PDF link: Episode 2 Apology and Forgiveness In this week’s episode, we will be reviewing modal perfects as well as learning expressions to help us apologise (apologise: to say sorry) and forgive (forgive: to accept an apology). To assist us with this topic we have, as usual, our fine English lady, Miss Finesstocrat, who, after nearly being poisoned, will be finding out if she has any enemies. How will she get on? Let's put the kettle on and find out!
For questions and feedback:prudcha93@gmail.com@english_in_a_teacupJoin Italki today
PDF link: Episode 1 The Five SensesWelcome back to the second season of English In A Teacup!Today we will be learning about the five senses as well as idiomatic expressions that use them. To help us with the topic, Miss Finesstocrat will be telling us of her first day at her new job working as a tea quality control inspector. How did she get on? Let's put the kettle on and find out!
For questions and feedback:prudcha93@gmail.com@english_in_a_teacupJoin Italki today
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PDF link: Episode 11 RegretsIn this week's episode of English In A Teacup, we will be revising the third conditional as well as learning about modal perfects. To help us with these grammar topics, Miss Finesstocrat will be talking about regrets as she reminisces about the last few months, but will the episode have a happy ending for her? Let’s put the kettle on and find out!
For questions and feedback:prudcha93@gmail.com@english_in_a_teacupJoin Italki today
PDF link: Ep10 Crime and PunishmentNovember Competition: https://forms.gle/d43RduFLHMMMGJm3A@english_in_a_teacupJoin Italki todayIn this week's episode of English In A Teacup, we will be learning vocabulary related to the topic of crime and punishment as well as the structure of the third conditional when talking about hypothetical situations. And most importantly, we will finally learn what happened to our poor, fine English lady, Miss Finesstocrat. Was she able to escape after staging an armed robbery in a London tea shop? Let’s put the kettle on and find out!
For questions and feedback:prudcha93@gmail.com@english_in_a_teacupJoin Italki today
PDF Link: BREAKING NEWS!November Competition: https://forms.gle/d43RduFLHMMMGJm3A@english_in_a_teacupJoin Italki today
For questions and feedback:prudcha93@gmail.com@english_in_a_teacupJoin Italki today
PDF link: Ep.8 Trying to Make Ends Meet.docxNovember Competition: https://forms.gle/d43RduFLHMMMGJm3A@english_in_a_teacupJoin Italki todayIn this week's episode of English In A Teacup, we will be learning idiomatic expressions to talk about money and the economy. To help us with the subject, our fine English lady, Miss Finesstocrat, who will telling us of her difficulties trying to make ends meet. Who can she ask for help? Let’s put the kettle on and find out!
For questions and feedback:prudcha93@gmail.com@english_in_a_teacupJoin Italki today
PDF link: Episode 7 Making A Complaint.docxNovember Competition: https://forms.gle/d43RduFLHMMMGJm3A@english_in_a_teacupJoin Italki todayIn this week's episode of English In A Teacup, we will be continuing with the topic of inversions as well as learning how to write letters. For students preparing for advanced-level exams (CAE, CPE, IELTS, etc.), it is important to know about inversion and how to use it in the writing sections. To help us with the subject is our fine English lady, Miss Finesstocrat, who will be writing her own letter to a travel agency to complain about her holiday from . How did she get on? Let’s put the kettle on and find out!
For questions and feedback:prudcha93@gmail.com@english_in_a_teacupJoin Italki today
PDF link: EnglishInATeacup Ep6 Zombie Apocalypse.docxNovember Competition: https://forms.gle/d43RduFLHMMMGJm3A@english_in_a_teacupJoin Italki todayIn this week's episode of English In A Teacup, we are getting ready for Halloween. We will be learning spooky vocabulary to get into the mood as well as a curiosity in English grammar called inversion. For students preparing for advanced-level exams (CAE, CPE, IELTS, etc.), it is important to know about inversion and how to use it in the writing sections. To help us with the subject is our fine English lady, Miss Finesstocrat, who today will be telling us about her terrible experience trying to survive the zombie apocalypse. How did she get on? Let’s put the kettle on and find out!
Follow us on Instagram where we will be providing videos, quizzes and new vocabulary for every episode in our podcast.
