
  • Are you stuck in a bit of rut, feeling like you’ve been dealt a bad hand?Are you struggling to move on, deal with, or let go of a challenge you might be facing in your life. Maybe it’s your health, a diagnosis or some other hurdle that just seems unfair?Do you need a little boost of inspiration and joy to kick you in the pants and get your butt moving forward?

    This episode of connectedly is a doozy! Hi I'm Nicole Sharanam. And in this profound conversation, Justine Martin, a Geelong Victoria-based dynamic entrepreneur, award-winning artist, resilience coach, keynote speaker, author and the driving force behind the Justine Martin Corporation, shares her transformative journey from a Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis in 2011 to becoming the happiest and healthiest she's ever been. Despite facing MS, three primary cancers, three heart conditions, and chronic pain as well as numerous other hurdles, Justine has not only found strength and a new purpose in life despite her hidden disabilities, but she does it with a huge smile on her face and blazing love in her heart. Justines story is a compelling testament to the human spirit's ability to bounce back and find happiness not just amidst life's challenges but because of them.

    Thanks for joining us...

    x Nicole.


    1. Finding Strength in Adversity: She teaches the importance of acceptance and finding the silver lining so you can let go of the anger and move forward with a smile on your face.

    2. The Power of Asking for Help: Justine asks for help and says it’s a sign of strength, not weakness. Whether it's through professional support, community or friends, seeking assistance is crucial for building resilience and coping with life's challenges.

    3. The Importance of Self-Care: Effective time management, delegating tasks, and prioritising self-care are vital for maintaining mental and physical well-being. Justine has a strict approach to managing her time, her health and energy, businesses and personal life one that allows her to maximise her time and live a happy fulfilling life.

    4. Cultivating Resilience: Justine's journey illustrates that resilience is not just about bouncing back but also bouncing forward. It involves learning from experiences, embracing support systems, and continually moving towards personal growth and fulfilment. 

    What We Discuss:

    01:13 Justine's Journey with Multiple Sclerosis 

    04:20 Embracing Disabilities and Advocating for Awareness

    06:59 Exploring Resilience

    11:35 Seeking Help 

    13:45 Maximising Productivity: Outsourcing and Time Management

    18:12 The Power of Action and Maintaining a Decluttered Mind

    21:58 Reflecting on Drive, Tenacity, and Survival Mode

    25:31 The Power of Positivity and Energy Conservation

    32:28 Finding New Paths

    43:05 The Importance of Acceptance 

    44:56 Defining Happiness and Living Authentically

    51:26 Quick Fire Round


    Resilience Mindset | www.resiliencemindset.com.au Justine Martin Keynote Speaker | www.justinemartin.com.auJustine's Email: [email protected] Nicole on FB - https://www.facebook.com/nicolesharanam Nicoles Website - www.Connectedly.com.au
  • What is authentic leadership and how can this style of leadership impact our world?How can we find true happiness and success as female leaders all while balancing life, patting our head and running our tummies?What’s the biggest challenge that we face as female leaders today and how can we overcome it?

    Welcome to Connectedly. I'm Nicole Sharanam and I'm so pleased to bring this conversation to you today. Joining us is Megan Dalla-Camina the Founder and CEO of Women Rising and a world leading expert in women’s leadership. We discuss leadership and strategies for cultivating a meaningful and balanced life, one of empowerment and connection. Megan also provides actionable advice on practicing self-care, setting boundaries, and pursuing happiness.

    Megan is a celebrated coach, influential writer, researcher and advocate for change and is known for her brave and refreshing approach to women’s empowerment, wellbeing and leadership.  Megan fuses a 20-year career as an executive and multi-billion dollar strategist for corporate heavyweights with deep academic credentials and more than a decade of researching, teaching and leading gender diversity and women’s leadership initiatives around the world.


    **Authentic Leadership**

    Megan emphasises the importance of self-inquiry through two critical questions: "Who am I?" and "What do I want?" This introspection is key to overcoming self-doubt and societal biases, paving the way for authentic leadership. Recognising one's worth and dismantling societal shackles enables women to navigate their leadership journey with resilience and consciousness.

    **The Foundation of Self-Worth**

    Central to Megan's ethos is the undeniable importance of self-worth. She encourages women to honour their worthiness, allowing them to assert boundaries, engage in self-care, and make life choices that resonate deeply with their true selves. This shift not only cultivates self-confidence but also changes how women interact with the world.

    **Spiritual Practice as a Pathway to Happiness**

    Megan heralds meditation as a cornerstone for peace and happiness. This simple, yet profound practice fosters inner clarity, grounding, and a sense of calm, contributing to personal peace and, by extension, global harmony.

    **Living Simply, Soulfully, and Sacredly**

    Inspired by her own experiences and eloquently captured in her book *Simple, Soulful, Sacred*, Megan advocates for a life that cherishes simplicity, dives deep into the soul's journey, and recognises the sacredness of the everyday. This philosophy urges us to reflect and align our lives with what truly matters.

    **The Ripple Effect of Conscious Living**

    Megan Dalla-Camina's insights offer a compelling call to action for all women to journey towards self-discovery, embrace their intrinsic value, and lead lives of profound fulfilment and empowerment. Her wisdom illuminates the path to a life that not only nourishes the individual but also inspires collective transformation towards a more peaceful, empowered world.

