Welcome back to Global Nomad Hacks. Wow, what a year it's been. I can't believe we are actually on our first anniversary, and we launched this show about global nomads being global citizens and living a life that really embraces the world community and being part of it on so many different levels during a pandemic, when no one could travel and we've had an incredible year. We've covered everything from identity theft and cyber security, to resilience in divorce, as a divorce love refuge, Bi-National marriages, e-commerce, and looking at different opportunities as digital nomads. Different types of travel personalities, and how you can be traveling with someone and picking your ideal travel partner. Looking at different ways that you can do this, looking at the insurance that is required and how we can attain that. Looking at how to thrive and how to avoid extremism and not take part in that, but also to contribute to the neutrality of it. Learning everything in so many different angles.
We've had such wonderful guests from Mark Philpott and Dr. Anna Cabeca to Farah Pandith and Kristin Engvig with the Women's International Network. We talked to a need abuse about green cards for extraordinary abilities. Lots of different coaches that work with digital nomads and work with global nomads and ex-pats from across the globe. Not just from the American perspective, but really a wonderful mix. We had Robert Carlbo,, an old and dear friend who was a third culture kid, Liberian Swede, who is a tennis master, who had the most wonderful story of growing up in Liberia and Sweden, and then coming to the US to go to school and work, and eventually marrying an American.
Just so many wonderful different stories about how we learn to thrive in this changing world, and the different things that we can do to make that happen and happen beautifully. And ways that we can really embrace our ability to be global citizens and to connect with other global citizens. We've also curated this incredible list of different products and services and stories and people in books and everything around the global nomad hacks community, and we opened up a section for people to really understand where they can find these resources. So, not just the interviews that we've done, but also some of the resources we've come across as global nomads herself, so we found a great way to share these with you, and I hope you all go check out the global notchback, it's really about power resources for people that really aspire to be global Nomads. Just so many wonderful things, and I just feel so blessed to who have been part of this incredible year with all of you and look forward to sharing more as we move forward.
And to celebrate that and to celebrate our one year anniversary, this episode is really going to be a compilation of some of our favorites and some of the little things that we've come across on the way on this last year's journey. And celebrating the slow opening of return to travel and return to connection and opening of borders for love refugees, connecting people and families again. So, I just want to say thank you all for being loyal listeners, I hope you'll share this podcast with others who aspire to be global nomads, and who are already global nomads, because I think there's some really great resources that we can all benefit from.
It is my honor and my pleasure to share with you some of the highlights from the past year and look forward to an incredible upcoming year with you as well. Enjoy and have a nice journey wherever that might take you.
Dr. Heidi talks with Sabriye Tenberken and Paul Kronenberg, founders/directors of Braille Without Borders and Kanthari.
SabriyeTenberken (German): Knowing what it is to be marginalized, she developed an intrinsic interest to create ethical social change. She studied Tibetology / Central Asian Sciences at Bonn University and to be able to take notes in Tibetan, she developed the Tibetan Braille Script. Traveling on horseback through the Himalayas in 1997, she discovered that Tibetans who in majority are Buddhists have a stigma against people with disabilities. Especially blindness is seen as a punishment for something you have done in your previous life. Accordingly blind children are often neglected, locked away in dark rooms or sent to the streets to beg for money. Experiencing this situation inspired her to take action.
in 1998, together with Paul, she started the first school for the blind in Tibet. This school formed the foundation of Braille Without Borders, an organization that empowers blind people to take their lives in their own hands. In 2005, they founded Kanthari in Kerala, South of India. Kanthari fosters participants from all over the world, who have a passion to make the world a better place and have the strength to be forces of good rather than victims of circumstance. In the daily activities, she mainly focuses on (the development of) the academic program.
Next to being a public speaker, She is the author of “My path leads to Tibet”, a book that has been translated into 16 languages. She and Paul also had the honor to take a part in the award winning documentaries ‘BLINDSIGHT’ and ‘KANTHARI – change from within”.
She became fully blind at age 12.
Paul Kronenberg (Dutch): – A leader is someone who uses his/her talents to lead the way in creating a better and more ethical tomorrow, EVERY DAY! –
He is a “Social-Changineer”. With a technical background graduating in mechanical engineering, computer science, commercial technology and data-communication system science, he focuses on the running and operational management of Kanthari.
He is passionate about eco-friendly and cost effective “open hardware” technology and architecture. He is always on the lookout for answers that will help to build a better tomorrow; be it physical in terms of technical solutions, or be it mental, strengthening myself and the self of others.
Together with Sabriye, we started Kanthari. They offer a unique “Journey in five acts” Curriculum; an intense experiential and hand’s on learning experience we provide social change makers with all necessary tools to start, run and sustain own NGO’s.
