communities?

    It's empowering to see conscious leaders and soulful, kind women making huge amounts of money. We need to normalise and celebrate this. You might be the first person in your family to make this amount of money AND by doing what you love. This is a massive intergenerational breakthrough. And I want to celebrate with you!

    And at the same time, the way that financial wins are being shared in the coaching industry are often lacking context, without providing an insight on the journey itself. Just numbers do not equate credibility or the skill to take someone else through the same transformation. Also, it is common to share about the highest revenue months, but not the lowest, which does not paint the full picture.

    In this podcast episode, I am sharing about how to celebrate our financial success in a way that takes into account the context and the full picture of what it took us to get there. For example, if someone had a 5-6-7 figure month today, chances are, it was not an overnight success but years of setting up the stage.

    It is possible to share about your money wins in a way that is ethical and brings you closer to your community. Sharing your money story authentically—from the struggles to the lessons learned—allows people to see the real you behind the success. This builds trust and loyalty, as your clients can relate to you and feel inspired by how you led yourself to success.


    Money wins can create distance or connection How to empower your audience through your money wins Issues I see in the coaching industry & how to solve them Exactly what to include when sharing your money wins To share your money wins or not to share? Depends on your niche. DIVE DEEPER INTO MY WORLD Genesis waitlist → join the 4-month business accelerator for entrepreneurs making 1-3k Velocity waitlist → join the 6-month somatic business mastermind for seasoned entrepreneurs ready for to 6 figures FREE SOMATIC RESET QUIZ to discover which area in your life is needed a reset & get a somatic practice to nourish your biz, love life, or the woman at the center of it all
    Say hi to me on Insta
  • If you think it’s gonna take you years to get to consistent 10k months, think again! I am going to show you how you can create CONSISTENT 10k months in the next few months by looking at what you need to DO + who you need to BE.

    Let me tell you a secret 🤫 What you don't see behind the closed doors of many online entrepreneurs…is that the "feast and famine" revenue cycle is way more common than you realise. This means having high months followed by low months (e.g. $35k, then $10k, then $22k, then $5k etc).

    Even if the overall annual revenue is great, this creates a lot of stress in the nervous system. Instead of starting every month thinking "how am I gonna make money this month", we build MONTHLY RECURRING REVENUE - MRR 👌🏽It is one thing to have a few high cash months, it is quite something to have them consistently.

    My deepest desire for you, Queen? → it's to help you build MRR that creates a sense of peace, pleasure and stability for your nervous system, knowing that you have revenue coming in for many months ahead of you.

    In this Body-Led Business Podcast episode, I'll reveal my top tips not only for setting essential systems, but also on who you need to become to effortlessly attract consistent $10k months filled with pleasure and ease. Prepare to take lots of notes on how to build strategically in ways that feel spacious, nourishing, and sustainable 🖊️💰


    Repeatable tactics + systems to create 10k months Who you need to become to hold consistent $10k+ months Creating a 10k offer suite Client retention, baby Generating more revenue without working more The nervous system perspective on holding 10k months consistently DIVE DEEPER INTO MY WORLD Genesis waitlist → join the 4-month business accelerator for entrepreneurs making 1-3k Velocity waitlist → join the 6-month somatic business mastermind for seasoned entrepreneurs ready for to 6 figures Creative momentum FREE SOMATIC RESET QUIZ to discover which area in your life is needed a reset & get a somatic practice to nourish your biz, love life, or the woman at the center of it all Say hi to me on Insta


    Episode 56: 5 tips on how to sell multiple offers at the same time

    Instagram post on 3 pathways to 10k months

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  • You've been pouring out so much energy into your content and yet, your clients are not pouring in as consistently as you'd like them to. You know that you are destined for more dream clients. So, how do you get your messaging to become so potent and precise that your ideal clients have only one question: "where can I pay?".

    The truth is, most business coaches will teach you about identifying your "ideal client avatar" through rather superficial lenses (such as age or hobbies). To have truly powerful messaging that stirs the soul of your dream client, we want to connect to their innermost psychological layers and desires.

