For episode 130 of the Graduate Job Podcast, I share a success story in the form of listener to the show and How to Get a Graduate Job course member and alumni Charlotte, and how she went from applying for grad jobs and never being able to get past a video interview, to joining the course and securing the graduate job of her dreams. We explore Charlotte’s journey, from her struggles applying initially, through to her ultimate success. We delve into her hints and tips for each stage of the process, and how she went from failing every video interview she did to being able to ace them with ease. We cover her advice on balancing applying for grad jobs when you are working full-time, with what she learnt through the various assessment centre processes. It’s a great episode and I hope it inspires you that if Charlotte can do it, you can too. To find out more about today, head to the show notes at www.graduatejobpodcast.com/charlotte, where you can find a full transcript, links to the How to Get a Graduate Job course, and details of how you can get coaching with me, including a free 30-minute coaching call.
· How Charlotte went from failing every video interview, to being able to pass them with ease
· Why she recommends the How to Get a Graduate Job course “10,000%”
· How to balance applying for grad jobs and working full time
· How to stand out in a group exercise at an assessment centre
· Her hints and tips for acing psychometric tests
· Why she joined the How to Get a Graduate Job course, and why she thinks you should too
Hello and welcome to the 129th episode of the UK’s number 1 career podcast, and I’ve got a very special episode for you today. Joining me back on the show by popular demand is graduate recruitment expert and best-selling author Brian Sinclair, who discusses his new book ‘28 Recruitment Mistakes: And how you can avoid them’. In the show today we discuss the key mistakes you might be making as you apply for a graduate job and how they could be holding you back from career success. We cover each stage of the graduate application process and what you need to do to impress and sail through to the next round, and the howlers to avoid, that will see you getting rejected. No matter what companies you are applying to, this is an episode you won’t want to miss. The only link you need to remember from today is www.graduatejobpodcast.com/mistakes where you can find a full transcript, and links to everything which we discuss, that’s www.graduatejobpodcast.com/mistakes.
What graduate recruiters are really looking for from candidates The insider secrets of how to pass each stage of the graduate application process Common mistakes that rejected candidates make The things you should NEVER say in a job interview The key things that will make you stand out as you apply for a graduate jobSELECTED LINKS INCLUDE:
The show notes for today at https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/mistakes Check out Brian’s great book ‘28 Recruitment Mistakes: And how you can avoid them’ https://amzn.to/3Zh0tRt Sign up to ‘How to Get a Graduate Job’my proven step-by-step online course at https://howtogetagraduatejob.com/ Don’t even think about applying for graduate jobs until you’ve read my free guide, ‘The 5 steps you must take before applying for graduate jobs’. Click here https://howtogetagraduatejob.com/5steps. It will completely change the way you apply for jobs! Would you like a free 30-minute video coaching call? Simply select a time that works here https://calendly.com/gradjob/We can go over your CV, application, or anything that you are struggling with. -
Пропущенные эпизоды?
For the 128th episode of the Graduate Job Podcast, I speak with a leading low-cost airline Wizz Air, as they discuss their graduate and non-graduate job opportunities. If you are interested in a graduate job where you aren’t going to be spending all day sat behind a desk on a computer, then this is the episode for you, as today I am very excited to have leading low-cost airline Wizz Air join me on the show. In the episode we discuss their rapid expansion plans and the different opportunities that they have available, from cabin crew through to the pilots at the front of the plane. We delve into all aspects of the application process, from the type of candidates they are looking for, the particular skills and competencies that you need to be brushing up on, and brilliantly, how for some of the roles you can hired in a day. Yes, you heard that right, a one day selection process. If you have ever thought about a career with an airline then this is the episode for you. Now the links to the show notes today including a full transcript you can download and links to everything we discuss can be found at www.graduatejobpodcast.com/wizzair.
The exciting job opportunities at Wizz Air Wizz Air’s expansion plans for the coming year How you can secure a job within a day! What Wizz Air look for from their candidates and how you can stand out from the crowd The key difference separating the candidates that pass, from those that failInsider secrets of how you can impress on the day and bag the job
For the 127th episode of the Graduate Job Podcast, I speak with a listener of the show Sam, as he shares how he secured his dream graduate job with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Sam signed up for the ‘How to Get a Graduate Job’ course back in September last year, and we discuss how following the steps in the course led him to graduate job success. In the episode, Sam shares his experience of going through the application process for a range of government and policy graduate schemes, such as the Fast Stream, NHS, FCA and others, sharing his insights into what he learned from the CV application stage, completing dozens of different psychometric tests, and his tips and tricks for passing the recorded video interview stage. We also deep dive into the assessment centre stage, as Sam shares his insights into how you can impress at this final hurdle. It’s an inspiring episode, and if Sam can do it, you can do it too, so strap yourself in and listen to our chat today. Now the links to the show notes today including a full transcript you can download and links to everything we discuss can be found at www.graduatejobpodcast.com/Sam.
