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How to handle haters and negative energy without losing your cool 💪
In this raw and unfiltered episode, I'm sharing a recent encounter with racism at my local grocery store and breaking down exactly how I chose to respond. Because here's the truth: there will always be negative people trying to bring you down, but YOU get to decide how their energy affects you.
From dealing with internet trolls to handling in-person confrontations, I'm revealing my strategy for maintaining composure and not letting other people's negativity derail your success. Plus, my wife Kirsten joins me to share her (slightly more aggressive) perspective on handling haters.
Top Quotes:
"I get to decide how I'm going to show up. Always. And I get to decide how I'm going to respond. Regardless of what anybody says to me about anything ever, I'm just going to maintain my composure." (13:29)
"Nothing comes from those back and forth 'I'm right, you're wrong' conversations. If the other person doesn't have the awareness about what they did... nothing is going to come from those conversations." (14:01)
"If it's not getting you closer to your goals, why are you participating in it?" (14:21)___
Get a FREE customized blueprint to grow your online fitness business:https://pt-domination.com/clmm-results
⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/@therealbrianmark
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The secret weapon to 75M views that nobody's talking about: Instagram Trial Reels 🚀
In this tactical episode, I'm breaking down why Trial Reels might be the biggest opportunity on Instagram right now that most creators are sleeping on. Fresh from Nashville where I just spoke at Adley's event, I learned something that completely changed my perspective on this "practice" feature.
Because here's the truth: Trial Reels aren't just practice - they're a backdoor to reaching millions of non-followers without risking your main feed's performance. From my friend Brendan hitting 500k views in 24 hours to Adley gaining 40k followers in a month, I'm sharing exactly why you need to start taking this seriously.
Top Quotes:
"Trial reels gives you an opportunity to basically post double on social media with no negative feedback... if you're not posting on trial reels, honestly, at this point, I think you're fucking up." (2:49)
"Sometimes something that I think is complete ass cheeks ends up going viral. So you can't ever pre-decide what's good and what's not. I believe you just have to post content." (5:34)
"If you're new to posting on social media... should you really worry about trial reels? No, just post content on your fucking page. Get consistent first, then get good." (6:39)___
Get a FREE customized blueprint to grow your online fitness business:https://pt-domination.com/clmm-results
⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/@therealbrianmark
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Inside the mind of winners: client success stories and mindset shifts 🏆
In this special Podchats episode, I'm sitting down with my clients to dive deep into their wins, challenges, and breakthrough moments. From reading The Master Key System to landing multiple inbound leads after a mindset shift, we're exploring what it really takes to level up your business and your life.
Because here's the truth: success starts with your internal world. When you start showing up like a winner and truly believing in yourself, everything changes - from random compliments in the grocery store to consistent $30k months. But to scale beyond that? You need systems.
Top Quotes:
"I feel like I've been working so hard... but working against myself in my head. What if for the rest of the month, I just focused on my internal world and just fucking felt like a winner, showed up like a winner?" (0:00:33)
"This isn't a consistency issue. This isn't a leads issue. This is a systems issue. Your systems aren't established to be able to build a 20,000 to 30,000 a month business consistently." (1:16:14)
"When you join the Millionaire Mastermind, it's so that you can build your team. And the reason that you'd want to build your team is that you can build a scalable business." (1:16:33)___
Get a FREE customized blueprint to grow your online fitness business:https://pt-domination.com/clmm-results
⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/@therealbrianmark
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The simple business model that scales to $100k/month: attract, convert, deliver 📈
In this tactical episode, I'm breaking down the three core elements that make ANY business successful - whether you're a hairstylist, real estate agent, or online coach. Because here's the truth: scaling to $100k/month isn't as complicated as most people make it out to be. It all comes down to mastering these fundamental pillars.
From understanding how to position yourself as an authority through content, to converting leads into clients, to delivering results that keep them coming back - I'm showing you exactly how to build the foundation that scales. Plus, I reveal why most people get stuck at $25k/month and what it really takes to break through that ceiling.
