Связанные с
LD;GD je podkast, ki nikogar ne podcenjuje in ničesar ne jemlje preveč resno. Še posebej ne politike. Vaši gostitelji smo Aljaž Pengov Bitenc (Radio Kaos), Nataša Briški (Metina lista), privatnik Antiša Korljan in Andraž Zorko (Valicon).
Personal freedom, political liberty, and free speech - defended by force of arms, if necessary. Welcome to "The Resistance Library" from Ammo.com, where we believe that arming our fellow Americans – both physically and philosophically – helps them fulfill our Founding Fathers' intent with the Second Amendment: To serve as a check on state power.
Radicals & Revolutionaries Lab is an intersectional, international, and intergenerational podcast with feminist visionaries. Secrets are had and shared in conversation with revolutionaries and innovators engaged in distinctly unapologetic feminist work. The R&R Lab unearths those nuggets of truth hidden just under the surface, begging to be noticed. We dive deeply into animating questions at the center of our feminist life; exploring the complexity and nuance that emboldens our listeners to engage in new ways of seeing, defining, and being feminists.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Based thought for surviving the Kali Yuga
forbiddentexts.substack.com -
Designed in Palestine, and Made in America, Nader features discussions with inspiring people supporting freedom and human rights for all.
You can also watch videos of each episode on YouTube at www.youtube.com/@naderwho
Conversations hosted by Nika Kovač, the director of Institute 8th of March (Slovenia) and the coordinator of My Voice, Choice movement for safe and accessible abortion in Europe. You are invited to listen to conversations among activists from all over Europe to discuss their struggle for justice and their never-ending fight for human rights. They talk about death threats, victories and glitter.
Podkast o aktualnih političnih vprašanjih, kjer Delovi novinarki sprašujeta kompetentne analitike in politične voditelje. Gre za pogovorno oddajo, kjer novinarki z gostom soočata različna mnenja, ugotovitve ali informacije in na podlagi tega gostov ter gledalcem in poslušalcem ponudimo kredibilne informacije na podlagi katerih si izoblikujejo mnenje.
Voditeljici: Suzana Kos in Barbara Eržen -
Od srede do srede je tedenska oddaja, v kateri Janez Markeš in Ali Žerdin vsako sredo komentirata, kaj se je dogajalo po Sloveniji (in včasih po svetu).
Za vse, ki imate radi podcaste, bo tu vsak četrtek na voljo v avdio obliki. Zato - Od četrtka do srede. -
Metin čaj je podkast o medijih, dobrih in slabih praksah, novih tehnologijah in trendih prihodnosti. Gostje v medijih delajo, z njimi živijo in o njih razmišljajo. Gostitelja sta Nataša Briški (Metina lista) in Aljaž Pengov Bitenc (Radio KAOS).
The Balkan Perspectives podcast is forumZFD's audio format on Dealing with the Past and Peace Education in the Western Balkans. The podcast is produced in four languages (Albanian, BHCS, Macedonian and English) by the forumZFD offices in Bosnia and Hercegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Serbia. For more information visit http://www.dwp-balkan.org/
Kako z majhnimi koraki sestaviti mozaik k boljšemu svetu? Navdih iščemo v posameznikih, ki s svojim pozitivnim zgledom vplivajo na celotno družbo. Prisluhnite njihovim zgodbam!
Democracy on the Move is a podcast tribute to all those people and organizations who dare to re-imagine our nation and drive it back to its true principles of democracy
Rapid Fire is a fast-paced show surrounding today‘s recent political, cultural, national and international news.
The Vermont Conversation is a VTDigger podcast hosted by award-winning journalist David Goodman. It features in-depth interviews about local and national topics with politicians, activists, artists, changemakers and ordinary citizens. The Vermont Conversation is also an hour-long weekly radio program that can be heard on Wednesdays at 1 p.m. on WDEV/Radio Vermont.
O tem, onem in tretjem. Ker se vse manj bere in vse več posluša. Ker lahko poslušate v avtu, na vlaku, na kolesu. Ker rad preskušam novosti. Od A-Ž naredim sam, zato ni posebej profesionalno. Je pa lastnoročno.
casopis.zturk.com -
We bring immersive, border-breaking stories about identity and culture from all corners of Europe straight to your ears. Every week you can listen to a readout from our print magazine, an episode from one of the podcasts in our Podcast Family, an exclusive behind the scenes interview or an original narrative story. Using cutting-edge audio storytelling techniques, we tell the stories of Europeans from Moldova to Ireland.
"V globine" je projekt aktivistk in aktivistov, ki iščejo načine kako doseči podnebno pravičnost na lokalni ravni, v Posavju. Nastali podkast skozi pripoved in zgodbe domačinov odraža njihovo razmišljanja o rekah. To pa se prepleta z našimi izkušnjami in pogledi, ki jih želimo skomunicirati širši javnosti. Nekateri ljudje ob rekah živijo, svoje reke ljubijo, spet drugi v njej vidijo samo denar. Zanima nas zakaj... in kako lahko skozi empatijo približamo lokalno prebivalstvo rekam ter naravi. Govorili bomo znanstveno, po domače, jezno in s smehom. O biodiverziteti rek, o prigodah ljudi, o političnosti in poplavah, tudi hidroelektrarnah in nevemkoliko piknikih "placih" ob Krki ter še o mnogo drugih temah.
Projekt financira Občina Krško in Evropska Unija -
Insider Travel Report assists travel advisors by discussing the changing travel landscape with a line-up of special guests VIP guests, the movers and shakers shaping the travel industry and ordinarily hard to reach. Each episode features one-on-one conversations with industry leaders giving listeners firsthand insight as they delve into a variety of timely topics.
The John1911.com podcast is the podcast extension of the john1911.com blog page. Here you will listen in on the "morning meeting" Freeze & Marky have every week. Topics include gun collecting, competitive shooting, gun auctions and unfortunately gun politics.
Die Leitung ist schwach, doch ich kann sie gut empfangen. Die ehemalige Außenministerin im Exil: Dr. Karin Kneissl, Chefdiplomatin a.D. der Republik Österreich steht Rede und Antwort im neuen Podcast “Unipolar - Multipolar: Der Podcast für Geopolitik." In diesem Format werden Karin Kneissl und der Journalist Flavio von Witzleben jede Woche die Ereignisse auf dem geopolitischen Schachbrett genauer unter die Lupe nehmen.