
  • In this Coaching Corner session, I’m breaking down why you’ll never catch up on your to-do list and what to do about it. I’ll explain how the endless cycle of tasks can leave you overwhelmed and stuck, and I’ll share some killer strategies to prioritise, delegate, and simplify your workload.

    If you're new here, welcome! Please subscribe, leave a review, and share this with others. Let’s get started!

    As usual, I trust you'll get something from this episode. If you have questions about it - ask me. Hit me on social media @mikecampbellmc on Instagram or @Mike Campbell Man Coach on Facebook.

    Get Involved Subscribe and REVIEW on Apple Follow and RATE on Spotify Sign up for Mike’s LEGENDAILY Emails to help you with a daily shot of loving straight talk direct to your inbox - avoid the vortex of Social Media and get the days best content instantly. Want to explore DEEP coaching support and guidance with Mike? The Everyday Legends Academy is now open for enrolment applications. Start the exploration process with Mike NOW to see if it can be the full and remarkable solution for you like it has been for so many men before you Other Ways To Consume This Podcast iTunes Spotify Youtube Mikes Website
  • Welcome! I'm Mike Campbell, a men's coach dedicated to helping you transform from a nice guy into a confident, strong man.

    Today, we’ll explore why busyness is lazy. It’s easy to stay busy, but that’s often a way to avoid real growth. Especially for nice guys, who struggle to say no and end up overwhelmed. We’ll dive into how to change this mindset and reclaim your time and energy.

    If you're new here, welcome! Please subscribe, leave a review, and share this with others. Let’s get started!

    As usual, I trust you'll get something from this episode. If you have questions about it - ask me. Hit me on social media @mikecampbellmc on Instagram or @Mike Campbell Man Coach on Facebook.

    Get Involved Subscribe and REVIEW on Apple Follow and RATE on Spotify Sign up for Mike’s LEGENDAILY Emails to help you with a daily shot of loving straight talk direct to your inbox - avoid the vortex of Social Media and get the days best content instantly. Want to explore DEEP coaching support and guidance with Mike? The Everyday Legends Academy is now open for enrolment applications. Start the exploration process with Mike NOW to see if it can be the full and remarkable solution for you like it has been for so many men before you Other Ways To Consume This Podcast iTunes Spotify Youtube Mikes Website
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  • Welcome to the podcast, where we help nice guys become confident, strong men. I'm your host, Mike Campbell, a men's coach for nice guys, here to guide you towards self-respect and fulfilling relationships.

    Today, we'll explore the hidden costs of being a nice guy, like never feeling at peace with yourself. You'll learn how to reclaim your sense of self and live with integrity.

    Whether you're new or a returning listener, welcome! Remember, the key is to put what you learn into action.

    If you find this podcast helpful, please subscribe, leave a review, and share it with others. Let's get started!

    As usual, I trust you'll get something from this episode. If you have questions about it - ask me. Hit me on social media @mikecampbellmc on Instagram or @Mike Campbell Man Coach on Facebook.

    Get Involved Subscribe and REVIEW on Apple Follow and RATE on Spotify Sign up for Mike’s LEGENDAILY Emails to help you with a daily shot of loving straight talk direct to your inbox - avoid the vortex of Social Media and get the days best content instantly. Want to explore DEEP coaching support and guidance with Mike? The Everyday Legends Academy is now open for enrolment applications. Start the exploration process with Mike NOW to see if it can be the full and remarkable solution for you like it has been for so many men before you Other Ways To Consume This Podcast iTunes Spotify Youtube Mikes Website
  • From Chaos to Clarity - Hey Legend, feeling overwhelmed by the chaos of balancing work and home life?

    In this episode of Coaching Corner, we're diving into why 'nice guys' especially struggle with this transition and why men must have dedicated transition time.

    Join me as we explore how to shift from chaos to clarity and reclaim control over your life.

    If you're new here, welcome! Please subscribe, leave a review, and share this with others. Let’s get started!

    As usual, I trust you'll get something from this episode. If you have questions about it - ask me. Hit me on social media @mikecampbellmc on Instagram or @Mike Campbell Man Coach on Facebook.

