
  • The 'fourth watch' last from 3:a.m. until 6:a.m. Night TIME is when God does SOME of His BEST work! When the lsraelites FACED the RED SEA, we read, 'All that night the Lord drove BACK the sea' (Exodus 14:21 NCV). During 'the middle WATCH ' of the night, Gideon DEFEATED the Midianites (Judges 7:19-24). Jesus rose from the dead before 'DAYBREAK' (Matthew 28:1). Matthew says: 'In the FOURTH WATCH of the NIGHT He came to THEM , walking on the sea. When the DISCIPLES saw Him... they were terrified... immediately Jesus spoke....' Take courage, it is l; do not be afraid" (Matthew 14:25-27NAS).


    1) JESUS WAITED until the storm was at its WORST and they'd LOST all HOPE. That's because GOD dictates the TIMETABLE for our DELIVERANCE, and He's NEVER LATE.

    2) THE DISCIPLES DIDN'T RECOGNISE HIM UNTIL HE REVEALED HIMSELF TO THEM. Often the answer you NEED is right beside you, but you don't recognise it until God reveals it to you. On another occasion, 'When... the crowd was pushing in...[Jesus] climbed into the boat that was Simon's.... put out... from the shore... [And] using the boat for a pulpit.... taught the crowd' (Luke 5:1-3 TM). In that MOMENT it would have been TEMPTING for Peter to feel IMPORTANT, THINKING the Master needed his BOAT. No, God doesn't need anything we have to accomplish His PURPOSES not our credentials, talent, or resources. So be humble. And don't PANIC! When Jesus came to the disciples that night He was 'WALKING ON THE sea.' God is on TOP of the SITUATION. Be at PEACE; He will do whatever it TAKES to reach and RESCUE you. Your problem is just a PLATFORM DISPLAY His POWER to act on your behalf!

    God's Servant

    Rev. Alfred Acheampong.

    Anchor Scripture: 'IN THE FOURTH WATCH.... HE CAME TO THEM.' (Matthew 14:25 NAS)

    Prayer Point: Heavenly Father, thank You for being there for me, my Saviour, refuge, comforter and deliverer. Amen

    Stay Blessed!


  • Josiah's grandfather, Manasseh, was a VIOLENT king who FILLED 'Jerusalem from one end to the other with [the people's] blood' (2 kings 21:16 NLT). His father, King Amon, DIED at the HANDS of his own OFFICERS. 'He did what God said was wrong,' reads his epitaph. Josiah was only EIGHT when he ASCENDED the THRONE. Immediately he chose RIGHTEOUSNESS, and didn't stop doing what was right all his life (2 kings 22:2). What's the POINT? We can't pick our PARENTS, but we CAN pick our ROLE-MODELS.

    When Josiah was rebuilding the TEMPLE he DISCOVERED a scroll CONTAINING God's law. As he READ it he WEPT, realising his PEOPLE had DRIFTED far from God. So he SENT word to a PROPHETESS and asked, 'What will become of our people?' She told Josiah THAT since he HAD repented when he heard God's Word, his nation would be spared (2 Chronicles 34:14-27). Wow! An entire GENERATION received GRACE because of the INTEGRITY of one man.

    So, you can RISE above your PAST and make a DIFFERENCE. Your PARENTS may have GIVEN you your DNA, but God CAN give you a new BIRTH and a new BEGINNING .'You are God's children whom he loves, so try to be like him' (Ephesians 5:1 NIV). Just like Josiah, YOU cannot CONTROL the way your FOREFATHERS responded to God, but you can CONTROL the way you RESPOND to Him. Your PAST does not have to be YOUR prison; you HAVE a say in your LIFE, you have a VOICE in your DESTINY, you have a CHOICE in the PATH you take. CHOOSE well and SOME day GENERATIONS from now OTHERS will thank God for the LEGACY you left.

    God's Servant

    Rev. Alfred Acheampong.

    Prayer Point: Heavenly Father, help me to leave behind a legacy of integrity, and of service to God and man in Jesus name.

    Stay Blessed!