How Sam secured a graduate job with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) Sam’s top tips for impressing in the recorded video interviews Why you should only go for the companies that you actually care about How to cope with the stress of an assessment centre, and what you can expect on the day Why Sam joined the ‘How to Get a Graduate Job’ course, and why he thinks you should too. -
Hello and welcome to the 126th episode of the UK’s number 1 career podcast, and I’ve got a very special episode for you today. Joining me back on the show by popular demand is serial entrepreneur and author Michael Tefula, who discusses his book Graduate Entrepreneurship: How to Start Your Business After University. In the show today we discuss why university or just after is such a great time to start a business, and we also bust some of the key myths that might be holding you back from taking the plunge. We cover why it might cost you less than you think to start a business, why it’s not about having a great idea, but why you should instead focus on solving people’s problems. Finally, we delve into why graduate schemes will be so interested in any companies you do launch, and how to make the most of those transferrable skills in graduate interviews. No matter what companies you are applying to, and even if you’ve never thought of starting your own business, this is an episode you won’t want to miss. Now the only link you need to remember from today is www.graduatejobpodcast.com/entrepreneurship where you can find a full transcript, and links to everything which we discuss, that’s www.graduatejobpodcast.com/entrepreneurship.
Why you should think about starting your own business after university The myths that might be holding you back from becoming an entrepreneur Why it won’t cost you as much as you think to start your own company How companies WANT to hear about your ‘side hustle’ when you apply for a graduate job The one thing you MUST think about when you start a company,SELECTED LINKS INCLUDE:
The show notes for today at https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/entrepreneurship Check out Michael’s book Graduate Entrepreneurship: How to Start Your Business After University https://amzn.to/3ub9ePG Sign up to ‘How to Get a Graduate Job’my proven step-by-step online course at https://howtogetagraduatejob.com/ Don’t even think about applying for graduate jobs until you’ve read my free guide, ‘The 5 steps you must take before applying for graduate jobs’. Click here https://howtogetagraduatejob.com/5steps. It will completely change the way you apply for jobs! Would you like a free 30-minute video coaching call? Simply select a time that works here https://calendly.com/gradjob/We can go over your CV, application, or anything that you are struggling with. -
Welcome to the second show of the year, and episode 125 of the UK’s number 1 career podcast, and I’ve got a special episode for you today. Joining me on the show is a company that you are going to want to check out if you are looking for a graduate job, as I speak with Ben Rosen, CEO of Inspiring Interns. Inspiring Interns are a company who can help you find a 3-month paid internship across a range of industries and locations. There is no cost to you, you bring your graduate talent, they sort out the rest. On the show, we explore all aspects of the process, from why you should apply and the power of internships, not only in getting you a graduate role but in helping you find the role that is right for you. We cover the different stages of the process and how you can stand out in each, through to making a great impression when you do start. No matter what companies you are applying to, if you’ve never thought of an internship before, this is an episode you won’t want to miss. Now the only link you need to remember from today is www.graduatejobpodcast.com/inspiringinterns where you can find a full transcript, and links to everything which we discuss, that’s www.graduatejobpodcast.com/inspiringinterns.
Who Inspiring Interns are and why you should apply The power of creating a video CV, and how they get results The secrets to impressing in a face-to-face interview Why you shouldn’t overlook the importance of being on time Ben’s insider tips for impressing throughout the application processSELECTED LINKS INCLUDE:
Check out Inspiring Interns HERE https://www.inspiringinterns.com/ Sign up to ‘How to Get a Graduate Job’my proven step-by-step online course at https://howtogetagraduatejob.com/ Don’t even think about applying for graduate jobs until you’ve read my free guide, ‘The 5 steps you must take before applying for graduate jobs’. Click here https://howtogetagraduatejob.com/5steps. It will completely change the way you apply for jobs! Would you like a free 30-minute video coaching call? Simply select a time that works here https://calendly.com/gradjob/We can go over your CV, application, or anything that you are struggling with. -
For the 124th episode of the Graduate Job Podcast, I speak with author and former investment analyst Dermot Dorgan on how to get a graduate job in the City. In this fun episode, Dermot shares his 10 commandments for exactly what you need to do to secure your dream graduate role in banking, finance, and accounting in the ultra-competitive City of London. We explore why you should get a 2:1 or go home, why you shouldn’t expect to rely on your ability as you apply for graduate jobs in the City, and why you might want to think again if you are planning on doing a master’s degree. We also explore why all work experience is so important, and how being ‘human’ can become a key differentiator through the interview process. Having worked in the City himself, Dermot has been there, seen it and got the t-shirt, and his insight will help you no matter what type of company you are applying to. Now the links to the show notes today including a full transcript you can download and links to everything we discuss can be found at www.graduatejobpodcast.com/city.