    Get Involved Subscribe and REVIEW on Apple Follow and RATE on Spotify Sign up for Mike’s LEGENDAILY Emails to help you with a daily shot of loving straight talk direct to your inbox - avoid the vortex of Social Media and get the days best content instantly. Want to explore DEEP coaching support and guidance with Mike? The Everyday Legends Academy is now open for enrolment applications. Start the exploration process with Mike NOW to see if it can be the full and remarkable solution for you like it has been for so many men before you Other Ways To Consume This Podcast iTunes Spotify Youtube Mikes Website
  • Welcome to the Everyday Allegiance Podcast, the show dedicated to championing everyday men and helping you get more from life, love, and the everyday. I'm your host, Mike Campbell. As a men's coach, I support nice guys in building rock-solid foundations, legendary integrity, and kick-ass relationships.

    In this episode, we’ll tackle a key issue for nice guys in relationships: centering your partner's needs while neglecting your own. I’ll share insights and actionable tips on valuing and communicating your needs effectively to build healthier, more balanced relationships.

    Whether you’re in a relationship or single, this podcast offers valuable lessons to help you thrive. If you enjoy the content, please subscribe, leave a review, and share it with other men who could benefit. Let's get started!

    As usual, I trust you'll get something from this episode. If you have questions about it - ask me. Hit me on social media @mikecampbellmc on Instagram or @Mike Campbell Man Coach on Facebook.

    Get Involved Subscribe and REVIEW on Apple Follow and RATE on Spotify Sign up for Mike’s LEGENDAILY Emails to help you with a daily shot of loving straight talk direct to your inbox - avoid the vortex of Social Media and get the days best content instantly. Want to explore DEEP coaching support and guidance with Mike? The Everyday Legends Academy is now open for enrolment applications. Start the exploration process with Mike NOW to see if it can be the full and remarkable solution for you like it has been for so many men before you Other Ways To Consume This Podcast iTunes Spotify Youtube Mikes Website
  • Hey there, welcome back to the Everyday Legends Podcast, I'm your host, Mike Campbell. Today, I'm excited to dive into a topic that's been on my mind: the age-old debate between physical strength and mental strength.

    Inspired by a recent conversation between Piers Morgan and Chris Williamson, we're going to explore how physical fitness lays the groundwork for mental resilience and personal growth.

    So, buckle up for a deep dive into the interconnectedness of strength, self-respect, and the journey of self-discovery. Let's jump right in!

    As usual, I trust you'll get something from this episode. If you have questions about it - ask me. Hit me on social media @mikecampbellmc on Instagram or @Mike Campbell Man Coach on Facebook.

    Get Involved Subscribe and REVIEW on Apple Follow and RATE on Spotify Sign up for Mike’s LEGENDAILY Emails to help you with a daily shot of loving straight talk direct to your inbox - avoid the vortex of Social Media and get the days best content instantly. Want to explore DEEP coaching support and guidance with Mike? The Everyday Legends Academy is now open for enrolment applications. Start the exploration process with Mike NOW to see if it can be the full and remarkable solution for you like it has been for so many men before you Other Ways To Consume This Podcast iTunes Spotify Youtube Mikes Website
  • REWIND Episode #41 How to Find Purpose

    There is one thing that comes up more than most when it comes to working with men; PURPOSE.

    Sure, many guys want to 'get confidence' and some want to simply get out of the frustrating place they are now, stop the sabotage and spending a vast majority of their time caught in their head.

    But even for those guys, at some point, the work turns to 'finding purpose', Which, when you talk to them - as I do all the time - the idea we have gleaned from the world of personal development, self-help, and 'success' is that a man must find his 'One True Purpose' as if there is something waiting for all of us, something we were born to 'uncover' which will then make ou lives not only complete, but make our lives.

    We learn to hang the entire of our happiness (outside of that which we have possibly lumped on our romantic partners) onto this idea that 'once I find my purpose I'll be happy and everything in my life will make sense and be ultra meaningful'.

    If you can't tell yet from my approach here, I think this is a load of bollocks that tends to send most men into a frenzy of ludicrously high expectations they can't meet - can never find this elusive 'one purpose' - and so go into the mode of self-beat-up, a consistent mode of 'shoulds' ('I should be living my purpose') and ultimately being kind of frozen in inaction until this one big purpose hits us over the head somehow.

    Lies and misnomers.
    This is something we deal with a lot in my coaching and so I have decided to do a solo episode on it as well as release a punchy yet powerful teaching mini-course on actually finding purpose.

    In this episode

    I bring you a take on the above as we explore why this happens and how it messes with our lives.

