Our decisions truly craft our destiny. In today’s podcast episode I take you behind the scenes of my personal process on how I make big decisions with confidence and clarity. Sometimes we get debilitated by fear or mental blocks so I hope me sharing my process with you gives you the confidence and peace you need to make big life decisions with confidence, peace and ease.
My video on my worst yoga class ever: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3ldYBmPB9V/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
ALL THE THINGS: https://beacons.ai/torinishino
High Vibe Podcast on Apple or Spotify: https://pod.link/1499420884
Learn to Shuffle:https://www.torinishino.com/shuffle-shapes-masterclass
Tori's Instagram: @torinishino
Tori's Tik Tok: @torinishino
Tori’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ToriNishino
Email: ToriNishinoBusiness@gmail.com
What are you grateful for? Who are you grateful for? What are things you once dreamed of that you now have? express gratitude for that. What was it like when you first got it? How does it feel to get the things you want? Show gratitude for it being in your life.LINK TONY ROBBINS PRIMING EXERCISE: https://youtu.be/faTGTgid8Uc?si=CdvaXsIH8IsRfLPP
ALL THE THINGS: https://beacons.ai/torinishino
High Vibe Podcast on Apple or Spotify: https://pod.link/1499420884
Learn to Shuffle:https://www.torinishino.com/shuffle-shapes-masterclass
Tori's Instagram: @torinishino
Tori's Tik Tok: @torinishino
Tori’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ToriNishino
Email: ToriNishinoBusiness@gmail.com
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Here is your new life rule: Don’t take advice from someone you wouldn’t trade places with
Some of my favorite thought leaders that helped me along my journey:
Tony Robbins Ed Mylett Les Brown Amanda Frances Mel RobbinsALL THE THINGS: https://beacons.ai/torinishino
High Vibe Podcast on Apple or Spotify: https://pod.link/1499420884
Learn to Shuffle:https://www.torinishino.com/shuffle-shapes-masterclass
Tori's Instagram: @torinishino
Tori's Tik Tok: @torinishino
Tori’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ToriNishino
Email: ToriNishinoBusiness@gmail.com
Imagine yourself 1,3,5 years from now and your dreams have already come true? You’re already living the life of your dreams. It IS your reality. What does that version of yourself have to tell you? What would they say to you? What did they do to get there? How did they act? How did they believe? Write a letter to your present self from this version of you. Let it all out on the paper as if it already happened…because it already did. Then you can take that letter and burn it or save it…do whatever you want to do with it. But let the intention be that it’s done. It already happened. You collapsed time from your future self.ALL THE THINGS: https://beacons.ai/torinishino
High Vibe Podcast on Apple or Spotify: https://pod.link/1499420884
Learn to Shuffle:https://www.torinishino.com/shuffle-shapes-masterclass
Tori's Instagram: @torinishino
Tori's Tik Tok: @torinishino
Tori’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ToriNishino
Email: ToriNishinoBusiness@gmail.com
Look over all of you action items you wrote down for your top 10 goals Are there ones that you’ve put off and neglected because there’s a lot of resistance around it? Now assess: Is there a way you can change your mindset around his thing? Or is there a creative solution where you can do something different that sounds more fun or exciting to you? Pick ONE of them every day and make it your #1 top goal for you top 3 to-dos.ALL THE THINGS: https://beacons.ai/torinishino
High Vibe Podcast on Apple or Spotify: https://pod.link/1499420884
Learn to Shuffle:https://www.torinishino.com/shuffle-shapes-masterclass
Tori's Instagram: @torinishino
Tori's Tik Tok: @torinishino
Tori’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ToriNishino
Email: ToriNishinoBusiness@gmail.com
What was the last frustration / road block you had? How long did you dwell on that? What would be your next goal of how fast you want to bounce back?5 Second Rule Book
ALL THE THINGS: https://beacons.ai/torinishino
High Vibe Podcast on Apple or Spotify: https://pod.link/1499420884
Learn to Shuffle:https://www.torinishino.com/shuffle-shapes-masterclass
Tori's Instagram: @torinishino
Tori's Tik Tok: @torinishino
Tori’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ToriNishino
Email: ToriNishinoBusiness@gmail.com
Your life is a reflection of your current standards. Raise your standards, raise your life. Today we are going to get real honest with ourselves. Today might be a lot and feel a little heavy, but it will also be so freeing and is a necessary step in this journey.