In public talks, he likes to address questions like “why?” and “why not?”, and he favors the use of wit and humor to mirror the true shape of the world that makes one think and reflect about what can/must be done differently to become part of solutions.
My motto is simple: Life is what you are happy getting up for. And if you are not happy, then there is only one person that can do something about it, and that is… you.
In his life he learnt that whenever if ‘I have to’ becomes ‘I want to’, that is where the magic begins!
You are responsible for what you chose to do, but you are also responsible for what you chose NOT to do…
And that, in his opinion is where there is a huge opportunity to develop solutions to address many of the social issues we face today.
More details on: https://www.kanthari.org/about-us/founders
Website: www.kanthari.org
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/kantharis
Twitter ID: https://twitter.com/Kantharis
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kantharisSabriye Tenberken - My Path leads to Tibet
The documentary kanthari - change from within:
KANTHARI – CHANGE from WITHIN tells the stories of leaders who have been affected by social ill and because of that, took it up to start initiatives to create a positive difference in their communities. They create a Change from Within.
The film documents a journey of Sabriye Tenberken and Paul Kronenberg, founders of kanthari, a scholarship based leadership training centre in Kerala, India.
They visited graduates in East Africa, social change makers, each with a powerful personal story, a big dream, and a ground-breaking social project.
Monicah Kaguithia, daughter of a Maasai, repeatedly escaped female genital mutilation. She has developed an alternative rite of passage for girls in her community without circumcision.
Jayne Waithera is a person with albinism. She risks her life to advocate for the rights of persons with albinism in East Africa.
Stephen Onyang lost several family members due to AIDS. He now transforms the lives of HIV orphans on the banks of Lake Victoria through education.
Ojok Simon was still a child when a rebel soldier hit his head with the back of a rifle which made him loose most of his sight. He now runs a bee keeping cooperative in the rural areas of Northern Uganda.
“KANTHARI – change from within” challenges the old notion of aid to developing countries and vulnerable social groups. It sharpens the understanding of the potential of people from the margins of society by a raw, observational style of cinematography and vivid storytelling.
Six blind Tibetan teenagers, shunned by their culture as sinners or possessed by demons, band together to climb the north side of Mount Everest. With the inspiration of their fiery, blind teacher who fought to establish a Tibetan school for blind children, the teens are guided by Erik Weihenmayer, the only blind mountaineer to have successfully scaled Everest. The climbers suffer through illness, bad weather, and the stark challenge of tackling one of the greatest natural wonders on the planet.
Initial release: 21 July 2007 (Japan)
Director: Lucy Walker
With: Sabriye Tenberken, Paul Kronenberg
Initial DVD release: 31 January 2008 (Iceland)
Produced by: Sybil Robson Orrhttps://www.amazon.com/Blindsight-Lucy-Walker/dp/B002ZFAL2A
Check out our NEW Power Hacks and Resources pages, listing links from our guests and some of our favorite products and services that we use and recommend to others.
Purchases made via our links will help support the Evolving Digital Self & Global Nomad Hacks podcasts. Please feel free to share them with your friends (both the resources and the podcasts ).
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On today's episode of Global Nomad Hacks, we are sharing the most downloaded episode since the launch of the podcast.
Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste chats with Kristin Engvig, Founder & CEO of WIN. A pioneer and thought leader in the field of creativity, feminine and authentic leadership.
Kristin Engvig is the pioneering founder of WIN (women’s international networking). She embraces global responsibility through innovative leadership events and personal speaking engagements to inspire women worldwide to become agents of possibility. She was named among Diversity Global Magazine's Top 10 Influential Women in Global Diversity and won the International Alliance of Women Award.
She has dedicated the past 22 years to women’s leadership and organizational change in order to inspire others to create a world where business flourishes and societies thrive. She created WIN in 97’ to bring alive a vision of a more feminine, global and sustainable way at work, in communities and life’. 22000 individuals and hundreds of companies have attended WIN’s live meetings, expanding worldwide. In her early career she worked for big companies such as JP Morgan, Citibank and Innovation Norway, EU and an as international strategy and marketing Consultant. Educated a business economist (BI, Oslo) with an MBA (Milan's Bocconi) and extensive studies in acting, communication and women’s development.
Website: https://www.winconference.net/Winconference
Facebook Page: @WINConference
Twitter ID: @WINConference
Instagram: winconference -
Dr. Heidi interviews Raj Malhotra, CEO, InvenTrust.
