
  • What does it mean to go beyond shallow community and find real brotherhood? In this episode, Steve Sargent describes how God turned every part of his story—even the messiest parts—into a beautiful symphony. From overcoming addiction to learning to live authentically, Steve shares powerful wisdom for all dads, no matter your past.

    Key Takeaways Avoid getting stuck in a shallow community; don't be afraid to get deep. Life stories without trauma and chaos are just as significant and victorious as stories with those elements. If you want an authentic relationship with your kids, you have to pull back the veil and share your story with them. Foxhole Symphony means that God is making something beautiful out of your mess—mud, bullets, and shrapnel included. Steve Sargent

    As a pure adrenaline junkie, facilitator, speaker, and entrepreneur, Steve Sargent spent most of his life chasing the next high, even in ministry roles. As such, God has shown him how to use this gift and calling to help people and organizations become the best version of themselves. Steve and his wife, Christina, have two children.

    Key Quotes 5:14 - "These guys [from the 12 step program] loved on me. They showed me and modeled authentic community. They discipled me. They gave me a job. They said, here's some work. Here are the stipulations, you're going to a 12 step meeting every day. You're coming to a Bible study every night, church twice on Sunday. And that was the beginning. That was the beginning when I got to understand what God intended with community and discipleship. And I've just been on fire for it and hungry for it ever since." 34:46 - "It's God making beautiful music out of our mess. That's the symphony. There's men coming together in the foxhole. There's shrapnel, there's bullets flying, there's mud, it's messy, it's dirty, it's scary. There's all this adrenaline and emotion and we've got each other's backs and God just makes something beautiful out of it. He takes it all and wraps it up and there's just this beautiful symphony that results from the offering, the willingness and the offering to offer that mess to God. He'll use it all, but we've got to offer it to Him. Otherwise it's just our mess that we hold on to in isolation, in darkness, just gripping on to it. But when we offer it to the Lord, He makes beauty from ashes." Links from Today’s Conversation Foxhole Symphony Podcast Sage: A Man's Guide Into His Second Passage by Chris Bruno Marked Men For Christ Apply to join the Fall 2024 DadAwesome Accelerator Cohort: Email [email protected] to learn more Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • Jim Barnard is known as The Suffering Guy. In this heartfelt episode, Jim shares the pivotal moments of his life story, including countless crises and miracles he’s experienced along the way. His story offers hope for others walking through challenging times, and he’ll encourage you to look to the source of all comfort as you try to make sense of reality.

    Key Takeaways The gap between reality and what we hope for is full of disappointment, dissatisfaction, and distress. You’re never alone in your suffering; the God of Comfort is always with you. Your story is your greatest gift because it helps others know that their hard stories can become ones of flourishing, too. God isn’t going to send you in a new direction empty-handed. Jim Barnard

    Jim Barnard is a pastor and the founder of tiller coaching. He offers coaching without barriers to those who are suffering the reality of the expectation gap. Jim has encountered suffering firsthand as he has navigated his wife’s rare chronic illness, but he continues to pursue joy and celebration as his story unfolds.

    Key Quotes

    3:27 - "As we'll get into my story, there's just been a lot of suffering, a lot of what I call expectation gaps. You know, we all have hopes and expectations for career, for marriage, for parenting, for life. And often reality comes in underneath that. And that gap between reality and what we hope for is full of disappointment and dissatisfaction and distress. And I hate that. Like I've experienced copious amounts of, you know, expectation gaps. And every single time I'm stuck in the gap, there's an invitation to take myself too seriously, you know, like, woe is me, this is awful. I hate it. Like I'm I want to cope, you know, whatever. And I just I love Richard Foster's book, The Celebration of Discipline. Like that has been kind of a cornerstone book in my life. Where he says at the end that celebration is the thing that can save us from taking ourselves too seriously. [00:04:32][64.9]

    33:41 - "[My story] is the story that God's given me and I've got to use it. I hope people listening to this are reflecting about their own story. I hear so many people say, I don't have that good of a story or I don't like my story. I don't want to share it. I don't think it's optional, honestly. Authenticity is required of the Christian walk, so in using my story I've been able to help people. "

    Links from Today’s Conversation Tiller Coaching The suffering guy. by Jim Barnard MADE ALIVE by Jim Barnard The Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster Hope Heals Apply to join the Fall 2024 DadAwesome Accelerator Cohort: Email [email protected] to learn more Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
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  • What does it mean to stay nimble as a father? In today’s episode, Corey Peters offers his perspective and will push you to break out of your comfort zone to make a difference for your community. Plus, you’ll discover one simple question that can transform your relationship with your kids.

    Key Takeaways Ask your kids, “What kind of dad do you want me to be?” Celebrate a lot; coach a little. Listen to God’s nudge to move beyond your own comfort and bring comfort to others. Basketballs are a love language spoken by all children. A simple way to get started is to go to a gas station in a rough area and just pray. Corey Peters

    Corey Peters is a coach, teacher, and father of two living in Iowa. He is passionate about helping to build better men who step up for their wives, children, and community in the name of Jesus. Corey and his wife, Michelle, have been married for 25 years.

    Key Quotes 34:27 - "You've got to know that you're forgiven and that Jesus is a loving Father, that loves you at your worst and that He's there for your worst and He's picking you up, not kicking you out." 35:48 - So, loving the wife, I would say is the first. Just being real. Telling your kids you don't know. Being truthful with them. Try not to mold them into something they aren't. Trying to push your image to who they are, but trying to pull out what God says they are. Coach them up. Love them up." Links from Today’s Conversation Apply to join the Fall 2024 DadAwesome Accelerator Cohort: Email [email protected] to learn more Somebody Died For You DA+3 Group Guides (2024 Summer Series) 333 | Betting on Yourself, Relearning How to Parent, and Doing Hard Things (Bryan Byrd: Part 1) 334 | Heroic Consistency, Getting Hungry for God, and Being a Safe Container for Grief (Bryan Byrd: Part 2) Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • With a background in the aerospace industry, Santosh Swamidass can list plenty of ways that fatherhood is just like rocket science. In this conversation, Santosh illustrates the importance of launching your kids with the right targets in mind. With tools and systems shared in this episode, you can raise your kids to love Christ, discover their purpose, and impact the world around them.