    You deserve to work not just with anyone, but only with people who are the perfect match and will get the best results. And in order to attract your dream clients, your messaging is very often the key factor.

    You can have the best offer in the world, but if you're not able to communicate its VALUE in the way that lands for your ideal client, then no one's going to know about it.

    In this episode, I'm sharing not just about my own journey of moving from generic messaging and working with anyone who could pay, but also about 3 powerful tactics that will make your messaging more specific and potent. It is time that you master messaging so that you get to consistently reach the heart of your ideal clients.


    Why I had to rewrite my entire sales page

    3 messaging tips to so that you can land exactly into the soul of your ideal client

    Don't let your content get lost in the vanilla land, make people FEEL instead

    Go from a superficial ideal client avatar to deeper psychological layers

    Why unfollows can get be good for your business

    How to make your copy specific


    Creative Momentum :: The Minimind → Join the waitlist

    FREE SOMATIC RESET QUIZ to discover which area in your life is needed a reset & get a somatic practice to nourish your biz, love life, or the woman at the center of it all

    Say hi to me on Insta


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    Join Luscious Fempreneur

    FREE The Sacred Shift

    FREE Body-Led Business Embodiment Practice

  • If you're heading to 6 / multiple 6 figures, this conversation will be your holy grail 🏆

    As a deeply creative leader, you've probably experienced the following: when your creative juices are flowing, you naturally end up creating many offers and selling multiple offers at the same time.

    You may be wondering, "how do I sell multiple offers at the same time without confusing my audience? And without dispersing the energy of any of my sacred offers?"

    Yes, selling multiple offers at the same time will require a greater nervous system capacity (hello, somatic work!) but it is absolutely amazing for your business, for your clients, for your revenue, and your artistry!

    Most of my clients come to me desiring to create monthly recurring revenue and thus, I love helping them learn how to sell multiple things at once so that they not only have multiple streams of revenue but can also serve their beloved clients at many levels.

    In this podcast episode, I am sharing about 5 tips when it comes to selling multiple offers at once to ensure that it feels effortless for your client to receive them and delightful for you to sell 💸

    HIGHLIGHTS Selling multiple offers gets to be SIMPLE A pathway to monthly recurring revenue Your clients are capable and sovereign beings Protecting your energetic alignment when selling Example of me selling two things at once Innovating in sales so that it's exciting for you AND your community DIVE DEEPER INTO MY WORLD Genesis waitlist → join the 4-month business accelerator for entrepreneurs making 1-3k Velocity waitlist → join the 6-month somatic business mastermind for seasoned entrepreneurs ready for to 6fig Say hi to me on Insta
  • Have you ever gone through an experience so strong that it felt like a spiritual initiation requiring ALL of you to step up in every possible way? Growing a business can require exactly that - burning away layers of who we used to be just to meet ourselves again and again as women, leaders and creators.

    This was what I experienced while writing my book. It gave me the wisdom I couldn’t have learned from a business mastermind, a book or a mentor. The process of writing my book stretched me beyond my edges, forcing me to confront my greatest limitations, distractions, and excuses. At the same time, the intense creative process helped me experience the most immense love of the Goddess, leading me to some of the most profound spiritual revelations of my entire life.

    The process of writing my book made me meet myself on a whole new level in both work and life, and find new ways to become a master of energy, time, focus, and creativity. Imagine adding this to your business? Success and magnetism become inevitable 🔥

    In this Body-Led Business podcast episode, I’m sharing the raw and real process of writing my book, along with the life-changing lessons it taught me that will also ignite your heart and business.