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  • We think EVERYTHING rests on our SHOULDERS, but it doesn't! It's God's WORLD, not ours. At the BEGINNING of each DAY God REMINDS us that He HAS His WAY, that He CONTROLS outcomes, and that He CARES about every DETAIL of our lives.The way we get  up in the MORNING sets the TONE for our ENTIRE day, so try this: 

    FIRST thing tomorrow, GET alone with God for a FEW minutes. Don't TRY to make it LAST an hour, just START with five minutes. Go over YOUR plans for the DAY. If you have a CALENDAR, look OVER it with Jesus. As you are GOING through it you will HAVE some CONCERNS. Just hand them OVER to Him. Maybe you will notice a MEETING or a particular PROBLEM you are WORRIED about. Ask Him for WISDOM. If He DOESN'T give you an IMMEDIATE answer, realise that it's BECAUSE He WANTS you to TRUST Him. He has SOMETHING better in MIND, something that you HAVEN'T thought of YET. So many of us START our day ANXIOUS, hurried, FEARFUL , or RUSHED. But we DON'T have to. We are going to START our day anyway; why not START it with Jesus? Do we have any better offers? We are going to have a FIRST thought anyhow, a FIRST word, so why not let it BELONG to God, before Whom all our ANXIETIES flee? We can DO this. We REALLY can. We can START our DAY with God. Take a MOMENT and MEDITATE on this Scripture: 'Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days (Psalm  90:14 NIV).

    God's Servant 

    Rev. Alfred Acheampong.

    Prayer Point: Heavenly Father help me to always begin my day with God in prayer in Jesus name.


    Stay Blessed!

  • Esther won a beauty contest, married a king, lived in a palace, UNCOVERED a plot to EXTERMINATE the Jewish PEOPLE and saved THEM. Her story SHOWS us the IMPORTANCE of being in the RIGHT place, and being INFLUENCED by the RIGHT people. So:

    1) WHERE YOU ARE TODAY IS NO ACCIDENT. Mordecai, Esther's MENTOR, challenged HER and changed HER life by saying, 'Who KNOWS but that you have come to your ROYAL position for such a TIME as this?' Esther didn't SET out to be QUEEN, but ONCE she was, SHE had to DECIDE between her COMFORT and her CALLING. It's a CHOICE we all MAKE. 'What's my calling?' you ASK. It could INVOLVE your JOB, your MARRIAGE, your TASKS as a parent, your FRIENDSHIPS. It could involve the NEIGHBORHOOD where you live or VOLUNTEERING at your church. One thing is CERTAIN: when God calls, it's 'YOUR TIME' We are TEMPTED to THINK we are 'treading water' right now, WAITING for some other TIME or more IMPORTANT opportunity. No, you don't get to CHOOSE your TIME; God DOES that! The Psalmist said, 'My times are in thy hand' (Psalm 31:15).

    2) GOD SENDS SPECIAL PEOPLE TO GUIDE US. Without Mordecai in HER life Esther MIGHT never have UNDERSTOOD her CALLING. And without his HELP she MIGHT never have EMBRACED it. So, who's your Mordecai? Who KNOWS you WELL enough to HELP clarify your CALLING ? Who loves you ENOUGH to challenge you when you get off track, or STRENGTHEN you when you WANT to quit and TURN back? Not one of us is a COMPOSITE of all of life's VIRTUES; we all have BLIND spots and WEAKNESSES. That's why God SENDS others; and why we NEED them!

    God's Servant

    Rev. Alfred Acheampong.

    Prayer Point: Heavenly Father connect me to the helpers of my destiny in Jesus name.

    Anchor Scripture: 'FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS.' (Esther 4:14 NIV)

    Stay Blessed!


  • Sometimes it's WISE to wait, to say, 'l don't have the answer right now but I will think about it, pray, and get back to you.'  Your need to RESCUE someone, or IMPRESS them and make points, will come back to BITE you. The Bible says,  'A prudent man keeps his knowledge to himself, but the heart of fools blurts out folly' (Proverbs 12:23 NIV). Allow WISDOM to DETERMINE your RESPONSE , not EGO! When people are ANXIOUS for ANSWERS they will PRESSURE you into SPEAKING before you have all the FACTS or have TAKEN time to PRAY and CONSIDER the situation. If you ASK Him, God will tell YOU what to SAY and WHEN to SAY it. His PROMISE is: 'l have put my words in your mouth and covered you with the shadow of my hand' (lsaiah 51:16 NIV). Ego says, 'Don't JUST stand THERE, say something.'  WISDOM says, 'Don't JUST say SOMETHING, stand there!' Quietly ASK God for insight. One insight from Him can settle THINGS in a HURRY . SOMEONE else's NEED to know shouldn't DETERMINE your need to SPEAK.

    When Jesus STOOD before PILATE in JUDGMENT He said, 'DO you THINK l CANNOT call on my Father, and he will at ONCE put at my DISPOSAL more than twelve legions of angels?' (Matthew 26:53 NIV). Yet the Bible says, 'He opened not his mouth.' When He was brought before PILATE , Jesus just STOOD there and said NOTHING. That's because He was not on trial, Pilate was. Jesus knew His DESTINY, and most importantly, He knew His FATHER intimately. And when you KNOW God, you can FACE anything with CONFIDENCE; and be FREE to be QUIET . What a WONDERFUL place to be!

    God's Servant 

    Rev. Alfred Acheampong.