    I'll take you through a couple of simple examples of purpose as we explore the vital difference between 'finding your purpose' and 'living with purpose. This will include one seemingly insignificant aspect of all of our everyday lives in which you'll soon be able to not only see the purpose in it, but use the explanation to apply to many things in your everyday life.

    this little trick will help you on the road to doing away with the ideas of discipline and motivation - things of the past when you truly understand purpose.

    One of the reasons I decided to put this episode together was because we have decided to package up and release a live teaching from inside my coaching program the EVERYDAY LEGENDS ACADEMY (ELA) in which I take the guys through this critical difference and get them to go through an example that completely squashes this idea of finding your one true purpose and instead instantly gets you on the path to living with purpose.

    One of the ... purposes of this mini-course and the incredibly affordable investment of just $47 (AUD) is so you have the appropriate buy-in to take on board the lessons in it and then actually apply it with purpose into your life. Without that buy-in, purchasing a mini-course like this is just masturbation.

    This teaching also has another purpose of being an exclusive sneak behind the curtain of what we do in the coaching work with me in ELA.

    You can get access to the course here - it is one 45 minute teaching with some supporting emails and content.

    Other Ways To Consume this podcast: iTunes Spotify YouTube Get Involved: Subscribe to podcast on Apple Follow on Spotify Sign up for Mike’s brand new mini-course FINDING PURPOSE - How To Live With Purpose Instead Of Cockblocking Yourself Trying To Find Your Life's One Purpose.
  • REWIND Episode #26 Why You Can’t Get Your Shit Together (And How To)

    The realm of personal development has a few different worlds in it. One of those is the idea of just being better ‘ #liveyourbestlife - which tends to focus on just following your dreams and passions and being positive all the time.

    Unfortunately, for many of us, this sets unrealistically high expectations and ultimately encourages by-passing of shit we actually need to learn, sit in, process, and move through. As a result, we often spin in feeling like a failure, beating ourselves up and trying hard to be overly positive despite shit potentially going as well as am arm being chopped off.

    Closely related to this world is the idea - heavily favoured by men - of simply focusing on the strategy to move past what is frustrating us, the strategy to create new results and outcomes.

    The challenge and weakness with this are immense but often subtle; if we only focus on moving forward without understanding and being able to overcome what led to us being in the place we want to move beyond, we will tend to have short bursts of success until the underlying issues inevitably resurface.

    Enter - YOUR SHIT. This is what is happening in both of these situations; we’re trying to ignore and avoid our shit.

    Doing that only emboldens in to have a more insidious and frustrating hold over our lives.

    Shit unaddressed and unmanaged will pull the strings.

    That is primarily a lot of my work with me; making sense of their shit, changing the relationship to it, owning it, moving past it, and overcoming it so that we get out from under its thumb and replace our thumb on its head.

    That’s what this episode is about - why you struggle to get your shit together even though you really want to.

    In this Episode:

    In this episode, we explore some of the reasons why we - especially as men - struggle to get out shit together even though we know how it’s playing out, we know what we want and what we need to do.

    We’ll explore some of the ideas that see us stubbornly stick our head in the sand with our shit, hoping it will just magically disappear and life can be grand.

    We also explore some key foundations for how you can actually and finally get your shit together.

    Other Ways To Consume this podcast: iTunes Spotify YouTube: https://youtu.be/RscI3mMgsKM
    Get Involved: Subscribe to podcast on Apple Follow on Spotify Sign up for Mike’s LEGENDAILY Texts to help you with a daily shot of loving straight talk direct to your pocket Sign up to the GYST course today and join us when you start in two days time: http://mikecampbell.com.au/get-your-shit-together
  • REWIND Episode #09 How to Live with Integrity

    In this episode, I venture into and explore something very close to my heart - and head and balls - and that is INTEGRITY.

    It is my highest value, because, for me, everything else is determined by this. If I don’t have that, then all my other values don’t really get a chance.

    Join me as I share some personal stories - including the first one in which as a younger man I fell into a common trap; lying to someone I liked and pulling myself right out of integrity in doing so.

    I take you through what integrity actually is, how to assess it, and how to understand it on a deeper level so that if we fall out of it we can navigate our way back in.

    I visit a story about a time my now father-in-law hit me with a daunting question in front of his (Nardia’s) family, well before I was even close to being a permanent fixture; “What are your intentions with our Nardia?”

    * GULP*

    Tune in to see how I handled this. Quite fucking excellently, I might add.