My sense of the possibilities of a peripatetic life began as a child growing up in a family that traveled more than most. As a journalist who featured the lives and challenges of prominent women leaders, my mom's range was unusual for most women in the traditional Indian society where we lived. As a result I never associated home-making with a particular gender role. My dad ran an aviation industry business and his own regular travels inculcated in me a sense that my home is the world.
So, adventures on the seven seas came naturally to me and just in the past few years (before the pandemic) my passports bear stamps from Japan, Iceland, China, Mexico, Italy, South Africa and likely another 10 countries. These travels give voice to an innate drive to not just be a visitor or a spectator and instead live an engaged multi-local life -- immersed in communities in multiple parts of the world that allow me to explore the frontiers of my passions in art, tech, science, and food.
Taking a plunge into the unknown is something that I learned at an early age. I was among a tiny number of international student undergraduates at my Ivy League college, and then after a promising early career with Fortune 100 companies, I took the much riskier and arduous path of entrepreneurship. This path allowed me to remain true to my vision of building organizations that combine profit with purpose -- while living by my own lights (which is a mantra for most nomads!) On this journey I founded and built a few thriving businesses, including a 2500-person remote workforce comprised primarily of moms in developing countries who wanted to achieve a better work-life-balance and used our pioneering networks to provide documentation services to hospitals and clinics around the world. Today, I'm again helping usher in the next generation of virtual work through a trusted co-op infrastructure that can serve as the fabric for a co-op for global nomads. This organization -- InvenTrust -- provides digital platforms to help nomads to earn value from their creative assets -- whether these are videos, inventions, artworks, datasets, or software apps while benefiting other nomads too!
Nomadic instincts also allow me to build my own creative repertoire in food and cooking -- so that even during the isolation imposed by the pandemic I was able to "get away" through culinary excursions in my own kitchen! The languages of trade and translation that are germane to a nomadic life have also inspired a first novel that I'm writing. The novel deals in part with worlds that are going through rapid decentralization -- such as contemporary art, intangible assets, and cryptocurrency -- and touches on the richness that a decentralized (aka nomadic) paradigm can offer us.
Although I have laid down roots and built a nest in the Boston area, the desire to build and live in 2-3 nests around the world is alive within me again especially in the context of imminent family transitions. I look forward to engaging with the Global Nomad Hacks ecosystem as I evolve the next phase of this journey.
Website: www.inventrust.com
Facebook Page: www.linkedin.com/in/therajmalhotra
Twitter ID: Rex_MalhotraCheck out our NEW Power Hacks and Resources pages, listing links from our guests and some of our favorite products and services that we use and recommend to others.
Purchases made via our links will help support the Evolving Digital Self & Global Nomad Hacks podcasts. Please feel free to share them with your friends (both the resources and the podcasts ).
Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste interviews Serial entrepreneur Lauren Cohen is an International Lawyer, Realtor and Cross-Border Expert.
Lauren is also a best-selling author and sought-after speaker and is a globally-acclaimed legal and real estate business advisor. Lauren’s passion for protecting the heart and soul of businesses shines through in all aspects of the services that she and her team provide. A graduate of York University and Osgoode Hall Law School in Toronto, Lauren is a dual citizen. She has been featured in Inc. Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, NPR, Working Mother, TV, hundreds of podcasts and radio shows and numerous other mediums. Lauren launched her own podcast, Investing Across Borders, in November, 2020.
After her then-husband’s deportation on the return trip from her honeymoon, Lauren was devastated. She felt compelled to find solutions for herself and others, and strongly believed that she could make a difference, so she turned to the crazy world of immigration and international law. Today, Lauren is recognized as an expert authority in her field. Real estate investors and entrepreneurs hire her as a turnkey concierge to protect their businesses and revenues so they can avoid costly challenges while expanding internationally.
Lauren believes in going above and beyond borders to navigate a successful path for clients to invest, live, work and play—anywhere! As a lawyer and realtor, Lauren is particularly well suited to guide investors
in their cross-border investment pursuits, applying e-Council Global’s harmonized concierge approach to residential and commercial investments both domestically and internationally.
Website: https://realestateacrossborders.com
Facebook Page: https://facebook.com/ecouncilinc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lauren_cohen_esqGoing Global e-book:
COUPON CODE: INTERNATIONALReal Estate Investing Across Borders:
Coupon code: REI4FRE
bit.ly/silverliningimmInvesting Across Borders:
Apple http://apple.co/34V79tMGoogle:
https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zaW1wbGVjYXN0LmNvbS9hYVFoWG80Yg%3D%3DCheck out our NEW Power Hacks and Resources pages, listing links from our guests and some of our favorite products and services that we use and recommend to others.