Top Quotes:
"If you can master these 3 elements, you'll be successful in any business. It doesn't matter what business you're in." (00:50)
"The first level is to get you started. The middle level is to basically become financially free... And then the third level is to actually buy back your freedom." (12:42)
"Most people, when they go to hire team members, try to do it themselves and they fuck it up... They have no idea how to lead, no idea how to train, no idea how to build this person into their culture." (11:41)
Get a FREE customized blueprint to grow your online fitness business:https://pt-domination.com/clmm-results
⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/@therealbrianmark
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The dark side of entrepreneurship nobody talks about: raw and unfiltered 😤
In this vulnerable episode, I'm pulling back the curtain on the mental battles that come with being an entrepreneur - the weight of responsibility, the constant pressure to perform, and the relentless grind that most people don't see. Because while I'm grateful AF for my success, there's a darker side to "being your own boss" that nobody warns you about.
From supporting 60 team members and 2,000 clients to taking care of my family and grandmother's bills, I'm sharing what it really feels like to have everything riding on your shoulders. Because success doesn't care about your feelings - you either show up and do the work, or everything falls apart.
Top Quotes:
"Your audience doesn't care about the emotion that you're feeling. They're online, and whoever's posting the content, whoever's in front their face, whoever's marketing to them, is the one they pay attention to." (8:38)
"You have to be willing to walk that uncharted path with a fucking ferocious intensity that refuses to be stopped. And if you're not willing to do that, don't even start." (10:32)
"There are some days that I'm gonna wake up and I'm literally gonna feel like I'm literally an absolute animal... And there's some days I'm gonna wake up and I barely have the energy to get out of bed. And regardless of how I feel... I'm just gonna show up and I'm gonna do the fucking work." (8:13)
Get a FREE customized blueprint to grow your online fitness business:https://pt-domination.com/clmm-results
⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/@therealbrianmark
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Dear Uncle Jerermy: a message about authenticity and speaking your truth 🎯
In this spicy episode, I'm addressing the elephant in the room - a certain sales coach who's been using my content for the past year while pretending not to know who I am. From reaction videos to running ads with my face in them, it's time to set the record straight about authenticity in the online space.
Because here's the truth: too many people blindly follow "gurus" with big followings without questioning their methods. Whether it's a sketchy sales objection technique or a condescending attitude, I'm done staying quiet when I see something I disagree with. It's time to speak up and keep it real.
Top Quotes:
"Don't just blindly fucking follow advice. I didn't get to the level that I'm at right now by blindly accepting every piece of advice I got put in front of me on the internet." (5:20)
"People are too afraid to fucking say what's on their mind because they don't want to stir the pot or come off controversial... Who gives a fuck? Say what's on your mind and stop being afraid to speak your opinion." (5:32)
"Dear Uncle Jerermy, please keep posting my content. Cause it's clear to me that you are getting value from my videos. Cause my face helps you go viral. So you're welcome." (6:12)___
Get a FREE customized blueprint to grow your online fitness business:https://pt-domination.com/clmm-results
⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/@therealbrianmark
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Are your Instagram views down? Here's what to do instead of panicking 📱
In this tactical episode, I'm breaking down why your content might not be hitting like it used to and exactly what to do about it. Because here's the truth: this happens twice a year like clockwork, and if you're not willing to adapt, you'll die (just ask Blockbuster 👋).
From my 12 years of experience posting on social media to what I'm doing right now to pivot my content strategy, I'm showing you how to stay ahead of the algorithm instead of becoming its victim. Plus, I'm revealing the exact numbers behind why you're leaving money on the table if you're not boosting posts at $10k+ months.
Top Quotes:
"When it comes to business, when it comes to content, when it comes to DMs, when it comes to sales, when it comes to all of it, at all points in time, you must be able to adapt or die." (2:03)
"The amount of effort, the amount of output that I put out never changes... However, the things that I'm putting out are always going to change based on what I'm seeing on the Instagram algorithm." (12:38)
"If you are not boosting posts and you have money, aka 10 to 20k a month, you're fucking baked... I'm not just gonna pray to the Instagram gods that my content pops off." (14:09)
Get a FREE customized blueprint to grow your online fitness business:https://pt-domination.com/clmm-results
⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/@therealbrianmark
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Either quit or fully commit: a wake-up call for struggling entrepreneurs 💯
In this raw and unfiltered episode, I'm speaking directly to those of you who feel like giving up on your dreams. If you're noticing all the things that aren't working - the no-show calls, the refund requests, the content that's not hitting - and feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders, this message is for you.