    Key Takeaways The trajectory you set for your kids before they launch has a lifelong effect and, if you do it well, an eternal impact. Find force multipliers like tools, guides, and systems to help your kids grow spiritually with less effort and better results. To avoid forgetting 90% of what you learn each week, you just need a few short bursts of repetition to retain more of what matters. Each week as a family, memorize one verse, pray for others two times, have three spiritual conversations of substance, and read the Bible four times. Commit to a steady drip infusion of wisdom through your kid's childhood so it can have a compounding effect. Santosh Swamidass

    Santosh Swamidass is a pastor, architect of Project Based Discipleship, and Founder of the Launching Ground and Launch Network. He spent 10 years working in the aerospace industry and has over 25 years of ministry experience. Santosh and his wife, Christy, are enjoying the adventure and learnings of discipling their 7 kids.

    Key Quotes 13:51 - "Jesus' references this even as the greatest commandment and what we see right after that in Deuteronomy, it's not the priests. It's not the the temple. It's not the tabernacle. It doesn't talk about what we would consider the church and the pastors. It talks about the parents and the home. This is what we're talking about, family discipleship." 32:57 - "We have a short period of time that will have an effect for the lifetime of our children. The reality is, if we do it well, it has an effect on eternity. In all the things that I invest my life in, there are there are very few that are going to last beyond my lifetime. My children, by the grace of God and their legacy is one of those things, and how they pass their faith on is going to be a lot of it derived from how we as fathers actually pour into our kids. And we know the statistics that the number one indicator for a child's faith in their future, it's actually the father's." Links from Today’s Conversation Apply to join the Fall 2024 DadAwesome Accelerator Cohort: Email [email protected] to learn more Live near Dallas, Texas? Join us for the upcoming Fathers for the Fatherless Spartan Obstacle Course on August 19-20, 2024. Launching Ground Family Discipleship Subscription Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • Every father needs the right tools to raise his kids well, and Kent Evans likes to use the analogy of a Swiss Army Knife. His main blades include asking thoughtful questions, seeking wisdom from others, and staying rooted in God’s Word. Tune in now to discover why anger isn’t an effective parenting strategy—and what you should do instead.

    Key Takeaways Be curious and seek wisdom from the men you know. Your boys need to hear you acknowledge your weaknesses and imperfections. Don’t connect your apology to your child’s behavior. You don’t need to have a sex talk with your son; you need to have an 8-10 year conversation. As dads, most of our anger is not righteous anger. Kent Evans

    Kent Evans is the Executive Director and co-founder of Manhood Journey, a ministry that helps dads become disciple-makers. He’s a Christian speaker and author of three books. Kent and his wife, April, have been married for 29 years and have five sons.

    Key Quotes 24:36 - "Odds are, the vast majority of things that make you angry are unbiblical, unwise, and unproductive. Let's go explore those together and see what God's Word has to say about it. Because for me, I have discovered over time that there there is a way to look at life through a far less angry lens and to be able to call my anger out when it happens in a way that's more healthy, albeit sometimes more painful. And I just hope I can get some dads to join me on that that journey. Because frankly, we hear from dads all the time who say their number one struggle is anger." 32:51 - "Let all, not some, let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Anger is not to be managed. It is not to be controlled per se, although we should have control over our mouth and our spirit. Anger is to be put away. As we look at it, it's a very challenging topic because our culture and our modern era and our access to news that doesn't matter. Proverbs 16, whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty and he who rules his spirit, then he who takes a city. Do you have governance over your spirit? Can you rule your spirit? Can I rule my spirit or does my spirit rule me? And we just find anger lurking in the shadows so often, almost every day." Links from Today’s Conversation Apply to join the Fall 2024 DadAwesome Accelerator Cohort: Email [email protected] to learn more Manhood Journey Timothy Keller Books The Anger Free Dad Course Father on Purpose Podcast Kent Evans Books Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • Michael Swalley joins this episode to share the unexpected connections between breakdancing and fatherhood. Tune in to hear Michael’s thoughts on the battle against busyness, the power of your wife’s voice, and the value of being known by others. As you embrace your identity as a son of God, you’ll experience the freedom to be the father you are meant to be.

    Key Takeaways Your fatherhood journey might begin with grieving the loss of many things. There is power in the voice of your wife. How much of your busyness is motivated by trying to earn an identity God has already given you? The fundamental truths of God don’t put you in a box; instead, they free you up to express yourself more creatively. Just like breaking, fatherhood is a communal experience, and attempting it in isolation will affect your performance. Michael Swalley

    Michael Swalley is the Executive Director and North American Regional Head of Break Free Ministries, where he works passionately to make disciples in the global Hip-Hop community. Michael and his wife, Ellen, live in Colorado Springs with their three daughters and one son.

    Key Quotes 23:10 - "The identity as a son really frees us up as fathers, to make time with our family. That has been a process for me and very much learning that right now." 25:36 - "There are some very basic fundamental truths of being a father that we learn from God who has revealed Himself as such. Those truths don't put us in a box. And then as you live into those, those truths, it frees you up to be the dad that God has created you to be. Each one of us, God has gifted us with unique kids, and He knew those kids that we are going to father and He knew that we were uniquely gifted with our lives to be able to father those kids." Links from Today’s Conversation BreakFree2024.com Apply to join the Fall 2024 DadAwesome Accelerator Cohort: Email [email protected] to learn more DA+3 Group Guides (2024 Summer Series) Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • Alex and Stephen Kendrick of Kendrick Brothers Productions have created some of the most influential Christian feature films, including WAR ROOM, FIREPROOF, and COURAGEOUS. With their new movie about to hit the box office, Alex and Stephen share what God is teaching them about discipleship, sacrifice, and being forged into stronger men and fathers.