Dermot’s 10 commandments for getting a graduate job in the City of London Why it is so important to get a 2:1 degree How preparation beat’s ability through the graduate application process Why you might want to think again if you are planning on doing a master’s degree The secret to making your work experience pack a punch How being ‘human’ could be your key differentiator in a graduate job interviewSELECTED LINKS INCLUDE:
Dermot’s website https://leveragedcareers.com/ Sign up to ‘How to Get a Graduate Job’my proven step-by-step online course at https://howtogetagraduatejob.com/ Don’t even think about applying for graduate jobs until you’ve read my free guide, ‘The 5 steps you must take before applying for graduate jobs’. Click here https://howtogetagraduatejob.com/5steps. It will completely change the way you apply for jobs! Would you like a free 30-minute video coaching call? Simply select a time that works here https://calendly.com/gradjob/We can go over your CV, application, or anything that you are struggling with. -
For the 123rd episode of the Graduate Job Podcast, I speak with a listener of the show Daniel, as he shares he secured his dream graduate job in finance with an international IT services company. Daniel signed up for the How to Get a Graduate Job course back in September last year, and we discuss how following the steps in the course led him to graduate job success. In the episode Daniel shares his experience of going through the application process for a range of different finance, business and accounting firms, sharing his insights into what he learned from the CV application stage, completing dozens of different psychometric tests, and his tips and tricks for passing the recorded video interview stage. We also deep dive into the assessment centre stage, as Daniel shares his insights into how you can impress at this final hurdle. As I said, it’s an inspiring episode, and if Daniel can do it, you can do it too, so strap yourself in and listen to our chat today. Now the links to the show notes today including a full transcript you can download and links to everything we discuss can be found at www.graduatejobpodcast.com/Daniel.
How Daniel secured a graduate job in finance with a top international IT services company Daniel’s top tips for impressing in the recorded video interviews How to make sure your work experience stands out from the crowd How to cope with the stress of an assessment centre Why Daniel joined the How to Get a Graduate Job course, and why he thinks you should too.SELECTED LINKS INCLUDE:
Daniel’s top book recommendation – Email Attraction. Click HEREto buy now and help support the show Daniel’s website recommendation – FT Daily Episode 115 with Jack on how he got 2 graduate jobs in accounting Episode 116 with Callum and how he got a graduate job with P&G Episode 117 with Athavan on getting a graduate job with PwC Episode 118 with Saffy on getting 2 training contracts with top law firms Episode 119 with Sibrah on how she got 5 graduate jobs Sign up to ‘How to Get a Graduate Job’my proven step-by-step online course at https://howtogetagraduatejob.com/ Don’t even think about applying for graduate jobs until you’ve read my free guide, ‘The 5 steps you must take before applying for graduate jobs’. Click here NOW. It will completely change the way you apply for jobs! Would you like a free 30-minute video coaching call? Simply select a time that works here https://calendly.com/gradjob/ We can go over your CV, application, or anything that you are struggling with. -
For episode 122 of the Graduate Job Podcast I have a brilliant episode for you that is going to open your eyes to the graduate opportunities that are available to you with start-ups, as I am joined on the show by Kabir Bali co-founder of Jumpstart. Jumpstart has set up an innovative graduate scheme where you can apply to start-up firms with venture capital funding who are looking for great graduates, and as well as finding amazing roles with Jumpstart you also get the graduate scheme experience of a month of training and development, and also the social side of joining with a cohort of other people. And in today’s episode, we delve into Jumpstart more generally and how you can apply. We go through the types of start-up firms that they work with, what they look for in candidates and how you can stand out at each stage of the process. We discuss how you can improve your CV, why you need to show not tell with it, and why you should definitely talk about any side hustles or university societies that you’ve been a part of. We also cover why you can expect at least £25k in each role, and normally some equity to boot as well. It’s an informative episode and no matter the type of graduate job you have thought about applying to, from start-ups to global giants, it’s an episode that you arent going to want to miss. As always you can find a full transcript including all of the show notes and links to everything, we discuss at https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/jumpstart/.
