Naturally relational sensitive people take in a lot during their lifetime. Many had adverse childhood, and even if it was not a trauma with a capital T, it affected them in such way.
Being different means being often rejected, and the inner work that HSP do as they start healing their trauma, in my view, extends far beyond individual benefits. A symbol of a black sheep and sacrificial lamb are good metaphors to understand the burden they are unwillingly taking to do this deep healing.
Follow my book "The Nature of Sensitivity" on my website — read it for free here 👉 here
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There's so much suffering around us and no doubt every sensitive person can feel more than affects them on on personal level.
Humans are connected and some feel it much more than others. On one hand this world crisis anxiety can be so overwhelming that it affects your day-to-day functioning, always worrying about what will happen next. This pressure is real, and were all being tested in huge ways.
In this video I offer a view on how sensitivity can be used as a tool that offers us feedback and urges us to seek stillness amongst the chaos.
Follow my book "The Nature of Sensitivity" on my website — read it for free here 👉 here
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Пропущенные эпизоды?
Working with fear is one of the biggest gifts you can offer to yourself as a Highly Sensitive Person. I know that working with mine, has changed my life.
Today I discuss ways that can change yours.
Some clues about what I discuss relate to embodiment, and understanding the different parts in us that are interacting when we're feeling afraid and just want to disappear.
Follow my book "The Nature of Sensitivity" on my website — read it for free here 👉 here
👉Sign up to my newsletter https://gosiaporaj.com/newsletter
I’ve been writing a book about energetics and the true nature of sensitivity for the last couple of years.
This is where I'm sharing all my discoveries and connections that been coalescing in my mind for a long time. The topics and stories in it address many pressing questions that most sensitive people grapple with.
Some of these are: Why am I so misunderstood?
How come I’m so lonely?
Why am I so different?
How can I feel valuable and loved as I am?
Why can’t I fit into this world?
Where do I belong?
How can I use sensitivity to benefit my life and make it better?
Why am I overthinking everything?
How can I protect my energy?
Is sensitivity a curse, or can it be a gift?
...and many more. I’ve been wanting to self-publish it as a "normal" book.
But the thing is, I had to do it my way 😉
So, I’m publishing the book online, bit by bit. It's called The Nature of Sensitivity.
Read it for free here👉 https://gosiaporaj.com/
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Many people today know about emotional dysregulation. Finding ways to regulate our internal states has been a hot topic for years now. It's surprising how few talk about over regulation and it's damaging effects on health and wellbeing.
Specifically relevant to sensitive people, constant control of their behaviour may seem like a superior trait, making them seem all calm and composed, but under all that is a storm being stifled.
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The ups and down of the emotional rollercoaster is something that's very common for every highly sensitive person. For many, dealing with the inner chaos is exhausting, often leaving them uncertain what to expect next time when they go around people.
Today I talk about why interactions with others may impact your emotional balance so much and share a perspective that helped me. Common to all HSP's are similarities in our ways we interact with the world. At least, for the time we’re not actively changing them. This way of being and interacting and energetic make-up gives us clues to what areas might strengthen your emotional balance as well.
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The inner conflict for HSP's is the real thing. On one hand there is the drive to be free and create life on their terms, on the other hand, there is that need to belong.
I bet that no matter how hard you tried to fit in the "normal" ways of living you've not managed to fully do that.
There is a part in every sensitive person that won't let them completely become like the rest. And understanding this inner conflict might help you have more insight and compassion to what is unconsciously driving your life.
👉Sign up to my newsletter to receive updates about the upcoming free class titled: HSP'S PATH TO HEALING RELATIONAL WOUNDS IN INTEGRATED WAY https://gosiaporaj.com/newsletter
Date: 7th December, 7 pm CET (Central European Time) / 1 pm EST
I’ll send out a Zoom link and a reminder before the call.
Meanwhile, feel free to email me any questions you'd like me to answer.
I've been tackling the topic of relational wounds for several weeks now.
Today I go deeper into what is the specific lie that makes a Highly Sensitive Person or an empath betray their life path, giving away their power to live their truth.
This episode builds on my talks about self rejection and the loss of self that resonates with many sensitives. It is also directly linked to virtually all challenges that we experience.
