This month's podcast is something a little different. About a year ago I was casually chatting with my friend (and regular podcast guest), Shoshie Bauer. We were discussing some of the challenges and frustrations she was facing as woman and professional in the miniatures field. This podcast is the ultimate fruit of that conversation.
This month, I'm turning the podcast over to Shoshie as guest host along with three returning guests; Elizabeth Beckley, Jamie Daggers, and Em "ElectricEve" Durrant. Shoshie led her guests through a fantastic round table discussion on a number of topics which was in turn challenging, enlightening, and occasionally, very funny. Liz, Jamie, Em, and Shoshie herself are all pillars of the contemporary miniatures painting community and I hope you enjoy their discussion as much as I did!
Shoshie Bauer
Bluesky: @Shoshiesminis.bsky.social
Web Shop: https://www.shoshiesminis.com/shop
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/c/ShoshiesMinis/posts
Elizabeth Beckley
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miniature_mistress
Jamie Daggers
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/jamiedaggers
Patreon: www.patreon.com/jamiedaggers
Lyctor: www.lyctor.com
Em "ElectricEve" Durrant
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/electriceve
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/electriceve/
Bluesky: @Electriceve.bsky.social
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/electricevepainting
As usual, this podcast was exclusive to Brush Wielders Union members for a few days before being released to general audiences.
For our first podcast of 2025 I was joined by BWU podcast alumni, Graham Davey, creator of Test of Honour and 0200 Hours, to talk about his newest game, Guards of Traitor's Toll. I'm really excited about this upcoming game in which players control squads of city guards in a fantasy city who must investigate crimes, break up disputes between duelling wizards, and capture assassinations when they're not patrolling the streets. Graham shared some of his inspirations for the game, discussed top level game play, and we talked about the joys of kitbashing the upcoming kits for the game from Wargames Atlantic, as well as the already available pre-painted terrain kits from Sarissa Precision. He even gave a few hints about what perils may come to lurk the streets of Traitor's Toll in the not-too-distant future...
Guards of Traitors Toll will be available for pre-order in the coming weeks with an expected early spring release. In the meantime you can check out a free overview of the game, join the official group on Facebook (where you can download a PDF gameplay overview in the Files section) and sign up for the Grey for Now Games email list.
As usual, this podcast was exclusive to Brush Wielders Union members for a few days before being released to general audiences.
Пропущенные эпизоды?
For the final BWU podcast of 2024 I was joined by my old friend and founding BWU member, Nick Lawson! Nick and I chatted about the old days of the Privateer Press Gang, what goes into founding a gaming community and with everyone's hobby pledges looming in the New Year, we talked about how to create workable hobby goals and keep yourself motivated to meet them. Nick is writing a book related to this subject, so be sure to follow him on social media and sign up for his mailing list for news on what's sure to be a great project!
As usual, this podcast was exclusive to Brush Wielders Union members for a few days before being released to general audiences.
My guests this month are from a website that needs little introduction, Eric Benson and Jerry "Tycho" Holkins! Penny Arcade has been a force in gaming for decades, and while it had its start in the realm of video games, it's become a powerhouse in tabletop gaming. Eric and Jerry joined me ostensibly to hype up their upcoming convention PAX Unplugged, but instead we mostly just talked about the wargames they love (we did get to chat a bit about the con towards the end, including an exclusive reveal of the Official Sandwich of PAX Unplugged), but mostly we blathered about why we love different miniatures games like Warhammer 40k, The Horus Heresy, Saga, and board games like War Room, and Jerry's passion for Command & Colors, and the different itches scratched by different games.
As usual, this podcast was exclusive to Brush Wielders Union members for a few days before being released to general audiences.
In this month's podcast I spoke with fellow gamer, Washington State Secretary of State, Steve Hobbs! Steve and I spoke about his love of gaming, his time serving in the army in both Kosovo and Iraq, his work as a politician here in Washington State, and how gaming has intersected with all of those parts of his life and career. Steve shared some fascinating stuff about Washington's table top gaming industry and how he's worked with that industry on trade missions to Japan and state legislation that affects gamers, game stores, and even therapeutic roleplaying games for prisoners. We wrapped up with some discussion of how wargamers reinvent small unit tactics and finally the BWU gives its first ever political endorsement!
Check out Steve's campaign page here and learn more about the Tabletop Game Alliance now.
As usual, this podcast was exclusive to Brush Wielders Union members for a few days before being released to general audiences.
My guest this month was Doug Wheeler, owner of my favorite friendly local gaming shop, Terracrux Games, right here in Tacoma, WA! Doug was kind enough to give me part of his Friday night to talk about the trials and travails of running a successful game shop and how he's managed to succeed in a challenging field. We talked about business planning, community building and more.
Be sure to check out Terracrux Games online, even if you're not in the Tacoma area, and join their community on Discord.
As usual, this podcast was exclusive to Brush Wielders Union members for a few days before being released to general audiences.