Who Jumpstart are and how you can apply The training and development you can expect with the Jumpstart programme How the application process works What they look for in candidates Why you need to show not tell with your CV How to impress in your interviews with start-ups Why talking about your side hustles is so important when you apply Why you can expect at least a salary of £25k and normally equity as wellSELECTED LINKS INCLUDE:
How to apply for Jumpstart - jumpstart-uk.com Kabir’s top book recommendation – Subscribed by Tien Tzuo. Click to buy now and help support the show https://amzn.to/3isBkzi Kabir’s website recommendation - Benedict Evans’ website https://www.ben-evans.com/ Contact Kabir on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/kabir-bali-5a3793136/ or email kabir@jumpstart-uk.com Episode 82 – The Pros and cons of a graduate scheme https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/graduatescheme/ Episode 103 – Getting a graduate job with Capgemini - https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/capgemini/ Episode 115 with Jack on how he got 2 graduate jobs in accounting https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/jack/ Episode 116 with Callum and how he got a graduate job with P&G https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/callum/ Episode 117 with Athavan on getting a graduate job with PwC https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/athavan/ Episode 118 with Saffy on getting 2 training contracts with top law firms https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/saffy/ Episode 119 with Sibrah on how she got 5 graduate jobs https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/sibrah/ Sign up to ‘How to Get a Graduate Job’ my proven step-by-step online course at https://howtogetagraduatejob.com/ Don’t even think about applying for graduate jobs until you’ve read my free guide, ‘The 5 steps you must take before applying for graduate jobs’. Click here NOW. It will completely change the way you apply for jobs! Would you like a free 30-minute video coaching call? Simply select a time that works here https://calendly.com/gradjob/ We can go over your CV, application, or anything that you are struggling with. -
For episode 121 of the Graduate Job Podcast I have a cracker for you that is going to completely change the way you send emails, as I am joined by business communications expert and best-selling author Kim Arnold who takes us through what you should, and more importantly what you should not be doing when you send job-related emails. In today’s episode, we discuss the secrets to writing emails when applying for graduate jobs, and go through the hints and tips which will help you stand out from the crowd. We explore speculative emails for jobs, why most of them are so bad, and what you can do to make sure that the recruiter will sit up and pay attention to yours. We delve into why you need to stop thinking about what you want and instead focus on what the recruiter is going to care about when you send your email, and how thinking about a hamburger can help you do this…. yes, a hamburger. We explore that tricky topic of chasing recruiters for feedback, how to do it effectively, and crucially how long to wait so that you aren’t coming across like a stalker. And Kim also shares how humour could be your secret weapon in getting a response as you look for a graduate job. It’s a fun episode and no matter what job you are applying for, you are going to be sending emails, so it’s not an episode that you will want to miss. As always you can find a full transcript including all of the show notes and links to everything we discuss at https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/email/
The secrets to writing emails when applying for graduate jobs Email tips that will make you stand out from the crowd How to write a speculative job email that will get results Why most speculative emails for jobs don’t work How thinking about a hamburger will help you get a graduate job Why a good email is all about the company, and not you How to effectively chase a recruiter for feedback on an interview How long to wait before chasing a recruiter? Why humour is so powerful when you are emailing recruitersSELECTED LINKS INCLUDE:
Kim’s brilliant book Email Attraction - https://amzn.to/3AJQNSB Check out Kim’s website here - https://www.kimarnold.co.uk/ Episode 115 with Jack on how he got 2 graduate jobs in accounting https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/jack/ Episode 116 with Callum and how he got a graduate job with P&G https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/callum/ Episode 117 with Athavan on getting a graduate job with PwC https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/athavan/ Episode 118 with Saffy on getting 2 training contracts with top law firms https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/saffy/ Episode 119 with Sibrah on how she got 5 graduate jobs https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/sibrah/ Sign up to ‘How to Get a Graduate Job’my proven step-by-step online course at https://howtogetagraduatejob.com/ Don’t even think about applying for graduate jobs until you’ve read my free guide, ‘The 5 steps you must take before applying for graduate jobs’. Click here NOW. It will completely change the way you apply for jobs! Would you like a free 30-minute video coaching call? Simply select a time that works here https://calendly.com/gradjob/We can go over your CV, application, or anything that you are struggling with. -
For the 120th episode of the Graduate Job Podcast I speak with graduate recruitment expert, author and Netflix TV show producer Andrew Osayemi, who takes us through how his disastrous teenage love life will help you get a graduate job. In today’s wide-ranging episode, Andrew shares his experiences from both sides of the graduate recruitment fence, and we discuss why getting on a graduate scheme is just like dating. We cover how getting a graduate job is like getting into a top nightclub, and the strategies you need to adopt to get into both. We explore why you need more than just good grades when you apply, and how playing poker led Andrew to career success. We delve into the skills you need to succeed in a job interview and why you should definitely be practising your small talk skills and utilizing the power of telling stories. It’s a fun episode and no matter what you are applying for, not one that you will want to miss. As always you can find a full transcript including all of the show notes at www.graduatejobpodcast.com/dating.