    Prayer Point: Heavenly Father, help me to always open my mouth in wisdom and to take time to pray before giving out answers and solutions to issues of concern in Jesus name.

    Stay Blessed!


  • When you make DECISIONS based on doubt and UNBELIEF , they never turn out right. After HEARING Jesus PROMISE to RISE from the DEAD , and actually SEEING Him ALIVE, the disciples went back to WHAT they were doing BEFORE they met Him: FISHING . NOW God will use our past EXPERIENCES to TEACH HIM us, but He ALWAYS LEADS us FORWARD; never back. When FEAR and UNCERTAINTY make us want to go back to the SECURITY of what we KNOW, we END UP WITH like the DISCIPLES: ' They went out and......GOT into THE boat, and that night they caught nothing' (John 21:3 NKJV).

    But there's good news: lf God called you, you are still called. Notice how Jesus addresses them: '"Children, have you any food?"' (John 21:5 NKJV). In spite of your lacklustre performance, you are still His child! Next, He tells them: '"Throw your net on the right side of the boat...". When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish. Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, "lt is the Lord!" (John 21:7 NIV). That morning Jesus ate breakfast with them, renewed fellowship, removed their doubts and sent them out to change the world. What's the lesson here? When we work out side God's will it is like fishing on the wrong side of the boat; we wear ourselves out and in the end have nothing to show for our efforts. Are you succeeding in life? No? Maybe you are fishing on the wrong side of the boat! Things aren't going to work out right until you submit to Christ, renew your fellowship with Him and allow Him to direct your steps.

    God's Servant. 

    Rev Alfred Acheampong.

    Prayer Point: Heavenly Father, help me to continue to win souls for your kingdom in Jesus name.

    Anchor Scripture: 'THROW YOUR NET ON THE RIGHT SIDE.' (John 21:6 NIV) 

    Stay Blessed!


  • There's an INTERESTING sequence of EVENTS leading up to Peter's DENIAL of Christ.First, Jesus WARNED Peter that he was a TARGET: '"Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But l have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren'" (Luke 22:31-32). Next we read that when the AUTHORITIES came to arrest Christ, Peter 'followed afar off' (Luke 22:54). Notice, Peter had GROWN distant from Christ. Then the man who SWORE he did die for Jesus DENIED knowing Him. At that point the ROOSTER crowed, Peter REMEMBERED his promise to Jesus, and 'went out, and wept bitterly' (Luke 22:55-62).

    Observe how it works:

    a) you are UNPREPARED for the enemy's ATTACK when it comes

    b) you ALLOW work and family PRESSURES to cause you to FORGET that your first COMMITMENT must always be to God.

    c) you END up spiritually DEFEATED. You say, 'That will never happen to me.' That's what Peter said! The reason '"Satan hath desired to have you,'" is because he KNOWS that when you become PASSIONATE about God's purposes, you are UNSTOPPABLE . lndeed, the very DESIRE that's BURNING within you right now is the FUEL that ENABLES you to withstand his ATTACKS.

    There's a reason the CRUCIFIXION has been REFERRED to as 'The Passion.' The Bible says of Christ: 'Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God' (Hebrews 12:2 NKJV). Even as He was DYING, Jesus was MINISTERING to others. That's PASSION! So the Word for you today is, 'Don't LOSE your PASSION for God.'

    God's Servant 

    Rev. Alfred Acheampong.

    Prayer Point: Heavenly Father, help me to continue to serve you with passion all the days of my life in Jesus name.


    Stay Blessed!


  • The CHRISTMAS STORY goes like this: 'There were.... shepherds.... keeping watching over their flocks by night. And behold an angel of the Lord stood before them… The angel said to them, ' Do not be afraid, for behold, l bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign to you: You will find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger (Luke 2:8-12 NKJV).

    Have YOU ever WONDERED why the ANGEL first TALKED to shepherds, a job CONSIDERED lowest on the SOCIAL ladder? Think about it: if the ANGEL had talked to church LEADERS they did have had to consult their DOCTRINAL texts books and DENOMINATIONAL boards. If he did appear to CELEBRITIES they did have had to check and see who was WATCHING. If he did appear to CHIEF EXECUTIVES they did have had to CONSULT their DIARIES and spreadsheets. So he gave the GREATEST news STORY in history to THOSE with no axe to GRIND, no REPUTATION to protect and no LADDER to climb; people with humble HEARTS and open MINDS; people with simple, CHILD- LIKE faith. Getting the idea? Outside Bethlehem there is a church marking Jesus' birthplace. Behind the altar is a CAVE with a SYMBOLIC star EMBEDDED in the floor. You can enter the CAVE, but with one REQUIREMENT you must KNEEL. The door is too LOW to get in STANDING up! God still OPERATES that way. You will find HIM among the COMMONPLACE. But to EXPERIENCE Him, you must get DOWN on your KNEES.

