Today I am going to talk about a topic that has a direct affect towards our happiness and living more intentionally, which is how food and diet affects our happiness and mental wellness. We all know that enjoying a healthy diet impact our physical health, but have studies begun to show that healthy eating hasContinue reading "How Food and Diet Affect Our Happiness and Mental Wellness"
Today I’d like to share some advice on how to achieve your dreams and goals in life. If you are feeling, lost unmotivated, or if you are just seeking a little bit of a guidance and advice on how those who had reached great heights followed, this podcast is right for you. And it doesn’tContinue reading "How to Achieve Your Dreams and Goals in Life"
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Today I am going to talk about a topic that may revolutionize how you view relationships, especially the romantic ones, and hopefully, by becoming more aware of these phases you can learn how to navigate through them and build more fulfilling and long lasting relationships. These stages are common to almost all relationships, whether theyContinue reading "The Stages of Relationships (Especially Romantic Ones) – This Will Change Your Life"
Today I will talk about the law of attraction and hopefully answer some of the questions you may have. So if you haven’t heard about the law of attraction, that is great that you stopped by today as I will explain what it is, and if you have heard about it, that is also goodContinue reading "The Law of Attraction Explained (Even if You Don’t Believe in it)"
Many people say that we should be present, but few explain why we should do so, like what are the actual benefits? And this is what I’d like to talk about here today. Being present is a prime Spiritual ability and state. But if you don’t believe in spirituality, being present is like being inContinue reading "The Benefits of Being Present | Why is it Better to Live in the Present"
Today I would like to talk about a topic that was brought to my attention since I begin my work with the Church of Clear. And that is flow state! I had already heard about it before since I have always been interested in sports, but I have never understood it properly. So today IContinue reading "What is Flow State and Its Benefits Not Only in Sports But in Every Day Life | Flow State Mindset"
I am very happy that you stopped by for today’s podcast, as this topic will clarify some of your questions you may have about what is the conscious and subconscious mind, and how they differ from each other. This audio will explain the conscious and subconscious mind. I will also show you how powerful ourContinue reading "Conscious and Subconscious Mind Explained & the Power of Your Subconscious Mind"
Today I wanted to talk to you about a very important topic that will change how you develop yourself from within so you can live a happier and more fulfilling life, which is understanding the ego. This is probably one of the most important piece of information about self-development that we will share here thatContinue reading "Understanding the Ego | The Ego vs The Authentic Self"
Today’s topic is a great one, which is how to be a better parent, partner, coworker, leader, community member… The information I will share may change your life for the better as you will know how to improve your interpersonal skills and have better relationships. The information I will share will also clarify many ofContinue reading "How to Be Better a Parent, Partner, Friend, Co Worker, Community Member | Have Better Relationships"
On this podcast I would like to talk about another topic that is part of our 7 directions. And that is authenticity, and how you can be more authentic in life. Hopefully after listening to today’s podcast you will be able to understand why being authentic is important to truly be happier and more fulfilledContinue reading "How to Be More Authentic | Why Being Authentic is Important to Truly be Happy and Fulfilled"