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The Elements of Ayurveda Podcast is an educational podcast sharing the wisdom of Ayurveda. Ayurveda is the ancient healing tradition of India and translates to ‘Wisdom of Life’. It is a holistic approach to healing the body and mind naturally, maintaining balance and preventing dis-ease. Ayurveda is a vast science, giving us guidelines on every aspect of our life, it's the manual to life that most of us never received!
The host, Colette is an Ayurvedic Practitioner and shares the teachings of Ayurveda, Yoga and various holistic health topics. Always curious and ready to learn, she will be interviewing inspirational people along the way. Her humble wish is to help you connect with your ‘true nature’ and to empower you to take charge of your health and wellbeing! Connect with Colette on her website Elements Healing and Wellbeing. -
Nancy Addison delivers the right recipe for healthy bodies and minds through a personal journey of discovery of what nourishes every cell, tissue, organ, and thought. Audiences are invigorated by her charismatic approach to eating healthy as they gain a real understanding that what we eat is, truly, who we are. Nancy’s clients have reversed medical conditions, lost weight, and learned how to eat energizing, healthy, fresh food.
Nancy is the author of “Raising Healthy Children” (a number one best seller and winner of the Mom’s Choice Award For Excellence), “How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian” (Best seller – second edition), and ““Lose Weight, Get Healthy And Never Have To Be On A Diet Again!” Co – Author of “Alive and Cooking; An Easy Guide To Health For You And Your Parents””
Nancy is well-versed in the art of health and nutrition, having studied with world renowned Doctors and nutritionists as well as having received certification from various Institutes and Universities including:
In Nancy 's shows, she talks with people about all the various aspects to health, healing, food, life that she feels can help inspire optimum health and a joyful life.
For more information go to: www.organichealthylifestyle.com -
Pain Science Education discusses the treatment of persistent pain. Learn how to use the brain, body, mind, and behavior to reduce pain and improve physical and mental well-being. This podcast offers free training for physical therapists, healthcare professionals, and people with pain.
Dr. Joe Tatta is a physical therapist, educator, author, and pain researcher. He is known for his contribution to integrative pain care and for championing the safe and effective treatment of chronic pain. With over 20 years of clinical expertise, Dr. Joe is dedicated to converting cutting-edge pain science into actionable therapeutic practices. An advocate for a biopsychosocial approach, Dr. Joe developed PRISM: Pain Recovery and Integrative Systems Model, a cognitive-behavioral approach that promotes resilience, growth, and recovery.
Pain Science Education invites listeners to explore a wide array of subjects including pain education, pain neuroscience, physical therapy, physiotherapy, pain psychology, wellness, and continuing education. Episodes feature interviews with leading experts, offering a deep dive into the pivotal topics shaping the field of pain management.
The insights shared here aim to propel the practice of physical therapy to the forefront of primary pain management. Dr. Joe Tatta is committed to guiding therapists and healthcare providers through the complexities of pain, equipping them with the knowledge to deliver non-pharmacologic and non-invasive approaches to chronic pain.
With Dr. Joe's guidance, listeners will uncover the potential of physical therapists as pivotal figures in pain management, understand the importance of health behavior change, and learn how to use integrative and lifestyle medicine in practice.
Join the Pain Science Education podcast to transform your clinical approach, enrich your professional toolkit, and participate in the revolution of pain management. Each episode promises to take you one step closer to learning about pain, becoming a leader in delivering exceptional, innovative care to those suffering with pain, and ultimately improving lives across the globe. -
Snoring? Tired all day? Trouble focusing? So many think these symptoms are common in kids and adults when tired. Join us as we debunk some of these common myths and put the spotlight on Sleep Apnea. Discover what constitutes Healthy Sleep and how we can help ourselves and our kids get the best sleep ever.
A weekly podcast by Dr. Shyam Bhat. exploring mental health, psychotherapy, psychiatry, mind-body medicine, and self-realization. Everything from the latest research to insights about culture and society, meditation, and exploring the depths of the mind.