    Key Takeaways God does things for us, with us, in us, and through us—in that order. Don’t let pride stand in the way of your growth. Every step you take in obedience to Jesus qualifies you to help someone else take that step. The fire of a forge strengthens you through heat and pressure. One man choosing to disciple another creates a multiplication effect that spans generations. Alex and Stephen Kendrick

    Alex and Stephen Kendrick of Kendrick Brothers Productions use their passion for storytelling to spread the Gospel and share stories of hope and redemption throughout the world. With Alex as the director and Stephen as the producer, they have co-written nine screenplays and several books. They each have six children and reside in Albany, Georgia, with their families.

    Key Quotes 8:48 - "Part of the chain breaking is you really need Jesus' help to change your own heart and mind. Our dad was in Scripture saying, God, teach me how to be a good dad, I wasn't given that example. I'm kind of driving in the dark here. I don't know what this looks like. As he's reading Scripture and applying that to his life, God, the perfect Father of all, was coming alongside him, helping him to not only love us and provide an example of integrity and truthfulness, but to humble himself and repent and ask for forgiveness when he blew it." 16:04 - "We're making a movie about discipleship, and we're learning about discipleship at the same time. We're studying the Great Commission. We're studying what it looks like to follow Jesus on a daily basis, and then invite other people to come along with us and say, follow me as I follow Christ. The word disciple means follower, and a disciple of Jesus is a fully devoted, all in follower of Jesus walking with Him. As He takes a step, you take a step, following Him closely. Our daily journey of faith with God is an abiding, intimate, fellowship relationship that as we learn to lean in to the Lord every day and say, Lord, lead me. What happens is when a man surrenders fully to the Lordship of Jesus, the Holy Spirit becomes the hand in the glove of our empty lives, and He enables us to do what we cannot do on our own." Links from Today’s Conversation DA+3 Group Guides (2024 Summer Series) The Forge Movie Get Tickets for The Forge Kendrick Brothers Productions Alex Kendrick - White Chair Film - I Am Second® Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • God has given fathers unique duties that they can't pass off to anyone else—not even the Church. In this DA+3 Group Guide, Seth Dahl encourages fathers to step up to the plate in the spiritual formation of their kids. You'll be challenged to avoid false comforts, pay attention to your thoughts, and discover what brings you joy.

    Key Takeaways Children are Arrows: Parents are responsible for shaping children into arrows that can take out the enemy. Misinterpretation of Thoughts: Discern where your thoughts are coming from. Avoid False Comforts: Be intentional about where you seek comfort after a hard day. Ask God for Help: Teach your kids to ask God for help since He is the only one who can guide and help us best. Awareness of What Makes Me Come Alive: Your self-awareness, wife-awareness, and kid-awareness can bring life to your family.

    DA+3 Group Guide Discussion Questions:

    Seth Dahl uses the analogy of a sporting goods store to explain how some parents shift the responsibility of spiritually sharpening their kids to the Church. Have you fallen into the same trap? Why is it important to view our children as arrows in relation to the Armor of God? What stands out to you in 1 Corinthians 2:16? How do you distinguish between thoughts from God, yourself, and the enemy? After a tough day, what false comforts do you turn to (e.g., sugar, TV, alcohol)? What changes when you turn to the true Comforter instead of false comforts? Have you ever tried to save or rescue your kids, putting yourself in the "God" spot? How do you teach your kids to ask God for help when they face challenges? What are three things that make you feel more alive? Have you discovered what brings joy to your wife and kids? Seth Dahl

    With over 15 years of experience working with children and being a children's pastor, Seth Dahl has cultivated a passion for helping parents create a thriving family culture at home. Seth, Lauren, and their three children homestead with a large garden and a handful of animals on a small farm in Texas.

    Key Quotes 3:25 - "If we don't learn to work with our children when it comes to the things of the kingdom, we actually limit our ability to fight, our ability to win, our ability to take dominion, and our ability to extend the kingdom to the earth. [When we do this we] hide our children in the quiver. If we just protect our kids from the big bad world and we don't get them out, we don't let them loose, obviously carefully, obviously focused and aimed and wisely. If we don't get them out they're going to struggle because arrows are not meant to sit in the quiver, arrows are meant to fly and strike the enemy. If we don't get our kids out and let them do that, we're actually preventing them from operating in the God given identity that they've been called to. We're just protecting, protecting, protecting instead of preparing and releasing and aiming." 7:12 - "Sometimes we have to be introspective and prayerful around where is this thought coming from? Sometimes that thought is a lie from the enemy. Sometimes that thought is just your own thought. Guys, I just want to encourage you to really think into and pray into, what is my thought life? Are my thoughts from heaven or my thoughts destructive thoughts from the accuser? Our thought life matters." Links from Today’s Conversation 137 | Spirit-Filled Parenting, Hearing God's Voice, & Shaping our Kids as Arrows (Seth Dahl) SUMMER SALE in the DadAwesome Store: Get 20% off when you use the code “tanktop” Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • Unlock five steps to become a moment-maker dad. In this DA+3 Group Guide, Patei Iyegha will encourage you to slow down, create “sticky moments,” and reflect on your family’s values. Tune in to this bite-sized episode and walk away with practical ideas to become more intentional and present as a dad.

    Key Takeaways Power of Words: Actions speak louder than words. Pay attention to the words you are speaking over your kids. Slow Down: Slow is pro, so lean into simplicity and creativity. Technology: Take back 13,000 hours with your kids just by spending two fewer hours a day on your phone. Sticky Moments: Invest in connection now so you’ll have influence in the future. Family Values Audit: Your time and money will always reveal your priorities.