How Andrew’s disastrous teenage love life helped him get a graduate job Why getting on a graduate scheme is like dating How getting a graduate job is like getting into a top nightclub Why you need more than just good grades How playing poker led Andrew to career success Why you should practice your small talk skills The power of telling stories when you have a job interviewSELECTED LINKS INCLUDE:
Andrew’s book - How My Disastrous Teenage Love Life Will Get You Your Dream Job - Andrew Osayemi https://amzn.to/3z2yEPa Check out Andrew’s TV show on Netflix! https://www.netflix.com/gb/title/81200716 Episode 115 with Jack on how he got 2 graduate jobs in accounting https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/jack/ Episode 116 with Callum and how he got a graduate job with P&G https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/callum/ Episode 117 with Athavan on getting a graduate job with PwC https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/athavan/ Episode 118 with Saffy on getting 2 training contracts with top law firms https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/saffy/ Episode 119 with Sibrah on how she got 5 graduate jobs https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/sibrah/ Sign up to ‘How to Get a Graduate Job’ my proven step-by-step online course at https://howtogetagraduatejob.com/ Don’t even think about applying for graduate jobs until you’ve read my free guide, ‘The 5 steps you must take before applying for graduate jobs’. Click here NOW https://howtogetagraduatejob.com/5steps/. It will completely change the way you apply for jobs! Would you like a free 30-minute video coaching call? Simply select a time that works here https://calendly.com/gradjob/We can go over your CV, application, or anything that you are struggling with. -
For the 119th episode of the Graduate Job Podcast, I speak with a listener of the show Sibrah, as she shares how she managed to get an amazing 5 graduate jobs on top graduate schemes. Sibrah signed up for the How to Get a Graduate Job course back in September last year, and we discuss how following the steps in the course led her to be so successful in getting so many job offers. She shares her experience of going through the application process for a range of different firms, sharing her insights into what she learnt from the CV application stage, completing over 40 different psychometric tests, and just how she managed to have a 100% pass rate at the recorded video interview stage. Getting a graduate job on one graduate scheme is an achievement, so you are going to want to keep listening to find out just how Sibrah managed to get 5 offers of graduate jobs. Now the links to the show notes today including a full transcript you can download and links to everything we discuss can be found at www.graduatejobpodcast.com/Sibrah. In the show today I also announce that the How to Get a Graduate course is now OPEN again for enrolments. As a very special offer for a limited time only I’m including £375 of 1-2-1 coaching with yours truly if you sign up before the 31st of August. That is 5 hours of one-on-one coaching with me where we can practice recorded video interviews, get you ready for assessment centres, get your CV perfected, whatever you want to cover. You have 5 hours with me to use as you see fit. This offer will run to the 31st of August so don’t hang about, sign up now at https://howtogetagraduatejob.com/.