Hello! I am Dr. Lott, a New York State Licensed Board Certified Doctor of Acupuncture. In my acupuncture podcast, I talk about traditional Chinese medicine and several forms of alternative health and wellness. Subscribe to stay updated and informed!
“It’s not what we don’t know that gets us into trouble. It’s what we know that ain’t so”. Will RogersWe believe the explosion of life science research from many disciplines had catapulted ahead of our capacity to process, integrate, understand, and apply. We are interested in translating all that is out there as news to use. A fundamentally different understanding of human biology has emerged. The implications from the perspective of self-care are profound. We are rapidly moving away from the debate of nature versus nurture toward an understanding that life emerges from a dynamic landscape of nature via nurture. We are passionate about the science. We are passionate about the implications. We believe in the capacity and possibility made possible by being alive here and now! We are beautifully designed to be on the African Savannah, living fully integrated with our planet, and in the context of social relationship. Our modern environment is not well designed to promote human health and the capacity to thrive. Many are struggling to maintain balance and traction in lives that often feel overwhelming and frightening.The challenge is to better leverage our superb ancestral adaptation for a different and radically challenging modern environment. Everything that touches us today has the potential be be very familiar or totally foreign. The less aware one is of the day to day distance between what we are biologically , as a species, “familiar with” and what we actually encounter, the fewer the possibilities for more effective alignment. Leaving one’s health trajectory to chance in our modern environment is a very risky proposition. We are interested in holding the science to the light with an open and humbled mindset. Like you, We are intrepid explorers interested in how we emerge in the midst of our relationship with the environmental inputs of our lives…how we eat, how we move, how we sleep, how we navigate the mind fields of conflict in our lives, how socially connected we are, how we manage the burden of environmental toxins in our lives, how much meaning we cultivate in our work, love, play and how we interpret and respond to stress in our lives. We will drill deep, share all that my experiences has taught and do all that we can to create value for you as you seek to find your health edge. We always welcome your feedback.Mark and John
Welcome to India’s First and Only Podcast for Homoeopaths. In this Series, we’ll be discussing everything you need to know about materia medica, from the basics to more advanced concepts. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced homeopath, these podcasts are perfect for you.Listen and learn MM in a new and unique way.Prepare for your AIAPGET and UPSC examination by listening to these podcasts. Listen anywhere and Save your time and Effort.Like Share and Comment. Follow me at @homoeo_academy on Instagram.
Peak Health with Dr. Gupta is for those who want to optimize their health, maximize their genetic potential, and have some fun along the way. We discuss how a Functional Medicine and Integrative Health approach can help you heal and boost your performance!
Beyond The Fountain of Youth reveals the secrets of staying young, healthy, and happy. In this podcast, you will hear from Dr. Julian R. Gershon Jr., the founder and director of the Aspen Institute for Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. Dr. Gershon is a triple-board-certified physician and a pioneer in the fields of anti-aging, regenerative medicine, and sports medicine. He will share with you the latest breakthroughs and innovations that can improve your health, longevity, and vitality.
’Geriatric’ Mamas is the original, real and raw podcast empowering women over 35 to embrace pregnancy and motherhood. Join hosts Jessica Rizzieri and Sonia Welch Tapley as they share authentic fertility stories, insightful motherhood news and entertaining motherhood moments from guests, listeners and social media!
Have you been attempting to use Law of Attraction or Hypnosis to Attract Financial Abundance, a Soulmate or Career Success? Would you like Be Happy, Motivated and Successful, Have Better Health, Experience Enlightenment, Enjoy More Fulfilling Relationships, Overcome Struggle, and Gain Self-Mastery? Then join me on this Amazing Self-Help Podcast where you'll Unleash the Power of Your Mind. I'll be sharing 20 years of Wisdom and Techniques of Hypnotherapy, LOA, Visualization, NLP, Meditation, Personal Growth, Positive Affirmations and other Effective Methods to help you Tap into the great Power which resides in your Mind and become the Best Version of Yourself. Subscribe and Listen Now!
http://www.hyptalk.com -
Listen to Dr. Mercola’s Weekly Podcast, as the legendary natural health pioneer continues to lead you on your journey towards optimal health.