Because here's the truth: you can't live in the middle. You're either going to quit and go back to your 9-5, or you're going to fully commit to finding solutions instead of focusing on problems. The choice is yours, but staying in that middle ground where you're working hard while speaking limitation over your life is a guaranteed path to failure.
Top Quotes:
"I'm a firm believer that the words we speak create the reality that we live in... if you're working on your business but putting forth negative energy towards your business, you're just going to create more despair." (2:15)
"Full commitment means you stop bitching about the little things... I am so committed to achieving my goals that I will not let a single word escape my mouth that would be a detriment to them." (4:25)
"The only way you get to that level where everything you touch turns to gold... is you make the decision that you are fully fucking committed and you will never speak limitation over your life ever again. Period." (5:58)
Get a FREE customized blueprint to grow your online fitness business:https://pt-domination.com/clmm-results
⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/@therealbrianmark
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Instagram | @therealbrianmark
Facebook | Brian Mark -
Whatever it takes: the raw truth about entrepreneurial sacrifice 😤
In this unfiltered episode recorded after a 12-hour workday, I'm breaking down what "whatever it takes" really means when building a 6-figure business. From my conversation with a VIP client about sacrificing family time to hit $100k months, to filming 50 videos while exhausted, I'm showing you the reality of what's required to level up.
Because here's the truth: most people want entrepreneurial success but aren't willing to make the sacrifices necessary to get there. If you think you can clock in and clock out like an employee while building an empire, this wake-up call is for you.
Top Quotes:
"Too many fucking people come into entrepreneurship with the mindset that they're going to work for a certain amount of hours. And then when those certain amount of hours are done, then they're done." (1:53)
"I never count the cost... Because I'll do whatever it takes to have the life of my dreams. " (7:20)
"Work ethic by itself is not the whole equation because I know a lot of entrepreneurs that work their ass off and they're broke as fuck because they're not doing the work that's required to level up their skills." (8:42)
Get a FREE customized blueprint to grow your online fitness business:https://pt-domination.com/clmm-results
⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/@therealbrianmark
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Facebook | Brian Mark -
The balance between support and accountability: real talk with my wife about tough love 💑
In this raw and unfiltered episode, Kirsten and I are diving deep into one of the most important aspects of any relationship - knowing when to support your partner and when to call them out. From my straggly beard phase to the conversation that sparked a major change, we're sharing how to have those difficult but necessary conversations that lead to growth.
Because here's the truth: most relationships fail because people aren't willing to say what's really on their mind. Whether it's friendships or romantic partnerships, learning to balance unconditional support with honest accountability is the key to helping each other level up.
Top Quotes:
"As a partner, I think we have a responsibility on two aspects... I'm here for you, you're my support system. And also, when you're letting yourself go and not showing up as your very best, I think it's my responsibility to be like 'hey, what the fuck is going on here?'" (2:43)
"Something that Brian and I do that really helps with our communication is this one small question: 'Do you want advice right now or do you want me to just listen?'" (18:21)
"Most relationships struggle because most partners aren't willing to say what the fuck is on their mind to the other person... instead of having that hard conversation, they'll just bitch to other friends about that friend." (2:17)
Get a FREE customized blueprint to grow your online fitness business:https://pt-domination.com/clmm-results
⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/@therealbrianmark
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Facebook | Brian Mark -
How to turn cold leads into $1,000 clients in 30 days (without being sleazy) 💰
In this tactical episode, I'm breaking down the biggest mistakes I see online trainers making when trying to convert leads - from sliding into strangers' DMs with pitches to not nurturing their audience properly. Because here's the truth: if you're trying to sell to everyone who breathes on your profile, you're doing it wrong.
Instead, I'm giving you my proven 5-step framework for turning cold leads into paying clients the right way. From launching a free 14-day challenge to my exact DM scripts that actually work, I'm showing you how to build authentic relationships that lead to sales. Because when you focus on providing value first, the sales naturally follow.