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 A Personal Journey to Change: From Burnout to Empowerment

    01:09 Introducing Megan Dalla-Camina: A Beacon of Women's Leadership

    03:32 The Essence of Happiness and Connection

    15:14 Navigating the Complexities of Authentic Leadership and Women's Empowerment

    24:42 Unlocking Self-Worth and Authenticity

    28:41 Redefining Success

    29:55 The Essence of True Success: Family, Well-being, and Creativity

    32:54 Embracing Money as a Tool for Good

    34:46 Exploring Spiritual Practices for Daily Life

    38:45 The Power of Simplicity

    41:31 Challenges and Triumphs of Women in Leadership

    46:09 The Journey to Self-Worth

    50:41 Quick Fire Round

    Resource Links:

    Megans Books - https://megandallacamina.com/books/Women Rising - https://megandallacamina.com/women-rising/Megan on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/megandallacamina/Nicoles Website - https://www.connectedly.com.au/Nicole on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/nicolesharanam
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  • Has your relationship moved from honeymoon phase to the frustration phase where literally everything bugs you?Curious about the secrets to maintaining a blissful relationship long-term?And if shit hits the fan and our relationship hits stormy waters, can we come back from that?

    Join me Nicole Sharanam as we chat with Melissa Ferrari who is one of Australia's most sought-after therapists. With over 25 years' experience in couples counselling and individual psychotherapy, she is regularly called upon as a relationship expert across national media.

    We talk to Melissa about the dynamics of relationships, the importance of paying attention, repairing betrayals, and the need for unconditional love in a two-person system. Let’s get right into it team!


     CONNECTION: Melissa sheds light on the inevitable shift from the honeymoon phase to the reality of everyday life, emphasising how the initial chemical cocktail of bonding hormones eventually fades. She highlights the importance of paying attention and presence, encouraging couples to dedicate at least five to ten minutes each day to focusing on each other SAFETY: Central to Melissas approach is the concept of secure functioning in relationships. By prioritising mutual safety, security, and collaboration, couples can create a strong foundation. This entails setting aside ego-driven behaviours and focusing on the collective well-being of the relationship. TWO PERSON SYSTEM:  Melissa discusses the importance of moving from a one person seism to a two person system, so there is less focus on just what’s in your mind, to also what your partner feels, thinks, wants and needs.  This understanding of both parties creates understanding and mutual compassion thus achieving long-lasting happiness and unity in relationships

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Redefining Relationship Dynamics

    00:54 Meet Melissa Ferrari: Unveiling the Secrets of Long-Lasting Relationships

    02:14 The Honeymoon Phase vs. Reality: Understanding Relationship Evolution

    05:50 Reviving the Spark: The Power of Paying Attention

    06:26 Face-to-Face Connection: The Key to Resolving Conflict

    08:58 Daily Rituals for Relationship Maintenance

    10:50 Navigating Relationship Baggage with Professional Help

    13:37 Recovering from Betrayal: The Path to Forgiveness and Healing

    18:14 Fostering Connection: Applying Parent-Child Relationship Principles to Partnerships

    20:29 Understanding Conditional vs. Unconditional Love in Adult Relationships

    21:21 Navigating Relationship Challenges: Unconditional Love and Conditions

    22:18 The Secure Functioning Model: A Guide to Thriving Relationships

    23:47 Choosing Collaboration Over Conflict: The Power of Letting Go

    26:47 The Importance of Agreements in Relationships

    27:28 Addressing the One Person System: A Societal Challenge

    30:23 Understanding and Healing Through Partnership

    31:03 The Complex Dance of Triggers and Healing in Relationships

    34:23 The Essential Shift from Self to Collective in Relationships

    44:41 Reflections and Takeaways: Enhancing Connection and Safety


    Show Links:

    Melissas Website: melissaferrari.com.au

    Melissa on Facebook

    Melissa on Instagram

    Nicole's Website https://www.connectedly.com.au/

    Nicole's Instagram

    Nicole's Facebook


  • Do you have irrational triggers such as an Anger or Fear over seemingly small things?Do you suffer mental health conditions like depression or anxiety?Have you experienced childhood trauma and are looking to heal?

    In this conversation, I chat with Liz Mullinar, the founder of the Heal for Life Foundation, who discusses different aspects of trauma and its implications. She explains how the brain stores traumatic experiences and the impact it can have on individuals as they grow older. Liz proposes that acknowledging and expressing fear or anger rather than suppressing these emotions can lead to healthier mental states.

    She lays emphasis on the role of parents in helping their children deal with such emotional episodes. She also talks about strategies to cope with triggers, noting how releasing the fear connected with these triggers can help in mitigating their impact.


     Childhood trauma can be the perception of life threatening moments when as a baby they perceived danger, say a mother leaving the baby in a crib and the perceived danger.  Real or not.  Examples include abandonment or forced separation from a primary caregiver, divorce, neglect, bullying, death of a parent or sibling, abuse, and serious childhood illness or accidents. As a parent, we can support our children in releasing these fears and angers now so they don’t build up into larger more impactful triggers.  We need to allow our children to sit in the anger or fear, to realise it and to let it out of the system.  Based on the latest trauma recovery and neuroscience research, Liz studies shows that trauma causes involuntary emotional responses that often underpins challenging behaviour in children and teens. Simply by honouring, releasing and letting go, we can remove and release the trauma and the emotion. When we hold fear in our brain, in our amygdala, when we face a reminder of that fear even as adults, whether conscious or not, we relive that feeling of that moment and of that trauma.   Hence our trigger and fight or flight. For many children who experience emotional or behavioural difficulties, behaviours are an outward display of difficult emotions such as fear, anger and shame that are caused by the neurobiological damage of trauma on the brain. 

    Thanks for tuning in.  Keep connecting. 