What are your current standards in your wheel of life categories? Examples: Making X amount of money a month. Never being late on any of their bills? Being late on rent, but never getting evicted. Being in a relationship that doesn’t make you happy but you are comfortable. What could you imagine never having less than? What’s the next best thing you could believe available to you? This is your NEW standard. What’s the BEST case scenario you believe could happen in the near future? It feels like a stretch, but also if you really go for it, it’s possible for you.ALL THE THINGS: https://beacons.ai/torinishino
High Vibe Podcast on Apple or Spotify: https://pod.link/1499420884
Learn to Shuffle:https://www.torinishino.com/shuffle-shapes-masterclass
Tori's Instagram: @torinishino
Tori's Tik Tok: @torinishino
Tori’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ToriNishino
Email: ToriNishinoBusiness@gmail.com
Write down your top 3 things that you would consider your best achievements of your life — big or small. Examples: graduating with a degree, marrying your husband, buying your dream home , being in your dream relationship, starting a side hustle, growing your social media, etc. Which ones matter the most? Why do they matter the most? What did you do to get those goals? — were you obsessed and hyper focused. Were you detached and letting miracles in? Would you following your joy? Did you take massive action?ALL THE THINGS: https://beacons.ai/torinishino
High Vibe Podcast on Apple or Spotify: https://pod.link/1499420884
Learn to Shuffle:https://www.torinishino.com/shuffle-shapes-masterclass
Tori's Instagram: @torinishino
Tori's Tik Tok: @torinishino
Tori’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ToriNishino
Email: ToriNishinoBusiness@gmail.com
When you start to CLAIM what you want…are there any limiting beliefs that come up for you? What are things that come up that say you can’t have it? List them all out one by one.
Cross it out and invalidate each one with ideas that feel better and support your dreams and desires.
Example: That could never happen for a girl like me. —> There are plenty of people that have come from worse off situations than me and have what I want — so WHY NOT ME.
Example: I don’t have enough experience or knowledge to have my own successful business — NO ONE is born with knowledge and experience. They learn what they need to learn as they take aligned actions and learn through the doing one step at a time. If they can do it, I can too.
ALL THE THINGS: https://beacons.ai/torinishino
High Vibe Podcast on Apple or Spotify: https://pod.link/1499420884
Learn to Shuffle:https://www.torinishino.com/shuffle-shapes-masterclass
Tori's Instagram: @torinishino
Tori's Tik Tok: @torinishino
Tori’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ToriNishino
Email: ToriNishinoBusiness@gmail.com
Most people don’t know what their purpose is because they don’t know what they really want and the don’t claim what they want. Today we are going to CLAIM who we want to be, what we want to give and receive.
Who do I want to be? How do I want to feel? What do I want to give? What do I want to receive?ALL THE THINGS: https://beacons.ai/torinishino
High Vibe Podcast on Apple or Spotify: https://pod.link/1499420884
Learn to Shuffle:https://www.torinishino.com/shuffle-shapes-masterclass
Tori's Instagram: @torinishino
Tori's Tik Tok: @torinishino
Tori’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ToriNishino
Email: ToriNishinoBusiness@gmail.com
It is your job and duty to have fun and bring more joy to your life, because when you bring more joy to your life you spread it to others like a wildfire.
What are things that make you feel most alive? Going for a walk? Listening to a high vibe playlist? Yoga? Painting? Singing? Dancing? Community? Games? Sports? When can you make time for one of those things THIS WEEK? Make a date with yourself and make this a non-negotiable. How can you make these things an integral part of your daily and weekly routine?ALL THE THINGS: https://beacons.ai/torinishino
High Vibe Podcast on Apple or Spotify: https://pod.link/1499420884
Learn to Shuffle:https://www.torinishino.com/shuffle-shapes-masterclass
Tori's Instagram: @torinishino
Tori's Tik Tok: @torinishino
Tori’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ToriNishino
Email: ToriNishinoBusiness@gmail.com
It’s this or something better.
I trust the universe is always providing me what I need.
HOMEWORK: Write out your top 10 goals DAILY — and then right next to them, write “It’s this or something better.”
