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《使命門徒》是第一個關注全球華人教會趨勢的基督徒Podcast平台。在這裡,您將會聽到跨代、跨界和跨文化的聲音。每一集,我們會與一位來自全球不同城市的華人基督徒領袖對話,一起探索當代關鍵的議題和挑戰。我們期待透過聆聽來認識不同的文化,透過了解彼此的差異,重新反思自身處境,並學習以多向的思維去看待事物,激蕩想法、前膽未來!放眼世界,洞悉時代;觀看上帝作為,回應福音整全使命! 每週持續更新。
There are no ordinary things. We can meet God in the most surprising places…if we only know how to look. Go Upstream, discover a world charged with the grandeur of God—and learn to live in that bigger world.
The Metron Manager Podcast is a dynamic program that will equip you to become a successful Metron Manager! This transformational program will catalyze your journey to recover the dignity and mission of vocation!
Based on his book, Managing Your Metron, Jonathan Nowlen brings a refreshing and hope filled approach to Theology of Work and the Future of Christian Mission. Crucial concepts and Biblical perspectives are explored and interviews with Christian thought leaders in the workplace will inspire and develop everyone who is called to work in the Kingdom of God.
Jonathan is passionate about recovering the dignity and mission of vocation. He is a career missions leader who has worked in 60 countries over the last few decades. He is the host of the Metron Manager Podcast and author of Managing Your Metron: A practical Theology of Work, Mission and Meaning.
Jonathan is a an experienced strategist, leader, public speaker, coach, consultant and equipper. Currently Jonathan is focused on missionized theology of work and equipping believers to advance the Kingdom through their vocation. After 11 years as executive director of an international, educational non-profit, he founded the Metron Manager Project.
Remember, God has given you Permission and a Commission to work! -
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The Current Reality Podcast is a long form podcast that is aimed at helping you stay rooted in biblical reality within the current of modern culture.
This podcast is part of King’s Domain, a church based ministry in Cincinnati, OH.
The hosts are Michael Clary and Wade Thomas. -
慕安得烈是十九世紀的宣教士與禱告勇士,不只在當時用信息點燃了許多人的屬靈生命,一生以宣教和寫作為職事的他,日以繼夜地為主寫作,一生共有二百四十多本。這些著作今日依舊跨越時空為主傳聲,期盼您能透過資深廣播人楚雲的誦讀,得著這天上來的賜福。歡迎收聽《聖徒聖言》。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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找上帝嗎?請稍後我為您轉接。◆每個人心裡都有十萬個為什麼,工作上怎樣突破、情感中如何解套、家庭問題、人際關係,好多好多的疑惑,人生的十字路口該向左或向右。這時候,若有人用一句正確的話語引導拉你一把,可能你的生命劇本就能改寫,轉向光明。我是公關溫拿,2020年八月出了一本結合聖經應用的職場攻略書「工作就是在打怪」後,就常收到來自各地的網友來訊,與我分享他們在工作上,在憂鬱症裡,在人際關係處理上的苦楚。我自己因為工作和情感的困境上,投入大筆的金錢看心理醫生,透過牧者和教會的幫助走出許多困境。或許我未必是你問題中最好的解答,但我願意為你做上帝的接線生。把你的問題帶到神面前禱告,求問牧師和專業人士,透過節目與你分享聖經中「神如何幫助人」走出苦難的故事,希望能讓你知道,雖然前方是絕路,但因著神的介入,希望會在轉角處。◆監製 | 蔡湘文傳道主持 | 公關溫拿 封面設計 | 陳虹螢--Hosting provided by SoundOn
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「現代人的希望」節目收錄了許多弟兄姊妹的生命故事、生活的經歷,也會分享他們所認識的基督信仰,透過這些內容,期待在資訊越來越複雜、生活越來越忙亂的時代,可以帶給你一點溫暖的希望,更有盼望地在世上度日。 Powered by Firstory Hosting--Hosting provided by SoundOn
What does it mean to think and act like a follower of Jesus in a world that seems to be upside down at times? How do we grow spiritually, and how do we use the gifts God has given us to serve others?
Exploring what it means to be a Christian is one of the most vital considerations for modern believers. In this podcast, John Bailey and Mark Renfroe discuss how our faith in Jesus informs every aspect of our lives from work and politics to missions and beyond. -
1938年,創辦人馬汀·狄漢醫生(Dr. M. R. DeHaan)在美國開始了一個名為「底特律聖經課程」的小型廣播節目,我們的事工就此開展。今天,我們在全球有30多個辦事處,每年分發超過6,000萬份屬靈材料到150個國家和城市。無論是透過電台廣播、電視節目、播客、書籍、手機應用程式或網站,我們都渴望將屬靈材料帶給人們,幫助他們與聖經聯結,每天都能領受、反思以及回應上帝的話語。
靈命日糧事工是不分宗派的非營利機構。 -
Stories of history, life and faith in the Lone Star state.
本節目由旌旗教會黃以文牧師根據短篇小說家,Walter Wangerin (沃爾特 旺格林1944-2021) 在1992年所寫的『Reliving the Passion』所編譯,於2023年在網路上發表,旨在邀大家同走耶穌基督榮耀十架的旅程。我們深信復活節不應該只是一天或一個禮拜的節日活動,復活節如果經過40天的預備,將要給屬靈生命帶來更豐盛的祝福。
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數位時代裡擁有信仰是一件很酷的事。我們透過鏡頭、聲音和文字,致力為平凡日常注入光明,傳遞美好價值。Powered by 天主教台北總教區芯媒體小組--Hosting provided by SoundOn
(聚會地點以facebook每星期的公布為準) -
Breaking assumptions around Christianity. Talking about things that matter.
In partnership with CofE Digital Projects.