    Lots of love, Nicole.

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Understanding Trauma and Its Impact

    01:26 Introduction to the Guest Speaker: Liz Mullinar

    02:56 Liz Mullinar's Journey and Mission

    04:53 Defining Trauma and Its Effects

    06:49 Real-life Examples of Trauma and Healing

    10:00 Understanding Triggers and How to Overcome Them

    11:55 The Importance of Healing from Trauma

    16:51 Healing Programs and Their Impact

    20:08 Healing Trauma in Children

    22:01 Understanding the Impact of Parenting

    22:35 Addressing Childhood Fears

    24:34 The Brain's Response to Fear

    26:25 The Role of Trauma in Fear Response

    28:33 The Importance of Acknowledging Feelings

    30:26 The Impact of Suppressed Emotions

    31:01 The Power of Releasing Fear

    34:22 The Effects of Trauma on Prisoners

    37:42 The Importance of Seeking Help

    39:42 Key Takeaways and Conclusion


    Heal For Life Website: https://healforlife.com.au/

    Books: https://healforlife.com.au/shop/

    Connect with Nicole:  https://www.instagram.com/nicolesharanam

  • In this episode of Connectedly, host Nicole Sharanam recounts her journey to finding love and happiness within herself and her experiences during a spiritual workshop with Sadhguru "Soak in Ecstasy of Enlightenment". She emphasises the importance of embracing pain as a stepping stone towards a brighter future and encourages listeners to face their fears and strive for a more joyful and fulfilling life.

    She points out the importance of maintaining a positive attitude in everyday life, being conscious parents, and being more open and loving towards strangers. Nicole also offers inspiration and support to her listeners who may be facing difficulties or loneliness in their lives.

    Thanks for joining us. And please do reach out if you want to ask a question.

    Lots of love,



    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Introduction 
    01:34 The Unexpected Solo Episode
    02:00 Experiencing Sadhguru's Teachings in "Soak in Ecstasy of Enlightenment"
    03:30 The Power of Inner Engineering
    04:00 The Journey to the Workshop
    07:01 The Workshop Experience
    08:15 Key Takeaways from the Workshop
    14:41 The Impact on Personal Life
    16:55 Embracing the Fairy Tale
    18:35 Reaching Out and Conclusion

    Resource Links:

    Reach out to Nicole HERE: https://www.connectedly.com.au/contact

    Join Nicole on IG: https://www.instagram.com/nicolesharanam

    Sadhgurus Website: https://isha.sadhguru.org/au/en


  • How can you face anxiety and still find a way to move forward in this world?As women, how do we find our voice and feel confident enough to shout it from the roof tops?Plus…how can story telling help us to connect better?

    Today on connectedly, we are talking with Jane Caro AM, a Walkley Award winning columnist, author, novelist, broadcaster, documentary maker, feminist and social commentator.

    We talk about dismantling harmful hierarchies, understanding the importance of listening, and the realisation that we are all fundamentally more similar than we are different. Addressing the challenges that women face, we discuss the pressure to conform and the anxiety for constant perfection. Jane opens up about her struggles with anxiety, her perspective on happiness not being a goal but a consequence of contentment, and the critical role of storytelling in fostering connection and happiness. 

    Jane appears frequently on The Drum; Today Extra. She has created and presented 5 documentary series for ABC Compass. She is in demand as a speaker, panel facilitator and MC.


    Embrace Vulnerability and Surrender: Overcoming anxiety involves embracing vulnerability and surrendering control. Recognise the absence that you are the most special person in the world and the futility of trying to control every aspect of life.Challenge Societal Expectations: Women need to reject societal expectations, find self-acceptance, and resist the pursuit of perfection. We need to be comfortable with flaws and not let others dictate worth or emotional expression.Dealing with Anticipation and Anxiety: Address the human tendency to anticipate and worry about the future, Jane advises focusing on the present and adopting a Que Sera Sera attitude, dealing with challenges as they arise instead of getting anxious about hypothetical scenarios.Connect Through Shared Stories:  Incorporate storytelling into your life. Share and listen to stories that evoke emotions. Recognise the shared humanity in these narratives; it's a pathway to empathy and understanding, bridging gaps between people.

    What We discuss:

    *Warning - some language may offend. 

    00:00 Introduction

    01:12 The Importance of Storytelling and Self-Expression

    03:37 Overcoming Anxiety and Embracing Authenticity

    08:21 The Role of Humour

    10:08 Understanding and Managing Anxiety

    15:09 The Power of Acceptance and Letting Go

    25:21 Challenging Stereotypes and Embracing Individuality

    29:10 The Journey of Self-Discovery and Acceptance

    31:02 The Importance of Living YOUR Life

    32:02 The Power of Acceptance 

    33:05 Vulnerability in Building Connections

    39:27 The Art of Letting Go and Embracing Uncertainty

    45:24 The Power of Storytelling in Building Connections

    48:39 The Importance of Embracing Our Shared Humanity

    54:00 Quick Fire Round

    1:04:00 Takeaways

    Show Links:

    Jane's latest novel “The Mother’  https://www.booktopia.com.au/the-mother-jane-caro/book/9781760879662.htmlJane Caro on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/janecaroofficial/Contact Nicole - https://www.connectedly.com.au/contactNicole on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/nicolesharanam
  • Have you ever wondered what happens when a Doctor goes through Burnout? How do they recover or treat themselves?Plus, How do we as Mums give love from a place of fullness and power?And when we are stressed, how can we change our mindset to 'I got this' and peace…

    Today I am honoured to share a beautiful conversation with Dr Fiona Enkelmann. Dr Fi is a former medical doctor (15+ years) turned transformation coach and healer who has supported hundreds of women to overcome burnout, reconnect with themselves, and embrace their bliss. She is the founder of the Bliss Sisterhood, a place to call home for women daring to be great, knowing that this starts with pouring love into themselves first.