Learn more about what is the life that leads to self abandonment, so that you can be more aware when you're acting out of this disempowered state.
👉Sign up to my newsletter to receive updates about the upcoming free class titled: HSP'S PATH TO HEALING RELATIONAL WOUNDS IN INTEGRATED WAY https://gosiaporaj.com/newsletter
Do you sometimes have a feeling like you're always getting swayed by what other people want, need or prefer? Do you feel like you can make them more content or more accomplished by helping them get it? An maybe you have a sense that without your help they will be miserable? So you take the responsibility to keep them feeling good, no matter what?
Today I'm talking about the Loss of self and Enmeshment in the lives of Highly Sensitive People, INFJ's INPs, and Empaths. If you tend to loose yourself in relationships, this episode is for you.
👉Sign up to my newsletter to receive updates about the upcoming free class titled: HSP'S PATH TO HEALING RELATIONAL WOUNDS IN INTEGRATED WAY https://gosiaporaj.com/newsletter
If you have a people pleasing streak or a feel like you have no right to follow your feelings or desires, it's often an indication of low sense of self worth that so many Highly Sensitive people have. Even when some of us think we're confident, our behaviours reveal this insecurity to others.
Today I'm talking about various contributing factors to why it might be happening for HSPs, especially INFJs and INFPs and how to rebalance this painful tendency.
This is the second in my series about relational wounds, leading to a free class that I'm offering in December.
👉Sign up to my newsletter to receive updates about the upcoming free class titled: HSP'S PATH TO HEALING RELATIONAL WOUNDS IN INTEGRATED WAY https://gosiaporaj.com/newsletter
If you need support, check ways how to get support , contact me, or follow my newsletter for updates.
First of the series, an episode diving into the rejection wound in the lives of HSPs and INFJs. Fears of rejection and abandonment reach way into childhood and need to be understood before you attempt to change or heal.
In this episode I talk about the various factors that create that wound and make it so hard to live with.
👉Sign up to my newsletter to receive the updates about the upcoming free call titled: HSP'S PATH TO HEALING RELATIONAL WOUNDS IN INTEGRATED WAY : https://gosiaporaj.com/newsletter
(after signing up you will also get a free e-guide for HSPs & welcome email series)
If this topic resonates, follow the series of episodes. Next one will be delving into the low sense of worth.
So many sensitives struggle with feeling different and finding that sense of belonging, a sense of home. Some of us move around, escape, or make other lifestyle changes, such as becoming spiritual and always seeking something. I’ve seen this happening amongst many HSPs and intuitive people, and I’ve noticed that there is wisdom guiding these changes.
I just had a new guest on my YouTube / Podcast and it was a delight to talk about some very interesting subjects relative to our seeking nature.
In this episode my amazing guest, Grace Kerina, shares her empowering thoughts on boundaries, finding an authentic sense of self, and other lessons from navigating her life as a creative, highly sensitive person.
She has some great books for HSPs so definitely check out the links:
👉Download her "7 Liberating Life Hacks for Highly Sensitive People" here: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/wtkhmdz0sv
👉Get "Personal Boundaries for Highly Sensitive People" https://www.gracekerina.com/books/personal-boundaries-for-highly-sensitive-people
👉Visit Grace's website: https://www.gracekerina.com/
👉Get Gosia’s the "Calm & Confident. The Ultimate Stress Resolution Toolkit for Highly Sensitive People" here: https://gosiaporaj.com/newsletter
Highly Sensitive People, Empaths, and INFJs have an unconscious radar going on all the time and scan the environment to make sure they're in control. Unfortunately being so open makes them overwhelmed in return. Not only this safety radar doesn't bring the desired effects, it exposes HSPs to feel more unsafe and in a perpetual fight-flight mode.
Today I describe this mechanism and how you can transform it for yourself.
👉Get the "Calm & Confident. The Ultimate Stress Resolution Toolkit for Highly Sensitive People" here: https://gosiaporaj.com/newsletter
Highly Sensitive People can have a really strong reaction to criticism. I've heard many complains that express how deeply triggering it can be for HSPs, Empaths, or INFJs to hear negative words about their performance or ideas. While most people don't like being criticised or judged, sensitives experience it so much more deeply and personally.