ALL THE THINGS: https://beacons.ai/torinishino
High Vibe Podcast on Apple or Spotify: https://pod.link/1499420884
Learn to Shuffle:https://www.torinishino.com/shuffle-shapes-masterclass
Tori's Instagram: @torinishino
Tori's Tik Tok: @torinishino
Tori’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ToriNishino
Email: ToriNishinoBusiness@gmail.com
Today we will be digging into our journals but it will honestly be a shorter list today as we dive into our non-negotiables.
What are things that you are not willing to settle on for your goals/desires? (Example: Let’s say you want a new career that gives you more passion, but a non-negotiable is that you are not willing to take a pay cut). **There is no “RIGHT” answer here. Simply YOUR answer. Do not feel bad for what your non-negotiables are. They are important to you, so honor them. What are you not willing to sacrifice in order to achieve your goal? (For example, let’s say you want to grow your social media or side hustle business, but you are not willing to give up your Friday night date nights with your partner.) What are the things that are important to you? Get super clear on this and it will help you determine the actions you take and what you say yes to.ALL THE THINGS: https://beacons.ai/torinishino
High Vibe Podcast on Apple or Spotify: https://pod.link/1499420884
Learn to Shuffle:https://www.torinishino.com/shuffle-shapes-masterclass
Tori's Instagram: @torinishino
Tori's Tik Tok: @torinishino
Tori’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ToriNishino
Email: ToriNishinoBusiness@gmail.com
Today we are really diving into mixing both the energetic and practical parts to bring your dreams to life. I’m talking about WHO you need to BECOME to bring these dreams into your current reality. Make this a fun game that you play. Get out your notebook and jouranl on this one question. Then I really want you to FEEL into that person.
The type of person that has a 10 in this category of wheel of life….how do they act? How do they feel? When do they wake up? When do they go to sleep? How do they dress? What’s a regular day in their life like? How does it FEEL to already have the things that you desire? Now I want you to go into your daily life and start acting as that person. -
Today we are diving into how to craft your daily to do list to know that you're making moves towards your goals. Every morning you will know exactly what you need to do to make your dreams a reality.
ALL THE THINGS: https://beacons.ai/torinishino
High Vibe Podcast on Apple or Spotify: https://pod.link/1499420884
Learn to Shuffle:https://www.torinishino.com/shuffle-shapes-masterclass
Tori's Instagram: @torinishino
Tori's Tik Tok: @torinishino
Tori’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ToriNishino
Email: ToriNishinoBusiness@gmail.com
Grab your free vision board templates HERE.
ALL THE THINGS: https://beacons.ai/torinishino
High Vibe Podcast on Apple or Spotify: https://pod.link/1499420884
Learn to Shuffle:https://www.torinishino.com/shuffle-shapes-masterclass
Tori's Instagram: @torinishino
Tori's Tik Tok: @torinishino
Tori’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ToriNishino
Email: ToriNishinoBusiness@gmail.com
Where do you see myself one year from now? If everything went to plan. Best case scenario. How does it feel?
ALL THE THINGS: https://beacons.ai/torinishino
High Vibe Podcast on Apple or Spotify: https://pod.link/1499420884
Learn to Shuffle:https://www.torinishino.com/shuffle-shapes-masterclass
Tori's Instagram: @torinishino
Tori's Tik Tok: @torinishino
Tori’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ToriNishino
Email: ToriNishinoBusiness@gmail.com
What habits are you releasing this year? What habits do you need to instill to become this person? Where can you habit stack?ALL THE THINGS: https://beacons.ai/torinishino
High Vibe Podcast on Apple or Spotify: https://pod.link/1499420884
Learn to Shuffle:https://www.torinishino.com/shuffle-shapes-masterclass
Tori's Instagram: @torinishino
Tori's Tik Tok: @torinishino
Tori’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ToriNishino
Email: ToriNishinoBusiness@gmail.com
Let's dive into the one goal that is going to have a ripple effect for them all.
ALL THE THINGS: https://beacons.ai/torinishino
High Vibe Podcast on Apple or Spotify: https://pod.link/1499420884
Learn to Shuffle:https://www.torinishino.com/shuffle-shapes-masterclass
Tori's Instagram: @torinishino
Tori's Tik Tok: @torinishino
Tori’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ToriNishino
Email: ToriNishinoBusiness@gmail.com
Determine Your Top 10 Goals and write them out. Make sure they energize you and excite you. Write these DAILY.
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