
  • This episode is also available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/nijdoUc7NcA

    Being a leader isn't about managing the day-to-day tasks of your team; it's about empowering them to handle their responsibilities effectively. Susie Matheson, the founder of The Small Stuff, shared valuable insights on this topic. She recounted her own experiences as a frontline sales manager, where she often took on administrative tasks for her team to free up their time. While this seemed helpful initially, it ultimately did more harm than good. It prevented team members from developing the skills they needed to succeed independently. Instead, leaders should focus on equipping their teams with the necessary tools and training, fostering autonomy, and holding them accountable to their KPIs. This approach not only enhances individual growth but also strengthens the overall team performance.

    Susie Matheson is a seasoned sales professional and the founder of The Small Stuff, a company dedicated to sales training. Born and raised in the UK, Susie has a rich background in various industries, including paint, coatings, and automotive sales. Her career took her to Germany, where she honed her sales skills and developed a passion for helping others reach their sales potential. After years in sales management roles, Susie took a break in 2019 to travel, which led to the founding of The Small Stuff. Her experience as a sales manager taught her the importance of not just meeting KPIs but also understanding the human side of sales. Today, Susie and her team focus on empowering salespeople by providing them with the right tools and training to succeed.

    What you'll learn:

    How can leaders empower their sales teams to be more autonomous and less reliant on managerial intervention? What are the key steps in developing an effective personal development plan for sales team members? How does consistency in leadership practices build trust and improve team performance?

    We want to hear from you!

    Sales leaders: What are the challenges you are faced with? Would you like some ideas on how to solve them? Hamish will shortly be releasing our first "Listener questions" episode and we want to hear from you! What's the burning question you want an answer to? What do you think of the show? Whatever your questions, comment on social media or email us at the address below, and we will possibly add your questions to future episodes.

    Please submit your questions at: https://share.hsforms.com/1bauMW6liRNKbrZR0w6FPNwbn9ta


    Susie Mathison on Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/susiemathieson/


    Connect with Hamish on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamishknox/

    Meet Hamish at a Sandler Summit: https://www.hamish.sandler.com/orlando

    Fathom: https://fathom.video/invite/72CZPA

    Humanic: https://app.humantic.ai/login/?referral_code=HamishKnox_SA

  • This episode is also available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/K-_Xk5h1Wj4

    In today's rapidly evolving sales landscape, failing to embrace AI tools can leave your sales department lagging behind. AI is revolutionizing how sales teams operate, offering capabilities such as automating routine tasks, analyzing customer interactions, and personalizing sales pitches at scale. Julie Holmes emphasizes that AI can help sales professionals sell smarter, serve better, and save time. Integrating AI tools like call recording and CRM automation not only enhances transparency but also provides valuable insights for improving sales strategies. Sales leaders must recognize the necessity of AI to stay competitive and drive better sales outcomes.

    Julie Holmes is a serial inventor, tech developer, and strategic innovator with over two decades of leadership experience in enterprise technology. As a dynamic entrepreneur and popular keynote speaker, Julie specializes in helping businesses innovate and differentiate in a fast-paced technological environment. Her expertise is highly sought after by major brands such as Oracle, PeopleSoft, Expedia, and American Express. Julie's down-to-earth approach and deep understanding of AI make her an invaluable resource for leaders and teams aiming to thrive in the new normal of technology-driven business.

    What you'll learn:

    How can AI tools enhance transparency and provide actionable insights in the sales process? What specific AI applications can sales leaders implement to support their teams and improve productivity? How can sales teams use AI to personalize outreach and build better relationships with prospects?

    We want to hear from you!

    Sales leaders: What are the challenges you are faced with? Would you like some ideas on how to solve them? Hamish will shortly be releasing our first "Listener questions" episode and we want to hear from you! What's the burning question you want an answer to? What do you think of the show? Whatever your questions, comment on social media or email us at the address below, and we will possibly add your questions to future episodes.