    If you have ever wanted to get the full holistic picture of how to move from a place of burnout and lack to joy and fullness, then this is the conversation for you. We explore the science behind our emotional needs and how shifting our mindset and emotions can lead to lasting changes that lead to more joy.

    Dr Fi is living her bliss following a Bhakti path (one of love, devotion and surrender) and inspiring women to embrace quantum leaps in their health, love, career and life.

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Introduction
    03:20 The Power of Self-Love and Transformation
    07:25 The Impact of Stress and Burnout
    08:22 The Path to Self-Discovery and Fulfilment
    15:39 The Intersection of Science and Spirituality
    19:10 The Power of Presence and Mindfulness
    24:04 The Journey of Awakening and Self-Love
    28:02 The Beauty of Motherhood and Love
    30:18 The Science of Thoughts and Feelings
    33:32 The Bliss Sisterhood 
    37:57 The Importance of Self-Care
    39:10 The Essence of Happiness and Joy
    42:40 The Power of Community 
    47:07 The Power of Gratitude
    01:03:44 Takeaways


    Understanding the Spectrum of Emotions: The emotional spectrum is likened to a set of colourful pencils, each representing different emotions. Happiness is just one colour on this spectrum, and it's crucial to recognise and embrace the full range of emotions, including sadness and grief.

    Distinguishing Between Happiness and Joy: Embracing the wholeness of life involves appreciating the beauty in all experiences, recognising that joy can be present even in moments of difficulty.

    Contributing to Others' Happiness as a Source of Joy: A suggested pathway to joy is by contributing to the happiness of others. Acts of kindness, love, and bringing joy to others can serve as a source of joy for oneself, highlighting the interconnectedness of individual and collective well-being.

    The Power of Emotional Healing:  Emotional healing is presented as a powerful aspect of the journey toward well-being. Shifting one's emotional state is seen as a key to breaking free from thought-feeling loops and fostering a more profound and sustainable change.

    Cultivating Wisdom Through Experience: While science and logical understanding play a role, true wisdom is gained through embodying and experientially applying transformative concepts. The integration of science and spirituality is encouraged, opening the doorway to a deeper understanding of oneself and life's purpose.

    Show Links:

    Dr Fi on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/drfionaenkelmann/Dr Fi on IG https://www.instagram.com/drfionaenkelmann/Bliss Sisterhood HERE https://www.narayaniwellness.com.au/Nicole on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/nicolesharanamPodcast Website https://www.connectedly.com.au/
  • How healthy is our relationship with technology, and how does it impact our happiness and wellbeing?What is a the best way to have a healthy relationship with your phone?And how can we guide our children to get the best from digital use without the disadvantages?

    Todays show we have Dr Kirsty Goodwin sharing the truth about our Digital habits and how we can use them without the brain drain. Dr Kristy Goodwin is an award-winning researcher, speaker, author, and mum on a mission to help parents and educators raise happy, healthy children and teens who thrive online and offline. Author of Dear Digital, We need to talk, Dr Kristy shares realistic, research-based micro habits that people can apply to tame their digital habits and thrive in the digital world. Prior to becoming a speaker and consultant, she worked as an educator for 14 years with schools in both the public and private sectors. She also lectured at Macquarie University and University of Notre Dame and has completed a PhD on the impact of digital technologies. 


    Digital Habits Impact Wellbeing: Unhealthy digital habits can lead to increased stress, exhaustion, and burnout. It's important to recognise the effects of technology on our mental and physical health.

    Work in Alignment with Biological Rhythms: Understanding our biological rhythms, such as ultradian cycles and chronotypes, can help optimise productivity. Working in focused sprints of around 90 minutes, followed by short breaks, aligns with our natural patterns.

    Digital Gender Wellbeing Gap: Women may face a more significant gender wellbeing gap due to factors like absorbing domestic responsibilities and the perception of being less ambitious. Increased digital load, particularly in managing family and school communications, can contribute to stress and burnout.

    Setting Digital Boundaries: It's crucial to establish boundaries around screen time, both for ourselves and our children. This includes knowing when to put away our devices to fully engage with the people around us. Your children are watching and will learn by what you do.

    Protecting Basic Needs: Screen time should not encroach on essential aspects of our well-being, such as sleep, physical activity, and human connection. Prioritising these needs helps maintain a healthy balance in our lives.

    Mindful Technology Use: Being intentional and purposeful in our use of technology can lead to a more productive and fulfilling life. This involves managing notifications, choosing when and how we engage with screens, and curating our digital experiences to serve us positively.

