All Negative Experiences are lessons but it's good to be careful not to go too far until you can damage a person and end up traumatizing them because you don't know how they might feel in the long run, healing takes a lot of time.
Humiliation is never the right way thing to solve anything.
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We all good and bad moments with our friends and sometimes they were good to us but if you feel there’s frequently more negative vibes than positive ones around them, it’s time to say Bye Bye to those friends.Good friends still exist in this world so don’t feel that you can’t make new ones.
People don't realize how it hurts to gossip or spread rumours about someone until it happens to them or their loved ones.
We all experienced shocking and unexpected reactions especially when you expect them to be happy for you but unfortunately it can be the opposite even your loved ones can deceive you.
Rejections hurts but gives you lessons
It's completely okay to distance yourself from dysfunctional family members for your own well being
Saying to someone that their too quiet can be rude and insensitive and depending on the way you say it.
Comparing someone to another person because their better than them can hurt.
Our Society confuses us on the definition of having real self-confidence. Words can really hurt, once it comes out you can never take it back and leaves mental scars. Peoples Feelings Matters.