Purchases made via our links will help support the Evolving Digital Self & Global Nomad Hacks podcasts. Please feel free to share them with your friends (both the resources and the podcasts ).
Dr. Heidi talks with Brewer Stone, Partner of Nfluence Partners, and growing up in the diplomats world.
Born to a diplomatic family in Washington DC, moved to England at 4, India at 6, lived there 7 years. Parents then went to France, Austria, and Cyprus, where I spent extended holidays, while attending boarding schools. Then studied Rhetoric at UC Berkeley for BA, MA at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, and PH.D. at Harvard focused on comparative political economy, China & India. Then moved to Shanghai China in 1994 to work with Prudential in investment banking, the to run Asia for them out of Hong Kong in 1998. Returned to the US in 2001, worked in investment banking, venture capital. Co -founded East Peak Advisors and built through acquisition by FBR in 2008. Joined Pacific Crest in 2011 to head all international business, which involved extensive global travel, especially to China, India, Brazil and Israel. Subsequently was a founding partner of Nfluence Partners in San Francisco, where I continue to focus on cross border transactions, primarily in software and clean technologies.
WEBSITE: www.nfluencepartners.com
Check out our NEW Power Hacks and Resources pages, listing links from our guests and some of our favorite products and services that we use and recommend to others.
Purchases made via our links will help support the Evolving Digital Self & Global Nomad Hacks podcasts. Please feel free to share them with your friends (both the resources and the podcasts ).
Dr. Heidi talks with John McGarvey, Co-Founder and CEO, DAO Labs creating accessible Chinese medicine.
DAO Labs is an herbal medicine and lifestyle company that is changing the way western consumers approach health, by embracing the 2,500 year-old formulas and practices of Chinese medicine in sustainable, easy-to-understand formats.
John’s career started on Wall Street, but after two years of working at an international NGO in Lhasa, Tibet, John shifted his career to the natural products industry, first with a frozen food platform and now, by focussing on Chinese herbal medicine.
Typically a high stress-type-A personality type, John embraced Chinese medicine to help with everything from altering his sleep quality, to reducing anxiety, to radically improving his digestion. John attended Northwestern University and has an M.B.A. from the Kellogg School of Management.
Website: mydaolabs.com
Facebook Page: @daolabs
Twitter ID: @daolabs
Instagram: @daolabs -
Dr. Heidi talks with David McNeill, Founder of Expat Empire. As the founder of Expat Empire, David is focused on inspiring people to move abroad and showing them how to do it.
In addition to producing books, podcasts, blog posts, meetup events, and more, Expat Empire offers personalized consulting services to give everyone the opportunity to achieve their international dreams.
David started Expat Empire because he has a genuine passion for living abroad. He left the United States in 2014 and has since lived in Tokyo, Berlin, and Porto.
Website: expatempire.com
Facebook Page: facebook.com/expatempire
Twitter ID: twitter.com/expatempire -
Dr. Heidi talks with Nomadic fashion designer Sandra Näsström. Sandra travels the world and proselytizes kindness. She’s on a mission, and she doesn’t care who knows it. Stylist and designer, she owns a Swedish fashion brand called Chambres Sweden. As an avid traveler, she fashions light on the skin, multifunctional and elegant clothes.
With many rooms to dream, she creates collections worth touching over and over again. And in her world, “It’s all about the feeling.” It’s all about the feeling. I thrive emotionally. It leads me and takes me to new places. I’ve created my work with the freedom to live in any location. I see no boundaries, only possibilities. I stay in the feminine energy flow and create quality time to make decisions that are right for me.
The luxury of time to slow down has taken me to a beautiful island off the coast of Napoli, Italy, where I’m based right now, and work freely in the global cyberspace. This transformation is more online and inline with me.
Website: www.chambressweden.com
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ChambresSweden
Twitter ID: https://twitter.com/ChambresSweden
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chambressweden -
Dr. Heidi talks with Amber Trueblood, licensed marriage and family therapist.
Traveling with four kiddos (and her husband) through 60 cities across the US and Canada... while writing a book and touring with the cast and crew of a Broadway Musical = Road Warrior (in her book!). One of Amber's boys had the opportunity to play a role in a musical and they decided to make it an adventure for the entire family. They pulled everyone out of school, packed up skateboards and scooters and books and stuffed animals, and hit the road. The boys were 5, 7, 8, and 10 years old when the adventure began. With no smartphones or iPads, they explore museums, met an astronaut, climbed through Mammoth Caves in Kentucky, white-water rafted in Colorado, snorkeled in the Keys, held a ball python in the Everglades, gaped at Niagara Falls, and jammed with street musicians in Memphis.