    DA+3 Group Guide Discussion Questions:

    Are there any words or phrases your parents said that have stuck with you since childhood? When did you last ask your wife or kids to audit your words? What holds you back from slowing down and embracing simplicity and creativity? Why do you think slowing down is important as a dad? How has your phone/technology use changed over the years? What would you do with an extra 13,000 hours with your kids if you put down the phone for 2 hours a day? When thinking about your own childhood, what “sticky moments” stand out to you (ex. fried egg Fridays, family Bible story time, Christmas light adventures, etc.)? Do you have any existing “sticky moments” that your family regularly looks forward to? If you were to pull up your calendar right now, what percentage of time is spent with your family? What are three ways you can invest time and money to create closeness with your kids? Patei Iyegha

    Patei Iyegha is a trauma surgeon who lives in the Twin Cities with his wife Andrea and 8 kids, ranging from 18 to 2. When he’s not working or spending time with family, he’s probably training for or competing in an obstacle course race or other endurance event. If it’s hard, he’s interested!

    Key Quotes 6:31 - "The idea of a glowing device that's in our pocket, that's with us, it's in our cars, it's at the kitchen table, the glowing device. It was only campfire and the sun. You can't even look at the sun. It's too powerful. So it was like looking at a campfire as your one option for something that glows. It's mesmerizing. It draws our attention. Well, the phone is doing that, and it's harming our families. It's harming my family the amount of time I spend on my phone." 7:48 - "If your kids want to be with you and want to spend more time with you and begging for you, that's just going to give you more influence over their lives. So, when it comes to those harder conversations, when they're pre-teens or teenagers, you've got a lot of investment in there because you've been spending the time, speaking into their lives. They've enjoyed being around you, they trust you, they love you. It just leads to more influence when they get when they get older." Links from Today’s Conversation 49 | Adding Action to Being a Moment Maker Dad (Patei Iyegha) The Power Of Moments by Chip Heath and Dan Heath SUMMER SALE in the DadAwesome Store: Get 20% off when you use the code “tanktop” Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • The way you parent today impacts multiple generations. In this week’s DA+3 Group Guide, you’ll hear Jeremy Pryor’s vision for multi-generational families with a clear identity. Get instant ideas to foster family relationships, train your children for their future roles, and integrate your work into your fatherhood role.

    Key Takeaways Multi-Generational Family: Raise your children to be excellent parents to your grandchildren. Parent with that third generation in mind. The Need for a Fatherhood Archetype: Scripture provides a blueprint for the ideal father, and it’s not always what today’s culture praises. Training: Approach fatherhood like a coach, training your children for their future roles rather than just focusing on short-term behavior correction. Integrate Work and Family Identity: View your work as an extension of your role within your family, not as a separate identity. Family Friendships: Socialize your children within family and community settings, not just with peers.

    DA+3 Group Guide Discussion Questions

    When you think about your kids becoming parents, what parenting characteristics do you want them to have? What specific actions do you need to take to raise your kids to be great parents to your grandkids? How do you think society views the role of a father in today’s culture? What characteristics of Abraham do you think are most important to emulate as a dad? What shifts do you need to make to train your children for their future roles rather than focusing on short-term behavior corrections? How can you ensure that your family’s values are a central part of your family identity? Have you ever fallen into the trap of viewing your work as a separate identity instead of an extension of your role within your family? Why do you think integrating your work and family identity is important? How can we encourage our children to build strong relationships with their siblings and family members? What are some practical ways to socialize your kids within your family and community—instead of just with peers and friends their own age? Jeremy Pryor

    Jeremy Pryor is a business owner, creative entrepreneur, author, podcaster, and builder of multiple movements with family at the core. Jeremy and his wife have five children and reside in a multigenerational home near Cincinnati, Ohio.

    Key Quotes 8:12 - "I've been tracking a trend over the last ten years, and the trend has been to represent the new ideal father as the traditional mother. The traditional mother was very present, very empathetic, right there meeting the needs of kids. This idea of that traditional mother, I began to see that when there have been positive descriptions or symbolic, positive descriptions of the father, he would be that mother." 11:45 - "Let's think about the level that we're valuing, inter-friendships between siblings and just the strength of that. I just want to challenge and encourage you guys to really pray on, how can we foster deeper friendships between our kids? Regardless of the age gap there can be deeper friendships." Links from Today’s Conversation 286 | Parenting for the Third Generation, Building Family Assets, and Championing the Beauty of Fatherhood (Jeremy Pryor: Part 1) 287 | Creating Intentional Spaces, Carrying the Spirit of Elijah, and Fighting Against the Destruction of Fathers (Jeremy Pryor: Part 2) Register for the FATHERS FOR THE FATHERLESS Events in Dallas, Texas SUMMER SALE in the DadAwesome Store: Get 20% off when you use the code “tanktop” Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • Looking for fresh ideas on building better habits, routines, and rhythms with your kids? Tune in to this week’s DA+3 Group Guide featuring Justin Whitmel Earley. From morning huddles to bedtime rituals, you’ll explore ways to transform everyday moments into meaningful connections with your family.

    Key Takeaways New Day, New Start: Every day is a new chance to parent differently and experience more of God’s grace. Pause Prayers: Before disciplining or interacting with your kids, take a moment to pray and ask for guidance to approach the situation with love and understanding. Morning Huddles: Start your day with a family huddle where you teach your kids a simple prayer or affirmation. Bedtime Rituals: Create a routine that transforms ordinary moments into opportunities for connection. Don’t be discouraged if it takes several tries to work! Reconciliation Rituals: Don’t just immediately move on after conflict or discipline. Whether it’s a hug, a joke, or a shared Tic Tac, show your kids and spouse you’re still on their side.