    God's Servant

    Rev. Alfred Acheampong.

    Prayer Point: Heavenly Father, Thank you for sending your Son to come to die for my salvation. I renew my pledge to serve Him in humility today and always in Jesus name.

    Anchor Scripture: 'NOW THERE WERE… SHEPHERDS...' (Luke 2:8 NKJV)

    Stay Blessed!


  • There is the need to walk in FORGIVENESS throughout your EXISTENCE on earth. The American author Philip Yancey DESCRIBES forgiveness as an UNNATURAL act and says, 'You don't find dolphins forgiving sharks for eating their play mates. It's a dog-eat-dog world....not a dog-forgive-dog world.' BITTERNESS comes NATURALLY when you have been HURT, whereas, forgiving is SUPERNATURAL and requires God's enabling GRACE. But remember, Jesus said, 'lf you do not forgive... your Father will not forgive your sin' (Matthew 6:15 NIV). Humanly SPEAKING, there is not one single REASON God should forgive your SINS, yet the OFFENSES He PARDONS you for every day far OUTWEIGH anything you will EVER be ASKED to forgive OTHERS for. By FORGIVING, you change the whole DYNAMIC. You OPEN the door of a PRISON where you are both PRISONER and JAILOR, setting yourself and the other PERSON free. Grudges not only ISOLATE you from PEOPLE who were once FRIENDS, they actually SHORTEN your life by PRODUCING deadly enzymes that CONTRIBUTE to a host of physical AILMENTS.

    One man told his counsellor, 'l wish my BROTHER could come to my WEDDING, but we haven't SPOKEN in years.' The counsellor asked, 'How come?' Pausing, the man replied, 'lt sounds RIDICULOUS now, but I don't even REMEMBER.' DRIFTING apart is the natural RESULT of an UNFORGIVING spirit; FORGIVENESS reverses the TREND by restoring and HEALING broken RELATIONSHIPS. It's a medical CERTAINTY that FORGIVENESS adds YEARS to your life. As a rule, when you talk to PEOPLE who have passed the eighty-year mark you find THEY are at PEACE with THEMSELVES because they have LEARNED to FORGIVE and let GO.

    God's Servant

    Rev. Alfred Acheampong.

  • You KNOW you are GETTING older when: your KNEES buckle and your BELT doesn't fit again like before; you ARGUE about which denture is APPROPRIATE or best; you sit in a ROCKING chair and can't MAKE it go; by the TIME you HAVE lit the last CANDLE on your BIRTHDAY cake the first ONE has burned out; you no LONGER think 'getting older' JOKES are funny. GETTING older isn't for the FAINT-OF-HEART, so the Bible GIVES us glimpses of what it ENTAILS. Isaac's EYESIGHT gave out (Genesis 27: 1). Jacob COULD not see (Genesis 48:8-10). DAVID was always COLD (1 kings 1:1-4). ELISHA became sick and DIED (2 Kings 13:14) Paul REFERRED to himself as 'Paul, the aged' (Philemon v. 9 NAS) and TALKED about the PHYSICAL and EMOTIONAL PAINS of old age - of feeling ABANDONED and LONELY, being DISAPPOINTED by fellow WORKERS, and saying GOODBYE to FRIENDS he MIGHT never see again (2 Timothy 4:9-21).

    One author writes: 'On my most recent BIRTHDAY my sister sent me this MESSAGE: ' The bad news: outwardly we are wasting away.' (Did l mention this is my older sister, and as I like to remind her, she will always be my older sister!) Then she ADDED, 'The good news: We do not LOSE heart.... even THOUGH OUTWARDLY we are WASTING away.... the INWARD man is BEING renewed every day.' lf you have creaky joints, arthritic hands, weakened eyes, a slow step step, an ear that struggles to hear, or a heart that beats to the sound of a cholesterol drummer, be ENCOURAGED! God is PREPARING a.... CELEBRATION for the day you ARRIVE in heaven, where you will no LONGER age because you will be home in the LAND of the AGELESS.'

    God's Servant

    Rev. Alfred Acheampong.

    Prayer Point: Heavenly Father help me to grow gracefully in both physical and emotional strength and to patiently wait for the day l will go home in Jesus name.

    Anchor Scripture: '..... OUTWARDLY.... WASTING AWAY.... INWARDLY.... BEING RENEWED....' (2 Corinthians 4:16 NIV)

    Stay Blessed!