    Please submit your questions at: https://share.hsforms.com/1bauMW6liRNKbrZR0w6FPNwbn9ta


    The AI Daily Brief (Formerly The AI Breakdown): Artificial Intelligence News and Analysis

    Freakonomics Radio

    HBS Managing the Future of Work

    Julie Holmes on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thejulieholmes/


    Connect with Hamish on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamishknox/

    Meet Hamish at a Sandler Summit: https://www.hamish.sandler.com/orlando

    Fathom: https://fathom.video/invite/72CZPA

    Humanic: https://app.humantic.ai/login/?referral_code=HamishKnox_SA

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  • This episode is also available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/-Fo8j45Ne1Y

    Hiring the right salesperson for the stage your company is currently in is crucial to your success. As Karen Gordon emphasizes, the importance lies in understanding the unique needs of your company’s growth phase and finding someone who can meet those specific demands. Early-stage companies might require a salesperson who is versatile and capable of wearing multiple hats, from creating sales emails to collaborating with marketing. On the other hand, more established companies might need someone who excels in managing and growing a sales team. Hiring someone not ready for the role can lead to misaligned strategies, wasted resources, and missed opportunities, ultimately hindering your company’s growth.

    Karen Gordon is a distinguished go-to-market leader with a career dedicated to building and scaling early and growth-stage startups. Most recently, she served as the Executive Vice President and a founding team member at GoodShuffle Pro, a SaaS platform for event companies. Under her leadership, GoodShuffle Pro grew from zero dollars to over five million in annual recurring revenue, leading to their Series A funding in January 2024. Currently, Karen is a consultant and advisor to businesses looking to scale, leveraging her extensive experience in revenue generation, marketing, and product management. Her expertise is sought after by companies aiming to achieve significant growth and operational excellence.

    What you'll learn:

    What are the crucial factors to consider when hiring a salesperson for different stages of a company's growth? How can founders identify red flags and ensure they hire the right sales leader for their needs? What strategies can early-stage companies employ to build trust and effectively scale their sales efforts?

    We want to hear from you!

    Sales leaders: What are the challenges you are faced with? Would you like some ideas on how to solve them? Hamish will shortly be releasing our first "Listener questions" episode and we want to hear from you! What's the burning question you want an answer to? What do you think of the show? Whatever your questions, comment on social media or email us at the address below, and we will possibly add your questions to future episodes.

    Please submit your questions at: https://share.hsforms.com/1bauMW6liRNKbrZR0w6FPNwbn9ta


    Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance - by Angela Duckworth

    Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action - by Simon Sinek

    Who: The A Method for Hiring - by Geoff Smart, Randy Street

    Multipliers, Revised and Updated: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter - by Liz Wiseman

    Goodshuffle Pro - https://pro.goodshuffle.com/

    Karen Gordon on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kgordon177/


    Connect with Hamish on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamishknox/

    Meet Hamish at a Sandler Summit: https://www.hamish.sandler.com/orlando

    Fathom: https://fathom.video/invite/72CZPA

    Humanic: https://app.humantic.ai/login/?referral_code=HamishKnox_SA

  • This episode is also available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/q1P0xsYntio

    In today’s complex and competitive marketplace, respecting and collaborating with your buyer is more critical than ever. Buyers are more informed, have less patience for drawn-out processes, and expect immediate value and transparency. Traditional sales methods that prioritize the convenience and benefit of the seller, such as delaying product demos and withholding pricing details, are increasingly ineffective. Instead, sellers must pivot to creating a seamless and respectful buying experience, understanding that the buyer ultimately holds the power in the transaction. Prioritizing the buyer's needs and experience not only builds trust but also increases the likelihood of a successful sale.

    Phil Putnam is a unique and insightful business strategy consultant whose career journey is as diverse as it is inspiring. Initially trained in music, Phil transitioned from a career in tech to focus on teaching, coaching, and consulting. His deep obsession with communication and genuine care for people have driven his success in working with major enterprises such as Adobe, Apple, Bloomberg, and Salesforce. Phil’s human-first, common-sense approach to generating business outcomes focuses on understanding and leveraging what people love most – themselves. His expertise in aligning business tactics with people’s needs and his innovative concept of "revenue mechanics" have made him a sought-after consultant and speaker.

    What you'll learn:

    How can sellers create a buying experience that prioritizes the buyer’s needs over their internal processes? What are the three ground rules that buyers, like Phil Putnam, enforce to ensure their buying process is respected and efficient? How can understanding and aligning with the buyer’s motivations and needs drive better sales outcomes and stronger performance?

    We want to hear from you!

    Sales leaders: What are the challenges you are faced with? Would you like some ideas on how to solve them? Hamish will shortly be releasing our first "Listener questions" episode and we want to hear from you! What's the burning question you want an answer to? What do you think of the show? Whatever your questions, comment on social media or email us at the address below, and we will possibly add your questions to future episodes.