They celebrated Thanksgiving in Madison, Wisconsin, Xmas in Toronto, Halloween in New Orleans, and birthdays in more places than she could count. Amber learned how to be together with family 24/7 and work like a team with her husband so they would not only survive but truly enjoy the fruits of all the hard work. She learned how to manage rental cars, flights, Airbnb's, pre-order groceries, and manage virtual learning on the road. It was an absolutely incredible experience, that ironically very much prepared they for the last 8 months of being completely home-bound.
Website: www.ambertrueblood.com
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/getstretchmarks
Twitter ID: https://twitter.com/TruebloodZone
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/officialambertrueblood -
Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste interviews James Ellsmoor, Director, Island Innovation.
James Ellsmoor, CEO & founder of Virtual Island Summit (VIS). VIS is an annual online conference with interactive sessions connecting 10,000+ attendees and 100+ speakers from 500+ island communities around the world.
February 9th: Adapting Tourist Destinations for Remote Workers and Digital Nomads https://islandinnovation.co/remote-work
Digital Nomad Conference - hospitality industry and remote workers alike: highlighting Curaçao, Arranmore, Guadalupe, Madiera, Lisbon.
Website: www.islandinnovation.co
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/islandinnovation
Twitter ID: @jellsmoor
Instagram : @jellsmoor -
Dr. Heidi talks with Melinda Wittstock is a 5 time serial entrepreneur, award-winning journalist, podcaster and the CEO and Founder of Podopolo, the world’s first socially interactive podcast app and network.
Melinda Wittstock is a 5-time serial entrepreneur who has built 4 businesses in media and tech to 7- and 8- figure success. She’s the CEO and Founder Podopolo, the world’s first socially interactive and “gamified” podcast network where people gather to discover their favorite podcasts, connect with hosts and each other, and win rewards as they put lessons learned into action to enhance their lives and change the world. Podopolo is also the first to share revenue with podcasters – and donate 10% of its earnings to mission-driven businesses and charities worldwide. Melinda also helps business owners and entrepreneurs launch magnetic and profitable podcasts.
An acknowledged visionary in tech, media, mobile platforms and social content, Melinda also hosts the fast growing “Wings Of…Inspired Business” podcast named by Entrepreneur Magazine as #8 of 20 of the top business podcasts for 2020. The Wings mission is to #LiftAsWeClimb, helping female founders leverage their feminine power and collaborate to change the game of business and succeed without tradeoff, guilt or apology. Melinda also hosts the transformational mastermind and luxury retreat “Wings of The Empowered Women” for women with 7-, 8- and 9-figure businesses.
Formerly an award-winning journalist, executive producer, and TV anchor for the BBC, ABC News, CNBC/Financial Times Television and MSNBC, Melinda created and grew a BBC show to a 20 million audience and also innovated one of the first crowd-sourcing mobile apps, growing unique users to 3 million in 8 months. Steve Jobs told her she “asked the best questions” when she interviewed him as a 24-year-old correspondent of the Times of London. Her previous companies include: Capitol News Connection, a political news agency serving 300+ TV and radio stations nationwide; NewsiT, an award-winning mobile app for crowd-sourced content, and Verifeed, the social intelligence platform assuring a Return on Authenticity™ from social media engagement.
A spiritual practitioner of meditation, yoga, visualization, gratitude and intention-setting, Melinda is passionate about encouraging conscious leadership and evolved entrepreneurship using business as a canvas to solve global challenges. Her travels have taken her to many exotic places including Sir Richard Branson’s Necker Island, Indian Ocean, Antarctic, and the Amazon Rainforest. She’s a loving mom to two teenagers and a golden retriever. She has spoken at Voice Global 2020, Podfest Global, SXSW, Google, Fidelity Investments, Maverick 1000, Unicorn, Manhattan Chamber of Commerce, Voice 2018, Georgetown University, Relentless MV, Columbia University, Underground Online Seminar, Pinnacle Global Network and many more.
Melinda is innovating social media 3.0. At Podopolo, her vision is to enable meaningful trusted connection and conversation curated around great podcasts and shared interests. At Podopolo, Melinda wants to get past the filter bubbles, bots and flame throwing, to foster growing awareness, consciousness and connection, empowering and enlightening people to enhance their lives and take meaningful action to improve our world.
Website: https://podopolo.com
Facebook Pages: https://facebook.com/IAmMelindaWittstock and https://facebook.com/podopolonetwork
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MelindaWings
Instagram.com: https://instagram.com/melindawittstock2020 and https://instagram.com/podopolo -
Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste and her new team member, Alden Forbes share their kickoff to 2021 episode of Global Nomad Hacks.