  • In the 1950s Mary Kay Ash (1918-2001)was FIRST woman to SIT on the board of directors at the World Gift Company. (USA) But it WASN'T all SMOOTH sailing! Although she did EARNED a place in the CORPORATE world, her ASSOCIATES refused to take her SERIOUSLY and ACCUSED her of 'thinking like a woman.' FRUSTRATED, she retired in 1963 to write a book DESIGNED to help WOMEN in business. Sitting at her kitchen table, she LISTED all the POSITIVES about the COMPANIES where she did worked, as well as the things that COULD be improved. In doing so she CREATED a marketing PLAN for her ideal COMPANY. Her accountant and her ATTORNEY discouraged her but with her HUSBAND'S SUPPORT port she CREATED a new cosmetic line and RECRUITED and trained an all-female sales force. Her motto was, 'GOD FIRST, FAMILY SECOND, CAREER THIRD.' When her husband died unexpectedly, she STAYED on track and LAUNCHED her new company.

    From a storefront in Dallas, USA and a $5000 investment, Mary Kay Cosmetics, lnc earned $200,000 the first year, quadrupled it the next, and when it went public in 1968 sales were over $10 million. Mary Kay wrote three best sellers, her business MODEL is taught at Harvard, Fortune Magazine named her COMPANY one of the Ten Best Companies for Women, as well as one of the 100 Best Companies to Work for in America. When she died in 2001 she had 800,000 independent beauty consultants in 37 countries with annual sales over $2 billion. Never UNDERESTIMATE someone with VISION and DETERMINATION ! When you face ADVERSITY don't GIVE up. 'There is wonderful joy ahead.'

    God's Servant

    Rev. Alfred Acheampong.

    Prayer Point: Heavenly Father help us not to give up in the face of adversities but to persevere till goal is achieved and purpose accomplished in Jesus name.


    Stay Blessed!


  • Jesus said, 'Ask, and it will be given to you...' (Matthew 7:7 NKJV). But that PROMISE is QUALIFIED by this condition: what you are ASKING for MUST be in HARMONY with God's WILL (1 John 5:14). When you sign a LEGAL contract you CANNOT afford to OVERLOOK the fine print. And as SOMEONE with a DREAM, you can't AFFORD to overlook REALITY. If you do, reality will STOP you cold in your TRACKS. When God GIVES you a DREAM , He gives you all that's NEEDED to FULFILL it. The more unrealistic your DREAM, the MORE you will be TEMPTED to depend upon things you CANNOT control (such as luck). You must BALANCE the boldness of DREAMING with the REALITY of your SITUATION . Yes, you need to REACH far BEYOND what you think you are CAPABLE of, but at the SAME time BASE what you DO on your STRENGTHS and other FACTORS within your CONTROL . The more CONCERNED you BECOME with THINGS you can't CONTROL, the LESS you will do to IMPROVE the things you can CONTROL. And when YOU do that, you START living in a FANTASY world. When God GIVES you a DREAM it will play to your STRENGTHS.

    Catherine B. Hales an American author observed: 'We SPEND most of our TWENTIES discovering all of the HUNDREDS of things we can BE. But as we MATURE into our THIRTIES, we begin to DISCOVER all of the things we will NEVER be. The CHALLENGE for us is to REACH our FORTIES and beyond and put it all TOGETHER - to know our CAPABILITIES and recognize our LIMITATIONS - and become the BEST we can be.'

    God's Servant

    Rev. Alfred Acheampong.

    Prayer Point: Heavenly Father, continue to strengthen my faith through circumstances of life, a strengthen and stable faith that will overcome all barriers to the accomplishment of God's agenda for my life in Jesus name.

    Anchor Scripture: '.... "THEY SPEAK A VISION OF THEIR OWN HEART, NOT FROM THE MOUTH OF THE LORD."' (Jeremiah 23:16 NKJV)

    Stay Blessed!


  • Many PEOPLE have been SOLD a bill of GOODS when it comes to DREAMS. The saying, 'lf you believe it, you can achieve it,' is SIMPLY not true. Just about EVERY child DREAMS of being able to FLY like a BIRD but it's not GOING to HAPPEN, no matter how much they IMAGINE it. Ever watch? SOME of these MUSICAL contest dubbed 'America Got Talent' or 'Nigeria Got Talent'. Some of the CONTESTANTS are clueless when it comes to their ABILITY. They sing off key, they screech, they bellow and they howl. And when they are TOLD that they are not GOOD enough by the judges, these WANNABE stars throw TANTRUMS and say, 'That's just your opinion. I am GREAT.' We all need a REALITY check. Faith is not FANTASY. It's not MIND over matter. It's not having a LOTTERY mindset. People who THINK this way BELIEVE that if they SOMEHOW show up at the RIGHT place at the RIGHT time and MAKE the right CONNECTIONS, then presto, their FANTASY will come TRUE! Wouldn't it be NICE if it were that EASY? But it isn't.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) An American essayist, lecturer, philosopher, abolitionist and poet observed: 'SHALLOW men BELIEVE in luck... STRONG men BELIEVE in CAUSE and effect.' When God GIVES you a DREAM you need FAITH to BRING it to PASS. So the QUESTION you NEED to ask YOURSELF is, 'ls my DREAM from God?' When it is, YOU will have the NECESSARY gifts and TALENTS to FULFILL it. And what you LACK, God will PROVIDE in ADDITIONAL relationships and RESOURCES . The trouble with CHASING a FANTASY is, while you are DOING it you ARE not FULFILLING the DREAM God has GIVEN you for YOUR life.