    Please submit your questions at: https://share.hsforms.com/1bauMW6liRNKbrZR0w6FPNwbn9ta


    Connect with Hamish on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamishknox/

    Meet Hamish at a Sandler Summit: https://www.hamish.sandler.com/orlando

    Fathom: https://fathom.video/invite/72CZPA

    Humanic: https://app.humantic.ai/login/?referral_code=HamishKnox_SA

  • This episode is also available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/v9PW1onH2fU

    The traits that make a great salesperson are strikingly similar to those that define an effective leader. Both roles require the ability to guide and inspire others, often in situations where the path forward is unclear.

    Jason Cutter, Chief Transformation Officer at Cutter Consulting Group's background is a testament to his unique approach to sales and leadership. With analytical upbringing Cutter initially pursued a degree in marine biology, preferring the company of sharks to people. However, his career took a significant turn when he ventured into the sales industry in 2002. Despite having no formal training in sales or leadership, Cutter's knack for understanding and helping people propelled him forward. He combined his analytical skills with a deep empathy for client needs, eventually authoring the influential book "Selling with Authentic Persuasion." Now, as an international speaker and thought leader, Cutter helps organizations build scalable, profitable sales teams that prioritize genuine human connection over traditional sales tactics.

    What you'll learn:

    How can sales professionals leverage their authentic selves to build trust and close more deals? What strategies can leaders use to transition from operations to effective sales leadership? How do you balance the need for structured processes with the necessity for human interaction in sales?

    We want to hear from you!

    Sales leaders: What are the challenges you are faced with? Would you like some ideas on how to solve them? Hamish will shortly be releasing our first "Listener questions" episode and we want to hear from you! What's the burning question you want an answer to? What do you think of the show? Whatever your questions, comment on social media or email us at the address below, and we will possibly add your questions to future episodes.

    Please submit your questions at: https://share.hsforms.com/1bauMW6liRNKbrZR0w6FPNwbn9ta


    Selling with Authentic Persuasion: Transform from Order Taker to Quota Breaker, by Jason Cutter The Five Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts, by Gary Chapman The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace: Empowering Organizations by Encouraging People, by Gary Chapman, Dr. Paul White No Ego: How Leaders Can Cut the Cost of Workplace Drama, End Entitlement, and Drive Big Results, by Cy Wakeman The Sales Innovation Paradox: Harnessing Modern Methods for Optimal Sales Performance, by Howard Dover


    Connect with Hamish on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamishknox/

    Meet Hamish at a Sandler Summit: https://www.hamish.sandler.com/orlando

    Fathom: https://fathom.video/invite/72CZPA

    Humanic: https://app.humantic.ai/login/?referral_code=HamishKnox_SA

  • This episode is also available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/cobLtb-TNh0

    In the world of sales, relationships are everything. When you focus on building genuine connections with your personas, partners, and customers, you start viewing them as people first. This people-first approach is the key to creating a flywheel effect that drives revenue, referrals, and recommendations, ensuring sustained success and growth in your sales funnel.

    Today on the Full Funnel Freedom Podcast, we are thrilled to have Amelia Taylor, founder of The Revenue Table, as our guest. Amelia is a trailblazer in driving revenue through strategic relationships and community engagement. With a knack for meeting buyers in their most active spaces and leveraging emotional intelligence (EQ), she transforms sales strategies for measurable results. A thought leader and a mother of two, Amelia’s personal journey from an SDR to a revenue strategist is both inspiring and instructive.

    What you'll learn:

    How can sales leaders effectively integrate emotional intelligence into their sales strategies? What are the best practices for building and maintaining strategic relationships in the B2B SaaS space? How can sales teams leverage community engagement to drive revenue and customer loyalty?

    We want to hear from you!

    Sales leaders: What are the challenges you are faced with? Would you like some ideas on how to solve them? Hamish will shortly be releasing our first "Listener questions" episode and we want to hear from you! What's the burning question you want an answer to? What do you think of the show? Whatever your questions, comment on social media or email us at the address below, and we will possibly add your questions to future episodes.