    DA+3 Group Guide Discussion Questions:

    Do you ever feel weighed down by past parenting mistakes—whether from a day, week, or year ago? What are some practical ways you show yourself grace and embrace the “New Day, New Start” mindset as a dad? What changes for you when you say a quick prayer before disciplining your kids? How do you find the right balance between discipline and showing grace? What does your current morning routine look like with your family? How can you make your family’s routine more intentional and spiritually focused? Do you have a bedtime ritual that helps you connect spiritually with your children? What is your biggest challenge when trying to establish a new family habit or routine? How do you model reconciliation for your kids? Is there a small, fun gesture you use to reconnect with your kids after conflict, such as sharing a Tic Tac, telling a joke, or giving a hug? Justin Whitmel Earley

    Justin Whitmel Earley is a lawyer, author, and speaker from Richmond, Virginia. His most recent book, Habits of the Household, was published in 2021. Justin is married to Lauren and has four sons: Whit, Asher, Coulter, and Shep.

    Key Quotes 2:07 - "Every day is a new chance to experience grace from your heavenly Father and step in with your whole heart to being a dad. New day, new start. Do not beat yourself up about yesterday, last week, last month, last year, the last decade of your dad life. Don't play the comparison game and do not disqualify yourself. God has not disqualified you. So let's walk with a lot of grace." 6:03 - "There's a comical and halting nature to starting any important habit with your family, which is very important to realize. Nothing in the household is normal until it is, you have to practice. Links from Today’s Conversation 253 | Reframing Your Parenting with New Habits (Justin Earley) Habits of the Household SUMMER SALE in the DadAwesome Store: Get 20% off when you use the code “tanktop” Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • In the third installment of the DA+3 series, rediscover timeless advice from Jim Jackson. You'll learn why being "fast, large, and loud" isn't effective and how to make a shift that leads to more connection with your kids. Plus, explore the 10 DA+3 Discussion Questions below to prompt meaningful conversations about legacy, peace, your fatherhood report card, and more.

    Key Takeaways Be Slow, Soft, and Low: Our default as dads is to be fast, large, and loud. Instead, you can create more connection by changing how you approach your kids. "One-Another" Fatherhood: Look at all the areas in the Bible with "one another" commands and apply those behaviors to your relationship with your children. Your Child is Not Your Report Card: How your kids behave is not a reflection of your value. Beyond Understanding: You will never understand everything as a dad. Prayerfully seek God's wisdom, insight, and understanding. Legacy: Love your wife and kids well.

    DA+3 Group Guide Discussion Questions:

    Why do you think us dads default to being fast, large, and loud? How do you practice being "slow, soft, and low" instead of "fast, large, and loud" when interacting with your kids? Scan the infographic of all the "one another" commands in the New Testament. Which one stands out most to you as something you want to practice more? Have you ever patted yourself on the back when your child behaved well? On the other hand, when did you feel like a failure because of something your kid did or didn't do? If you had a real "Dad Report Card," what subjects or things would it measure? (Hint: It should not be directly linked to your kid's behavior.) What does it look like to be okay and remember where your value comes from, even when your children are struggling? Thinking about Philippians 4:7, in what situations or areas of your life do you need to pray for the peace of God, which transcends all understanding? What is the #1 legacy you want to leave as a husband? What is the #1 legacy you want to leave as a father? Jim Jackson

    Jim Jackson and his wife, Lynne, are the co-founders of Connected Families, a non-profit ministry that has been bringing reliable, God-centered, research-based parenting resources to all families since 2002.

    Key Quotes 3:22 - "Dads, we're really good at feeling that stress and jumping forward and stepping in and fixing stuff and getting stuff done and getting people to do the stuff that we need them to do. Even if it's just by our posture, we get big and we get loud and we get demanding, and the people around us, we think that it's respect, but oftentimes I fear that it's fear. We think that we're doing something in the name of gaining respect, when in fact we're scaring people into a form of compliance that builds distance in their trust of us, not closeness." 5:00 - "Obedience is a matter of the heart, not a matter of behavior. When our kids comply, that's not obedience. That's just doing what they're told because they've been told to do it because they're scared of what will happen if they don't. If that's the the mode of operation for us, then our kids grow in fear as we grow in a sense of demanding and being the habit just keeps getting bigger and bigger as the kids get older and older." Links from Today’s Conversation The Power of Positive Connection (028 Jim Jackson) Connected Families Connected Families Framework All the “one another” commands in the NT [infographic] Discipline That Connects With Your Child’s Heart by Jim & Lynne Jackson SUMMER SALE in the DadAwesome Store: Get 20% off when you use the code “tanktop” Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • Gather your DA+3 Group and lean into the wisdom of Dr. Jackson Drumgoole. In this 10-minute episode, you'll encounter brilliant strategies to be an intentional and influential dad. Check out the discussion questions below to prompt meaningful conversations about problem-solving, resilience, hospitality, and more.

    5 Key Takeaways Be the Loudest Voice in Your Kids' Ears: They can't hear you if you're not fully present. Encourage Persistence and Resilience: Emphasize the value of sticking with commitments and completing tasks. Teach Problem-Solving Skills: Encourage exploration and let your kids see you overcome obstacles. Create a Safe and Welcoming Home Environment: Let your home be a place where your kids can invite other children over to experience fun and safety. Positive Declarations: Pray bold declarations with your kids and their friends. 10 Group Guide Discussion Questions: What people or influences do you think are speaking the loudest in your child's ear? What are those influences telling your children? What do you want them to be hearing from you instead? When your kids want to quit or give up, how do you encourage them to stick to their commitments? When you were growing up, what tasks or activities taught you resilience? How can you create similar experiences for your own kids to teach perseverance? Do you encourage your kids to explore new interests and hobbies? What kind of activities are they trying right now? Dr. Jackson Drumgoole describes his home as a "Kool-Aid" house where all his kids can bring their friends. What steps have you taken to make your home a safe and welcoming space for your kids and their friends? What is your current routine for praying with your kids? Do you pray with your kids when their friends are around? Why or why not? What is one new positive declaration you want to incorporate? Dr. Jackson Drumgoole

    Dr. Jackson Drumgoole is an inspirational speaker, author, and veteran with a heart for fathers and families. He and his wife, ShDonna, have five children.