    How I worked through resistance and overcame my excuses
    Seducing the Muse
    My key strategies on how to tap into your flow and creativity
    How to create an environment which allows you to master your energy
    Experiencing a deep connection with the Goddess

    DIVE DEEPER INTO MY WORLD Join Creative Momentum, my social media messaging content strategy immersion → create content that moves and converts Say hi to me on Insta Genesis waitlist → join the 4-month business accelerator for entrepreneurs making 1-3k Velocity waitlist → join the 6-month somatic business mastermind for seasoned entrepreneurs ready for a 6 figure year and beyond
  • That feeling where you've been pouring so much energy out, spending hours on your content but hearing crickets…You may be wondering, "What's going on with my content?🫡"

    This is one of the most common questions I get – what to do if content is not converting? Firstly, just know that we've all been there (myself included) and I know how disheartening it can feel.

    Secondly, I see so often people pouring endless hours in creating content but it's either missing either strategy or feeling. So just spending lots of time on your content does not by definition turn it into great content, but strategy + emotional connection with your people does.

    Approach your content not as a problem to fix, but as a call to pause & level up. Personally, I am obsessed with all things content because it…encompasses strategy, art, emotional connection, sales, and energetics. All the good stuff 😉 This is exactly why in this podcast episode I am covering multiple different angles for you to dive deeper into and what may be going on behind the scenes.

    HIGHLIGHTS Create content not for you or everyone, but for YOUR soulmate client only. Why lifestyle marketing does not sell Create content that attracts self-led clients ready to go ALL IN The biggest mistake people make in sharing their sales link Why epic content is a non-optional for online business owners Specificity, the secret sauce to compelling content

    DIVE DEEPER INTO MY WORLD HOLY BODY somatic membership → join the membership Creative Momentum → Join my social media content & messaging immersion replay FREE SOMATIC RESET QUIZ → discover which area in your life is needed a reset & get a somatic practice to nourish your biz, love life, or the woman at the center of it all Say hi to me on Insta
  • Last week, in a conversation about work and rest, a dear friend of mine told me: "you suck at relaxing" 😂 Now, we have a very intimate, truth-based, zero-sugar coating relationship (what is a friendship, without this?). So she served it to me straight🍸 😘

    And she was right. Relaxing has never come to me easily. I did not come from a family or where rest, relaxation or simply existing being productive was valued. My parents would do 70 hour weeks. And they still do sometimes. Not because they need to survive, but because…their identity is linked to overworking and they wouldn't know what to do without being busy 24/7.

    Healing the way I work and lead has become one of my life's assignments. Because relaxing did not come easily to me, I had to figure out how to heal my lineage and learn how to create success that comes with spaciousness, rest, easeful receiving, pleasure, and full body aliveness. This has become the Body-Led Business paradigm.

    I'm not perfect by any means. What matters is not just the results we create in our business but HOW we do that. And my business is the most nourishing and spacious than it's ever been. And I'm here to help other women do the same.

    To do so, the first step is realizing that we can't work like men and expect to have no consequences on our bodies, pleasure, aliveness, and true fulfillment. Your Feminine heart will absorb this episode as true nourishment she's been yearning for!

    HIGHLIGHTS When we took Feminism too far Male vs female hormonal cycle How to own your cyclical nature beyond your cycle The consequences of trying to work like men Creating success without sacrificing what matters to you the most Tips to replenish your yin Why tending to your nervous system is not optional DIVE DEEPER INTO MY WORLD HOLY BODY somatic membership → join the waitlist FREE SOMATIC RESET QUIZ to discover which area in your life is needed a reset & get a somatic practice to nourish your biz, love life, or the woman at the center of it all Say hi to me on Insta
  • Your soul-led business is not meant to make you feel comfortable. It’s meant to initiate you. To awaken you. To mature you. Being a leader and entrepreneur requires an insane capacity (and love) for being in the great UNKNOWN.

    Imagine launching a new offer you poured our entire heart into. Often, the results, the clients, the recognition don't come immediately. So many people experience the fear of failure in this stage where they start doubting themselves. This is absolutely normal and human.

    In this episode, we're exploring the deeper layers of what failure truly means. It is not "failing to achieve results", it is the act of giving up before you see results.