    Please submit your questions at: https://share.hsforms.com/1bauMW6liRNKbrZR0w6FPNwbn9ta


    Podcasts by Heather Chauvin - https://www.heatherchauvin.com/podcast

    Nearbound and the Rise of the Who Economy - by Jared Fuller

    Capchase - Non-dilutive financing and flexible payment options for SaaS


    Connect with Hamish on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamishknox/

    Meet Hamish at a Sandler Summit: https://www.hamish.sandler.com/orlando

    Fathom: https://fathom.video/invite/72CZPA

    Humanic: https://app.humantic.ai/login/?referral_code=HamishKnox_SA

  • This episode is also available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/cfVcSSOVFh4

    Body language plays a critical role in sales, influencing trust, rapport, and ultimately, the success of sales interactions. As sales professionals strive to enhance their communication skills, understanding the nuances of body language becomes indispensable.

    Jason Cooper is a seasoned expert in sales and human interactions with over 25 years of experience. Having co-founded two startups and led transformative initiatives in corporate settings, Jason brings a wealth of knowledge on effective sales strategies and human dynamics.

    What you'll learn:

    How does body language impact sales outcomes? What are effective strategies to improve body language in sales interactions? How can sales leaders coach their teams to use body language effectively?

    We want to hear from you!

    Sales leaders: What are the challenges you are faced with? Would you like some ideas on how to solve them? Hamish will shortly be releasing our first "Listener questions" episode and we want to hear from you! What's the burning question you want an answer to? What do you think of the show? Whatever your questions, comment on social media or email us at the address below, and we will possibly add your questions to future episodes.

    Please submit your questions at: https://share.hsforms.com/1bauMW6liRNKbrZR0w6FPNwbn9ta


    Influence, New and Expanded: The Psychology of Persuasion - by Robert B. Cialdini

    Think and Grow Rich - by Napoleon Hill

    The Dictionary of Body Language: A Field Guide to Human Behavior - by Joe Navarro

    Connect with Hamish on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamishknox/

    Meet Hamish at a Sandler Summit: https://www.hamish.sandler.com/orlando

    Fathom: https://fathom.video/invite/72CZPA

    Humanic: https://app.humantic.ai/login/?referral_code=HamishKnox_SA

  • This episode is also available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Vb-lOq-gBkQ

    Coaching plays a crucial role in developing high-performing sales teams and driving consistent revenue growth. Daniel Mullins, Head of Sales at Boodle AI, shares his experience and insights into the importance of effective coaching practices for fostering a supportive and successful sales environment.

    With over a decade of experience in sales leadership, Daniel has built high-performing teams and driven partnerships across various industries. As a co-founder of DJM Coaching, his passion lies in empowering sales professionals to unlock their potential through practical coaching frameworks.

    What you'll learn:

    How can sales leaders implement coaching frameworks that foster positive feedback and support improvement? What strategies can help sales teams build effective peer-to-peer learning models to accelerate growth? How can preparation and live feedback enhance the coaching process, ensuring sustainable performance?

    We want to hear from you!

    Sales leaders: What are the challenges you are faced with? Would you like some ideas on how to solve them? Hamish will shortly be releasing our first "Listener questions" episode and we want to hear from you! What's the burning question you want an answer to? What do you think of the show? Whatever your questions, comment on social media or email us at the address below, and we will possibly add your questions to future episodes.

    Please submit your questions at: https://share.hsforms.com/1bauMW6liRNKbrZR0w6FPNwbn9ta


    The Science of Sales: Proven Strategies to Make Your Pitch, Influence Decisions, and Close the Deal - by David Hoffeld Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It - by Chris Voss Gap Selling: Getting the Customer to Yes: How Problem-Centric Selling Increases Sales by Changing Everything You Know About Relationships, Overcoming Objections, Closing and Price - by Keenan Boodlebox: boodlebox.ai

    Connect with Hamish on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamishknox/

    Meet Hamish at a Sandler Summit: https://www.hamish.sandler.com/orlando

    Fathom: https://fathom.video/invite/72CZPA

    Humanic: https://app.humantic.ai/login/?referral_code=HamishKnox_SA

  • This episode is also available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/D5G-vURa54U

    This week we are delighted to have Nancy Calabrese as our guest on the show. Nancy is someone who is very familiar with the Sandler Way, and is the founder and CEO of One of a Kind Sales.

    Nancy understands that those first calls are critical to the sales process, and if you are not respecting your potential buyer's time, you are setting yourself up for failure.

    What you'll learn:

    The value of scripts in the prospecting phase of the sales funnel. Why understanding your potential buyer's communication style will move the needle forward. Why a cold call should only last between four to nine minutes.

    We want to hear from you!