With an exciting year ahead, Dr. Heidi brings on her GenZ niece to join the Global Nomad Hacks team to provide a wider perspective for the coming year. They announce the launching of the “hacks” space on for finding resources for global nomads. They also talk about greater integration of the Evolving Digital Self and Global Nomads Hacks shows. Looking forward to an exciting year coming out of the 2020 chrysalis.
GNH Website: https://globalnomadhacks.com
EDS Website: https://evolvingdigitalself.com
@globalnomadpod -
Please enjoy a replay of our staff's pick with Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste chatting with Victoria Vives Khuong, Divine Sexuality and Healing teacher.
Victoria Vives is a leading expert in Divine Sexuality, Shamanism and Energy Healing. Descending from renown lineages in the healing and spiritual arts, Victoria started practicing in 2000 and is a highly accredited teacher, having trained thousands of practitioners internationally.
Singer songwriter, dancer choreographer, martial artist stunt woman, a personality in Spanish prime time television for ten years, YouTube personality with over five million views, Telly Award and Beijing Television Award winner, she came to Los Angeles and went from being homeless with $14 to her name to breaking the 6 figure barrier, achieving financial freedom, and living a fulfilling life of purpose. She teaches the principles of her success in her courses and in her #1 International Best Selling Book, "In a Matter of Seconds."
Victoria emphasizes the principles of Divine Sexuality as the pathway for women to achieve a balance between personal power, success, love, intimacy, and life fulfillment.
Victoria grew up in dictatorial Spain as the only black around until she was 14 years old. She toured, taught and traveled internationally and ended up living in Los Angeles.
TCK Nigerian-Spanish Spiritual Warrior
website: https://VictoriaVives.com
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/victoriaviveskhuong
Twitter ID: https://twitter.com/victoriavives
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/victoriaviveskhuong -
Encore presentation of interview with Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste and her guest Lisa R Mitchell, MBA. Principal of Living A Global Lifestyle.
Lisa is an innovative, Global Executive and Consultant with over 20 years’ experience in Sales, Marketing, and Business Development in the United States, Europe, and Asia. Lisa has held Senior Leadership roles in the Banking, Financial Services, and Global Education industries within Fortune 500 global organizations.
Currently, through her Living A Global Lifestyle Brand she is using her global experience and diverse skillset to curate content and craft uniquely designed workshops to provide the tools and resources for people to live successful lives abroad, specifically leveraging Fintech and new technology like Blockchain to manage their personal finances while they live, work, and travel abroad.
Previously, Lisa gained a reputation as a highly sought after Corporate Trainer and Business Coach in China, delivering Leadership, Cross-Cultural, and Soft Skills Training to Senior Managers and Global Executives (400+). Clients included China UnionPay, Google, Silicon Valley Bank, HSBC JV, Coach, Astra Zeneca, Bayer, and Shanghai General Motors.
Before living in China, Lisa was Vice President of International Personal Banking for Wells Fargo, managing a million-dollar portfolio for an international, digital banking branch offering retail banking products and services to customers globally.
Prior to joining Wells Fargo, Lisa held senior-level roles at Citibank in the Global Executive Banking, Corporate Mortgage, and New York Retail Banking divisions, with responsibility for marketing, sales, and business development for individuals and global corporations.
Lisa is an Influencer, Global Speaker, and Writer on international personal financial topics for people who lead a Global Lifestyle. Her book on Money advice for Expats, Digital Nomads and Travelers will be published this summer. Lisa holds a Master of Business Administration from Thunderbird School of Global Management and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from The State University of New York at Albany (SUNY Albany).
Website: https://livingagloballifestyle.com
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Livingagloballifestyle
Twitter ID: https://twitter.com/livaglobalife
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/livingaglobalife -
Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste interviews Miles Clark, pro-skier, mountain guide and host of the Snowbrains podcast (featured in January’s Podcast Magazine).
Miles spends his Winters in search of snow across hemispheres and the in between time surfing in the middle. He discovered his passion for snow sports while studying molecular biology at University of California at Berkeley, where he fell in with members of the ski team. After several seasons in Tahoe, he committed to pursuing a career in guiding.
Not your average ski bum, he connected with the extreme snow sports community and now has discovered a way to present the intellectual side to the industry. From COVID to climate change he covers topics relevant to skiers and industry folks alike on his podcast Snowbrains.
Website: https://www.snowbrains.com
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/snowbrains
Twitter ID: @SnowBrains
Instagram.com: snowbrains -
Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste interviews Madeline Jhawar, the founder and owner of Italy Beyond the Obvious and of Travel Beyond the Obvious. She grew up in Canada, but after 11 moves, she now lives in the San Francisco Bay area with her British-Indian husband and their two children.