    What we call "failure" is simply an opportunity to gather data. It has nothing to do with your worth. In this episode, I'm discussing the "sacred threshold" of fear and doubt that every leader will be crossing many times in going after their dreams. This episode is no less than a spiritual activation of your own power, my beloved.

    ✨ New episodes drop every Tuesday - make sure to subscribe to get notified!

    HIGHLIGHTS Failure is not the absence of results, it's is giving up before you see the results Embracing the fear of failure is part of evolving as a leader How your desires will reveal your fears Letting God test and initiate you The "sacred threshold" between now & into your goals The art of holding both the highs and the lows Spiritual business as a way to become a Whole Woman

    DIVE DEEPER INTO MY WORLD HOLY BODY somatic membership → join the waitlist FREE SOMATIC RESET QUIZ to discover which area in your life is needed a reset & get a somatic practice to nourish your biz, love life, or the woman at the center of it all Say hi to me on Insta
  • Running a business is like love – it is hard when you're one foot in, one foot out.

    When you DECIDE to go ALL IN with your entire being – your body, heart, soul – your business success becomes inevitable. When you go ALL IN with your business, your energetic frequency changes. You speak with more conviction, leadership, and authority which inspires profound trust in your clients' hearts.

    What's the CHARACTER of a woman who goes ALL IN?

    ༄ She is more committed to her growth than to her excuses.

    ༄ She does not wait for permission – she goes first and creates the permission slip herself.

    ༄ She is comfortable with being in the unknown.

    ༄ She makes bold moves before she sees any results.

    ༄ She is capable of leading herself through any challenges. And she does not make her challenges mean anything about worth.

    ༄ She's here for the long run – she's not chasing overnight success.

    This Body-Led Business episode is different. It is a boost of fresh air to kindle the flame in your heart. May this episode be a remembrance to the immense power you already hold within you, Queen.

    HIGHLIGHTS "You either have results or reasons" The character of a woman who goes ALL IN The Muse rewards you when she feels your commitment When you go ALL IN, you become a more trustworthy leader Why going ALL IN will test & initiate you (and why this is a good thing) 4 ways how business gets easier when you decide to go ALL IN

    DIVE DEEPER INTO MY WORLD HOLY BODY somatic membership → join the waitlist FREE SOMATIC RESET QUIZ to discover which area in your life is needed a reset & get a somatic practice to nourish your biz, love life, or the woman at the center of it all Say hi to me on Insta YOU MAY ALSO ENJOY: Episode 22: The CHARACTER qualities that all of my most successful clients share Episode 2: 3 Keys to a Successful Program Launch Episode 37: Your energy sells. How to cultivate Energetic Alignment in your Business?
  • Your life force energy, your time, and attention, are your most precious resource. You deserve to live a life feeling filled with real vitality, energy, fulfillment. 𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗴𝘆, 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲. You're pulsing with creativity, Eros (and not adrenaline) is flowing in your veins,, you're more focused when working, you have better sleep & nutrition better, you have more capacity to receive the love, the wealth, the success you desire.

    Most people don't even realize they live in what's known as a functional freeze. This term, coined by Peter Levine, refers to feeling numb, shut down, checked out, dissociated from the body while staying functional and going about our lives. Often, we temporarily come out of the freeze only when we pour some caffeine into our tired bodies but that gives only a temporary relief.

    When people come to me to learn about the body-led business paradigm, they're often surprised that here we have a huge focus on.. mastering our time, focus, and habits. Here, 𝘄𝗲'𝗿𝗲 𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗴𝘆 𝗶𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲. We're cultivating discipline and self-mastery in order to protect our precious life force energy, attention, and freedom of time.

    In this podcast episode, I am sharing about my favorite 5 simple habits to have more energy and feel more relaxed as a female CEO. Apply them and watch your life change.