Top Quotes:
"My definition of a stranger on social media is somebody that you have no previous relationship with. So they've never interacted with your content, you've never interacted with their content, and the first thing that you send them is a pitch... I literally block people that do this to me." (1:15)
"When somebody comes to your profile on social media and they engage with your content, that's them telling you that they're lightly interested in what you have to offer... That is the first sign of a potential client." (2:01)
"Sometimes it takes two, three, four, five touch points for somebody to actually be serious enough to want to work with you as an online coach... The fortune is in the follow up." (9:56)___
Get a FREE customized blueprint to grow your online fitness business:https://pt-domination.com/clmm-results
⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/@therealbrianmark
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Why funnels are fucking stupid (and what to focus on instead) 🎯
In this no-BS episode, I'm breaking down why most business coaches are dead wrong about needing fancy marketing funnels to grow your online fitness business. Because here's the truth: I built my business to $1M/month without ever touching a funnel, and I've got multiple coaches in my Million Dollar Mastermind doing $100k+ months the same way.
From understanding what people actually want when they're scrolling social media to the simple system that will take you to $25k/month without complicated tech, I'm giving you the straightforward path to scaling your business. Because if you're making less than $25k/month and focusing on anything other than organic social media growth, you're making this way harder than it needs to be.
Top Quotes:
"Human beings that are scrolling social media are scrolling to be entertained... We're not scrolling through social media with the intention of buying some shit. That's usually not what happens." (1:26)
"The most effective way to grow your business to $25,000 a month is taking out your phone, recording a video, posting it on social media, getting somebody in the DMs, booking a sales call with them, converting them into a client, and putting them into your community. Period." (6:13)
"If you're gonna spend money, I don't think you spend money on building an email campaign, or building a website, or building a funnel. I think you spend money on hiring people to help you with your current system - hiring a virtual assistant, hiring a coach, hiring a community manager." (7:18)
Get a FREE customized blueprint to grow your online fitness business:https://pt-domination.com/clmm-results
⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/@therealbrianmark
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Live from Mexico: Real talk with my PT Dom clients about mindset, growth, and transitions 🌴
In this special edition of Podchats recorded from Mexico, I'm opening up the floor to my $5k-$25k/month clients for an unfiltered Q&A session. From navigating the uncomfortable "in-between" phase of growth to gracefully transitioning out of a long-term job, we're diving deep into the real challenges successful entrepreneurs face.
Plus, I'm dropping a major announcement about Ascension Week and a chance to win a VIP half-day session with me and Cole. If you're ready to learn directly from coaches who are in the trenches making it happen, this episode is your masterclass in what it really takes to level up.
Top Quotes:
"Here's the truth - you never actually arrive. Everybody is seeking this final destination where everything they do is like 'oh I'm living my dream life right now.' Even for me, don't get me wrong, I'm very fucking grateful, but there are moments throughout my day where I'm not where I want to be." (2:57)
"Everybody can have an opinion, but if the king of the castle likes you and vouches for you, that will be the overarching weight of everybody else." (1:06:48)
"I'm really connected to my why... but I still catch myself letting the external world get in my head. I know I need to believe it before I see it." (1:41)
Get a FREE customized blueprint to grow your online fitness business:https://pt-domination.com/clmm-results
⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/@therealbrianmark
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Facebook | Brian Marka
You don't actually want this sh*t: the raw truth about entrepreneurship 😤
In this unfiltered episode recorded after a 14-hour workday, I'm calling out all the "manifestation hippies" who think building a million-dollar business is about good vibes and 4-hour workdays. Because here's the reality: everyone wants the outcome of having a successful business - the money, the freedom, the lifestyle - but almost nobody is willing to put in the actual work required to get there.
From sacrificing your weekends to never being able to "call in sick," I'm breaking down the real cost of entrepreneurship that nobody talks about. Because if you're looking for shortcuts or trying to turn this into a "side hobby," you need to hear this wake-up call before you waste your time.
Top Quotes:
"If you want to grow a business that makes $50,000, $100,000, $500,000, a million dollars a month... everybody says that they want it but nobody actually realizes the amount of work that goes in on the back end of having that business." (1:24)
"For those people that are actually willing to put in the work, day after day after day, without ever counting the cost... on the other side of that is financial freedom. On the other side of that is you retiring your mom." (6:29)
"Trent Harrison, been in my coaching program for five years, posted every single day for the last five years, went from 7,000 followers to 1.1 million. It's really fucking simple. He followed the formula. Work your ass off, never miss." (8:18)
Get a FREE customized blueprint to grow your online fitness business:https://pt-domination.com/clmm-results
⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/@therealbrianmark
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I am not my thoughts: a powerful mindset shift for entrepreneurs 🧠
In this raw and personal episode, Kirsten and I are sharing a powerful mindset breakthrough we had while dealing with morning sickness during her pregnancy. From reframing negative self-talk to understanding the difference between experiencing something and identifying with it, we're diving deep into how changing your relationship with your thoughts can transform your entire reality.