Regular friend of the BWU podcast, Andy Hobday, returns to talk all about the current Kickstarter for The Baron's War Fantasy Skirmish miniatures range! Currently on Kickstarter and knocking down stretch goals, this campaign will help launch this line of miniatures and a classic fantasy setting for the Baron's War but will also help establish Andy and Paul Hick's new company, Hobday and Hicks. Andy shared their inspiration for the line and dropped some juicy teasers about their future army plans including some very cool hints about the undead...
Back the Kickstarter now and join their Facebook community to learn more about the future of their game.
As usual, this podcast was exclusive to Brush Wielders Union members for a few days before being released to general audiences.
This month's podcast guests are the founders of Rascal News, Lin Codega, Rowan Zeoli, and Chase Carter. Rascal is a new reader supported a tabletop roleplaying game and culture outlet striving to sustainably publish voicey journalism that is compelling, deeply-reported, and fearlessly honest. Lin, Rowan, and Chase were kind enough to spend their time talking with me about the state of tabletop games media, why they feel journalism is important even in the arena of hobbies and gaming, the challenges of organizing labor in gaming, and what they hope to accomplish with a wholly independent reporting platform.
Rascal media is currently running a pledge drive and I hope you'll join me in supporting their endeavors. Their ethos is very much in tune with that of the BWU and I'm looking forward to seeing their work for many years to come.
As usual, this podcast was exclusive to Brush Wielders Union members for a few days before being released to general audiences.
My guest on this month's podcast, Bjarni Dali joined me all the way from the Faroe Islands to talk about his grimdark masterpieces. I first became aware of Bjarni's work on his fantastic Howling Gryphons diorama few years ago and have since come to appreciate all of his gritty, narrative driven dioramas and minis. We talked about where he finds inspiration, how he avoids burnout, and what it takes to paint a model as big as a 28mm Warhound titan!
Find Bjarni on Patreon, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube and be sure to check out his book, The Art of Bjarni Dali, available now.
As usual, this podcast was exclusive to Brush Wielders Union members for a few days before being released to general audiences.
Joining me this month on the BWU podcast is one of the true titans of miniatures painting, Roman Lappat! Roman's work helped redefine how we viewed miniatures painting not just as a hobby, but as an art form in its own right. Roman's work is being featured in the latest volume of The Art of' now on Kickstarter and we spoke about that book but first chatted about his journey as a painter and illustrator and his philosophy of art.
Back The Art of Roman Lappat on Kickstarter now.
Follow Roman's work on Facebook and Instagram and visit his own site, as well as his contributions as a founder to Massive Voodoo.
As usual, this podcast was exclusive to Brush Wielders Union members for a few days before being released to general audiences.
My guest this month was legendary game designer, Tuomas Pirinen! Tuomas was the creator of Mordheim, the lead developer of Warhammer Fantasy Battle 6th Edition, Warhammer Siege, and countless other miniatures games as well as video games, having worked at EA, Ubisoft and other companies. Most recently, Tuomas has signed on to create the rules for the upcoming Trench Crusade miniatures game and he was kind enough to talk to me about all of the above, including why he thinks Mordheim's popularity has endured for a quarter of a century, and most of that time unofficially supported! We also talked at length about the gameplay of Trench Crusade and what he loves most of all about this upcoming gritty and bleak skirmish game.
Follow Tuomas on Facebook and learn more about Trench Crusade, take part in their open playtest, and join their community on Facebook.
As usual, this podcast was exclusive to Brush Wielders Union members for a few days before being released to general audiences.
Sean Sutter, creator of Relicblade, might just be the hardest working man in miniatures gaming but he took the time out of his busy day to talk about his latest project, Cursebreaker! Cursebreaker is a stand alone minis game set in the same universe as his ongoing skirmish game, Relicblade, but offers a unique play experience. Sean spoke with me about what went into this new project, the joys of game design, and what he's most excited about with this latest foray into the world of Relicblade and the Shattered Lands.
Find Cursebreaker now on Kickstarter and follow Sean and his company Metal King Studios on Facebook and Instagram.
As usual, this podcast was exclusive to Brush Wielders Union members for a few days before being released to general audiences.
This month BWU member and longtime friend, Greg De Stefano, co-owner of Turbo Dork, returns to the podcast to talk about their big Remix! Turbo Dork has reformulated all of its paints, moved to a new type of paint bottle, and launched some cool peripheral items like silicone paint pallets and mixing sticks. Greg has lots to say about the company's growth, the science behind making paint, helping color blind painters, and his favorite purple colors!
Follow Turbo Dork on Instagram and Facebook.
And don't forget; Brush Wielders Union members get a 10% discount at the Turbo Dork webstore (check your messages for the code or ask on the BWU Discord).
As usual, this podcast is exclusive to Brush Wielders Union members for a few days before being released to general audiences.