    I call on this story often in teaching about integrity because regardless of the answer I shared, what the key point sticks to is - can I be honest here regardless of what that honesty entails?

    I venture into some of the nature of men and the masculine in how we have this need to test each other, and essentially what we’re doing is testing the strength, the dependability of those men we go into battle (hunt) with.

    If you’re a man struggling to understand yourself, wanting to work out what that niggling little feeling inside of you is, or simply wanting to access what’s possible for you, it starts and stops with INTEGRITY - this episode is for you.

    As always, if this lands, please share this episode with a man you know could benefit from it.

    If you haven’t, please leave me a rating and review on Apple Podcasts.

    Remember - DO something with the lessons in this podcast. Let me know you’re listening and how you’re applying it in your life - tag me on socials @mikecampbellmc on Instagram or @Mike Campbell Man Coach on Facebook.

    Other content mentioned:

    Integrity Check-In questions: What was the promise or commitment you made to yourself? What did you choose to do? (Have you been choosing/did you choose to do instead?) What are the consequences? What’s the driver? Is this a pattern? What do you need to do to return to/remain in integrity?

    Other ways to consume this podcast:

    On Apple On Spotify On YouTube Read transcript

    Get involved:

    Subscribe to the podcast on Apple Follow on Spotify Sign up for Mike’s LEGENDAILY Texts to help you with a daily shot of loving straight talk direct to your pocket Get Your Relationship Shit Together with Mike’s Better Partner Project 4 week Accelerator Course in Relationships for Men
  • REWIND Episode #37 with Matt Brown In this Episode:

    Enter Matt Brown (and his wife Sarah) - founders of She is not your rehab - a powerful organisation and movement working to change ideas of masculinity through supporting, educating and empowering men to transform the pain of their past instead of transmitting it onto others.

    They have made some huge waves globally, even getting The Rock himself into a campaign of theirs.

    Beyond that, they have done remarkable work both in places like New Zealand’s high-security prisons, throughout the community, and in Matt’s barbershops My Father’s Barber.

    Matt and I discuss his own story from a “volatile childhood” of abuse and violence to healing his own pain to starting to cut hair in order to connect with men, and then the forming of She is Not Your Rehab and the wonderful work they are doing.

    I trust you will get something from it - as might a man in your world, please pass it on to anyone you think will benefit from it. I had a great chat with Matt and am a HUGE supporter of their work. You can find out more about him, the work they’re doing, and how to access the book below.

    As always, if you have questions about it - ask me. Hit me on social media @mikecampbellmc on Instagram or @Mike Campbell Man Coach on Facebook.

    Where to find Matt and She Is Not Your Rehab: She Is Not Your Rehab Get the Book here Matt on IG SINYR on IG Video campaign that got The Rock involved
  • Welcome to the Everyday Legends podcast, your go-to destination for men seeking to build legendary integrity and kick-ass relationships. I'm Mike Campbell, your host, and on this show, we're all about supporting you in getting more out of life, love, and the everyday grind.

    Today, we're delving into the crucial topic of setting boundaries and reclaiming self-respect. Get ready for insights, stories, and actionable advice to help you thrive as the best version of yourself. Let's jump right in!

    As usual, I trust you'll get something from this episode. If you have questions about it - ask me. Hit me on social media @mikecampbellmc on Instagram or @Mike Campbell Man Coach on Facebook.

    Get Involved Subscribe and REVIEW on Apple Follow and RATE on Spotify Sign up for Mike’s LEGENDAILY Emails to help you with a daily shot of loving straight talk direct to your inbox - avoid the vortex of Social Media and get the days best content instantly. Want to explore DEEP coaching support and guidance with Mike? The Everyday Legends Academy is now open for enrolment applications. Start the exploration process with Mike NOW to see if it can be the full and remarkable solution for you like it has been for so many men before you Other Ways To Consume This Podcast iTunes Spotify Youtube Mikes Website
  • REWIND Episode #11 with Amber Hawken

    I've been very fortunate to be her friend for some time. And that has been both in just two humans connecting on a level that we get each other, but also because of, you know, where we're at and the work that we do. And that's one of the major reasons I wanted to bring Amber onto the show.

    Because of the insight, the skills, the expertise she has in helping people get the shit together.

    I wanted to bring her on because, as a woman, I believe she has a beautiful and unique perspective for men, as women, of course, do. I will talk to many more women on the show. I wanted to speak to Amber to get a bit of a woman's perspective for men, but more specifically, and as you hear in this podcast, I wanted to speak to the idea of the conversation of safety.