    God's Servant

    Rev. Alfred Acheampong.

    Prayer Point: Heavenly Father, Thank You for giving me Faith, talents, giftings, abilities and resources to accomplish the vision that you have given me in life in Jesus name.


    Stay Blessed!


  • The Bible says: '.... That energy is God's energy, an energy deep within you, God himself willing and working...' (Philippines 2:13 TM). Often the DREAM that WON'T let go of YOU, and the CHALLENGE that CONSUMES you, is God     

    'willing and working' in you. If you have the FAITH to answer His call you will ACHIEVE things you NEVER thought POSSIBLE. 

    Thomas Edison (1847-1931) An American inventor and businessman said, 'lf we DID all the THINGS we were CAPABLE of doing, we WOULD literally ASTONISH ourselves.' Don't let your BACKGROUND,  your PRECONCEIVED ideas, your PRESENT difficulties, your PAST failures, your self-doubt or the OPINIONS of others KEEP you from BECOMING all that God WANTS you to be. In lf lt Ain't Broke... Break lt! Authors Robert J. Kriegel and Louis Patler write, 'We DON'T have a clue as to WHAT people's LIMITS are. All the tests, stop-watches and finish lines in the world can't measure HUMAN potential. 

    When someone is PURSUING their DREAM they will go far BEYOND what SEEMS to be their LIMITATIONS. The POTENTIAL that exists WITHIN us is limitless and LARGELY untapped.... When we think of LIMITS, we CREATE them.'  lsrael did that; they 'LIMITED' God '....They did not remember His power...' (Psalm 78:41-42 NKJV). As a result, they DIED in the WILDERNESS. Sharon Wood, one of the first women to climb Mount Everest, said: 'lt wasn't a MATTER of physical STRENGTH but.... inner strength. The CONQUEST lay WITHIN my OWN mind. I had to PENETRATE those BARRIERS of self-imposed LIMITATION and get through to the GOOD stuff - the stuff called POTENTIAL , 90 percent of which we rarely use.' The Scripture, 'With God nothing will be impossible' is not just a nice SENTIMENT , it's the ABSOLUTE truth!

    God's Servant 

    Rev. Alfred Acheampong.

    Prayer Point: Heavenly Father, my birth, circumstances, family heritage, city and country of residence can not stop me from becoming all that God has purposed that I become, for with my potential l arise above every challenge to the fulfillment of destiny in Jesus name

    Anchor Scripture: 'WITH GOD NOTHING WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE.' (Luke 1:37  NKJV) 

    Stay Blessed!


  • Paul writes: 'And if by grace, then it is no longer by works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace.' Understand this: Grace is the power to excel or licence to just get by. Either way, you are accepted and considered righteous in God's eyes the moment you trust in Christ. Why would God arrange it that way? Because the love He gives us is unconditional, and only a response of love can satisfy Him. What an amazing truth; God makes Himself vulnerable to the rejection of people like us! Perhaps you are wondering, 'How can l prove that l truly love God? That's easy: you will love your brother and sister (1 John 4:21). You will love God's Word (Psalm 119:97). You will love spending time in prayer (Jeremiah 29:12). Grace, rightly understood, doesn't prevent holiness, it produces it. 'The grace of God that brings salvation.... teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and wordly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives' (Titus 2:11-12 NIV).

    God's Servant 

    Rev. Alfred Acheampong

    Prayer Point: Heavenly Father l thank You for the grace that is at work in me, enabling me to be and to labour with this bestowed grace and finish my cause in Jesus name.

    Anchor Scripture: 'IF BY GRACE, THEN IT IS NO LONGER BY WORKS...' (Romans 11:6 NIV) 

    Stay Blessed!


