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Check out Elliot's New Podcast 'The Upgraded Traveler' during it's launch day celebrations
>HERE<Elliot Napier is my new business partner and founder of our new travel brand.
In this episode we talk about his decision to uproot from his home in London and fly over to Perth Australia to work together on our travel businesses, the difficulties of admitting to yourself and others that you are no longer your past self, and you are now 'an entrepreneur' and we discuss the future of our businesses and how YOU can participate.
Check out his interview of me on his new podcast The Upgraded Traveler HERE,Make sure to Subscribe, Leave a Review, and listen for our hilarious bet that you are welcome to take us up on!
Enjoy :) -
Get Your FREE WELCOME GIFT & Find out about the launch of my New Travel-themed Business, Products, & Adventures that YOU can Join me on, enter your email here:
To participate in our Podcast Launch Experiment, and check out my business partner's new Travel Podcast we are launching alongside this one...
>>The Upgraded Traveler with Elliot Napier<<
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Thanks, I appreciate YOU =)
== Episode 006:You're Not Alone in this Struggle - Gun Hudson == Show notes at: http://freedombusinessguide.com/episode6 == Resources mentioned in this episode: ==
== Contest Prize Giveaway! == Detailed guide How to Leave a Review here 1. Click Subscribe in iTunes 2. Download all the available episodes 3. Leave a 5-Star Review 4. Email the name you left your review under to: gun@freedombusinessguide.com with the Subject "Review" 5. If you did everything correctly you will receive an email back straight away with a gift!And be in the running for: - 5x Kindle PaperWhite E-Book Readers - 95x $10 Amazon Gift Vouchers All prize winners will be drawn & announced in Episode 6! Thankyou for your support! -Gun
== Episode 005:Matt Buffardi - Selling Physical Products through eBay and Amazon Worldwide == Show notes at: http://freedombusinessguide.com == Resources mentioned in this episode: ==
== Contest Prize Giveaway! == 1. Click Subscribe in iTunes 2. Download all the available episodes 3. Leave a 5-Star Review 4. Email the name you left your review under to: gun@freedombusinessguide.com with the Subject "Review" 5. If you did everything correctly you will receive an email back straight away with a gift!And be in the running for: - 5x Kindle PaperWhite E-Book Readers - 95x $10 Amazon Gift Vouchers All prize winners will be drawn & announced in Episode 6! Thankyou for your support! -Gun
== Episode 004: Fast versus Perfect == Show notes at: http://freedombusinessguide.com/episode4 == Resources mentioned in this episode: ==
== Contest Prize Giveaway! == Detailed guide How to Leave a Review here 1. Click Subscribe in iTunes 2. Download all the available episodes 3. Leave a 5-Star Review 4. Email the name you left your review under to: gun@freedombusinessguide.com with the Subject "Review" 5. If you did everything correctly you will receive an email back straight away with a gift!And be in the running for: - 5x Kindle PaperWhite E-Book Readers - 95x $10 Amazon Gift Vouchers All prize winners will be drawn & announced in Episode 6! Thankyou for your support! -Gun
== Episode 003: Tom Norman == Show notes at: http://freedombusinessguide.com
Bought his first video camera at 14, and got paid for a youtube video.His business creates explainer videos, but he's crafting his own style with a local UK spin. - Doing scary things outside of your comfort zone- Keeping your life in balance.- Content Based Marketing- Tips to overcome The Imposter Syndrome for young guys going into business- 10 Day Vlog challenge? Facebook Group- Getting Fangirls- Tips to overcome The Imposter Syndrome for young guys going into business
== Resources mentioned in this episode: ==
Show notes at: http://freedombusinessguide.com == Contest Prize Giveaway! == 1. Click Subscribe in iTunes 2. Download all the available episodes 3. Leave a 5-Star Review 4. Email the name you left your review under to: gun@freedombusinessguide.com with the Subject "Review" 5. If you did everything correctly you will receive an email back straight away with a gift!And be in the running for: - 5x Kindle PaperWhite E-Book Readers - 95x $10 Amazon Gift Vouchers All prize winners will be drawn & announced in Episode 6! Thankyou for your support! -Gun http://freedombusinessguide.com