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Introduction 

    00:49 The Impact of Digital Habits on Wellbeing

    01:14 Meet Dr. Kristy Goodwin

    02:27 Understanding the Human Relationship with Technology

    03:14 The Digital Vacuum: How Technology Affects Us All

    04:30 The Double-Edged Sword of Digital Connection

    06:40 The Impact of Digital Dependence

    08:58 Micro Stresses and Biological Buffers

    19:23 The Gender Wellbeing Gap: A Deeper Look

    27:51 Digital Guardrails: Setting Boundaries in the Workplace

    31:38 The Role of Digital Connection in Combating Loneliness

    33:33 The Paradox of Technology: Connection and Disconnection

     34:09 The Impact of Excessive Screen Time

    35:28 Regrets of the Dying: Time Spent on Devices

    37:02 The Negativity Bias and Its Impact on Our Digital Lives

    43:08 The Impact of Wi-Fi Exposure

    44:58 Raising Children in the Digital Age

    46:19 The Importance of Digital Boundaries and Boredom

    47:40 The Risks of Digital Distractions

    51:33 The Link Between ADHD and Multitasking

    57:46 The Importance of Sleep and Digital Curfews


    Resource Links:

    Dr Kristy Goodwin Website - https://drkristygoodwin.com/

    Book 'Dear Digital, We Need to Talk' - https://drkristygoodwin.com/deardigital/

    Chronotype Assessment - https://drkristygoodwin.com/chronotype/

    Dr Kristy on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/drkristy/

    Nicole on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/nicolesharanam

    Connectedly Website - https://www.connectedly.com.au/


    Thanks for joining us. See you next week! x

  • Are you secretly dreading Christmas?Does seeing the family cause you worry and dread?Are you hoping this year might be different?

    Join us for this Happy Bites segment, we look at navigating Christmas stress and tips for coping with family tensions to embracing the Christmas spirit.

    The host, Nicole Sharanam, offers strategies for coping with family-related stress and tensions during the Christmas holiday season. Through acceptance, inner reflection and observation we can help to turn a normally chaotic Christmas to one with peace and joy. And it all starts with you!

    Send in your questions and connect with me on www.Connectedly.com.au

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Introduction

    01:04 The Joy and Stress of the Holiday Season

    03:48 The Struggles of Family Gatherings

    09:16 The Power of Acceptance

    10:40 Step Back from the Fireplace

    13:20 Taking Responsibility for Your Reactions

    14:30 Closing Remarks

    15:19 Farewell and Christmas Wishes

    Thanks again for joining us. Merry Christmas everyone. x

    Resource Links:

    Website: www.Connectedly.com.au

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicolesharanam

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nicolesharanam

    Women's Happiness Movement:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/womenshappinessmovement


  • Today we are talking with Jules Haddock, an accomplished conversationalist in mental health education who shares her own struggle with mental health, rooted in a traumatic childhood experience.  Plus Jules shares tips to get through the silly Christmas season.

    If you have struggled with mental illness or struggle to define what mental illness even is, this ones for you. Why are we laughing so hard? What’s so funny? And how can laughing help?!

    The conversation features Jules Haddock, a mental health educator, founder and president of Art of the Minds, and a certified laughter yoga instructor. Jules shares her multifaceted career, which includes running mental health first aid workshops and a program called the 'Wheel of Recovery.'

    It's a show packed with laughs, reflections and vital takeaways.

    Please join us.

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Introduction

    01:29 Jules Haddock's Journey and Work

    04:01 The Role of Art and Creativity in Mental Health

    05:14 The Impact of Trauma and the Path to Recovery

    09:12 The Importance of Self-Compassion and Seeking Help

    14:28 The Role of Community in Mental Health

    28:32 Understanding Depression and Anxiety

    32:12 The Challenges Women Face in Mental Health

    34:13 Advice for Mothers on Helping Their Kids

    37:02 The Challenges of Single Parenthood

    39:06 The Birth of Art of the Minds

    42:40 The Power of Laughter Yoga

    49:45 Tips for Navigating the Hectic Christmas Period

    52:19 Practicing Self-Compassion

    56:47 First Steps to Take When Struggling

    58:51 Takeaways


    Importance of Connection in Healing:  connection is essential for healing from mental illness. Whether through support groups, community programs, or simple one-on-one interactions, connecting plays a significant role in mental well-being.Vulnerability and Sharing: Jules shares her personal journey of overcoming trauma and stresses the importance of being vulnerable and open about mental health experiences. She highlights the power of sharing stories, as it can make individuals feel less alone and encourage them to seek help.Taking Responsibility for Mental Health: Jules encourages individuals to take responsibility for their mental health. This includes seeking help, experimenting with different strategies, and being proactive in managing one's well-being. The journey may involve relapses, but taking steps toward improvement is vital.Importance of Self-Compassion: Jules emphasises the significance of practicing self-compassion, especially during challenging times. She suggests a practical exercise where individuals name their feelings, recognise that others around the world may share similar emotions, and then provide themselves with the same kindness and understanding they would offer a friend. This lesson underscores the value of self-love and forgiveness.Laughter as a Tool for Well-Being Jules advocates for the power of laughter as a tool for mental well-being. She introduces the concept of laughter yoga, explaining how laughter, even if initially forced, triggers the release of feel-good chemicals in the brain. This lesson encourages individuals to incorporate laughter into their lives as a simple yet effective means of improving mood and reducing stress.

    Resource Links:

    Website - https://theanxiousbird.com.au/Jules on InstagramThe Art of the Minds Festival - https://artoftheminds.org.au/Women's Happiness Movement on FB: - https://www.facebook.com/groups/womenshappinessmovementNicole Sharanam on FB - https://www.facebook.com/nicolesharanam/

    Thanks again for joining us.  Please do review and share the show!


  • How do we increase our happiness and connection through Marital Arts?As women, are we really victims?And how can we help our young girls to stay safe?

    Today on Connectedly, we are talking to Sensei Sheryn Gung a martial artist, oriental health practitioner, spiritual coach, mother, writer and presenter. Sheryn has studied with some of the world’s most renowned masters in her disciplines; her experience spans three decades in the martial arts and over two decades in the health and well-being field. Her mission is to empower, educate and inspire with the wisdom of traditional oriental martial and healing arts, and self-defence.