    When you master energy, you master life Why your time, attention & energy are your most precious resources What is functional freeze & how to come out of it Manage your energy instead of managing your time 5 simple tips to have more energy as a female CEO DIVE DEEPER INTO MY WORLD FREE SOMATIC RESET QUIZ to discover which area in your life is needed a reset the most & immediately get a somatic practice to nourish your biz, love life, or the woman at the center of it all HOLY BODY somatic membership: join the waitlist Say hi to me on Insta
  • You may see all the people online having consistent high cash months, but what you don't see is how they structure their program suite.

    The thing is, it is so easy to get distracted by working on shiny marketing, the next new trend, reactionary launching, going faster, bigger, 10xing your income… I don't know about you, but I'm already feeling overwhelmed by writing this 😜

    A lot of my clients come to me because here we care about longevity, the long-term game, and building out their MRR – monthly recurring revenue.

    Behind the scenes, lots of coaches are experiencing "feast and famine"--high income months by low income months. This is the result of reactionary offers: you create offers randomly, which looks like throwing spaghetti on the wall and seeing what sticks. This is not sustainable. And stressful.

    Over here, we prefer financial sustainability, MRR, and building foundations that are scalable for the years to come.

    How? By building out a strategic offer suite that will generate you MRR. Then, instead of worrying about how to make money next month, you are relaxed and certain about the income that's coming for many months ahead.

    In this (extremely valuable) podcast episode, I am teaching you how to create an aligned offer suite that will help you stack up your income and create a seamless client journey. So that once people come into your world, they stay. Client retention, baby!

    Needless to say, having MRR is such a sweet nectar for your nervous system – it is priceless to feel financially secure and supported instead of thinking what to launch next. Be prepared to take lots of notes!


    From feast & famine to relaxed financial sustainability How to know if you're creating reactionary offers (and what to do instead) Why a strategic offer suite is key to MRR – monthly recurring revenue Setting up multiple tiers inside your offer suite Invaluable tips on how to stack up your income & create client retention DIVE DEEPER INTO MY WORLD Say hi to me on Insta Take free Quiz and get a free somatic practice to nourish your biz, heart, or the woman at the center of it all Membership: join the waitlist
  • There is absolutely no way I could be having the life, the relationship, the business I have without the support of my sisters.

    In the first year of my business, while still living in Bali, I remember going to a beloved friend’s house. It was 8pm. I was so exhausted after a big day of work that she just held me in silence. I had no energy left to engage in a deeper conversation.

    Over the years, I have made massive changes to ensure that right now after work I feel nourished so that I could show up for my community.

    We’ve been building a community where Kevin has his own men’s circle, I have my women’s circle AND where the men’s & the women’s circles are also cultivating deep friendship. A true village of deep women and deep men.

    This has not been an easy or straightforward journey. In this podcast episode, I am sharing about my personal experience and cultural shocks of moving to the US and building my soul community in Austin.

    The truth is, there is no “full package life” where we get to have it ALL… Without a soul-aligned community we can count on. I am here for a life and a model of business that allows us to feel energized, nurtured, & spacious not just at the start of the day but also in the evening. So that we could be fully present with the people we love.


    Sisterhood is not optional, especially if you're a coach or healer Having a soul community & deep friendships is good for business Why the "Independent Boss Babe" archetype is not the vibe here Building a village with men's and women's circles My personal lessons (and challenges) in building our community in Austin DIVE DEEPER INTO MY WORLD Exponential: 2 - week somatic immersion starting 5th April Take free Quiz and get a free somatic practice to nourish your biz, heart, or the woman at the center of it all Membership: join the waitlist
  • "Aurika, I feel so free! I'm inspired again to create content!", a client of mine told me after she stopped looking at…her story views.

    I can't count how many clients have come to me with faces of huge relief after… they stopped looking at their story views and obsessing with external metrics in general.

    Many creators do not even realize how they are contorting themselves and stiffening their creativity just to increase their external metrics: story views, likes, number of clients, followers, revenue generated.

    They do not even realize how these external metrics are leaking their energy until they stop attaching their worth to it.

    Creating something just with the purpose of increasing your metrics will dry out your magic, magic and spontaneity.