Madeline grew up in Edmonton Canada in a family that prioritized other cultures and languages. She did her elementary schooling in French immersion, then took German in high school. After high school, Madeline spent a year in Italy on an international exchange, and then went to college, where she did a Linguistics degree and worked as an Italian teaching assistant.
After college Madeline moved to Italy to work for Butterfield & Robinson, where she worked as a tour leader, guiding week-long hiking and biking tours for curious American travelers. One of her clients hired her, and she moved to New York to work in international operations for Arrow Electronics.
After an 18 month training period, Madeline's first international assignment was as Nordic Operations Manager, based in Stockholm, where she spent almost 2 years. She absolutely loved Sweden, and had made an incredible group of friends. Madeline had also, through sheer determination and hard work, finally learned Swedish!
But her visa had expired and her next assignment was in Milan, where she desperately wanted to return! However, Madeline had just met her future husband (who had relocated to Sweden from the UK only 4 weeks earlier). But she was young and unattached, so she moved. Six months later, he followed her.
After a few years together (and an engagement) in Italy, Madeline told him he could decide where they went next (her job would have taken her to Hong Kong), and after much deliberation and a weighted spreadsheet, she decided on Boston. They got married and moved.
They had their first child two years later, and relocated to Chicago in the nick of time, just before she was born. Their second child was also born in Chicago, and then in 2011 they moved to Silicon Valley. Madeline's husband had always dreamed of being a Silicon Valley entrepreneur and they decided to go for it.
Meanwhile, Madeline had left her job in international operations and started Italy Beyond the Obvious in 2008.
She didn't understand the commissions business model that travel agents use, so she decided to just charge consulting fees for her time and expertise. Madeline had been creating Italy itineraries for friends and family on the side for a decade, and her intention was to keep doing exactly that, except to charge for it.
The business was successful, and she kept increasing her fees to try to quell demand. She hired a few trip planners and a project manager. She bought URLs, thinking that she'd expand to other countries, but the demand for Italy travel was all she could handle. Currently, they operate at 50% referrals and the other half find them online.
Clients would ask Madeline regularly: who else does what you do for other countries? And also, she'd get contacted by people who found her website, asking her to please teach them how to set up an online travel business without being a travel agent.
Madeline believes that a rising tide lifts all boats. She does not believe in "secrets", and so she was happy to share how she had set up the business.
In 2018, Madeline organized her content into a syllabus and created an 8-lesson video course.
Students supported each other in a private Facebook group, and loved the community and the network.
She noticed that they were building relationships and naturally sending each other business. When the pandemic hit and she suddenly found herself with some unexpected free time, she asked them how she could support them.
They said they wanted a certification program, so that's what Madeline and her business partner had been working on during the pandemic. On Dec 1st, they will launch the Travel Expert Network!
Their job at Travel Beyond the Obvious is to train, certify, promote, and showcase their Certified Travel Experts. They want them to be successful, and help people travel better. They want to connect them to curious travelers who value their expertise.
Their students are destination experts that create custom experiences and have transparent pricing. It's a business model that doesn't officially exist in the travel industry and yet many of them are doing it.
Travel Beyond the Obvious is the first company that trains and certifies destination experts, but not only that -- they provide a network, a community, and most importantly -- leads and customers.
This is a passion and a mission for Madeline, because she believes that destination experts can help people travel better.
Since COVID, Madeline's Italy clients have been contacting her asking when they can travel again. And of course the answer is that she doesn't know. But in addition to the demand, Madeline thinks they are going to see some new opportunities in the travel industry.
People will be able to take advantage of remote learning and working, and base themselves in places longer-term, and they will need weekend excursion ideas and bookings. Also, for the same reason, people will be able to be much more flexible on when they travel. These are Madeline's post-COVID predictions!
Website: https://www.italybeyondtheobvious.com AND https://www.travelbeyondtheobvious.com
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ItalyBtO AND https://www.facebook.com/TravelBtO
Twitter ID: @MadelineJ
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/italybeyondtheobvious AND https://www.instagram.com/travelbto1 -
Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste interviews James Owen Roberts an entrepreneur, podcast host and international speaker with over 15 years of experience in exercise, diet and mindset as both a coach, 2 x Paralympic athlete and alum of both Swansea University and the University of Chester. In addition to running James Owen Roberts Coaching, James also serves as a consultant for Wheelchair Rugby League Ireland.
James was born to military parents at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (S.H.A.P.E) in 1986. James’ mother was a NATO civilian for 33 years and his father was a Master Sgt. in the United States Air Force. He grew up on the base until he graduated from SHAPE American High School in 2005.