    I've done plenty of posts about this in the past that speak somewhere along the lines of: “Men, she needs to feel safe with you.”

    They usually get a monumental response from women and from guys sometimes “Yes, and okay, please tell me more or make sense of this.” And also "It should go both ways."

    And so, in this episode with Amber, we’ll explore the idea of safety.
    What that is to women, to the feminine and in with it, we go into looking at the masculine and feminine; those modes. In us, as individuals, and how that plays out in our relationships, how do we understand these aspects, modes, and energies?

    Amber's got some beautiful, uh, personal stories that she shares in amongst this.

    For guys, you might want to pass on some of this stuff to some of your female partners. Also, to any of my gay audience, there's a lot here speaking to the feminine in anyone. So it doesn't really matter who you are. I think you can get a lot from this and from Amber, including any female listeners, for sure.

    See below for some tools from Amber and how to access more from her.

    Mike’s main lessons/takeaways:

    This can be a HUGE topic to start exploring for men if you haven’t explored safety and the masculine/feminine. This is a nice starting point, and the perspective of women is easily the most powerful way to learn this. Tune in to the examples she gives, and if you have questions out of it - ask me: Hit me on social media @mikecampbellmc on Instagram or @Mike Campbell Man Coach on Facebook

    Where to find Amber

    Website: http://www.amberhawken.com/ Instagram: @amber_hawken Facebook: FB.com/hawkenamber Amber Hawken Podcast

    Resources mentioned:

    Coherent breathing - this link Feel Free in 15 Minutes here
  • For today's episode, I'm thrilled to be joined by the incredible Alex Cattoni. Alex is a leading digital marketer, copywriter and founder of CopyPosse.
    She's on a mission to "De-Douchify the internet" and build an empathy empire.

    I've had the pleasure of getting to know Alex over the past year, from meeting in New York to sharing meals and engaging in random conversations. Alex has such a vibrant and joyful personality that really comes through, no matter the medium. She's also incredibly successful in her field, having been named the #1 most popular copywriter of 2023 and Digital Marketer of the Year in 2022.

    While we discuss Alex's career and skills, our conversation really dives into finding your authentic voice and bringing it to the world.Alex is a master at this and has so much wisdom to share. We cover a variety of fun and random topics along the way, as is our style. I know you'll find value in Alex's message of empowering others to step boldly into who they are.

    Connect with Alex here;

    CopyPosse Website CopyPosse Instagram

    As usual, I trust you'll get something from this episode. If you have questions about it - ask me.
    Hit me on social media @mikecampbellmc on Instagram or @Mike Campbell Man Coach on Facebook.

    Get Involved Subscribe and REVIEW on Apple Follow and RATE on Spotify Sign up for Mike’s LEGENDAILY Emails to help you with a daily shot of loving straight talk direct to your inbox - avoid the vortex of Social Media and get the days best content instantly. Want to explore DEEP coaching support and guidance with Mike? The Everyday Legends Academy is now open for enrolment applications. Start the exploration process with Mike NOW to see if it can be the full and remarkable solution for you like it has been for so many men before you Other Ways To Consume This Podcast iTunes Spotify Youtube Mikes Website

    Mark Groves, Mr @createthelove.

    I was thrilled to have Mark on the show to bring the piece that first connected us to this very topic of the Everyday Legend - a piece he wrote about the ‘Evolved Man’, challenging women who say they want this man if they’re ready for him.

    In the show, we explore Mark’s story and what he does. We then start talking about relationship dynamics, how our wounding - our shit - plays out, and with that, we explore codependency.

    Mark has a great depth of knowledge in this topic, as well as some practical personal experience (me, too).

    Mark is someone whose content and wisdom I trust wholeheartedly.

    As a human connection specialist and a great human being, Mark brings some brilliant insight and always delivers light and engaging content.

    Mike’s main lessons/takeaways:

    Mark always has so much insight into relationships, and what I really liked about this conversation was where he dives into how our wounding - the shit we went through that created most of our beliefs about ourselves and our behaviours in relationships - ends up becoming an intense driver for sexual attraction often getting us deep into a place we don’t want to be in.

    It’s a counter-intuitive piece that Mark brings so much sense to.

    This often is the base for codependency, which Mark breaks down nicely in this episode.

