Связанные с
A charismatic Russian woman arrives in the US on a mission to improve relations between the two countries, and she soon makes some powerful friends. But who is Maria Butina? And who is she working for? As Maria gets closer to the rich and connected she also attracts the attention of the FBI. In the politically charged world of US-Russia relations, everyone has secrets and almost nothing is what it seems. From Wondery, the makers of The Shrink Next Door and Dr. Death comes SPY AFFAIR a story about deception, appearances and betrayal. Hosted by Celia Aniskovich.
Binge all episodes of Spy Affair exclusively and ad-free by joining Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting wondery.com/links/spy-affair/ now.
From the award-winning 7NEWS team comes 7NEWS Spotlight - a series of investigative specials focussing on major breaking news events and long-form investigations of national significance.
趣味:メダルゲーム、アイドル鑑賞、犬 -
Unforgettable true crime mysteries, exclusive newsmaker interviews, hard-hitting investigative reports and in-depth coverage of high profile stories. Now listen twice weekly, with The 20/20 True Crime Vault each Wednesday.
飯田浩司のOK!Cozy up!
https://radiko.jp/#!/live/LFRこのPodcastはそんな「飯田浩司のOK!Cozy up!」の
ON AIRを再編集して、世界中にお届けしています!
ぜひお楽しみください。 -
This is the latest news in English from NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN. This service is daily updated. For more information, please go to https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/. -
Veteran prosecutors Andrew Weissmann and Mary McCord discuss and dissect the cases against former President Donald Trump, including the historic indictments from the Manhattan D.A., Special Counsel Jack Smith and Fulton County D.A. Fani Willis.
Bilingual News is a free English and Japanese news podcast. Casual and unedited colloquial language learning experience through a weekly review of relevant news topics! Transcriptions for each episode are available via the Bilingual News: Transcripts app at itunes.com/bilingualnews.
Join us and improve your Japanese language ability! -
毎週月-木曜 15時30分~17時30分に ニッポン放送で生放送中のラジオ番組『辛坊治郎 ズーム そこまで言うか!』の公式アカウントです。辛坊治郎が政治・経済・文化・社会・芸能まで、今日一日のニュースの中から独自の視点でズーム!し、ニュースの見方や本質を解説。リスナーが「なるほど」と感じるニュースワイド番組です。番組ハッシュタグは「#辛坊治郎ズーム」です! #zoom1242
アシスタントは月-木曜通して増山さやかアナウンサー + 木曜は飯田浩司アナウンサーです。 -
EP1〜EP135はアメリカ文化、EP136〜EP192はイギリス文化、EP193〜アメリカ文化に着目! アメリカ英語とイギリス英語の違いも楽しんでくださいね☆
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・YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1nznQzS-aHtUaICqGy-4cg
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News, Music and Pop culture from a dumb actor, beat making rapper.
Murder in the Hudson Valley looks into notorious homicide cases from around the region. Award-winning author and historian Linda Zimmermann and police officer Brian Horowitz follow the case from the moment the crime scene is discovered, up to the final verdict. They discuss the suspects, evidence, forensic techniques, and legal battles used to identify and convict the guilty.
Nederland kent Rian van Rijbroek als ‘cybercharlatan’. Toch heeft ze IT-miljonair Gerard Sanderink in haar macht. Wie is deze Rian van Rijbroek, waarom doet ze wat ze doet en hoe kan ze al zo lang haar gang gaan? In de podcast ‘In de ban van Rian’ zoekt Tubantia-journalist Angelique Kunst het antwoord op die vragen.
FM91.6MHz,AM1134kHz文化放送 毎週月曜~金曜13時から放送!「大竹まこと ゴールデンラジオ!」 今ある場所で起こっている現実を徹底追求! その筋の専門家にいろいろ聞いてみよう!
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【毎週金曜夜更新】世界の殺人鬼を毎週一人ピックアップして約20分で紹介していく反面教師番組です。(※このポッドキャストには一部暴力的なシーンやグロテスクな表現があります)ご意見、ご感想はこちらまでお願いします⇒[email protected]過去音源⇒https://note.mu/soratobujelly
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Politique, informations internationales, société, économie, culture... De 6h30 à 22h, du lundi au dimanche, retrouvez toute l'actualité avec les journaux de France Culture. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.