Why Sibrah joined the How to Get a Graduate Job course, and why she thinks you should too. How Sibrah managed to secure an unbelievable 5 graduate jobs! Sibrah’s secrets for having a 100% pass rate for recorded video interviews Her advice for making sure your CV stands out from the crowd How she kept on top of over 40 applications for different graduate schemes The £375 of bonus coaching with me that is on offer if you sign up for the How to Get a Graduate Job course before the 31st of August!SELECTED LINKS INCLUDE:
Episode 115 with Jack on how he got 2 graduate jobs in accounting https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/jack/ Episode 116 with Callum and how he got a graduate job with P&G https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/callum/ Episode 117 with Athavan on getting a graduate job with PwC https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/athavan/ Episode 118 with Saffy on getting 2 training contracts with top law firms https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/saffy/ Follow Sibrah’s footsteps and sign up to ‘How to Get a Graduate Job’ my proven step-by-step online course at https://howtogetagraduatejob.com/ Don’t even think about applying for graduate jobs until you’ve read my free guide, ‘The 5 steps you must take before applying for graduate jobs’. Click here NOW. It will completely change the way you apply for jobs! Would you like a free 30-minute video coaching call? Simply select a time that works here https://calendly.com/gradjob/We can go over your CV, application, or anything that you are struggling with. -
For the 118th episode of the Graduate Job Podcast, I speak with a listener of the show Saffy, as she shares her experiences of how she managed to secure offers of training contracts from two top legal firms. Saffy is an alumnus of the How to Get a Graduate Job course, and we explore how she balanced training contract applications while finishing a dissertation in lockdown, and the trials and tribulations of dealing with rejection and overcoming setbacks. We also cover all stages of the application process for a training contract, from 500 word written competency questions to recorded video interviews, legal case studies, assessment centres and the dreaded partner interview. She shares what went well, mistakes she made along the way, what you need to do to stand out from the crowd as you apply for a training contract, and also why she recommends that you sign up for the How to Get a Graduate Job course. No matter if you have never heard of a training contract or even thought about a career in law, this episode is packed chock full of advice that holds true no matter what type of graduate job you are applying for. Now the only link you need to remember today is www.graduatejobpodcast.com/Saffy where you can find the shownotes with links to everything we discuss and a full transcript you can download and also details for the relaunch of the How to Get a Graduate Job course, and the special early bird bonuses it will be coming with. But, without further ado, let's head on over to my chat with Saffy.
What you can expect when you apply for a training contract What you need to do to impress law firms through the application process The biggest mistakes candidates make when they apply for a training contract Questions you will face in the assessment centre for a training contract Why you should expect to be in it for the long haul when you apply to law firms What you can expect from a legal partner interview Why Saffy joined the How to Get a Graduate Job course, and why she thinks you should too.SELECTED LINKS INCLUDE:
Follow Saffy’s footsteps and sign up to ‘How to Get a Graduate Job’ my proven step-by-step online course at https://howtogetagraduatejob.com/ Don’t even think about applying for graduate jobs until you’ve read my free guide, ‘The 5 steps you must take before applying for graduate jobs’. Click here NOW. It will completely change the way you apply for jobs! Would you like a free 30-minute video coaching call? Simply select a time that works here https://calendly.com/gradjob/We can go over your CV, application, or anything that you are struggling with. -
For the 117th episode of the Graduate Job Podcast, I speak with a listener of the show Athavan, as he shares his experiences of getting a graduate job with top graduate employer PwC. Athavan is an alumnus of the How to Get a Graduate Job course, and he shares his insights of applying for graduate schemes with the big 4, finance companies, the Civil Service and general business management graduate schemes. We discuss the struggles he went through, advice at each stage of the process, and errors and mistakes that he made along the way. No matter what type of graduate job you are applying to, Athavan will be sharing insider tips to help you perform and stand out from the crowd. Now the only link you need to remember today is www.graduatejobpodcast.com/Athavan which has all of the links to everything we discuss today, including the details and dates of when the How to Get a Graduate Job course will reopen. So without further ado, let's head across to my chat with Athavan.
What you need to do to impress when you apply to PwC or the big 4 Questions you will face in the assessment centre for a graduate job with PwC How to ensure you get through the initial application phase when you apply for a graduate job What you can expect from the partner interview with the big 4 The importance of focus with your graduate job applications Why Athavan joined the How to Get a Graduate Job course, and why he thinks you should tooSELECTED LINKS INCLUDE:
Episode 115 with Jack on how he got 2 graduate jobs in accounting https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/jack/ Episode 116 with Callum and how he got a graduate job with P&G Follow Athavan’s footsteps and sign up to ‘How to Get a Graduate Job’ my proven step-by-step online course at https://howtogetagraduatejob.com/ Don’t even think about applying for graduate jobs until you’ve read my free guide, ‘The 5 steps you must take before applying for graduate jobs’. Click here NOW. It will completely change the way you apply for jobs! Would you like a free 30-minute video coaching call? Simply select a time that works here https://calendly.com/gradjob/We can go over your CV, application, or anything that you are struggling with. -
For the 116th episode of the Graduate Job Podcast, I speak with a listener of the show Callum, as he shares his experiences of getting a graduate job with top graduate employer P&G. Callum is an alumnus of the How to Get a Graduate Job course, and he shares his insights of applying for graduate schemes with FMCGs, consulting companies, and engineering firms, the struggles he went through, advice at each stage of the process, and errors and mistakes that he made along the way. No matter what type of graduate job you are applying to, Callum will be sharing insider tips to help you perform and stand out from the crowd. Now the only link you need to remember today is www.graduatejobpodcast.com/Callum which has all of the links to everything we discuss today, including the details and dates of when the How to Get a Graduate Job course will reopen. So without further ado, let's head across to my chat with Callum.