    I would love to invite you to please share this podcast with one woman who you think needs a little extra happiness in their life.  As my daughter says, sharing's caring.

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Introduction

    01:55 The Role of Martial Arts in Personal Development

    03:27 The Power of Vocalisation

    04:42 A Transformation Journey through Martial Arts

    06:49 The Psychological Aspects of Self Defence

    13:55 The Balance of Feminine and Masculine in Martial Arts

    21:07 Introducing Soul Warrior: A New Program

    22:18 A Holistic Approach to Women's Happiness

    22:38 The Concept of Taoism and Effortless Effort

    23:00 The Principle of Wu Wei and its Application in Life

    25:21 Personal Rituals for Greater Connection

    25:38 The Struggle and Recovery from Postnatal Depression

    26:38 The Challenge of Losing Self-Identity in Motherhood

    28:21 Technology, Distraction and Lack of Awareness

    29:08 The Role of Awareness in Self Defence and Martial Arts

    29:30 The Dangers of Technology Distraction in Public Spaces

    31:54 The Struggle of Balancing Motherhood and Personal Needs

    33:41 Preventing Victimhood

    37:33 The Role of Martial Arts in Empowering Women and Girls

    38:16 The Importance of Assertiveness and Confidence in Children

    42:38 Final Thoughts and Takeaways


    Here's the takeaways:

    Martial Arts is focused on internal as well as external.  You can learn how to gain a greater sense of self and happiness. Balance feminine and masculine in your workouts, work and life to increase your connection to self and your happiness Stay safe with awareness: Put your phone down, headphones off, be aware of your space. Listen to the noises around you. Stay aware and present. Victimhood comes from mindset.  Learn to reside in a place of power instead of victim and own your power. Keep our kids safe: Help them to understand their own power. They can enrol in Karate from young age.

    Show Links:

    Website: www.SherynGung.com.au

    Free Warrior Woman Activation Audio: https://sheryngung.com.au/free-gift/

    Instagram: @senseisheryn

    Thanks again for being here with us.  Until next week,

    Take care. Nicole.  

  • If you ever wanted to learn more about consciousness and it’s relationship to happiness, if you have ever wondered why you were happy when you walked into a room, but left feeling anxious without any obvious reasons…

    Or if you want to learn about how energy impacts your emotions. AND is our consciousness held in our energy body?!

    THEN today is for you!

    Today's guest is Gayatri Anderson, whose passion is bridging the scientific and mystical understanding of human consciousness and how to uplift it. Her project The Consciousness Connection weaves scientific research with accessible, non-denominational spiritual tools to help people activate their consciousness and light up their lives. 

    Apart from her work with The Consciousness Connection, Gayatri is currently completing her PhD on the psychology of unconditional love at Leeds Beckett University. She sees clients one-on-one and works as a mindset and leadership consultant specialising in consciousness science. 

    Join us as we talk all things happiness, connection, consciousness and energy.

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Introduction to Consciousness and Energy

    00:40 Welcome

    03:19 Gayatri's Background and Childhood Experiences

    10:07 Exploring Spirituality and Its Personal Interpretations

    13:41 Understanding Consciousness and Its Connection to Everything

    20:14 The Consciousness Connection: Bridging Science and Spirituality

    21:32 Understanding Energy Body and Its Impact on Our Lives

    27:03 Realising Our Inner Power and Capacity

    28:13 Defining Happiness and Its Connection to Consciousness

    29:36 The Pursuit of Happiness and Consciousness

    30:18 The Power of Self Compassion

    32:07 Practical Tips for Practicing Self Compassion

    33:48 Accessing Consciousness through Chakra Meditations

    37:29 Current Projects and Passions

    41:56 The Power of Metaphor and Visualisation

    42:00 Meditation - Moving Beyond Anger

    49:48 Quick Fire Round

    53:08 Takeaways

    Here’s the takeaways:

    Spirituality doesn't need dogma or strict rules; it's about finding a personal interpretation of spirituality that resonates with you, its an inner experience.Consciousness does not solely arise from the physical brain and is not limited to the brain but encompasses various aspects of our being, including the energy body, spirit, and soul.Be your best friend: Treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion you would offer a friend in challenging situations. This can be a powerful tool for shifting your mindset and nurturing your well-being.Simple chakra-based meditations can be an accessible entry point for anyone, even beginners, to begin exploring their consciousness. These practices can enhance self-awareness and provide valuable insights into finding harmony and peace.

    Show Links:

    The Consciousness Connection - https://shaktidurga.com/pathways/the-consciousness-connection/

    Gayatri on IG: https://www.instagram.com/gayatrik108/

    Gayatri's Song 'Happy For No Reason' - https://open.spotify.com/track/2B9qBopaideVVQxgrfICUH?si=9e5f6aeaeb4f4ae8

    Don’t forget to join our growing community of women who are tired of chasing unrealistic happiness goals in the WOMEN’S HAPPINESS MOVEMENT.

    Until next week, So much love to you.

    Remember, you are worthy. You are loved.


  • In this episode, I share a fresh perspective on understanding happiness. Contrary to the common belief that happiness is obtained by acquiring possessions or status, I want to look at the concept that true happiness is not external but resides within us and is not dependent on external influences. Plus some practical tips on how to maintain happiness including an 8 min guided meditation aimed at finding internal stillness and peace, encouraging transformation and self-awareness.

