Связанные с
As a stylist who explores what makes women feel beautiful, entrepreneur and Instagram favorite @HilaryRushford brings her witty, winsome, and wise voice to honest conversations on how to have an extraordinary life (without being exhausted): More joy and less overwhelm in your style, business, and life. You’re welcome (wink), in advance.
The Hair Game is a series brought to you by Salon Republic and hosted by founder Eric Taylor, who, after 20 yrs in the hair game, has seen a lot of s#!@ go down. We go deep with the beauty industry's most interesting players, we educate and tell stories about the things you care about, and we get into the business side of the game so you can earn more and keep more. Also check out the video content on salonrepublic.com/thehairgame.
En ukentlig podcast hvor vi snakker om våre liv med innslag av mote, personlig stil, sosiale medier, entreprenørskap, foto og karriere. Heng med på vår hektiske, men gøyale hverdag!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
A weekly podcast that takes a deep dive into the minds of some of the most talented artists, educators, influencers, and leaders in the professional salon industry. Hosted by Gerard Scarpaci, Crafthairdresser and Co founder of Hairbrained
If you’re struggling to find systems to manage wearing all the hats running a bridal beauty business and need a virtual support system and some kick ass advice from other female badasses, you’re in the right place.
I’m here to help you navigate all the levels of success in your life and business, so you can avoid the burn out and get back to focusing on the passion for weddings and beauty that drives you.
The Swears and Does Hair Podcast was created to help beauty professionals in the bridal industry create more balance in their businesses: to weed out the brides who don’t bring us joy, gain more freedom, and ultimately be more fulfilled entrepreneurs.
We tackle topics such as the power of saying "no", mindset, managing your finances, balancing business with parenthood, and healthy strategies to keep your body and mind supporting your business rather than holding it back.
Fashion's Only Fashion Show.
Hosted by designer, Recho Omondi. -
VILLOID Gründer Jeanette Dyhre Kvisvik i samtale med forbilder som inspirerer jenter til å stå frem og tørre mer.
See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.
Kva inneber det å gje opp livet og karrieren i byen og flytta på landet for å verta småbrukarar? I Pludrecast, gardspodden til Gjengevoll Mangesysleri, kan du følgja Mari og Kjetil på deira reise frå byfolk til heilstøpte bønder. I podden pratar dei om å starta og driva gard, kvardagen og utviklinga på Mangesysleriet, og større tema som livet, forretningsutvikling, politikk og berekraftig matproduksjon.
Norge mandigste podkast? Hva foregår i hodet til skjeggmenn?
Podkast for menn - gøy for alle!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
How to get your architecture published.
17 part series presented by the co-founders of BowerBird.io, architectural photographer Nic Granleese, and design journalist Ben Morgan. Topics covered include 5 steps to getting published, common mistakes architects make with the media, the purpose of getting published, media kits for architects, the people in architectural media (editors, freelance writers, publishers, and photographers), different types of publications (magazines, newspapers, websites, books, TV shows and social media), topics covered in architectural media, how to create amazing content, how to engage a photographer, story telling for an architect, how to name architecture, how to submit to journalists, architecture exclusives and much more. -
Uformelt fjas og funderinger rundt fattigdom og prekariat fra begge sider av streken.
Har du lyst til å dele noe du har lært, eller noe du er interessert i med andre? Være en som inspirerer, en som blir intervjuet, som holder foredrag og som lever av det du liker best å drive med? Da er det smart å skrive en sakprosabok. En bok som kan hjelpe og inspirere andre – samtidig som den skaper nye muligheter for deg som forfatter.
I denne podcasten lærer du hvordan du kan finne ditt budskap, hvordan du skriver en bok om det og hvordan du kan bruke den boken til å skape akkurat det livet du drømmer om.
Å skrive en sakprosabok vil gi deg en solid plattform for alt annet gøy du har lyst til å drive med. Perfekt for deg som er en coach, leder eller gründer. Og for deg som har store mål, eller som drømmer om å jobbe med noe du er genuint interessert i.
Podcasten ledes av forfatter, gründer og forlegger Tina Holt. Og det handler om alt fra budskap, bøker og business til selvutvikling, spiritualitet og sunn livsstil. Å skrive en bok kan endre livet ditt. Her får du vite hvordan du kan gjøre det på en effektiv og inspirerende måte.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Velkommen til Haute Mess din guide til alt som omhandler mote, stil og fashion tips. Jeg er din vert, Marianne Jemtegård, og hver torsdag vil vi utforske de nyeste trendene, jeg deler mine beste stylingtips og diskuterer alt fra runway til street style.
Enten du er en moteentusiast eller bare ønsker litt inspirasjon, så har jeg alt du trenger for å oppnå din personlige stil. Lytt til min podcast Haute mess på alle plattformer, og la oss sammen utforske og skape en verden hvor stil møter trend. -
Conversations with artists, curators and authors about making it in the art world. We get behind the studio doors for entertaining and informative discussions about the journey through the visual arts, how projects were realised, ideas that informed new work and practical ways that artists can expand their audience and visibility.
Welcome to the K-Beauty Podcast, a love letter to all things Korean beauty, with a special passion for niche and indie skincare brands!
UX Cake is helping you become more effective in your UX work and career. Join host Leigh Allen-Arredondo as she speaks with leaders in the field from around the globe, bringing you practical advice to get the best outcomes for your work, your users, and your career in UX. Our guests include well-known leaders like Don Norman and Indi Young, as well as many less globally-known voices with fantastic insights to share, like disability designer & activist Liz Jackson, agile coach & UX champion Shayna Atkins, and UX team experts Mary & David Sherwin.
The podcast launched in February 2018 quickly grew an audience of UX pros around the globe. Our aim is to help the growing UX community become stronger and more effective, by sharing the experience and expertise from leaders in the field.
Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/uxcake.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
The home of the Double Frequency Podcast hosted by Unders and Multiplier. "Double Frequency" with Unders and Multiplier. Two music production content creators with many years of experience in different parts of the music production world. The podcast is an on the fly talk show about music production, theirs, techniques and recent developments.
Listen in with Brooke as she shares daily tips, tricks, and inspiration to build your creative brand, live a better life, and be a better you.
Podcast „Mega Głos” tworzę dla wszystkich, którym nie jest obojętne co mówią i jak to robią zgodnie z zasadą „jak nas słyszą, tak nas widzą”. Mówię o języku, pracy głosem i nad głosem, więc jeżeli mówisz (a zapewne to robisz), słuchasz (film, radio, audiobook i inne) lub tworzysz (podcast, videoblog/vlog) to może i Ciebie zainteresuje mój "mega głos" w tej sprawie? ;-)
The Tastemakers podcast is a behind the scenes look at the marketing of food and restaurants. We’re talking to people in the business of selling food including founders, marketers, chefs, investors, technologists and data analysts to find out how they do their part creating experiences that their customers love. We're brought to you by Plein Air, the agency that helps brands grow through connected, shareable and useful customer experiences.