    On the other hand, there is a massive sense of relief and liberation when you return to a place of service, devotion, and artistry. Then, all the external metrics just naturally expand because you are living in your alignment.

    As a leader, protecting your energetic alignment and sourcing your validation internally is e v e r y t h i n g. Creating content from such a place is naturally magnetic.

    In this podcast episode, I am sharing 5 potent ways to take your power back from external metrics and cut through the noise online through your natural, authentic leadership.


    Story how I recently caught myself worrying about external metrics Healthy tracking of business data vs outsourcing power to metrics Why obsessing with story views kills creativity Protecting your alignment will naturally increase your metrics 5 tips to take your power back from external metrics DIVE DEEPER INTO MY WORLD Exponential: 2 - week somatic immersion starting 5th April Take free Quiz and get a free somatic practice to nourish your biz, heart, or the woman at the center of it all Born to lead – free activation to source your confidence and validation internally Membership: join the waitlist
  • Time. We all want more of it. You've certainly had the thought: "I just wish I just had more TIME!"

    Over the last two years, I have been healing my own relationship with time. I realized that time often came with a sense of lack and I decided that this had to change.

    As a business owner, you're holding so much on your plate. As a creator, you have so many ideas. How do you do it all? Without getting overwhelmed?

    Most people will teach you time management which helps you plan and control your time. We're going to take this 100 levels deeper. In this episode, I am sharing my secrets which have helped me create a truly spacious life and business. If I may tease you a little… It's not just about planning your google calendar, it's about me managing your energy, focus, and attention.

    The old paradigm is taking action from a frenetic / overwhelmed space or trying to squeeze your business tasks such as creating content into the nooks and crannies of the day. This only creates more overwhelm and it takes you 5 hours to do something that would normally take 1 hour.

    The new paradigm entails healing your relationship with time as well as mastering your energy and focus so that you can get more done in less time. And generate more wealth while working less.


    When you feel that you never have enough time Somatic strategies to enhance productivity and well-being From time management to mastering energy, focus & attention 5 secrets to getting more done in less time What does take to create a truly spacious business DIVE DEEPER INTO MY WORLD Take my free quiz and get a free somatic practice to reset and nourish your business and life Join Luscious Fempreneur, my 2 week immersion that will help you reignite your vitality as a woman and then channel this overflow back to your business. Join Creative Momentum, the body-led immersion on social media content creation and messaging strategy Say hi to me on Insta
  • Recently I was faced with a pivotal decision in my life: I have so many BIG creative projects that I want to bring into the world but my plate is getting pretty full. Ever been there? What did you choose?

    I decided that my creative projects are meant to be delivered to the world, they are needed by thousands of people. But I am not available to work more. So, my solution has been to keep on increasing my nervous system capacity to hold more AND become more masterful at managing my time and energy.

    This is a beautiful intersection between somatics & business strategy.

    In this podcast episode, I share 8 ways what somatic business can look like practically.

    You'll be learning how somatic practices offer a profound way to access the unconscious, heal past wounds, and calibrate to new realities and desires. This work is about expanding your capacity to receive and hold more, both personally and professionally. I will be sharing practical tips on incorporating nervous system support into your daily routine.

    You'll love this episode if you want to learn how to use your bodily wisdom to inform your business strategy. We explore how somatic practices can unlock deep creativity for content creation, program launches, pricing, and more.

    It's not just about doing a somatic practice here and there. It's about embodying a BODY-LED LIFESTYLE that informs every aspect of your business, increases your capacity to hold more with grace, and empowers you in ways your mind alone never could.

    HIGHLIGHTS The new buzzwords: somatics & nervous system Somatic work to expand your capacity to hold more success, clients, and wealth The deeper layers of somatic practices Your body is the gateway to your unconscious mind Somatic practices for deep creativity, content creation, program launches, pricing, and more. Allowing your nervous system inform and personalise business strategy DIVE DEEPER INTO MY WORLD Say hi to me on Insta Join Luscious Fempreneur FREE The Sacred Shift FREE Body-Led Business Embodiment Practice
  • If you're like me, I used to be very diligent about my business goals and I would attach them to a specific timeline. 10k months, 50k months, 3 private clients, 20 group clients… You know how that made me feel? Super excited on day 1. I LOVE setting delicious, expansive goals. That sense of possibility is thrilling and enlivening.