Today I explain the reasons why it's happening and how I dealt with this type of sensitivity.
👉Get the "Calm & Confident. The Ultimate Stress Resolution Toolkit for Highly Sensitive People" here: https://gosiaporaj.com/newsletter
The dark season is starting in the Northern Hemisphere and many of HSPs and INFJs will feel like sleeping down to their darker days as well.
Although many enjoy the warm sweaters and falling leaves the challenge is that it might just threaten their ego and it's agenda to perform, serve, support, and fulfil all their obligations.
Just last week, I was talking about low energy, which also relates today's topic. In my newest, I talk about how letting yourself honour this time of darkness and descent to your inner world of emotions is critical to both your mental and physical health.👉Get the "Calm & Confident. The Ultimate Stress Resolution Toolkit for Highly Sensitive People." to learn about the hidden causes of stress, pressure, overwhelm, and exhaustion and how you can heal these patterns: https://gosiaporaj.com/newsletter
Feeling like running on a low battery is a common experience for most Highly Sensitive People, INFJ and INFP personality type folks. It's possible you are high functioning or not, in either scenarios the underlying causes is the same.
Today I'm discussing why HSPs might often feel tired or fatigued, based on the mindbody understanding. You'll learn the unconscious ways that sensitive people don't know the limits to their behaviour and often end up burning out.
👉Get the "Calm & Confident. The Ultimate Stress Resolution Toolkit for Highly Sensitive People." to learn about the hidden causes of stress, pressure and how you can heal these patterns: https://gosiaporaj.com/newsletter
Highly Sensitive People struggle with a lot of stress, overwhelm and anxiety. This makes them often feel like they're all the time in the fight flight mode, putting out fires and dealing with some sort of pain.
Today I'm talking about some of the main root reasons this happens, and specifically why it's different for highly emphatic, sensitive introverts. There are ways that these people are set up, which makes them vulnerable to experience situations that cause pressure, helplessness, and keeping them stuck in that negative loop.
👉Get the "Calm & Confident. The Ultimate Stress Resolution Toolkit for Highly Sensitive People." by signing up to my newsletter: https://gosiaporaj.com/newsletter
It's no news that Empaths, HSP, and INFJs have a trouble belonging, and feeling safe sharing their authentic selves. The result is that they often end up isolating, or only forming relationships with people like them, to make sure that they are not hurt.
This, unfortunately limits both ability to exchange with diverse people, and evolve. Let alone the fact, that limits their choice, given that the majority of people are not like us.
In this episode, I discuss how any HSP can create a way to relate safe while remaining authentic, with diverse people.
Sign up to Gosia's newsletter and look out for a new free Toolkit for Stress resolution for HSP here: https://gosiaporaj.com/newsletter
"Why is our life so hard?" is something that's on the minds of highly sensitive people, like INFJs. I hear this question from people like us, and I resonate with it deeply.
For many years it was something that I would routinely ask the Universe after another set of obstacles was thrown in front of me.
Many HSPs are really challenged by interactions with people and their environment that drain, traumatise, and exhaust them.
Today, in my YT channel, I'm answering this question, in the hope of sharing with you another, deeper perspective.
If you have any questions email me at [email protected]
To download my free E-book with a Mindbody Disconnection Audit, subscribe here: https://gosiaporaj.com/e-book
Overthinking is an exhausting habit that leads to anxiety, insomnia and self-doubt amongst other troubles that so many INFJs can relate to.
Today I'm talking about the core reason that is not the Ni-Ti loop but something deeper making you spin your wheels and spiral into a rabbit hole each time something throws you off.
16th August at 4pm EST
Best for HSP, Empaths, INFJ, INFP, INTJ and generally introverts who are interested in the subject of self-healing and self awareness as an integrated way to remedy their struggles.
Intro about the mind body spirit connection / disconnection in the lives of very sensitive people
Guided audit / checklist to find out how mindbody disconnection manifests in the most surprising ways
Q and A
To get the details, zoom link to the call, and the reminders, subscribe here: https://gosiaporaj.com/newsletter
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