    Sales leaders: What are the challenges you are faced with? Would you like some ideas on how to solve them? Hamish will shortly be releasing our first "Listener questions" episode and we want to hear from you! What's the burning question you want an answer to? What do you think of the show? Whatever your questions, comment on social media or email us at the address below, and we will possibly add your questions to future episodes.

    Please submit your questions at: https://share.hsforms.com/1bauMW6liRNKbrZR0w6FPNwbn9ta


    Nancy Calabrese on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ncalabrese/

    Humantic AI - https://humantic.ai/

    Connect with Hamish on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamishknox/

    Meet Hamish at a Sandler Summit: https://www.hamish.sandler.com/orlando

    Fathom: https://fathom.video/invite/72CZPA

    Humanic: https://app.humantic.ai/login/?referral_code=HamishKnox_SA

  • This episode is also available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/hR_gPGCKP2w

    We've all seen them. Pages and pages of barely readable text, full of legalese and jargon no one outside of lawyers understands. Why do we do this to ourselves and our sellers?

    This week, we are taking ideas and insights from Sarah Fox of 500 Words about why our contracts are sabotaging the relationships between seller and buyer. Sarah emphasizes the human aspect of contracts, promoting a relational approach over a legalistic one. She advises sales leaders to view agreements as sales tools that can help convert more clients, generate additional work, and strengthen relationships.

    What you'll learn:

    When do we want to start thinking about the agreements we will put in front of buyers. What are the most common sticking points in the agreement process. Why most contracts are not at all about legal, but just doing deals.

    We want to hear from you!

    Sales leaders: What are the challenges you are faced with? Would you like some ideas on how to solve them? Hamish will shortly be releasing our first "Listener questions" episode and we want to hear from you! What's the burning question you want an answer to? What do you think of the show? Whatever your questions, comment on social media or email us at the address below, and we will possibly add your questions to future episodes.

    Please submit your questions at: https://share.hsforms.com/1bauMW6liRNKbrZR0w6FPNwbn9ta


    Sarah Fox at 500 Words - https://500words.co.uk/

    The Speed of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything - by Stephen M. R. Covey

    Connect with Hamish on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamishknox/

    Meet Hamish at a Sandler Summit: https://www.hamish.sandler.com/orlando

    Fathom: https://fathom.video/invite/72CZPA

    Humanic: https://app.humantic.ai/login/?referral_code=HamishKnox_SA

  • This episode is also available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/nzPQKoyx4ro

    It's not easy to identify and secure the talent that your enterprise needs, and doubly so if you are not sure what you are looking for.

    Today's guest is Amy Volas, founder of Avenue Talent Partners. She shares ideas and insights about why creating a scorecard system to rank and evaluate both potential candidates, as well as for candidates to find their ideal location is a best practice in hiring.

    What you'll learn:

    What are the most common mistakes being made in the recruiting process? Why jumping jobs may not be the best for your career in the long run. What is "Everboarding" and why it will work for your organization.

    We want to hear from you!

    Sales leaders: What are the challenges you are faced with? Would you like some ideas on how to solve them? Hamish will shortly be releasing our first "Listener questions" episode and we want to hear from you! What's the burning question you want an answer to? What do you think of the show? Whatever your questions, comment on social media or email us at the address below, and we will possibly add your questions to future episodes.


    Avenue Talent Partners - https://avenuetalentpartners.com/

    The Mel Robbins Podcast

    Amy Volas on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amyvolas/

    Connect with Hamish on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamishknox/

    Meet Hamish at a Sandler Summit: https://www.hamish.sandler.com/orlando

    Fathom: https://fathom.video/invite/72CZPA

    Humanic: https://app.humantic.ai/login/?referral_code=HamishKnox_SA

  • This episode is also available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Fxboy5fhKlU

    There's a lot of hype around AI. How do you tell what's real, and what's not? How can you use it to get REAL benefits for you and your team? Today's guest is Ryan Staley from Whale Boss. He's going to give us ideas and insights about how to leverage AI in your sales process for real benefits.

    What you'll learn:

    How to replace Google with AI Why creating your own prompt library and journal will pay dividends in the long term. How AI can act as a strategic advisor, right in your pocket.

    We want to hear from you!

    Sales leaders: What are the challenges you are faced with? Would you like some ideas on how to solve them? Hamish will shortly be releasing our first "Listener questions" episode and we want to hear from you! What's the burning question you want an answer to? What do you think of the show? Whatever your questions, comment on social media or email us at the address below, and we will possibly add your questions to future episodes.


