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Er du selvstændig, drømmer du om at blive det, eller er du bare nysgerrig på livet som selvstændig? Så er denne podcast for dig.
Fuldstændig Selvstændig dykker ned i emner, som er relevante for selvstændige generelt, både gennem samtal seje selvstændige, der gavmildt deler ud af deres erfaringer, op- og nedture, håb og drømme. Snarere end at zoome ind på hardcore iværksætteri og hvordan man laver en hurtig million, er fokus i Fuldstændig Selvstændig på hvordan man opnår et liv i balance med en fornuftig økonomi og masser af virkelyst.
Hvad enten du er garvet selvstændig, ny i gamet, eller bare går med drømme om at starte selv, kan podcasten her være en partner, der kan give dig fællesskabsfølelse, inspiration og svar på konkrete spørgsmål.
Bag podcasten står Frederikke Tholander, som til daglig arbejder som selvstændig designkonsulent, underviser, og foredragsholder.
Abonnér på podcasten her og følg med hos Fuldstændig Selvstændig på Instagram eller Facebook for at holde dig opdateret.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Ilikkarnikuusagut atuakkaniit, mentoriniit, online courseniit, assigiinngitsuniillu.
Sarah og Sofie er forvirrede. Sarah har med rystende hænder lige afslået et jobtilbud og er i stedet sprunget ud som iværksætter, og Sofie drømmer om at sige jobbet op og skabe sit eget arbejdsliv. Men hvordan gør man? Hvilke overvejelser og bekymringer følger med et liv som selvstændig - og vejen dertil? Kan man ringe til en voksen?
Welcome to the Freelance Founders Podcast, hosted by Kate Cervini. Each season, we’ll connect with the most creative minds in the industry to learn about their path to freelance, and what they’re working on (and charging) today.
From independent creatives to business experts and owners, this podcast is the resource for modern-day freelancers, consultants, and studio founders. Join us each week as we chat about everything from charging your worth to designing your own career path.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Sheventures is about women who pivot careers, take risks, and get it done.
Each interview-style episode will feature a woman who tells her story and provides actionable career and life tips. No mansplaining!
Get ready to listen, be inspired, and take action. -
Untold - Host Harry Turpin goes behind the scenes of the food and drink industry to share stories that are not normally told.
Everyone focuses on the sexy stuff: the launches, the listings and the NPD and rightly so. We are interested in the nitty gritty stories of things that didn't go to plan. Join us for a weekly episode with an industry leader to hear about some of the worst moments of their careers and how they got through them.
Brought to you by The Savourists (https://www.thesavourists.com) . -
Tight spots, open wounds, scar tissue.
Entrepreneurs, like military leaders, know that you often have to lose a lot of battles on the way to winning a war. So why do we always end up talking about the goals, the accomplishments, the victories, rather than the scary stuff? What about the traumas that stay with you long after you’ve left the calamity of the daily business battlefield?
Join us for ‘War Stories’, where business founders, co-founders, entrepreneurs, and leaders who have learned that what makes us successful comes more often from our hardships than our victories, and that these are the stories that are actually worth sharing. -
M&A360 er podcasten for dig der kraftigt overvejer at sælge din virksomhed, men ikke ved hvor du skal starte.
I hver episode vil vi give dig et fuldstændig unikt indblik i flere dele af salgsprocessen, så du kan træffe de helt rigtige beslutninger og forberede dig på, hvad der venter. Og jeg lover dig - du er i gode hænder. For podcastens panel består af sælgere, eksperter og rådgivere, som alle har det til fælles, at de har flere års erfaring i køb og salg af virksomheder.
Mit navn er Betina Nygaard, og jeg har som CEO og ejerleder været i gennem salgsprocessen med softwarevirksomheden Scanmarket hele to gange - og jeg ser det som min mission at give svar på de spørgsmål der klæder dig bedst muligt på til at sælge din virksomhed. -
The weekly podcast tells the stories of curious-minded, purposeful people, creating positive change for social good.
Our guests include creative problem-solvers, storytellers, activists and artists, social impact entrepreneurs, and philanthropists from across the arts, business, science, and technology, working to solve some of our more pressing problems.
Each week, host Mark Fallows explores who his guests are as humans, who or what made them, what they are working to achieve or impact in the world, and where serendipity has impacted their journey.