What you need to do to impress when you apply to Proctor and Gamble What P&G look for from graduates Questions you will face in the assessment centre for a graduate job at P&G How to impress when you apply for consulting roles with the big 4 The importance of focus with your graduate job applications Why Callum joined the How to Get a Graduate Job course, and why he thinks you should too His advice for how you can stand out when you apply for a graduate jobSELECTED LINKS INCLUDE:
Episode 115 with Jack on how he got 2 graduate jobs in accounting https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/jack/ Follow Callum’s footsteps and sign up to ‘How to Get a Graduate Job’ my proven step-by-step online course at https://howtogetagraduatejob.com/ Don’t even think about applying for graduate jobs until you’ve read my free guide, ‘The 5 steps you must take before applying for graduate jobs’. Click here NOW. It will completely change the way you apply for jobs! Would you like a free 30-minute video coaching call? Simply select a time that works here https://calendly.com/gradjob/We can go over your CV, application, or anything that you are struggling with. BBC Sport – Callum’s website recommendation for when you are looking to procrastinate https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport Last Exit to Brooklyn – Callum’s book recommendation. Buy the book HERE and support the show https://amzn.to/3zGfdfL -
For the 115th episode of the Graduate Job Podcast, I speak with a listener of the show Jack, as he shares his experiences of applying for graduate jobs, specifically in finance and accounting with the Big 4 and a host of other firms. Jack is an alumnus of the How to Get a Graduate Job course, and a current final year student, and he shares his insights of how he juggled the applications with his uni work, the struggles he went through, advice at each stage of the process, including just how long you can expect to have to wait between stages, errors and mistakes that he made along the way, and his advice of what you need to do to get a graduate job. No matter what type of graduate job you are applying to, accounting and finance through to banking or consulting and anything in between, Jack will be sharing insider tips to help you perform and stand out from the crowd. Now the only link you need to remember today, other than www.howtogetagraduatejob.com is www.graduatejobpodcast.com/Jack which has all of the links to everything we discuss today. So without further ado, let's head across to my chat with Jack.
How to impress when you apply to the big 4 What you need to do with your initial graduate application Tips to balance juggling applications and academic work What you can expect from a partner interview Why Jack joined the How to Get a Graduate Job course His advice for how you can stand out when you apply for a graduate job -
Welcome to the 114th episode of the Graduate Job Podcast, the UK's number 1 and longest-running careers podcast. The clocks have gone forward the days are getting longer, and the graduate recruitment process is in its final throws for another year, and I’m here for another episode of career’s advice. Today, I’m going to take you through a predicament which many candidates currently find themselves in, for all different sorts of graduate schemes, being on the dreaded waiting list! In today’s episode, I share 5 tips for what you can do if you find yourself in this annoying position. Nobody wants to be on the waiting list for a graduate job, but you don’t have to just sit there twiddling with thumbs, and after today’s episode you won’t. You can find a full transcript including links to everything I discuss in the show notes at https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/waiting
Why patience is the key Why you need to show your flexibility The importance of practising as you do wait Why you should reflect on how you can improve Why you should look at the positives from the situation -
For episode 113 I have a special episode to coincide with National Apprenticeship week here in the UK. Now you might be thinking that you are too old for an apprenticeship, or that they aren’t relevant because you have a degree, and on both counts, you would wrong, as you will find out as we bust some apprenticeship myths. And to help me bust those myths back by popular demand we have a friend of the show and a company which is consistently voted one of the best places to work in the UK and is home to one of the most sought after graduate schemes, and apprenticeship schemes, it is of course Mars. Joining me first today I have Vikki who is the Apprentice Manager at Mars who gives us an overview of apprenticeships at Mars and what you can expect through the application process. Then for the second part of the episode, I speak with Holli who is currently an apprentice at Mars, and she shares insights into what it is actually like as an apprentice, the work she does, her experiences and going through the application journey. As I said, I’m sure this episode will explode some myths you might have about apprenticeships and will open your eyes to the opportunities which are out there. As always, you can find a full transcript and links to everything which we discuss in the show-notes, which today you can find at https://www.graduatejobpodcast.com/Marsapprentice
A warm welcome to the first episode of the UK's number one careers podcast for 2021. It might be cold outside but I have a special guest who will warm you up with his brilliant careers advice as we tackle the perennial issue of how to get a job you love, it is, of course, the one, the only, John Lees. In the show today we explore whether it is still realistic to expect to find a job you love, and how as a graduate you can find the right job and role out of the thousands of companies out there. We cover why speed is of the essence and why you need to take advantage of your confidence window when you start applying. We delve into how to understand your skills as a new graduate and how to make sure you aren’t overlooking your natural talents, and we also address the thorny issue of money, and just how important it should be in your search for a graduate job you love. And finally, we discuss why you should listen to your gut and not your parents as you look for a graduate job. As always, you can find a full transcript and links to everything we discuss, in the show notes, which today are at www.graduatejobpodcast.com/love2.