James comes from a long line of family members who have served their country in the military. On his mother's side he can trace it all the way back to the Boer War fought in the early 1900’s in South Africa and on his father’s side back to World War II.
Subscribe to his youtube channel:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDdcgbvE5f3W07br0EEQ9bgFollow me on Instagram: https;//www.instagram.com/jamesoroberts11
Follow me Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jamesoroberts11
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/jamesoroberts11
Send me a request on Linkedin:
https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesoroberts11Check out my podcast on Apple Podcasts (Apple Podcast): http://bit.ly/MindSetGamePodcast
there is also a page dedicated to the show: https://www.facebook.com/mindsetgamepodcast/
or Stitcher: http://bit.ly/2ApFy4F
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2FVczeK
or other platforms: http://bit.ly/2FwYgrA
If you want to get access to even more of content that I put out on a daily basis why not join my Facebook tribes: The Mindset Athlete and/or AIM: 24/7 Fat Burning Support Group.
Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste interviews Amy Schuber, an Energy Healer, Intuitive Business Strategist and Podcast Host of Inspired Conversations.
For over a decade, Amy has been successfully coaching, business owners, entrepreneurs & individuals on building, growing and sustaining a prosperous life, career or business while staying grounded and connected. Through her healing work she helps individuals remove inherited blocks that might stifle their growth. Clearing the inherited blocks helps clients find more peace, success, love and financial abundance.
Amy’s intuitive gifts, strategic mind, savvy spirituality, curated resources and straight up smarts help her guide her clients to the highest vibration they can be for their best life and business to unfold. She has an innate ability to see people’s true potential and strategies needed to unlock the possibilities and create success in life and business.
As the host of the Inspired Conversations Podcast with 500 episodes, she’s shared insightful conversations with over 468 thought leaders like Dr. Joe Vitale, Jen Sincero, John Lee Dumas, Mariel Hemingway, who are making a meaningful difference on the planet. The show has grown consistently over the past 6 years with a goal to produce thoughtful conversations based on conscious business, mind, body, spirit, and well-being in hopes to spark your heart and ignite your soul into a deep dive of self-discovery.
Amy’s achieved over half a million downloads in over 100 countries and was featured in iTunes New & Noteworthy.
Amy truly believes, ‘You are the one you’ve been waiting for’.
Website: www.AmySchuber.com, www.InspiredConversations.net
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/AmygSchuber
Patreon: www.patreon.com/amyschuber
Inspired Conversations Podcast: Itunes- http://bit.ly/1DYeswx
Twitter: @amyschuber
Instagram: @amyschuberContact:Amy Schuber: Amy@AmySchuber.com
Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste interviews Rich Webber, General Manage of Product and Marketing for Mercedes-Benz Vans USA & Nicolette Lambrechts, General Manage of Sales Operations for Mercedes-Benz Vans USA after the cross USA road trip.
This past year during the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve been faced with unique challenges that have fundamentally disrupted our daily life and necessitated a variety of creative solutions from our working life to our time off. Mercedes-Benz Vans has jumped in to create a unique business strategy, taking business to the streets. This month Mercedes-Benz Vans Rich Webber, General Manager of Marketing and Nicolette Lambrechts, General Manager of Sales Operations are embarking on a cross-country road trip in a Winnebago Sprinter and Metris Getaway covering 6,489 miles, 21 states and three coastlines. The team will use this rare opportunity to reconnect in person with dealerships, influencers and business partners in various markets, which has not been possible in recent months due to the pandemic. The road trip will help to provide support for product, dealers and internal teams to help find a new path to success. They’ll be living in and hosting meetings out of the Metris Getaway and Winnebago Sprinter with a tailgate setup to allow for social distanced outdoor meetings, living out the trends that we’ve been seeing within the vans segment.
Since March, there’s been an increase in demand from Van, RV and Parcel Van buyers looking for alternative solutions for their personal lives and businesses. We’re continuing to see customers embrace the #vanlife trend with rising interest in dual work/play vans, adventure vans and even retailers looking for pop up store applications. The RV industry has seen the highest demand in over four decades, along with a shift in the demographic with more than 50% of post-COVID business being first-time RV buyers of a younger demographic and more late-career RV purchases as an additional vehicle, rather than the typical empty-nester retirement purchase.
We’d like to offer you a special opportunity to speak with Rich and Nicolette on their cross-country journey to learn more about our current product offerings, sales and trends we’ve noticed with Vans this past year.
Website: mbvans.com
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/MBVansUSA
Twitter ID: @MBVansUSA
Instagram: @mercedesbenzvansusa - Показать больше