Learn, gain insights, and be inspired by how a diverse range of people have broken through obstacles, fearlessly exceeded the boundaries society sets, and taken chances, regardless of risk, that most fear, in pursuit of their ‘impossible’.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Leaving corporate is hard. These introspective women entrepreneurs are here to make the transition a little easier.
And So, She Left is an award-winning podcast that shares wisdom from extraordinary women who exist outside of the corporate world. Hosted by Katherin Vasilopoulos. Made by Cansulta and Ethan Lee. -
En podcast som går helt tæt på den seneste teknologi. Vi følger Kevin Magnussens Formel 1 karriere indefra, og giver dig et indblik i hvordan bæredygtighed understøttes i forskellige brancher. Vi sætter fokus på digital transformation i offentlige og private virksomheder i Danmark og Skandinavien med spændende gæster.
English version:
A podcast that goes very close to the latest technology. We follow Kevin Magnussen's Formula 1 career from the inside, and give you the perspective how sustainability is supported in various industries. We focus on digital transformation in public and private companies in Denmark and Scandinavia with exciting guests. -
Iværksætterkvinder du bør kende er Avisen Danmarks iværksætterpodcast, der produceres i samarbejde med Dansk Erhverv og Danmarks Eksport- og investeringsfond.
Kun hver 4. iværksætter er kvinde, og endnu færre skaber vækstvirksomheder. Det vil vi gerne ændre på.
I ti afsnit giver vi ordet til ti kvindelige rollemodeller, der fortæller om deres vej til væksteventyret til inspiration for andre med store drømme.
Vært og producent: Julie Lindegaard
Musik: Rasmus Bøgelund -
This is the Top Business Leaders Show powered by Rise25 Media. We feature top founders, executives, and leaders from all over the world.
Jeg har prøvet mange ting i mit arbejdsliv, både ift. roller og arbejdspladser, der har været gode og dårlige oplevelser, men jeg har primært følt mig 'ude af balance'.. Så nu prøver jeg at gå metodisk tilværks, at teste forskellige varianter af, og snakke med kloge mennesker, for jeg vil gerne finde min balance, måske du også vil finde din?
Jeg tror ikke på, at der findes én gylden opskrift der virker for alle, men jeg tror på at lytte til en masse forskellige input og derefter danne min egen mening, og det er det, jeg vil gøre her, på lyd, sammen med dig.
Du kan støtte podcasten med en kop kaffe (eller flere 😅) via Buy Me a Coffee ☕️
Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/hvor-f-er-balancen--5923357/support. -
We all arrive at a time when someone alongside is key to moving on and letting go. Alongsider shares some great stories from those in many different contexts who have found their place and taken it. All in many different seasons. Many of the stories are about the third stage of life and all inspirational and motivating.
Håndværkersnak dykker ned i arbejdsmiljø-emner i bygge- og anlægsbranchen.
Vi har samlet forskellige personer til en snak om deres perspektiver på emner, som helt sikkert gør dig klogere. Lige fra regler til gode råd om at få en bedre og mere sikker arbejdsdag.Håndværkersnak er udgivet af BFA Bygge & Anlæg.
Modern work can be a hot mess. The Debugging Work podcast is for discussing ways in which work doesn’t work. Host Derek Hatchard talks with guests about their areas of expertise and experiences making work better.
Real people. Real problems. Real coaching. Turned into real podcast episodes. That's the setup. No more, no less - and possible due to the courage of individuals who aren't afraid to share their challenges on the air!
Velkommen til 3 min podcast. En round table podcast af tablere for tablere.
Her i podcasten taler vi med forskellige tablere og ex-tablere af Round Table Danmark og deres deler historier, erfaringer og gode råd fra livet som medlem af RT.
Vi er dine værter Jakob og Rasmus og vi sætter kæmpe stor pris på, at du lytter med her. Tak. -
The Sales Intuition podcast is about more than just giving you sales tricks and tactics. It's about equipping you with the energy, awareness, and communication skills that can transform the act of selling into the more enjoyable thing you do in your business.
Join host David Solano each week as he shares real-life stories from taking over 15,000 sales calls himself. Each episode will cover topics such as awareness, communication, questioning skills, energy management and much more.
You’ll learn how to stop selling to close and start selling to create new profitable relationships.
If you're an agency owner, coach, or have a sales team and you're ready to ignite your Sales Intuition then click play to join the movement!