If it is realistic to expect to find a job you love How graduates can find the right job and role for them out of the thousands of companies out there Why speed is of the essence when you start applying Why you shouldn’t mistake rejection for feedback How to understand your skills as a new graduate and not overlook your natural talents How to factor the question of money into your search for a graduate job you love Why viewing every role as a project is the secret to career success Why you should listen to your gut and not your parents as you look for a graduate job -
A big hello to the 111th episode of the UK’s number 1 career podcast, and I’ve got a special episode for you this week, a fast-growing UK tech company with 3 brilliant graduate schemes on offer, I’m pleased to welcome to the show, Computacenter. In today’s show, we explore Computacenter in detail, looking at what exactly the company does and diving into the 3 graduate schemes that they offer across sales, project management and business management. We break down each of these schemes, looking at what each entails, the attributes and characteristics they look for and what you can expect at each stage of the application process. We cover why you shouldn’t worry too much about the initial online application, but why you do need to focus on the recorded video interview. We explore the face to face video stage and why you shouldn’t be surprised if there is a current graduate there who is also interviewing you. We go through what you can expect in the assessment centre, and why Computacenter is like no other graduate scheme, in that you can look forward to meeting the Managing Director at this stage. Now it doesn’t matter if you have never heard of Computacenter before, they are a company which are going places, and in this interview, I’m sure you will be impressed by the onus which their senior leaders put on finding and keeping graduate talent. As always, you can find a full transcript and links to everything we discuss, which you can find in the show notes, which today are at www.graduatejobpodcast.com/computacenter.
Before we start today let me tell you about my brilliant step-by-step online course ‘How to Get a Graduate Job’ which is LIVE!!!!! The members who have snapped it up are all doing brilliantly, and I’m pleased to say that for some of them the graduate scheme offers have already started coming through! They are loving the private member’s webinars and the course content spread over 8 modules, 23 video tutorials, 14 hours of content, and 20+ handouts. As well as the course the private member's Facebook is going down a storm, with members helping each other out and sharing all of the questions that they are facing for each application, from the recorded video interviews through to the assessment centres. How useful would you find that information? As one of the members said, ‘I just love having all of the information I need to get a graduate job in 1 place’. If you are serious about getting a graduate job, if you want to turbo-charge your job search for companies like Computacenter, if you want to know in advance all the pitfalls and mistakes so that you don’t make them yourself, and if you want to know exactly what you need to do at each stage of the process to get on a graduate scheme, then head to howtogetagraduatejob.com and sign up. It is an investment in yourself which will pay itself back many thousand times over when you get that graduate job of your dreams. So, go to www.howtogetagraduatejob.com and sign up now! Right, on with the show.
Computacenter and their 3 graduate schemes across sales, project management and business management What Computacenter look for from candidates and how you can stand out in the application process Why you shouldn’t worry too much about the initial CV stage How to make an impact in the video interview Why you shouldn’t be too surprised if there is a current graduate there in the interview stage Secrets for performing well in the assessment centre, and why you can expect to meet the Managing DirectorSELECTED LINKS INCLUDE:
Check out the ‘How to Get a Graduate Job’step-by-step online course at https://howtogetagraduatejob.com/ Don’t even think about applying for graduate jobs until you’ve read my free guide, ‘The 5 steps you must take before applying for graduate jobs’. Click here NOW. It will completely change the way you apply for jobs! Would you like a free 30-minute video coaching call? Simply select a time that works here https://calendly.com/gradjob/We can go over your CV, application, or anything that you are struggling with. https://www.computacenter.com/uk/careers/future-talent/graduates - Показать больше