    The Gap and the Gain: The High Achievers' Guide to Happiness, Confidence, and Success - by Dan Sullivan, Dr. Benjamin Hardy

    The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It - by Michael E. Gerber

    Connect with Hamish on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamishknox/

    Meet Hamish at a Sandler Summit: https://www.hamish.sandler.com/orlando

    Fathom: https://fathom.video/invite/72CZPA

    Humanic: https://app.humantic.ai/login/?referral_code=HamishKnox_SA

  • This episode is also available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/rf0Bxlh8diY

    Do you want you, or your product or service to be tied to a feeling of pain? That's a considerable red flag, and our guest, Marcus Cauchi, explains why. Marcus challenges traditional sales methodologies, advocating for a pain-free discovery process and embracing objections as accelerators in the sales journey.

    What you'll learn:

    Why buyer safety is critical to your success. Why business values must align with customer needs Why it's time to embrace a more ethical approach to sales. What is the Seller Code, and how you can be part of it.


    The Seller Code - thesellercode.org

    Demand-Side Sales 101: Stop Selling and Help Your Customers Make Progress - by Bob Moesta, Greg Engle

    Giving Voice to Values: How to Speak Your Mind When You Know What's Right - by Mary C. Gentile

    Trust-Based Selling: Using Customer Focus and Collaboration to Build Long-Term Relationships - by Charles H. Green

    Full Funnel Freedom https://fullfunnelfreedom.com

    Sandler on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sandler_yyc/

    Sandler in Calgary - www.hamish.sandler.com/howtosandler

    Connect with Hamish Knox on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamishknox/

    Sponsorship or guest inquiries - [email protected]

  • This episode is also available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/CjrxvpkT684

    This week, we are taking ideas and insights from Andrew Sossin, the co-founder and CEO of Recovery Unplugged Behavioral Health. So, what can Behavioral Health teach us about how to be better salespeople? It's about understanding our buyer's self-interest. Doctors are incredibly busy and are asked to do so much more than treat patients. By demonstrating how your product or service will make their life easier, you make the process of selling that much more effective.

    What you'll learn:

    How to better equip your sellers to for selling to governments What is the correct follow-up strategy for extremely busy buyers What are some informational items you should be gathering from your buyers How to identify your "Big 5"


    8 Fundamentals for Building a Scalable Sales Model - Free Whitepaper

    Many sales leaders claim they are eager to build a scalable sales model positioned for growth – a model that will allow them to ramp up revenue dramatically, without causing stress. Is that even possible? The answer is yes... if you have the right processes in place. How do you make sure that happens?

    Here are eight ideas we are sharing with our clients.

    Download the free whitepaper at fullfunnelfreedom.com/scale



    Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't by Michael J. Losier

    10x Is Easier than 2x: How World-Class Entrepreneurs Achieve More by Doing Less - by Dan Sullivan, Dr. Benjamin Hardy

    Recovery Unplugged Treatment Centers

    Full Funnel Freedom https://fullfunnelfreedom.com

    Sandler on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sandler_yyc/

    Sandler in Calgary - www.hamish.sandler.com/howtosandler

    Connect with Hamish Knox on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamishknox/

    Sponsorship or guest inquiries - [email protected]

  • The following episode is also available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/U4rQb2ug058

    This week we take ideas and insights from Roberta De Girolamo, Director of Sales at Dropbox about change management.

    Change is going to happen, that's inevitable. But it's critically important to set your expectations along the way. We take a look at the role of the change champion, the value of pilots and hypotheses in implementing change, as well as the need to understand individual motivations and team culture.

    What you'll learn:

    Why the majority of people do not like change. Why intentional communication about a change's positives and negatives will benefit your team. What are the different groups of people, and how do they each react differently to change. How a pilot failure might not be a failure at all.


    AI is here. Is your sales team ready?

    Technology is changing the way buyers and sellers interact. Clear, concise communication is more important than ever and personalizing that communication will be the difference between winning and losing deals.

    Download this guide to learn how to use technology as a weapon.

    Not only the words and topics of conversations, but the nuance of how to tailor communications, both written and spoken to match the desires of the buyer.

    This guide will discuss:

    Using AI to Profile the buyer Identify Behavioral Data Target Buyers and Influencers

    Get your free whitepaper at Fullfunnelfreedom.com/ai



    Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity - by Kim Scott

    Let's Get Real or Let's Not Play: Transforming the Buyer/Seller Relationship - by Mahan Khalsa, Randy Illig, Stephen R. Covey, et all.

