Kyle and Dustin buff and nerf the Hunter class.
Dustin rants about how people don't know how to drive in construction zones.
In the Spotlight features some websites.
We try and PWN Call more of our friends.
Featuring a special episode of Chalice of Silvermoon: Horde Edition
Kyle and Dustin buff and nerf the pvp honor system in World of Warcraft.
Dustin rants about how he should be able to one-shot anybody in the game.
We invent "Pwn Calls" and call our friends as NPCs from WoW.
In the spotlight: Machinima Movie Review - The Adventures of Ninjack
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This extended version of 2005-2006 Happy Hour Tavern Introduction. This included the addition of The Erik after he joined Dustin and Kyle officially as the third host late in 2005.
Dustin and Kyle (Mickey-C) buff and nerf of opening up paid realm transfers for players wanting to escape high traffic servers before they are officially split by Blizzard.
The Very Chalice Christmas episode airs for the first time.
And Dustin rants about how he hates Chuck Norris jokes.