For questions and feedback:prudcha93@gmail.com@english_in_a_teacupJoin Italki today
PDF link: English In A Teacup Ep5 Losing Your Temper.docx@english_in_a_teacupIn this week's episode of English In A Teacup, we are exploring key words and phrases to describe anger and impatience. Losing your temper is not a nice feeling, but it is a good idea to know the correct way to express yourself so that it is clear for the other person that you are not in a good mood. To assist us with this topic, our fine English lady, Miss Finesstocrat, will be telling us of her experience house-sharing. How did she get on? Let’s find out!
Follow us on Instagram where we will be providing videos, quizzes and new vocabulary for every episode in our podcast.
Music by Nick Valerson from Pixabay
For questions and feedback:prudcha93@gmail.com@english_in_a_teacupJoin Italki today
PDF link: English In A Teacup Ep 4 Barbie or Oppenheimer.docxNovember Competition: https://forms.gle/d43RduFLHMMMGJm3A@english_in_a_teacupJoin Italki todayIn this week's episode of English In A Teacup, we are exploring vocabulary related to film. This episode is particularly useful for students preparing the Cambridge exams (B2/C1) where there is often the task of writing a book or film review. To help us along is, of course, our fine English lady, Miss Finesstocrat, who today will be telling us of her date at the cinema. How did it go? Let’s find out!
Follow us on Instagram where we will be providing videos, quizzes and new vocabulary for every episode in our podcast.
For questions and feedback:prudcha93@gmail.com@english_in_a_teacupJoin Italki today
PDF link: English In A Teacup Ep3 Agony Aunt.docx@english_in_a_teacupFB: English In A TeacupWe are continuing with the topic of persuasion, this time in the context of giving advice. We will be looking at some examples of phrasal verbs as well as persuasive expressions to help you give the best advice and recommendations. To assist us with this topic, Miss Finesstocrat will be hosting her very own radio programme as an agony aunt, doing her best to solve her listeners' problems.You can also join my new Facebook and Instagram groups where I will be providing videos, quizzes and new vocabulary as supplement material for every episode in my podcast.
Music by Oleg Kirilkov from Pixabay
For questions and feedback:prudcha93@gmail.com@english_in_a_teacupJoin Italki today
PDF link: English In A Teacup Ep2 Sales.docx@english_in_a_teacupFB: English In A TeacupThis episode is all about persuasion, how to convince others of your ideas or opinions. We will be looking at some useful adjectives and persuasive expressions to help you explain why others should follow your advice or recommendations. To assist us with this topic, Miss Finesstocrat will be telling us of her experience working as a sales representative in a homeware store. How will she get on?You can also join my new Facebook and Instagram groups where I will be providing videos, quizzes and new vocabulary as supplement material for every episode in my podcast.
For questions and feedback:prudcha93@gmail.com@english_in_a_teacupJoin Italki today
PDF link: English In A Teacup Ep1 Job Interviews.docx@english_in_a_teacupFB: English In A TeacupThis episode is all about job interviews and we will be looking at the most typical questions as well as the best words and phrases to use in your answers. To help us with this topic, Miss Finesstocrat will be telling us of her traumatic experience in her first ever job interview.After her monologue, I will explain the key vocabulary and grammar of the topic covered, so that you will be able to use them in your own speaking and writing with the same finesse and confidence as Miss Finesstocrat herself.You can also join my new Facebook and Instagram groups where I will be providing videos, quizzes and new vocabulary as supplement material for every episode in my podcast.
For questions and feedback:prudcha93@gmail.com@english_in_a_teacupJoin Italki today
November Competition: https://forms.gle/d43RduFLHMMMGJm3A@english_in_a_teacupJoin Italki todayINTERMEDIATE TO ADVANCED ENGLISH (B2/C2)English In A Teacup is a fun weekly podcast to help you improve your spoken and written English one sip at a time. With stories from the eccentric Miss Finesstocrat, we will learn key vocabulary and grammar to help us express ourselves in any situation, whether it be a job interview or fighting against zombies. A wonderful way of developing your skills in English, naturally served with a lovely cup of tea!
For questions and feedback:prudcha93@gmail.com@english_in_a_teacupJoin Italki today