    “Say, for example, you’re with someone that is hot and cold. The person hits you up at 1 am - a good sign you’re a booty call. You hook up, and the arousal and sexual connection treat the pain of the abandonment and ejection. So we end up in these cycles, and of course, that’s the best sex, right? Of course you do, you have a couple of wounds banging up against each other.”

    Where to find Mark and his work:

    Website Instagram Podcast

    Other Resources Mentioned

    Why you might not be ready for the evolved man you say you want

  • In this episode, we'll uncover the truth about being a "nice guy" and explore covert contracts.

    I explore three common ways that nice guys secretly place conditions on their kindness through "covert contracts." Drawing on my experience coaching over 1,000 men, I identify how nice guys often expect unspoken reciprocation for favors or help without communicating their expectations.

    I urge listeners to reflect on whether they engage in this secret nice guy behavior and how to move past it to build genuine, fulfilling relationships.

    As usual, I trust you'll get something from this episode. If you have questions about it - ask me. Hit me on social media @mikecampbellmc on Instagram or @Mike Campbell Man Coach on Facebook.

    Get Involved Subscribe and REVIEW on Apple Follow and RATE on Spotify Sign up for Mike’s LEGENDAILY Emails to help you with a daily shot of loving straight talk direct to your inbox - avoid the vortex of Social Media and get the days best content instantly. Want to explore DEEP coaching support and guidance with Mike? The Everyday Legends Academy is now open for enrolment applications. Start the exploration process with Mike NOW to see if it can be the full and remarkable solution for you like it has been for so many men before you Other Ways To Consume This Podcast iTunes Spotify Youtube Mikes Website
  • On this episode of the Everyday Legends podcast, I share my personal journey of redefining what it means to be a man. Growing up, I followed many of the traditional ideas of masculinity like being tough, not showing emotion, and seeking validation through achievements and women. However, over time I realized this wasn't truly serving me. I felt lost without a strong sense of my own identity.

    I pulled on threads of self-awareness and individuality, which led me down a path of confronting fears, embracing discomfort, and finding security in my own skin rather than living for others' approval. Now, through my coaching and mentoring work, I support other men in building self-worth and breaking free from limiting beliefs. On this podcast, I hope to encourage listeners to define masculinity on their own terms and step into the courage and self-trust needed to live authentically. My goal is to champion everyday men as we support each other in personal growth and becoming our best selves.

    Other Ways To Consume this podcast: iTunes Spotify YouTube Get Involved: Sign up for Mike’s LEGENDAILY Emails to help you with a daily shot of loving straight talk direct to your pocket Are you TOO Nice & (sick of) paying the price? Take the 1 simple step to find out + how to become the ANTI-Nice Guy. Everyday men deserve legendary lives! Want to work with Mike; CLICK HERE to find out more.
  • Here’s a common desire in so many men - “I want to be more confident” which, if not obvious, follows the proclamation “I’m just not confident enough” - or words very close to that effect.

    They’re the words of men focused on a story they have around confidence - that they don’t have it and they need to find it. But it goes beyond that, it extends into this idea I have that some people have it, they're doing things I’m not, and because they have it and I don’t, there must be something wrong with me.

    And that story - or line of internal narrative - is what not only perpetuates the belief that we don’t have confidence, therefore, don’t feel it, but it is the creation of not feeling confident in its entirety.

    Confidence is a subject we have butchered for so long, like many others in the realm of personal development such as motivation, will power or discipline.
    What it requires is a deeper assessment, some curiosity to see what is really playing out here.

    If I want to feel confident in something yet my fear around the lack of confidence - in reality, my insecurity about not looking competent - is stopping me from doing the thing to gain the confidence I get from doing it, I am creating and perpetuating my own misery cycle.

    This is so common it hurts. And so, that’s what I wanted to cover in this episode of the podcast.

    In this episode:

    A while ago I did a short video on my social media channels exploring this idea that most men have confidence all wrong. In this episode, I wanted to take that video and expand upon it. So you’ll hear the introduction for the podcast and me introducing the topic, then you’ll hear the audio from the original video backed up by an expansion on this idea.

    From here I’ll take you into not only why and how we have confidence wrong, but how to actually gain real, legit, lasting grounded confidence.

    It’s not some magical thing, there is no confidence fairy that will sprinkle you with confidence dust on you one night - it comes down to the stories you tell yourself, caching the BS ones mentioned above, and then in the actions we take.