    Key Quotes 1:54 - "Be the loudest voice in your kids ears. When they think about, where's wisdom come from? When they think about, where does cheerleading come from? When they think about, where does encouragement come from? Where does helpfulness come from? Where does blessings come from? The loudest voice. The loudest voice should be my voice, as dad." 5:21 - "Create a safe and welcoming home environment. A home environment where your kids want to bring their friends over. A home environment does not mean huge money and you're always serving all this crazy food and drinks, it doesn't have to be that. But you do have a heart for hospitality. You're encouraging and fostering, our house is a house of fun. Our house is a safe place. We celebrate and encourage our kids to bring their friends over to our place." Links from Today’s Conversation 298 | Dialing In, Leading with Love, and Being the Loudest Voice in Your Child’s Ears (Dr. Jackson Drumgoole) SUMMER SALE in the DadAwesome Store: Get 20% off when you use the code “tanktop” Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • In this DA+3 Group Guide, you'll find key points and discussion questions to spark meaningful conversations with other dads. Explore insights on unplugging from technology, checking in with Jesus, expressing emotions physically, sharing Jesus stories, and more.

    5 Key Takeaways Check-in with Jesus: Pray about decisions, journal the voice of God, and pay attention to frustration flare-ups. Get Outside: Take a break from technology and spend time in nature. Read Ephesians 3:14-19: Pray that God would bring a word or phrase to you as you read these verses. Get a Baseball Bat and a Plastic Trash Can: Physically get out the heavy stuff. Share Jesus Stories: Tell others when God has shown up for you. 10 Group Guide Discussion Questions: Before making major decisions, do you check in with God through prayer, journaling, etc.? How do you feel about your current rhythms of technology/screens/phone use? How often do you intentionally disconnect from technology? When you think about spending time outside with your family, what memories stick out to you? What outdoor activities bring you joy? When you Read Ephesians 3:14-19, what word or phrase stands out to you? What does it look like to press into your intense emotions like frustrations instead of running away from them? Have you brought your full emotions to God by doing hard things physically, such as sprinting, doing pull-ups, or beating a trash can? When was the last time you shared your faith stories with others, especially your kids? What’s one action you want to take after discussing this episode? John Eldredge

    John Eldredge is an author, counselor, teacher, and the president of Wild at Heart. He and his wife, Stasi, have three sons and are proud grandparents. John loves all things beauty, nature, adventure, and more.

    Key Quotes 5:45 - "Another resource, is a book, A Grace Disguised by Jerry Sittser. I've spoken about this book before around grief, but he has a metaphor of when there's something that flares up, a frustration flare up, or a heaviness, where is this coming from? He would say press into it further versus run away from it. So, instead of chasing the sunset, the sun is setting to the west. Instead of trying to stay in the sun, press into the darkness, is what his metaphor is. Press into the darkness, the areas of hurt, of heaviness, of frustration. Let's actually explore those a little bit with Jesus." 9:45 - "Palm trees roots intertangle with other palm trees roots to keep them from blowing over in a storm. They'll bend all the way over to the ground in a storm, but they won't actually snap off or die because their roots are entangled with each other. Maybe that's a promise for you guys, is as we grow brotherhood and grow friendships with other men, as we become DadAwesome by creating a community of men who are together, being that dad for their families but for each other, encouraging each other, praying for each other, holding each other accountable, that we could be rooted and established in God's love, rooted in community and in God's love." Links from Today’s Conversation 299 | Escaping Sedation, Meeting Jesus in Your Pain, and Sharing Fresh Jesus Stories (John Eldredge) Aro Box A Grace Disguised: How the Soul Grows through Loss by Jerry L. Sittser 304 | Pursuing Visions, Journaling Daily, and Hearing God’s Prophetic Voice (Ken Helser) 30 Days to Resilient in the One Minute Pause App Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • Intention is meaningless without action. This year, be the man who steps up to create a DA+3 group. It’s as simple as getting three dads to join you. Extend invitations, build friendships, and keep going when it’s tough. Your family’s future depends on it.

    Key Takeaways Isolation is deadly. Show me your group, and I’ll show you your family’s future. 17 Ideas of Groups to Start. 6 Benefits of Being the Dad Who Goes First. 4 Steps to Take Initiative. Jeff Zaugg

    Jeff Zaugg is a loving husband, intentional dad, and passionate advocate for the fatherless. With experience in nonprofit leadership and pastoring, Jeff founded DadAwesome in 2018 and Fathers for the Fatherless shortly thereafter. Jeff and his wife, Michelle, have been married for 17 years and are parents to four daughters, ages 3 through 10.

    Key Quotes 13:08 - "Why should we step into being the activator, being the spark, being the guy who rallies and gathers other dads? Isolation is deadly. We know this, it's so true. When we're alone, we're vulnerable. Second, dads without friendships will at some point cause deep pain to their kids. The pain of isolation and a dad being a dad that doesn't have friends looking out for them, encouraging them, challenging them to grow. You will pass on pain to your kids." 16:51 - "You're going to move into a simple goal, I call it DadAwesome +3, DA+3. This is how easy it is, your goal is just to get three dads, three dads to join you. It might take inviting nine to get three to show up. Guys, it takes invite, invite, invite. DA+3 is a simple goal, but it takes inviting. It takes initiative. If you want to gather guys together, you've got to be the one who goes first. You've got to send the message, you got to decide, and then you've got to go after the simple goal of DA+3. Be a dad who gathers three other dads." Links from Today’s Conversation Apply to join the Summer 2024 DadAwesome Accelerator Cohort: Email [email protected] to learn more free video series >> FOUR-PART FRAMEWORK FOR FATHERHOOD Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • Dads were never meant to take on fatherhood alone. In fact, Bryan Byrd argues that isolation is against God's will for your life. Instead, you'll need to connect with others and get hungry for the Holy Spirit. In this episode, Bryan offers encouragement to help you get started.