    The Dip - By Seth Godin

    Change: The Sandler Way - By Hamish Knox

    Roberta De Girolamo on LinkedIn

    Full Funnel Freedom https://fullfunnelfreedom.com

    Sandler on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sandler_yyc/

    Sandler in Calgary - www.hamish.sandler.com/howtosandler

    Connect with Hamish Knox on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamishknox/

    Sponsorship or guest inquiries - [email protected]

  • The following episode is also available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/ISUTGqwZQOc

    Templates, procedures, and playbooks are all great. They help us to develop and maintain a consistent messaging strategy to prospective buyers. But what happens when micromanage our sellers to follow them to the letter? Burnout.

    This week we are taking ideas and insights from Amy Hrehovick. Amy has over 15 years of experience leading, training, and coaching sales teams in the technology sector. She has championed the movement from legacy sales tactics, opting for methods of prioritizing genuine connection, buyer-centric experiences, and stellar win rates. She is also the host of the Revenue Real Hotline Podcast.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    Why stripping creativity and autonomy out of the sales process will ruin your team. Why today's sales process isn't designed to serve the buyer. Why Demand Creation is different than Demand Fulfillment. Why if you wait until the buyer is in decision mode, you've waited too long. What is "Dark Social"


    8 Fundamentals for Building a Scalable Sales Model - Free Whitepaper

    Many sales leaders claim they are eager to build a scalable sales model positioned for growth – a model that will allow them to ramp up revenue dramatically, without causing stress. Is that even possible? The answer is yes... if you have the right processes in place. How do you make sure that happens?

    Here are eight ideas we are sharing with our clients.

    Download the free whitepaper at fullfunnelfreedom.com/scale


    Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things - by Adam Grant

    The Revenue Real Hotline Podcast

    Full Funnel Freedom https://fullfunnelfreedom.com

    Sandler on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sandler_yyc/

    Sandler in Calgary - www.hamish.sandler.com/howtosandler

    Connect with Hamish Knox on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamishknox/

    Sponsorship or guest inquiries - [email protected]

  • The following episode is also available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/YkUdy7ZvcAg

    Today’s work environment is dynamic. Leadership approaches that worked for decades just aren’t as effective today. Chet Lovegren, aka “The Sales Doctor” shares ideas and insights around managing the balance between empathy and accountability in diverse teams.

    Chet has had over 11 years of sales and sales leadership experience before starting The Sales Doctor back in 2020 as a way of providing a prescriptive approach to revenue problems and struggling go-to-market strategies.

    In this episode, you’ll learn

    Why yesterday’s leadership doesn’t work with today’s employees. Why good managers have both empathy and hold their employees accountable. What are the three employee types to watch for, and how to manage them.

    If you find yourself in need of some coaching for yourself, or your team, don't hesitate to give Hamish a call.


    Arnold - On Netflix

    Trillion Dollar Coach: The Leadership Playbook of Silicon Valley's Bill Campbell - by Eric Schmidt, Jonathan Rosenberg, Alan Eagle

    Chet Lovegren on LinkedIn

    Chet Lovegren on Linktree

    Full Funnel Freedom https://fullfunnelfreedom.com

    Sandler on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sandler_yyc/

    Sandler in Calgary - www.hamish.sandler.com/howtosandler

    Connect with Hamish Knox on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamishknox/

    Sponsorship or guest inquiries - [email protected]

  • The following episode is also available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/4peglht5JVk

    Persuasion isn't just about changing how people think and feel - it's ultimately about changing their behavior.

    Today's guest is an expert at persuasion, having being one of the dozen people in the world to hold the coveted Cialdini Method Certified Trainer certificate, Brian Ahearn.

    Brian is an international speaker, trainer, and author of several books. He's also the Chief Influence Officer at Influence People, LLC.

    In this episode you'll learn:

    What is Ethical Persuasion? Why Ethical Persuasion isn't the same as Manipulation. Why living up to your word is so critical What is the "Principle of Liking." How you can create a Virtuous Cycle of Influence.

    If you find yourself in need of some coaching for yourself, or your team, don't hesitate to give Hamish a call.


    8 Fundamentals for Building a Scalable Sales Model - Free Whitepaper

    Many sales leaders claim they are eager to build a scalable sales model positioned for growth – a model that will allow them to ramp up revenue dramatically, without causing stress. Is that even possible? The answer is yes... if you have the right processes in place. How do you make sure that happens?