  • When Edward and Alice went for MARRIAGE counselling the counsellor asked Alice, 'What first ATTRACTED you to Edward?' She replied, 'His strong, silent temperament.' The counsellor continued, 'So why do you WANT a divorce?' Alice answered, 'His strong, silent temperament!' Sometimes what drew us TOGETHER ends up a major IRRITANT. In every RELATIONSHIP there are TIMES when it SEEMS it would be EASIER to quit than to HANG in. But short of PHYSICAL and EMOTIONAL abuse, there are ADVANTAGES to working THROUGH your issues. For example, there are:

    1) EMOTIONAL BENEFITS. Contrary to what the world CELEBRITIES would have us believe, (Divorce rate is high among them) DIVORCED people are MORE likely to feel DEPRESSED due to LONELINESS. In fact, many say although there were DISAGREEMENTS in the RELATIONSHIP, they MISS having somebody to come HOME to.

    2) HEALTH BENEFITS. Emotional stress leads to PHYSICAL problems, and being in a RELATIONSHIP,  especially a GOOD marriage, can be BENEFICIAL for your HEALTH. It's like having your own NURSE or therapist.

    3) COMMUNITY BENEFITS.  What your CHILDREN see INFLUENCES their future choices. Staying in your MARRIAGE teaches THEM how to work through RELATIONSHIP challenges. Couples with STRONG marriages are HELPING to build a nation of LOVING,  responsible PARENTS who can GUIDE their CHILDREN onto the right track. 'Love... Keeps going to the end.' American author Christy Scannell says, 'When [my husband and I] got married, we AGREED it was for LIFE .... Weeks before our wedding we made a PACT to work out whatever PROBLEMS came our way.... Yes, we FIGHT. We ACCUSE. We toss barbs... but we won't be MOVING out or filing papers... whatever happens we are STAYING .'

    God's Servant 

    Rev. Alfred Acheampong.

    Prayer Point: Heavenly Father, we come against all demonic attacks against Christian marriages worldwide in Jesus name.

    Anchor Scripture: '.... LOVE... KEEPS GOING TO THE END.' (1Corinthians 13:4-7 TM) 

    Stay Blessed


  • Someone has said that we are NOT human beings TRYING to have a spiritual EXPERIENCE but SPIRITUAL beings trying to have a HUMAN experience. The life FORCE within you CAME from God, Who is Spirit. So in the act of WORSHIP, it's like GOING back to YOUR beginnings and RECONNECTING with Him.

    The story is told of a little boy sitting beside the crib of his newborn baby sister. He whispers to her, 'Tell me what God is like, for l have forgotten.'

    Jesus said, 'God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit' [out of the depths of your spirit]. When asked HOW he could SCORE over EIGHTY POINTS  for his team in a SINGLE game, basketball SUPERSTAR Michael Jordan replied, 'Because l WAS IN THE ZONE.'  ln a sense, HEARTFELT worship takes you INTO the GOD-ZONE! David the Psalmist lived there. 'Seven times a day do l praise [you]...' (Psalm 119:164). ' From the rising of the sun to its going down the Lord's name is to be praised' (Psalm 113:3 NKJV). 'As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God' (Psalm 42:1 NKJV). What a PICTURE. In the stream of God's PRESENCE our deepest THIRST is quenched, our WOUNDS are healed, our STRENGTH is renewed, and we are placed BEYOND the reach of the ENEMY. 

    Henry Blackaby an American pastor and author says, 'You will never be satisfied just to know about God. Really knowing God comes only through experience as He reveals Himself to you.' And that is what HAPPENS when you SPEND time 'in the worship zone.'

    God's servant 

    Rev. Alfred Acheampong.

    Prayer Point: Heavenly Father l will continue to worship and praise You all the days of my life so help me Lord. Amen


    Stay Blessed!


  • CHARACTER and MATURITY aren't qualities we NORMALLY expect to find in our CHILDREN. We assume that THESE things come LATER, ,  assumption that HINDERS their growth POTENTIAL. God's got HIGHER expectations for your CHILDREN! 

    In His Word we READ: 

    1) 'Our sons... will be like well-nurtured plants.' Not in their forties, fifties or sixties but 'grown up in their youth' (KJV). They needn't WASTE their YOUTH; they can GROW now. Why does God LIKEN them to PLANTS? Because they have SPIRITUAL roots CAPABLE of drawing in His nurture, ways and strength, and are born with the potential for success. '... I write to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God lives in you, and you have overcome the evil one' (1 John 2:14 NIV). Hello, that's your CHILD He is talking ABOUT! 

    2) 'Our daughters will be like pillars carved to adorn a palace.' Why would God EQUATE your daughters with PILLARS? First, because they are DESIGNED to be UPRIGHT and support-giving; they are INDISPENSABLE to the building's STRUCTURAL integrity.