The first BWU podcast of 2024 is here and features games writer, Andy Hobday returning alongside first-time guest, sculptor, Paul Hicks! Andy and Paul have been long time collaborators on miniatures products and they're here to talk about their upcoming line of fantasy miniatures alongside to be utilized with Andy's Baron's War rules set.
I've been a long-time supporter of The Baron's War (and their other endeavours) so I was delighted to speak with them about what they have planned for this year. Paul talked about his journey as as traditional medium sculptor and what went into the visual inspirations of their upcoming fantasy figures while Andy discussed world building, rules writing, and their plans for Kickstarter. We also discussed their collaboration with iconic painter, Peter Dennis, and his work as a concept artist on these upcoming models.
Stay up to date on what's coming from Hobday and Hicks on Andy's website and the Baron's War Facebook group!
As usual, this podcast is exclusive to Brush Wielders Union members for a few days before being released to general audiences.
Em Durrant took time out of her busy painting schedule to talk to me in our final podcast of 2023! You may know her as Electriceve from her online painting work on Patreon or from her time as an official painter on Warhammer TV's Youtube channel a few years back! Eve was kind enough to talk to me about the trials and travails of being a streaming painter and getting up the nerve to enter the competitive painting world.
Follow Em on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and of course, Patreon!
As usual, this podcast is exclusive to Brush Wielders Union members for a few days before being released to general audiences.
This month my guest was Merritt K, a writer whose work I've admired for some time! Merritt's work isn't in tabletop games but recently I saw that she'd gotten back into miniatures painting after a couple of decades away. I invited her to chat about what it's like getting back into the hobby after so long away from it, why she and other creatives love the Warhammer 40k universe.
Follow Merritt K on Bluesky and support her writing on Patreon! You can also preorder her upcoming coffee table book, LAN Party.
As usual, this podcast is exclusive to Brush Wielders Union members for a few days before being released to general audiences.
or this month's podcast I was joined by my friend and fellow Union Member, Jamie Daggers! Jamie is a professional painter whose work as an instructor took up most of our discussion but she's also a competitive painter, and of course, paints for pleasure. We had a great chat about how she approaches teaching new painters, what tools she recommends, identifying as an artist (or not), and her thoughts on brush size utility.
Jamie Daggers (@jamiedaggers) • Instagram photos and videos
JamieDaggers Mini Studio | creating painting minis, doing commissions, videos, tips, and tr | Patreon
(138) Jamie Daggers - YouTube
As usual, this podcast is exclusive to Brush Wielders Union members for a few days before being released to general audiences.
This month sees the return of Shoshie Bauer to the BWU podcast! Shoshie has been a guest twice in the past, but this time she's here to talk about the release of the newest miniature in her very own line, Cat Daddy. The fourth in what will eventually be a line of 7 limited edition model conceived, conceptualized, and sculpted entirely by women, Cat Daddy will be available for pre-order starting Thursday, October 28th. Shoshie was kind enough to send me an advance copy of this very cool miniature and we had a great conversation about what goes into the creation of this very special line of figures. We also talked about the trials and travails of sculpting for the female gaze and just why she loves Kingdom Death so much.
Pre-order Cat Daddy on 09/28 or purchase the previously created sculpts at Shoshie's webstore. Follow Shoshie on Patreon, Facebook, Instagram, and Bluesky.
As usual, this podcast is exclusive to Brush Wielders Union members for a few days before being released to general audiences.
Scalable Skirmish. Kinetic Action. Big Armor Suits.
That's the tagline for the upcoming miniatures game Zeogenesis, from wargaming luminaries Danny Block, Andy Chambers, and Gav Thorpe! This stellar team was kind enough to talk to me this month about their game with Danny talking logistics and production of the hard plastic minis they'll be manufacturing in North Carolina, Andy discussed the core game mechanics and dynamic terrain rules, and Gav had lots to say about the narrative and setting he's crafting for this far future science fiction setting! You may have gotten a glimpse of Zeogenesis at Adepticon this spring but the team had lots more to say, including some really exciting info about the terrain kits they'll be releasing both in hard plastic and as downloadable STL printer files.
If you're attending the 2023 NOVA Open in just a few days be sure to check out their presence and say hi to Danny and Gav!
Follow Zeogensis on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date and take part in their playtest.
As usual, this podcast is exclusive to Brush Wielders Union members for a few days before being released to general audiences.
For July's podcast I had the pleasure of speaking with fellow Union Member, Adam Loper! If you've been wargaming for any amount of time you're probably familiar with his Youtube channel, Tabletop Minions, currently celebrating its 10th year! Adam and I spoke about how he got started with Beasts of War (now On Tabletop), what goes into producing regular wargaming content, the challenges of helping new hobbyists, his favorite types of games, and his own forays into wargaming development as part of Snarling Badger Studios, working on games like Space Station Zero, Majestic 13, their upcoming zines, and more.
Be sure to follow Tabletop Minions on Youtube and Instagram.
As usual, this podcast is exclusive to Brush Wielders Union members for a few days before being released to general audiences.
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