Behind the Knife is the world’s #1 surgery podcast. From high-yield educational topics to interviews with leaders in the field, Behind the Knife delivers the information you need to know. Tune in for timely, relevant, and engaging content designed to help you DOMINATE THE DAY!
Behind the Knife is more than a podcast. Visit http://www.behindtheknife.org to learn more. -
Practical psychopharmacology updates for mental health clinicians. Useful for psychiatry / mental health professionals. Expert interviews and soundbites from CME presentations. Practical and free of commercial bias. Not sponsored by any pharmaceutical company.
Welcome to Surgery 101, a series of podcasts produced with the help of the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada. The podcasts are intended to serve as brief introductions or reviews of surgical topics for medical students. We've aimed to cover a single topic in between 10-20 minutes so that you can quickly get a good idea of the basic concepts involved. Every episode is divided into chapters and concludes with several key points to summarize the topic. We are always keen to receive your feedback on our podcasts, and we are accepting suggestions for additional topics. New episodes are published every Friday.
'Surgery 101' was created by Dr Parveen Boora and Dr Jonathan White, and is supported by the Department of Surgery at the University of Alberta. Our 2010 series of podcasts are brought to you by the Undergrad Surgery Mobile Podcasting Studio Team which is: Jonathan, Jenni and Tracy, with the assistance of the Surgery 101 Experts of Edmonton.
Note to experts: please note that these podcasts are only intended as brief introductions for medical students - we cannot delve into the more complex nuances of advanced surgery in a 10-minute podcast. We encourage all listeners to supplement their learning by seeing patients, assisting at surgeries and reading widely! -
We believe in the educational merits of Free Open Access Medical education (FOAM), which includes podcasts, blogs, articles on PubMed Central, conferences streamed for free and more. As a result, we would like to encourage others to move beyond quoting podcasts and into the realm of tying “cutting edge” FOAM to the core content. We’ll provide some review and references for listeners to go read. Why, indeed, should we FOAM it alone when FOAM can inspire us to go, read, think, and be excellent?
Let's Talk ID is a podcast by the Infectious Diseases Society of America, featuring discussions with experts on a range of topics related to infectious diseases including antimicrobial resistance, ID diagnostics and outbreaks such as COVID-19, Ebola and measles. Episodes on IDSA’s guidelines are also available.*The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Infectious Diseases Society of America.
Diabetes Core Update is a monthly podcast that presents and discusses the latest clinically relevant articles from the American Diabetes Association’s four science and medical journals – Diabetes, Diabetes Care, Clinical Diabetes, and Diabetes Spectrum. Each episode is approximately 15 minutes long and presents 5-6 recently published articles from ADA journals.
Intended for practicing physicians and health care professionals, Diabetes Core Update discusses how the latest research and information published in journals of the American Diabetes Association are relevant to clinical practice and can be applied in a treatment setting.
For more information about each of ADA’s science and medical journals, please visit www.diabetesjournals.org .
Presented by:
Neil Skolnik, M.D. , Professor of Family and Community Medicine, Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University; Associate Director, Family Medicine Residency Program, Abington Jefferson Health
John J. Russell, M.D., Clinical Professor of Family and Community Medicine, Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University; Director, Family Medicine Residency Program, Chair-Department of Family Medicine, Abington Jefferson Health -
Thyroid Answers podcast is focused on providing answers to the most common question people who have a thyroid problems and thyroid symptoms need and want answers to.
The podcast is hosted by Dr Eric Balcavage and Dr Erica Riggleman. Both are doctors of functional medicine, chiropractors and certified nutrition specialists. Their practices focus on helping people with thyroid conditions improve their symptoms and regain their health using functional medicine.