    But you know how I'd feel on day 20 of my goal? Stressed and under pressure. Especially if the goal was especially attached to a specific timeline.

    The thing is, your business goals are not meant to feel stressful, daunting, or create pressure.

    If you ever noticed that you keep on setting the goals but they keep on staying in the land aspirational dreams and not feel reachable…There is one big thing going underneath:

    The conflict between your mind setting the goal and your nervous system not feeling quite safe or ready to receive it. Your nervous system and your unconscious beliefs play a critical role in this equation.

    Your nervous system acts as a gatekeeper, determining what's safe or not (aka neuroception). So, instead of patching

    Through somatic practices, I help my clients address the underlying beliefs around feeling unsafe or unworthy of receiving what they most desire.

    Long-lasting transformation occurs when our goals are mapped out mentally AND also anchored. Then your business goals are not merely aspirational. They become inevitable.

    This episode will be delightful stimulation for your mind and nourishment for your body 💋

    HIGHLIGHTS What your business goals and your nervous system have in common From setting aspirational goals to actually achieving them Learn about neuroception, your nervous system's gatekeeper, and how it influences what you feel safe with in business Move beyond traditional goal-setting approaches Growing your business through the unison of strategy and somatics DIVE DEEPER INTO MY WORLD Say hi to me on Insta Join Luscious Fempreneur FREE The Sacred Shift FREE Body-Led Business Embodiment Practice
  • Imagine a couple sleeping apart. Not touching. Not even talking! You'd imagine that they're fighting right? Well, that's what we do in our relationship two days per week.

    Igniting sexual desire in long-term partnership is one of the biggest mysteries for modern couples, especially when they're not only sharing a household together but also working from home. You know how easy it is to get lost in logistics, casual touch, just hanging out together, small talk etc.

    One of our core values as a couple is to cultivate deep sexual chemistry, sacred sexuality being a core pillar of our relationship. Contrary to popular belief, sometimes desire needs not only more quality time together.. But also SPACE.

    Silent days help us create that space which beautifully resets our relationship.

    This means that we don’t engage in verbal communication for a couple of days and usually sleep apart that night too. If we need to arrange things, we’ll text each other or “talk” on the notes app. We will not touch each other either, but will make playful sounds, flirt and make "air kisses" ;)

    One of the biggest lies we have been fed is that sexual chemistry is meant to wane away and it is the ill fate of all long-term couples to eventually end up as roommates. The truth is, sexual desire will decrease if you do not cultivate it intentionally.


    If you're devoted to increasing your libido and sexual polarity in your intimate life, this episode will give you lots of epic, creative ideas that go beyond your usual advice on "spending more quality time together".

    HIGHLIGHTS How intentional separation contributes to a deeper level of intimacy and passion in relationships. Physical closeness doesn't necessarily equate to intimacy. Through sounds, movement, and touch, we can discover new dimensions of connection How to navigate practical and logistical barriers to intimacy DIVE DEEPER INTO MY WORLD Say hi to me on Insta Join Luscious Fempreneur FREE The Sacred Shift FREE Body-Led Business Embodiment Practice
  • It took me many months to record this episode – I need to find the right angle to speak about what at the time seemed as my worst investment into business coaching.

    In 2022, I joined a high ticket mastermind that ended up being completely misaligned with my values and who I am as a woman.

    This mastermind experience was a bootcamp for me as a facilitator and a big kick in the ass to refine my integrity as a mentor by 100 levels. It was a huge test of my values. It showed me where I was outsourcing my power and authority onto others instead of unwaveringly trusting myself.

    My journey through and out of this mastermind became a clarion call for integrity and a holistic approach to business.