    Second, because they  'adorn' the BUILDING'S attractiveness, draw ATTENTION to its GRANDEUR and cause US to admire the ARCHITECT and owner. Palace pillars glorify the King, making Him, and them, look good. Your CHILDREN need you to BELIEVE in their God-given POTENTIAL.  Do you remember what Jesus said about our children? '"... of such is the kingdom of heaven"' (Matthew 19:14  NIV). His faith in their potential is great. Yours MUST be TOO .

    God's Servant 

    Rev. Alfred Acheampong.

    Prayer Point: Heavenly Father help us, parents to identify the God-given potentials of our children and so help them to develop, grow and become a profit and a benefit to themselves their generation in Jesus name.

    Anchor Scripture: '.... WELL-NURTURED PLANTS... PILLARS... TO ADORN A PALACE.' ( Psalm 144:12 NIV) 

    Stay Blessed!


  • Thinking MATURITY and SPIRITUAL growth will suddenly 'HAPPEN' to your children is like EXPECTING an acorn to SUDDENLY become an OAK TREE. Time, DEVELOPMENT and nurture are REQUIRED to produce an oak tree-the  SAME GOES  for RAISING CHILDREN . And the EARLIER you start the BETTER your  results will be. 'lt is good for a man to BEAR the yoke while he is YOUNG.' Otherwise the passage of TIME will just PRODUCE unprepared CHILDREN with HABITS and ATTITUDES that are hard to SHAKE later on when life requires them to take on RESPONSIBILITY . In the 'yoke' metaphor the untrained ox learns by being YOKED to the well-trained one, sharing the workload and following its example. Parents tend to make two mistakes with their children.

    FIRST, THEY OVER-FUNCTION. They do everything for THEM, then blame the child for being LAZY.

    SECOND, THEY UNDER-FUNCTION. They DEMAND too much of the CHILD, frustrating them and making them feel INCOMPETENT . The key to building CHARACTER and CONFIDENCE is not to do it for them but WITH them, teaching them RESPONSIBILITY . The YOKE PRINCIPLE offers two great advantages:

    a) IT PROVIDES THE ROLE-MODEL  ADVANTAGE.  'Apprentice' your CHILDREN by patiently, lovingly using on-the-job TRAINING to DEMONSTRATE and IMPART skills and COMPETENCE. They will APPRECIATE you when the TOOLS you provide them LEAD to a LIFETIME of natural and spiritual success;


    God's Servant 

    Rev Alfred Acheampong.

    Prayer Point: Heavenly Father, help me to train my children in the way that they should go so when they grow they will not depart from it. Amen

    Anchor Scripture: 'IT IS GOOD FOR A MAN TO BEAR THE YOKE WHILE HE IS YOUNG.' (Lamentations 3:27 NIV) 

    Stay Blessed!


  • At age six, Henry John Heinz BEGAN helping his mother TEND the small GARDEN behind their FAMILY home. At TWELVE, he was WORKING three and a half acres of GARDEN, using a HORSE and cart for his three-times-a-week DELIVERIES to grocery stores THROUGHOUT the city of Pittsburgh.[USA] He went on to FOUND his own COMPANY and named it 57 Varieties. The Henry John Heinz COMPANY was incorporated in 1905, and TODAY, over ONE HUNDRED years later, it SELLS more than THIRTEEN HUNDRED products WORLDWIDE, ranging from KETCHUP to baby food. But THERE are OTHER things you NEED to know :

    Henry John Heinz LOVED Jesus and was DEEPLY involved in the PROMOTION of Sunday school in Pittsburg and around THE WORLD. His COMPANY was noted for PIONEERING safe and SANITARY food PREPARATION and for being AHEAD of its time in EMPLOYEE relations. He PROVIDED free medical BENEFITS, swimming and GYMNASIUM facilities, and PROMOTED women to POSITIONS of greater RESPONSIBILITY, making them SUPERVISORS. He earned a REPUTATION for enhancing the WORKING and living CONDITIONS of his WORKERS . In his will, Henry John Heinz said: 'l DESIRE to set forth at the very BEGINNING of this will, as the MOST important ITEM in it, a CONFESSION of my FAITH in Jesus Christ as my SAVIOUR . I also DESIRE to bear WITNESS to the fact that THROUGHOUT my life, in WHICH there were UNUSUAL joys and sorrows, l have been WONDERFULLY sustained by my FAITH in God THROUGH Jesus Christ. This LEGACY was left to ME by my CONSECRATED mother, a WOMAN of strong FAITH , and to it l ATTRIBUTE any success l have ATTAINED.'

    God's Servant

    Rev. Alfred Acheampong.

    Prayer Point: Heavenly Father help me to leave a generational legacy behind the kind that will continue to speak after I am gone in Jesus name.

    Anchor Scripture: 'HER CHILDREN RISE UP AND CALL HER BLESSED...' (Proverbs 31:28 NKJV)

    Stay Blessed!
