Thankful tries to crawl out of the racial justice dungheap that modern culture has piled up.
The British Museum article referenced: slavery-ancient-rome
Thankful Slade talks about hearing from Senator Lindsey Graham on Israel, social media control, education, and more. Stay tuned to hear about her conversation with him on abortion.
Пропущенные эпизоды?
Thankful, Nathan, and Lach discuss Haley Von Voorhis' famous play. They say Von Voorhis wrong the whole time.
Read Thankful's blog post here: https://thankfulsladewrites.blogspot.com/2023/11/girls-dont-belong-in-football.html
Thankful and Nathan lawlessly debate whether or not yoga is evil. Lach occasionally comments.
Thankful Slade wrote this essay and submitted it to a nonfiction contest when she was thirteen, before she knew how to spell the word "privilege."
For more thoughts from Thankful, check out the blog! https://thankfulsladewrites.blogspot.com/
Thankful, Nathan, and Lach discuss the Second Republican Presidential Debate, Rich Men North of Richmond, and Try That In A Small Town.
Warning: If you're looking for a serious, deep, or succinct discussion, this is not an episode for you. It's unlike anything that has ever been on Brave & Free. Thankful, Nathan, and newbie Lach took an afternoon to talk about drivers licenses for children, "toxic masculinity," kilts, a shocking SC license plate inscription, Andrew Tate, and more.
Thankful talks about Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, drawing comparisons between his imagined dystopian society and modern America.
New-ish blog link: https://thankfulsladewrites.blogspot.com/
Thankful tells about the voices that have influenced her growth as a young citizen of the United States.
The blog's new address: https://thankfulsladewrites.blogspot.com/
Thankful and Nathan talk about government regulations, the drawbacks of boycotting, and a conservative coffee alternative.
Abortion statistic https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cso8yDMg6SA/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng==
Chick-Fil-A problems https://www.christianpost.com/voices/chick-fil-a-is-way-worse-than-we-thought.html
Summer Moon Coffee https://summermooncoffee.com/
A quick announcement and explanation of the new title of the podcast!
"To MAGA or not to MAGA, that is the question," (loosely quoted with apologies to Mr. Shakespeare). Thankful and special guest Nathan discuss Donald Trump and the other Republican presidential candidates.
When singing psalms and hymns outside of an abortion facility, Thankful has seen angry leftists act like fools and Christians stand their ground.
The blog:
This essay:
The South Carolina GOP is thrilled with the success of another Heartbeat Bill, but is it really as wonderful as it seems? Note: This recording was made before the bill passed.
With the recent Chinese spy balloon debacle, China has been nudged to the front of our minds again. Here's a timely essay in which Thankful Slade answers the question, "can China and the US coexist peacefully?"
"California judge blocks Gov. Newsom's Covid-19 restrictions on worship services," "China orders Christians to replace crosses and images of Jesus Christ with portraits of communist leaders," theblaze.com
"Los Angeles County to Pay $400,000 Settlement to Church That Defied Pandemic Lockdown," theepochtimes.com
"Collectivism," Brittanica Encylopedia
"CDC Museum Covid-19 Timeline," cdc.gov
"UPDATED: Timeline of The Coronavirus," Think Global Health
"Study of The Law in the United States," 1790, James Wilson
"Founding Fathers Quotes on Government, Democracy, and Placing Power in The People," ammo.com
Thankful Slade is back with a new series! She's diving in where she's never been before: a college International Relations (IR) class. This is her first argumentative essay of the semester, on the question of vanishing state (that's IR for nation) power. Would you rather read? Check out her blog at https://youthtruthpodcast.blogspot.com/
"The History of Iceland," Brittanica Encyclopedia
Knives - the bane that must be banned.
The blog: https://youthtruthpodcast.blogspot.com/
The essay by Thankful Slade about her experience fighting for life outside the Greenville Women's Clinic, the largest abortion provider in South Carolina.
The blog: https://youthtruthpodcast.blogspot.com/
The essay by Thankful Slade about race and how little it should matter to Americans.
The blog: https://youthtruthpodcast.blogspot.com/