    Key Takeaways Connection is God's will. Loneliness is a dangerous toxin. Healing happens when you have a safe place to take your grief. Get hungry for the Holy Spirit. Bryan Byrd

    Bryan Byrd is a husband and father to two sons from Boise, Idaho. He is passionate about equipping men to do hard things. He co-founded Wild Courage and continues to serve on the Board of Trustees.

    Key Quotes 8:55 - "I can get promoted. I can advance, and I can do it in a way that's humble. I got guys who are going to call me off the shelf, if I'm out of line. If I'm out of God's will, they're going to say, Bryan, are you doing this too much? What's going on? Are you treating your wife right? Are things good at home? There's instant accountability with all the things that are right. If you're not in a fire, a group, I would just ask, how long can you go before burnout? Before failure? I read this other day, loneliness is way more a toxin than fat, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, opioids. Loneliness is more dangerous than opioids. I'd ask the listeners, it's probably way more important than you think. If you're saying, oh, I'll do that sometime. Today matters." 25:48 - "When I can look at you and receive you and your pain and hear you, I say you're worthy. When I, as a sharer of my pain, feel that I'm worthy, I have hope. I'm not alone. I'm with people that care. I'm seen. And I can find hope. Jesus, would you come into this pain? Would you take a risk on me? Because these guys just did. There must be hope for me. You go from sharing grief and despair and not having hope and not being seen and being isolated to seen and loved. That can be as simple as a group. It can be simple as silence. It can be as simple as a head nod. It's probably not talking very much. It might be a little validation. It's probably not giving a sermon. It's probably not five points of advice, how to fix your problem. Don't fix. It's probably not being the the alpha in the room telling people how you solve the world's problems. Letting it sit, now a container is you get 3 or 4 guys that can do that well and practice." Links from Today’s Conversation Apply to join the Summer 2024 DadAwesome Accelerator Cohort: Email [email protected] to learn more Save the Date for the DadAwesome Day Zoom Call: Monday, June 17 at 7pm CT Iron Bison Training Iron Bison Training Podcast WILDSONS Podcast | Receiving the Father's Love and Masculine Initiation with Bryan Byrd Foxhole Symphony - Wild Courage: Vulnerability and Victory in the Quest for Authentic Manhood Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • Everyone has a story to tell, and every story matters. In the first half of our conversation, Bryan Byrd describes the role of a troubadour. He emphasizes the value of prioritizing heart-to-heart connections, loving yourself the way God loves you, and being flexible about your approach to fatherhood.

    Key Takeaways We’re all troubadours with a story to tell that matters. Heart-to-heart connections with your kids are the true sign of parenting success. Love yourself enough to do what you say, bet on yourself, and hold yourself accountable. Get instant feedback from your kids by asking, “How are you experiencing me?” Don’t be afraid to relearn some things. Bryan Byrd

    Bryan Byrd is a husband and father to two sons from Boise, Idaho. He is passionate about equipping men to do hard things. He co-founded Wild Courage and continues to serve on the Board of Trustees.

    Key Quotes 11:55 - "I'm still going to choose heart to heart connection, regardless of my reputation. Regardless of my accomplishment or the image that people think I should have, I'm still getting their back, getting in the ditch if I need to get in the ditch, getting on a platform if I need to get on a platform. Wherever it takes, I'm going to show up and be present and be the father where I need to be. Sometimes I'm going to make mistakes along the way, and I'm going to ask for forgiveness and break some glass. That's success. Course correcting along the way right now." 27:00 - "We have sinned and we've been forgiven. He bets on us and He resides in us. There's a two edged coin there that we're the ransom one, so let's get with it. When you bet on yourself, you bet that you're valuable enough that you're going to come through with your word. You're going to do what you say. Bet on yourself, believe that you can do what you want to do, what you're set out for, what you're called from the Lord. Even though all of these people out in the world are going to say there's not enough time. You're too tall, you're too short, you're too fat, you're too skinny, they're going to come up with all kinds of excuses because they want to justify themselves. Bet on yourself is a line with God. Let's pause for a minute. Let that settle on our hearts. What God really says about you." Links from Today’s Conversation Apply to join the Summer 2024 DadAwesome Accelerator Cohort: Email [email protected] to learn more Save the Date for the DadAwesome Day Zoom Call: Monday, June 17 at 7pm CT Iron Bison Training Iron Bison Training Podcast WILDSONS Podcast | Receiving the Father's Love and Masculine Initiation with Bryan Byrd Foxhole Symphony - Wild Courage: Vulnerability and Victory in the Quest for Authentic Manhood Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • Combat veteran Ben Peterson joins us to discuss the glaring challenges in America's individualistic society, especially for people who have experienced the tight-knit military community. He offers practical advice to help you find your tribe, embrace your purpose, and be vulnerable about the struggles you're facing.

    Key Takeaways Our souls and psyches thrive when we are part of a tribe. The transition from tribe culture to individualistic culture is an extreme challenge for veterans. We are in a war for the souls of men. The strongest men are the ones who are willing to be honest about their shortcomings and struggles. Ben Peterson

    Ben Peterson is a Jesus Follower, husband, father, and combat veteran. In 2016, Ben founded Engage Your Destiny, a nonprofit ministry that exists to engage with the military, veterans, and their families to lead them into their destiny. Ben and his wife, Rachel, live in Tennessee with their son.