Whether you're struggling with self-doubt, anxiety, or just feeling stuck in negative thought patterns, this episode will give you practical tools to take back control of your mind. Because here's the truth: you are not your thoughts - you are the one observing them.
Top Quotes:
"When I overcame my addiction, I had to disassociate myself from my thoughts... I had to realize that just because I'm thinking something doesn't mean that's who I am." (3:19)
"You can be 'I am powerful', 'I am worthy', 'I am deserving'... you can literally attach the 'I am' to anything. And so choosing to attach that 'I am' to 'I am anxious', 'I am sad' - you are literally robbing yourself of your own power." (15:24)
"Anyone can say anything. Someone who despises themselves can say 'I love myself' over and over. At the end of the day, the feeling has to change, because the feeling is going to be the thing that makes you actually feel good." (17:12)
Get a FREE customized blueprint to grow your online fitness business:https://pt-domination.com/clmm-results
⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/@therealbrianmark
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Stop being the "tip guy": why most fitness creators fail on social media 🎯
In this masterclass episode, I'm breaking down the three secrets to successful content creation and why most creators fail to stand out online. The hard truth? Being good at fitness isn't enough - this is a marketing game, and the best marketer wins. Period.
I'm pulling back the curtain on exactly how I went from sucking at content for 6 years to building a $500,000/month business, and more importantly, how you can avoid making the same mistakes I did. Because here's the reality: if you're just posting workout tips and macro calculations, you're blending in with every other fitness creator out there.
From understanding what social media platforms are actually for (hint: it's not selling) to the 50-50 rule that will transform your content strategy, I'm giving you my complete playbook for standing out in a crowded market.
Top Quotes:
"Online training is a game where the best marketer wins. Period. It isn't about your level of skill. It isn't about your level of experience. You are the best marketer, and you get the most clients, or you don't." (1:43)
"Nobody is going to go spend thousands and thousands of dollars on the tip guy or the tip girl, when they could literally get all that information from Chat GPT. People are going to pay you money because they like the person that you are." (56:10)
"Unless you are entertaining people, you are going to blend in with a sea of nobodies. And I see a lot of online fitness coaches that struggle to grow their coaching business because they are not entertaining people." (0:59)___
Get a FREE customized blueprint to grow your online fitness business:https://pt-domination.com/clmm-results
⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/@therealbrianmark
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Why I started posting 6 times a day (and why you probably shouldn't) 📱
In this tactical episode, I'm breaking down exactly how I scaled my Instagram from 0 to 340,000 followers and why I recently made the decision to post 6 times per day. But here's the truth: this strategy isn't for everyone.
I'm showing you the step-by-step progression that took me from posting once per day to where I am now, and more importantly, when YOU should (and shouldn't) increase your posting frequency.
From building the right team to free up your time to ensuring your content quality doesn't drop with increased volume, I'm giving you my complete playbook for scaling your social media presence the right way. Because here's the reality: posting more only works if you've mastered the fundamentals first.
Top Quotes:
"I think that's where a lot of online fitness coaches struggle is you never actually make the commitment that you want to get better at content. You're just posting because most of you guys come into this game of entrepreneurship without ever posting on social media." (1:34)
"Once you can do this and every piece of content that you post is good - and my definition of good is people are saying it's good, they're engaging with it, they're watching, they're sharing, they're liking, they're commenting - your account is growing at that point. Then I would consider increasing the volume." (5:24)
"If you're making 10 to $20,000 a month and you don't have people working for you, you're fucking up because it's impossible for you to post 3 to 5 times a day if you've got all of the other things that you need to do in your business." (6:15)___
Get a FREE customized blueprint to grow your online fitness business:https://pt-domination.com/clmm-results
⏯ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/@therealbrianmark
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