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Introduction

    01:30 Understanding Happiness

    01:54 The Illusion of External Happiness

    02:51 The Concept of Internal Happiness

    03:22 The Power of Perception

    04:09 The Nature of Our Being

    05:20 The Wizard of Oz

    06:14 The Shift from External to Internal Happiness

    10:04 The B List: Strategies for Internal Happiness

    13:41 Guided Meditation for Going Within

    20:57 Conclusion and Support Resources


    Happiness the emotion is fleeting and isn’t sustainable. Find a deeper more stable sense of peace and happiness, by going beyond the mind. It’s not an easy task, but as we practice, we can begin to see we are much more than just our thoughts.

    The 'B' list - Switch into a more aware state by following the B list - Be grateful, Be within, Be of service, Be a constant student, Be open, Be one with the world, and Be still.

    Show Links:

    Website - www.Connectedly.com.au

    Idea Workshop - https://www.connectedly.com.au/start-up-your-launch

    Thanks so much for joining me today.

    Lots of love, Nicole.


  • Are you looking for ways to overcome Mum guilt?

    Do you need a little refresher on how to increase your happiness and get off that mouse wheel to start choosing a better life,

    It’s time to listen in as we talk to Shannah Kennedy!

    But before we do, if have a new business that aims to better this world, join our coaching for conscious businesses - https://www.connectedly.com.au/light-up-your-launch 

    Shannah Kennedy has forged an enviable career as an author and life strategist having coached elite athletes CEOs, entrepreneurs and high performers who want to avoid burnout. She also coaches any one who wants to focus on their life plan and who wants to learn, grow and evolve with clarity, purpose and direction.


    - Invest in your happiness with intentional living- 50% of happiness I genetic, you are either half full or half empty. 10% of our happiness is external objects and pleasures, the 40% is your rhythm, your routines, and your rituals. Invest in that 40% with intentional living, focusing on what you love. because we have total control over it

    - Breathing 3 times - take your brain from stressed out fight or flight back to calmness with 3 deep diaphragmatic breathes, deep into the belly. Every time you go to the bathroom, eery time you check your phone, in the car, doing the dishes.

    - Gamification with your mind - play mind games throughout your day to create happiness. Find the opportunity to flip the script on the usual narrative eg unstacking the dishwasher, using the mind to find joy in that rather than seeing the negative. Doing the laundry, enjoy the peace in that moment. Find the good in everything.  See it as a game to see how you can flip it into happiness.

    - Mum guilt is just a story we tell ourselves - Mum guilt is something we have made up. Instead of choosing guilt, focus on how you show up for them. How do they see you? Are you healthy? Happy? Calm? Centred? Focus on how your kids see you… a confident, calm, happy woman who knows how look after her own health by going to the gym and eating well and taking time with her friends.

    - Prompters. Use prompters around the house to remind your mind to think positively and toward healthier affirmations and goals. Almost like a map for your brain so it knows where to go. Lead it toward joy and more positive thinking.

    What we discuss:

    00:00 Introduction and Personal Struggles

    00:41 Welcome

    02:05 Intro with Shannah Kennedy

    03:23 Authenticity and Comparisonsitis

    04:52 The Importance of Having a Coach

    06:49 Shannah's Personal Journey from burnout....

    09:26 The Importance of Self-Awareness

    00:28 Understanding Happiness

    13:25 Happiness Pie Chart

    17:15 Gamification with the mind

    24:20 Dealing with Unhappiness

    26:56 The Role of Connection in Happiness

    27:27 Finding Personal Connection and Understanding Introversion

    28:48 Addressing Mum Guilt and Self-Care

    29:12 The Importance of Being a Role Model

    32:54 Overcoming Time Constraints and Prioritising Self

    33:59 Who are you without your job? Self-Identity

    35:00 Legs up the wall

    41:43 The Power of Vision Boards and Mindfulness

    47:21 Quick Fire Round

    52:36 Takeaways


    Show Links:

    Shannah Kennedy Website - https://shannahkennedy.com/ 

    Shannah on IG: https://www.instagram.com/shannahkennedy/?hl=en

    Elevate Book - HERE


    Take care, and remember,

    You are loved and you are worthy.

    Nicole. x

  • Have you ever felt overwhelmed by societal expectations and the pressures of motherhood?

    Are you ready to break free from societal norms to rediscover the true essence of womanhood, connection, and self?

    Join us today as we embark on a journey of rebellion through connection, exploring the multifaceted world of motherhood and womanhood. Plus a 5 minute healing journey led by Parvati!

    Parvati, a wise healer and guide, shares insights on letting go of perfection, composting the patriarchy, and forging authentic connections. Together, we celebrate the beauty of imperfection and the power of community. Tune in to discover how you can embrace your true self and create positive change in your life and the world around you.

    Join the Happiness Club: facebook.com/groups/womenshappinessmovement

    Here’s the takeaways: 

    Rebellion Through Connection: Women can rebel against societal norms by connecting with each other and supporting one another in their unique journeys through motherhood and life.Let Go of Perfection: It's important to release the pressure of trying to be the "perfect" mother, wife, or woman. Embracing imperfections and acknowledging that we are whole beings with strengths and weaknesses is crucial for self-acceptance.Composting the Patriarchy: Instead of using old, oppressive tools, focus on creating change through nurturing and sustainable practices. By crowding out unhealthy norms and replacing them with the divine feminine and sacred masculine, we can contribute to a more balanced world.Connect with Authenticity: Forge genuine connections by being authentic, kind, and respectful. Supportive communities are vital for navigating the challenges of motherhood and life.Embrace Your Multifaceted Self: Acknowledge that being a woman involves a range of experiences, emotions, and roles. By embracing our complexities, we empower ourselves and each other.