    Here are eight ideas we are sharing with our clients.

    Download the free whitepaper at fullfunnelfreedom.com/scale



    Influencepeople, LLC

    Persuasive Selling for Relationship Driven Insurance Agents - by Brian Ahearn

    Influence People: Powerful Everyday Opportunities to Persuade That Are Lasting and Ethical - by Brian Ahearn

    The Influencer: Secrets To Success and Happiness - by Brian Ahearn

    Influence, New and Expanded: The Psychology of Persuasion - by Robert Cialdini

    Hearing God: Developing a Conversational Relationship with God - by Dallas Williard

    Brian Ahearn on LinkedIn

    Full Funnel Freedom https://fullfunnelfreedom.com

    Sandler on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sandler_yyc/

    Sandler in Calgary - www.hamish.sandler.com/howtosandler

    Connect with Hamish Knox on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamishknox/

    Sponsorship or guest inquiries - [email protected]

  • When a customer leaves your organization, that doesn't mean it has to be the end of their sales. But winning that business back will need to take a different approach.

    This week we take ideas and insights from Dan Pfister. Dan is the creator of the Winback Process and the founder of Winback Labs. He was also a co-founder at Business Source Group, where he helped generate over 50,000 customers.

    In this Episode you'll learn:

    Why WinBack campaigns are the highest ROI sales activity you can do. How recovering a lost customer starts with a simple phone call. How fixing small problems may bring your customers back. Why it's a gift when your customers says "We're leaving."

    And, if you are having difficulty determining your path to operational excellence, it might be time to give Hamish a call.


    AI is here. Is your sales team ready?

    Technology is changing the way buyers and sellers interact. Clear, concise communication is more important than ever and personalizing that communication will be the difference between winning and losing deals.

    Download this guide to learn how to use technology as a weapon.

    Not only the words and topics of conversations, but the nuance of how to tailor communications, both written and spoken to match the desires of the buyer.

    This guide will discuss:

    Using AI to Profile the buyer Identify Behavioral Data Target Buyers and Influencers

    Get your free whitepaper at Fullfunnelfreedom.com/ai


    WinBack Labs

    The WinBack Podcast

    Fanatical Prospecting: The Ultimate Guide to Opening Sales Conversations and Filling the Pipeline by Leveraging Social Selling, Telephone, Email, and Cold Calling - by Jeb Blount

    Elon Musk - by Walter Isaacson

    Is Your Sales Year Already Over - Full Funnel Freedom Podcast Ep 029

    Thinking, Fast and Slow - by Daniel Kahneman

    Full Funnel Freedom https://fullfunnelfreedom.com

    Sandler on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sandler_yyc/

    Sandler in Calgary - www.hamish.sandler.com/howtosandler

    Connect with Hamish Knox on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamishknox/

    Sponsorship or guest inquiries - [email protected]

  • The following episode is also available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/vlqOn3Zfhqk

    Do your sellers think it, or do they KNOW IT?

    That's what you, as the leader, should be asking your team. Today's guest is Simon Hazeldine. Simon works internationally as a keynote and conference speaker, sales transformation consultant, and as a sales and negotiation trainer. He's spoken in 30 countries and his client list includes some of the world's largest and most successful companies.

    He's also a neuroscience expert, with a strong understanding of how the human brain reacts to the selling process.

    In this episode you'll learn:

    How to lower the risk for potential buyers How you can build confidence with key decision-makers Why conversations win over sales pitches, every time. What are some simple, easy things you can do to build trust with your buyers


    8 Fundamentals for Building a Scalable Sales Model - Free Whitepaper

    Many sales leaders claim they are eager to build a scalable sales model positioned for growth – a model that will allow them to ramp up revenue dramatically, without causing stress. Is that even possible? The answer is yes... if you have the right processes in place. How do you make sure that happens?

    Here are eight ideas we are sharing with our clients.

    Download the free whitepaper at fullfunnelfreedom.com/scale


    Your Brain at Work: Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter All Day Long - by David Rock

    Collected Works of Simon Hazeldine on Amazon

    Simon's Website - simonhazeldine.com

    The Sales Chat Podcast

    Full Funnel Freedom https://fullfunnelfreedom.com

    Sandler on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sandler_yyc/

    Sandler in Calgary - www.hamish.sandler.com/howtosandler

    Connect with Hamish Knox on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamishknox/

    Sponsorship or guest inquiries - [email protected]