    A hint to what is covered - get used to the idea of sucking and becoming more competent. If you can consistently apply yourself to the simple act of improving your competence in what you wish to be confident in, you will become that. Not the other way around.

    This might be a knock to your balls as I shatter a long term belief about confidence and the fruitless actions of countless men trying to build their confidence. If that’s the case - good, I hope it works and that you can receive it with the respect for you that it is intended.

    This really is just the beginning of this conversation, as it can and does need to go even deeper. Exploring and really uncovering your confidence story, both what and how it is anchored in your psyche and, therefore, how we get out of it.

    This is central to the first and third pillars of the work in my major coaching program the EVERYDAY LEGENDS ACADEMY. If you want to find out more about that and when the February 2021 intake - find out more here or email me today [email protected]

    I have spots filling fast and fact-finding calls with me filling even faster.

    As always, if this lands, please share this episode with a man you know could benefit from it.

    If you haven’t, please leave me a rating and review on Apple Podcasts.

    Remember - DO something with the lessons in this podcast. Let me know you’re listening and how you’re applying it in your life - tag me on socials @mikecampbellmc on Instagram or @Mike Campbell Man Coach on Facebook.

    Other ways to consume this podcast:

    On Mike's site On Apple On Spotify On YouTube Read transcript (Coming soon)

    Get involved:

    Subscribe to the podcast on Apple Follow on Spotify Sign up for Mike’s LEGENDAILY Texts to help you with a daily shot of loving straight talk direct to your pocket COACHING: Book your ‘Make My Shit Make Sense’ Strategy call with Mike to explore Everyday Legends coaching Academy here.
  • Ahhhh, the friendzone. That lonely yet connected, comforting yet terrorising, familiar yet frustrating place.

    Of course, the friend zone isn’t the only place we might end up chasing unrequited love - sometimes it’s in a relationship that stutters and two people seem to be misaligned. Either way, finding ourselves in the place of wanting someone and them not wanting us back, or them being unavailable to us, can be heart-aching and life-consuming.

    That’s the subject of this week's podcast episode in a revamped version of a listener Q&A. I have had tonnes of questions from guys in and around this area. Usually from ‘Nice Guys’ - guys that are so terrified of rejection, who so desperately need to be liked or their inner world will fall over, so they end up just playing the good nice guy in the hope that people will see them as this and like them.

    These guys - of which I am a recovering Nice Guy myself - often end up in glorified friendships, essentially one-sided faux-relationships, with women/people they have feelings for because they were too unsure about themselves early on to say how they felt combined with an almost unbearable fear of rejection, that they just hover in the space of “If I am around enough and nice enough, maybe they’ll notice/like/love me.”

    (It doesn’t work).

    Previously across three different #AskMike Q&A videos on my social media channels, I have addressed similar questions in this space. Today on the podcast I wanted to bring them together and dive a bit deeper on what’s playing out and what to do about it, how to get past that crippling and almost life-stoping focus on unavailable love.

    I introduce the overall topic and then each individual video, before expanding on them all with some common themes and lessons for guys who are either in this right now in your life, or recognise that pattern totally unrelated to unrequited love, where you’re so narrow-focused on one thing that you can’t seem to focus on anything else even though you know you need to.

    Mike’s Takeaways:

    I could talk about this all day. I’ve helped so many guys in situations like this, not just deep in the friendzone - of their own creation - but suffering of Nice Guyitis in all areas of life.

    The simplest advice - to quote Stifler from American Pie - is to “locate your balls, remove the shrink wrap” and have the conversation.

    But it’s much more than that. In all reality, the key is to focus on something else - in the case of unrequited love - what other love is possible for and available to you.

    Of course, this last part brings up something central to the Nice Guy that we touch on in the episode - ‘Well, I have to then believe there is more out there for me’

    If this resonates and hits home, please tell me. If you are going to take action on the advice in here I would love to hear about it - share your messy action with me.

    And if you have your own questions for a solo Q&A episode, then send them through to me at [email protected]

    As always, if this lands, please share this episode with a man you know could benefit from it.

    If you haven’t, please leave me a rating and review on Apple Podcasts.

    Remember - DO something with the lessons in this podcast. Let me know you’re listening and how you’re applying it in your life - tag me on socials @mikecampbellmc on Instagram or @Mike Campbell Man Coach on Facebook.

    Other links:

    Take my 2 minute quiz - ‘Are you too nice?’

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