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Do you set yourself little projects for taking pictures or making things from your pictures? This podcast is the audio of a recent Zoom call where we discussed how projects can help and some ideas of things to try. Have a listen and then jot down any ideas that come to you so that you can have fun taking pictures.
Sarah x
In this episode I talk about how it's important to balance the learning and improving with the fun. If we just do the stuff that's hard the fun disappears and we can give up. If you have been trying to improve the pictures that you're taking but have got frustrated and stuck this could help you.
Sarah x
We can choose and change how we do things in any moment but sometimes at the start of a new year it's good to pause and think about how we want things to look. Maybe there were things you didn't get to do in 2021 or maybe there is an area of your picture taking that you want to make stronger. What would you like to take pictures of in 2022?
Sarah x
Sometimes it's hard to remember all we have done in a year but a great thing to do is take half an hour to flick through the pictures that you have taken. How did your photography year go? What would you like to differently in 2022? Be gentle on yourself, you can't change what's done but you can decide how you want to do things moving forward.
Sarah x
Often photography lesson clients will comment that since having some lessons they are seeing things differently and noticing more things. Deliberately noticing the details is something that I use whether I have my camera in my hand or not, to get into a calmer place. Have a listen and give it a go.
Sarah x
Today I'm talking to Rob Halliburton who loves to shoot on both film and digital. Rob has an extensive knowledge of photography, is a member of local camera clubs and is the person behind the camera donation project in the North East.
If you would like to contact Rob about donating to the project you can via the Facebook page....
and also via Rob's website
In this what's in your camera bag episode I'm chatting to Gordon Simpson about what's in his camera bag. I am being nosy on your behalf. That's my excuse anyway! Gordon joins in the challenges, competitions and fun on the Sarah Loveland Photography page and it's great to find out a bit more about his photography.
Walk with me whilst I give you ideas of things to photograph. Pause the podcast if you want to explore an item more before moving on. In this episode I am in Hexham, Northumberland. You don't have to be local to Hexham though as the things I have chosen can be found in most town centre parks. Have a listen and have fun exploring with your camera or phone camera. Have more fun taking pictures.