== Episode 002: Gun Hudson - My Entrepreneur's Journey == Show notes at: http://freedombusinessguide.com/episode2
== Resources mentioned in this episode: == http://freedombusinessguide.com/theguide http://freedombusinessguide.com/books http://freedombusinessguide.com/events http://freedombusinessguide.com/courses http://freedombusinessguide.com/resources
Guide to creating your own personal website:http://freedombusinessguide.com/website Guid to leave a review on iTunes:http://freedombusinessguide.com/review
Guide to leave a review on Stitcher:http://freedombusinessguide.com/stitcher
== Contest Prize Giveaway! == Detailed guide How to Leave a Review here: http://freedombusinessguide.com/review 1. Click Subscribe in iTunes 2. Download all the available episodes 3. Leave a 5-Star Review 4. Email the name you left your review under to: gun@freedombusinessguide.com with the Subject "Review" 5. If you did everything correctly you will receive an email back straight away with a gift!And be in the running for: - 5x Kindle PaperWhite E-Book Readers - 95x $10 Amazon Gift Vouchers All prize winners will be drawn & announced in Episode 6! Thankyou for your support! -Gun
== Episode 001 - Tom Hunt == Show notes at http://freedombusinessguide.com Tom is a Londoner who is currently living in Budapest. He wasn’t born an entrepreneur, but started his journey selling girl’s leggings to guys (but mainly to attract the hot girls of course!)He has since moved onto a successful Freedom Business providing outsourcers to Startups; left his job in the corporate world about 6months ago, sold all his belongings (apart from what he can fit in a backpack) and has been travelling around Europe with his business buddies since!Do go to tomhunt.io and you can check out his appearance on The Dragon’s Den, and his TED Talk as well as seeing a living example of the Freedom Business Lifestyle as Tom really personifies what Freedom Business is about. This was recorded back in July, I announce in the show a date that has already passed for the retirement from my job- i’ll talk more about that in the next episode if you’re wondering.Our chat is very laid back and relaxed- its quite a slow pace conversation, but I picked this interview as the first one as we get into some amazing topics that are really worth listening to - What it feels like on his last day of work- what it really is like running an internet business (can you set it and forget it?)- Outsourcing work to cheaper countries- We get a little deep for a while on successful entrepreneur mindset versus an employee mindset. - The importance of building your personal brand and online presence- How you should be applying for jobs in the 21st century
== Contest Prize Giveaway! == 1. Click Subscribe in iTunes 2. Download all the available episodes 3. Leave a 5-Star Review 4. Email the name you left your review under to: gun@freedombusinessguide.com with the Subject "Review" 5. If you did everything correctly you will receive an email back straight away with a gift!And be in the running for: - 5x Kindle PaperWhite E-Book Readers - 95x $10 Amazon Gift Vouchers All prize winners will be drawn & announced in Episode 6! Thankyou for your support! http://freedombusinessguide.com
== Contest Prize Giveaway! == Detailed guide How to Leave a Review here 1. Click Subscribe in iTunes 2. Download all the available episodes 3. Leave a 5-Star Review 4. Email the name you left your review under to: gun@freedombusinessguide.com with the Subject "Review" 5. If you did everything correctly you will receive an email back straight away with a gift!And be in the running for: - 5x Kindle PaperWhite E-Book Readers - 95x $10 Amazon Gift Vouchers All prize winners will be drawn & announced in Episode 6! Thankyou for your support! == Resources mentioned in this episode: == http://freedombusinessguide.com http://makemoneywhiletravelling.com http://freedombusinessguide.com/website http://freedombusinessguide.com/review