    This investment ended up being one of my biggest (and painful) blessings in disguise because it led me to finding the body-led business coaching paradigm. Here, we do sales ethically, we're trauma-informed and blend business strategy with nervous system support.

    In this episode, I discuss how I navigated the aftermath of this mastermind, and how I emerged with a heightened standard for mentorship—both as a mentor and a mentee.

    I also share some tips to help you find the right mentor for you, ensuring that their values and teaching style resonate deeply with your own path. It's not just about their financial success but also about how they embody a path that feels authentically aligned with your own.

    DIVE DEEPER INTO MY WORLD Say hi to me on Insta FREE The Sacred Shift FREE Body-Led Business Embodiment Practice

    → I have 1 spot for somatic business coaching where strategy meets somatic healing. Send me a DM for more info.

  • When… Your ambition is gone.

    Today I share with you my personal journey of returning to Texas from Lithuania and confronting significant changes within myself, particularly regarding my perception of ambition, leadership, and receptivity.

    This episode is a heartfelt exploration of surrendering to a deeper, more mature phase of how I desire to grow my business and deepen my Union.

    In the sacred unfolding of my life, I've been cradled by the profound realisation that ambition, as I knew it, has dissolved into the ethers, leaving space for a deeper devotion to emerge.

    For the first time since I began my professional life (way before I started my business), I have no urge to go bigger and faster or quadruple my income. My ego finds it quite uncomfortable yet my soul rejoices at this new level of peace.

    This experience, though laced with frustration, illuminated my path further towards embracing every cycle of existence, much like the seasons—each holding its magic and purpose.

    As women, we're cyclical beings. This means that your business will also have seasons. There's a toxic belief in the coaching industry that we need to be in a perpetual summer, chasing bigger and bigger months, all the time. At the very least, this is unrealistic.

    Having slower seasons and embracing the FERTILE VOID in business is healthy and, in fact, necessary.

    Your body will love this podcast episode. Send me a DM on Insta about how it landed for you.

    HIGHLIGHTS Sharing about my trip back to Lithuania A personal story about an incident with the big media The ambition the way I know it is gone Your business is cyclical, just like your body Your business needs you to embrace the fertile void DIVE DEEPER INTO MY WORLD Say hi to me on Insta Join Luscious Fempreneur FREE The Sacred Shift FREE Body-Led Business Embodiment Practice Genesis: Accelerating Newer Entrepreneurs Velocity: A Mastermind for Holistic Success
  • We all want more love, more money, more pleasure. All the good things have one thing in common: our Upper Limit, which defines how much of this goodness we feel to receive and hold.

    In this episode, I share a story about how one weekend, when I received more in a weekend than I had in a month, I reached such a messy Upper Limit that I picked a few days long fight with my partner at the time and even my entire website crashed. Yes, for real 😜

    So, what's an Upper Limit? Your Upper Limit is like a glass ceiling or gateway that determines how much love, joy, and money your nervous system can hold.

    Expanding our Upper Limit means expanding our nervous system capacity to hold more.

    What most people do not prepare you for, however, is that expanding your Upper Limit will also mean stretching yourself to hold the duality of it all. Holding both pleasure AND pain, love AND the fear of losing it, money AND the fear of losing it.

    Also, it's one thing to receive something, such as money, and it's quite something else to hold it and sustain it. Such delicious work! Tune in and begin expanding your Upper Limit to receive and hold more love, joy, and money.

    HIGHLIGHTS Sharing the behind the scenes on getting a puppy and how she has changed everything in our home and relationship Your nervous system, not your mind, decides how much you get to receive Learning to hold both pleasure and pain Receiving money is not the same as holding it What happens when we reach our Upper Limit without realizing it? Mini practice to increase your Upper Limit through the body DIVE DEEPER INTO MY WORLD
    Say hi to me on Insta Get my free Body-led Business Somatic practice Join Velocity: the 6-month signature somatic business mastermind to scale to 6+ figs
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