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Today on God's Playbook we explore the importance of a parish. As the saying goes, "Home is where the heart is." That is why we should most definitely have a home base of a parish. Do we have a community we can call our home away from home? Let's talk about this more alongside Fr. Rico in today's episode.
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Do you talk to your local parish priest? Is he a positive role model for you? Who is your favourite priest? It might be your current pastor or maybe it was someone who influenced you growing up. Are we praying for our priests? In today's podcast episode, let's discuss this more with Fr. Rico.
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Today we look back on our daily blessings that God has given us. Sometimes we look at summer and see that it flies by so fast. But how did we spend our time? Did we make changes? Perhaps we had some hardships in July. Let's discuss this more in today's podcast episode alongside Fr. Rico. St. Francis of Loyola... pray for us.
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Today we celebrate the feast day of Sts. Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. Jesus valued friendship and for Jesus to value friendship goes to show that we also should value our friendships. We see through Sts. Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, that their relationship with Jesus was solid and long. Are there people in our lives that we see as family members but aren't blood-related? How can we learn from them to be better friends to our friends? Let's find out more on today's episode. Saints Martha, Mary, and Lazarus... pray for us.
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As we conclude our mini-series, we look at Jesus of History. We have our friend of the podcast Fr. Chris Kulig here with us as we continue dialouging and exploring who is the Historical Jesus. Today we explore Jesus on moral laws and parables. Let's find out more as we listen and tag along with Fr. Rico and Fr. Chris.
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Today we continue exploring the question, Who is the Historical Jesus with our special guest Fr. Chris Kulig. As we look towards Fr. Meier's second and third books 'A Marginal Jew' we explore Jesus' message, miracles, and contemporaries. Let's go into a deep dive alongside Fr. Rico and Fr. Chris on today's podcast episode.
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Who is the Historical Jesus? Today we start a mini-series pondering, questioning and answering this question. Alongside Fr. Rico we have a friend of the podcast Fr. Chris Kulig joining us as we explore who the Historical Jesus is. Let's find out more on today's podcast.
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Today on God's playbook we tackle the question of who can baptize? The normal ordinary minister of baptism is a deacon, a priest, or a bishop. What about cases in an emergency? Who can baptize then? Let's answer this in today's episode with Fr. Rico.
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Today we answer the following question, what is Temptation? In a nutshell, temptation is when we are called to do something against God’s law. How do we deal with temptation when it arises? Temptation itself isn’t sinful but giving in to the temptation is. Let’s discuss temptation more in today’s podcast episode alongside Fr. Rico.
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Today on God's Playbook, we answer the question; What is Sin? Sin is an offence going against the law of God. How many types of sin are there? There are 2 types of sin, Mortal sin and Venial Sin. Sin is what blocks us from intimacy with God. Let us learn more and discuss sin in today's podcast alongside Fr. Rico.
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Today we celebrate the feast day of St. Mary Magdelene. She was a troubled woman until she met Jesus. It was a game-changing moment. The scriptures tell us that she was struggling with many demons. Mary Magdalene represents all of us. Let's discuss her more in today's episode alongside Fr. Rico. St. Mary Magdalene... pray for us.
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Today we look towards the scriptures, specifically the Gospel. We hear Jesus telling his disciples to come to a deserted place. Every Sunday is the same as Jesus says to "come away to a deserted place." Every Sunday is meant to be like a little retreat. Let's learn more in today's podcast episode alongside Fr. Rico.
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Today on God's Playbook we ask the question, What did God tell Adam and Eve? Why didn't Adam and Eve keep obedient to God's commands? Let's unpack this on today's episode alongside Fr Rico.
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Today we finish our mini-series in the three R's; Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Today, we focus on the importance of recycling. It's shocking to hear how little people know what can and can't be recycled. Let's discuss this more in today's episode alongside Fr. Rico.
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Today we continue talking about the three R's. Today we look towards the second R; Reuse. How much waste do we go through? How do we help the environment? Let's discuss this in today's podcast alongside Fr. Rico.
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As we continue talking about good citizenship, we begin a small 3 part mini-series on the three R's. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. We begin today with the first R-Reduce. What is God's expectation of us by reducing? Let's discuss this more in today's podcast episode alongside Fr. Rico.
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Today we celebrate the feast day of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. We thank God for the impact of religious priests and sisters in the Carmelite community. As we celebrate the feast day, the Carmelites celebrated it on this day since the 13th century. Let us explore more about the feast day of Our Lady of Mount on today's podcast episode. Our Lady of Mount Carmel... pray for us.
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Today we celebrate the feast day of St. Bonaventure. St. Bonaventure greatly influenced the Franciscan community other than St. Francis of Assisi. He changed his name after St. Francis of Assisi healed him. He became a professor and taught theology. He is one of the doctors of the church. Let's learn more on today's podcast. St. Bonaventure... pray for us.
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Today we look towards the scriptures in today's podcast. We can sometimes forget where our graces come from, but, we must remember that God will always provide. What do we mean by this? As we hear in the readings when Jesus sends out his disciples into the world, he reminds them that God will provide. Let's discuss this more as we break open the scriptures alongside Fr. Rico.
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We continue our mini-series on good citizenship. Today we look towards just wages or what is fair. As employers, we need to respect our workers. First, we need to make sure they are safe at work. How do we respect our workers? Let's discuss this more in today's podcast alongside Fr. Rico.
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