    Key Quotes 27:29 - "Where's my 10,000 souls? I just think it's so important to live with that mindset. It doesn't have to be a fear based mindset, but this is the reality of the kingdom, and there is heaven and hell, and there are realities to us being disobedient, and there is free will and there's consequences for that. That's part of kind of the military coming out, because if you don't do your job, people die. And that's the same thing in the kingdom. There's a reason that Paul used the reference of the soldiers so much because we are in a war for the for the souls of men." 31:18 - "We can lean into some of those woundings, from a sense of humility and being honest that, you know what, I'm never going to be perfect until Christ comes back or until I go home. And in Him, I'm a new creature. And that gives me such a sense of peace and satisfaction, that my wounds are okay. It's okay to be vulnerable." Links from Today’s Conversation Apply to join the Summer 2024 DadAwesome Accelerator Cohort: Email [email protected] to learn more Save the Date for the DadAwesome Day Zoom Call: Monday, June 17 at 7pm CT Engage Your Destiny: Practical Ways To Run After Your God-Given Purpose by Ben Peterson The Power of a Praying Husband by Stormie Omartian Engage Your Destiny The Engage Your Destiny Podcast EP30: Power of a Praying Spouse: Part 1 (Engage Your Destiny Podcast) Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • Jon Tyson is back for the third time! In this episode, he uncovers the seven lies that hold men back from becoming fully alive. You'll discover the strategies Satan uses to keep you distracted and passive, and you'll be inspired to embrace your current season and ask curious questions for the sake of others.

    Key Takeaways Satan wants us dumb, entertained, oversatiated, and unmotivated. You must fight against despair, loneliness, shame, lust, ambition, futility, and apathy. If you ask curious questions about the needs around you, you never know what you'll get swept into. What things do you need to harvest and enjoy right now before they rot and are gone? Jon Tyson

    Originally from Adelaide, Australia, Jon Tyson is a pastor and author based in New York City. He is the author of "Fighting Shadows" and the bestselling books "The Intentional Father" and "Beautiful Resistance." Jon has been married to Christy for twenty-five years and has two adult children.

    Key Quotes

    10:40 - "I always tell people, my vision is intentionality, it's not perfection. No one is perfect. In fact, the perfect fathers are often the ones that damaged their kids through such high expectations. It's just do your best, live in love, be honest with your struggles and get help. Rely on the community of men to help raise your kids. Ancient societies were not primarily just father-son societies. They were the community of men playing a vital role. It was the tribe that helped formed men, not just this psychotic pressure on an individual father."

    19:23 - "I know everybody tells you this, be careful when you kill time, it has no resurrection. You can waste time. You can kill time. Waste time. Use time. Invest time. Redeem time. Or leverage time. And a lot of God, that's Ephesians 5, make the most of the time. That's not the word kross is the word kairos, which means you were in a season right now, that must be leveraged that you will never get again. It's not the same in every season. So I'm not advocating a kind of guilt where every, like, if every spare moment should be in prayer. That's, that's death. That's the law. I'm advocating, I'm advocating an awareness of your season. The things that need to be harvested now or they rot. Or seed now, or you missed the window to sow. Or enjoyed now or it's gone. How do you really figure what that is in that season and leverage it? Make the most because the days are evil. So yeah, it's about really trying to leverage the season more than anything else. First you got to know what it is, but when you know what it is going to be aware and go after it."

    Links from Today’s Conversation Apply to join the Summer 2024 DadAwesome Accelerator Cohort: Email [email protected] to learn more 147 | Jon Tyson on Intentional Fatherhood & Creating the Primal Path 187 | Jon Tyson on Skillful Manhood, Capturing First Moments & The Intentional Father Fighting Shadows: Overcoming 7 Lies That Keep Men From Becoming Fully Alive by Jon Tyson and Jefferson Bethke The Intentional Father: A Practical Guide to Raise Sons of Courage and Character by Jon Tyson Primal Path: A Discipleship Program for Fathers & Sons Awaken Network Podcast Sign up for Jon’s Newsletter Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618
  • In the second half of this conversation, Danny Silk shares the seven “dragons,” or fears, that all men must slay. From confronting self-doubt to navigating competition among other men, Danny explores what holds most men back and how you can take immediate action. Plus, you’ll discover the importance of community and brotherhood in your journey to becoming a dragon slayer.

    Key Takeaways Every man must confront these seven fears: God, himself, women, men, nature, machine, and provision. If you don't set your heart to serve your wife, you will set your heart to conquer her and be the winner. Men bond through doing and adventure and through risk. Your role as a man is to think ahead and bring benefit to everyone you’re leading. Fatherlessness comes from the breakdown of brotherhood. Danny Silk

    Danny Silk is a renowned speaker and prolific author who draws on decades of experience as a counselor, social worker, husband, parent, grandparent, and more. He is the President and Co-Founder of Loving on Purpose, a ministry to families and communities worldwide.

    Key Quotes 14:49 - "Quit putting it off because you don't want to feel stupid. You already look stupid. So go do something about it. Be the man. There's that end of it as well. And then there's, in the middle of it, which is get out there and take some risks. Get out there and learn some new skills, find some guys that love to work on that stuff and learn from them." 18:14 - "You really are looking down the road and you're leading, so people are following that. And in that is your responsibility to bring benefit to everybody on the journey with you. That's your role as a man, is to think ahead and to build benefit for for your family, for your legacy. I'm thinking generationally, I'm not just thinking momentarily. I'm not living paycheck to paycheck. I'm living generation to generation. So, then as a provider, you had better open up your clarity of where you're headed and who's going to be benefiting for you ever being on this planet." Links from Today’s Conversation Apply to join the Summer 2024 DadAwesome Accelerator Cohort: Email [email protected] to learn more The Way of the Dragon Slayer by Danny Silk Dragon Slayers Podcast Connect with dadAWESOME Make a Donation to dadAWESOME Join the dadAWESOME Prayer Team Receive weekly encouragement by texting "dad" to 651-370-8618