    Thanks for joining us today. All my love, Nicole Sharanam.

    What we discuss:

    [00:02:00] Evolution of Purpose

    [00:04:00] Healing and Authenticity

    [00:09:00] Transformation through Healing

    [00:13:00] Recognising the Call

    [17:00] Living in Connection

    [23:00] The Power of Breath and Connection

    [28:00] Kindness and Accountability in the Journey

    [35:00] The Power of Constant Transformation 

    [36:00] The Significance of Connection in Transformation

    [37:00] Harmonious Cultures vs. Modern Productivity

    [42:00] Rebelling Against Societal Norms

    [44:50] 5 minute Meditation to connection + letting go of perfection

    [52:00] Letting Go of Perfection in Parenting

    [53:00] One actionable tip to happiness

    [54:00] Quick Fire Questions Episode

    [56:00] Takeaways


    Parvati Email - [email protected]

    Parvati Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/sioux.burns

    Please subscribe wherever you listen to your podcasts.

    Join the Women’s Happiness Club: facebook.com/groups/womenshappinessmovement

    Other Links:




  • Are you tired of chasing fleeting happiness?

    Want to learn how to set stronger boundaries?

    How can man's best friend help us move beyond trauma?

    Today I sit down with Dr Rebecca Ray, a clinical psychologist and one of Australia’s most in-demand and authoritative voices in the personal development space. An author, speaker and frequent Today show guest, Rebecca helps big-picture-thinking people master their psychology. Over the course of two decades, she has encouraged thousands of humans making an impact on the world to live a life that's fulfilling, unapologetic, and free.

    Join the Women’s Happiness Club: facebook.com/groups/womenshappinessmovement

    Here’s the takeaways:

    1. Happiness is a Transient Emotion It comes and goes in moments, and it's not something to be constantly pursued or chased.

    2. Place emphasis on Meaning and Unconditional Love: Find meaning in your life through your values, relationships, and creative pursuits and unconditional love.

    3. Boundaries & Self Care Be discerning about where your energy goes, where your time, where your attention and your care goes. Lead with intention on a daily basis - ask yourself…Did I sleep well last night? Have I had breakfast this morning? Am I nourished? And therefore, what do I have available for this day? Do I have availability for something outside the kids today?

    4. Embrace Grief and Allow Yourself to Feel: When facing significant loss, whether it's a relationship, a job, or a beloved pet, it's crucial to allow yourself to grieve. This process is essential for honouring the emotions ensuring you don’t sweep things under the rug.

    5. Create Space for the Unknown: Sit with uncertainty and don’t rush into finding the next step. Allowing spaciousness. Boredom even. It can lead to new opportunities and perspectives that may not have emerged otherwise.

    All my love, Nicole Sharanam.

    What we discuss:

    [00:05:00] Pursuing Meaning

    [00:10:00] The impact of unconditional love

    [00:13:00] Transformative Connections

    [00:17:00] Balancing Motherhood & Self-care

    [00:28:00] Boundaries & Personal Capacity

    [00:35:00] What Dogs can teach us

    [00:42:00] Coping with Anxiety

    [00:47:00] Finding Happiness & Meaning After Loss

    [00:52:00] Getting Comfortable with Discomfort

    [00:55:00] The Takeaways

    Episode Resources:

    Dr Rebecca Ray Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/drrebeccaray/

    Dr Rebecca Ray Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/drrebeccaray/

    Book - Setting Boundaries - https://www.panmacmillan.com.au /9781760982423/

    Please subscribe wherever you listen to your podcasts.

    Join the Women’s Happiness Club: facebook.com/groups/womenshappinessmovement

    Other Links:




  • Is all we've been taught about happiness a lie? 

    Do you feel like there is more to walking this path of happiness?

    If you are seeking something more in this life, more connection, more happiness, this is the show!

    Today we talk about the importance of sustainable happiness in this world and how connection plays a vital part in this innate happiness.  Plus a few tales from the Story Book of Nicole.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    How Nicole lost her happinessWho is Nicole Sharanam (or shall we call her Nicole Dickmann?!)Various meanings of CONNECTION and how it impacts usHave we built a cake with an empty middle?What is to come in the future of Connectedly

    We have so much ground to cover and every minute of it is going to be delicious! It's wonderful to have you with us.

    With so much love and gratitude,

    Nicole Sharanam,

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Intro01:16 The heart of the show - The Why?04:02 The Kitchen Crumble - Falling from happiness and the dark night of the soul7:26 The Cake Analogy10:11 Who is Nicole Sharanam (or should we call her Nicole Dickmann?)11:49 Confessions from a Big Brother Intruder13:06 Happiness a lie?15:54 India vs Australia - The hectic calm17:33 How I lost my body in Vipassana meditation - energy highway 21:54 What does connection mean?26:00 How to find happiness? That is the story!28:00 The Happiness club - Women's Happiness Movement

    Join the women's happiness club-  https://www.facebook.com/groups/womenshappinessmovement

    Ask a question here - www.connectedly.com.au

    Connect https://www.facebook.com/nicolesharanam


  • If you are ready to find your way to more happiness, peace and freedom from the things that pin us down; the anxiety, the fear, the expectations and the never ending To Do list...Then join us on Connectedly.

    We are a community of women eager to move toward more peace and happiness through wholehearted living and an exploration into connection.  If you feel ready to light up your life and the world with more happiness, then come and join us on Connectedly as we explore the ancient wisdom of Self through a modern lens. 

    Thanks for joining us!

    Don’t forget to join us in the private group:



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