
  • Milestone Celebration: Income Marketplace has facilitated over 100 million euros in loans.

    Origin Story: Established in July 2020 amidst the pandemic; launched in January 2021.

    Key Challenges:

    Initial slow growthClick Cash default in November 2022Repayment delays from VIVUS and Juancho Te presta in 2023

    Leadership Transition: Lavrenti Tsudakov's journey from product manager to CEO.

    Future Plans:

    Introduction of new products (NPLs, credit lines)Expanding the loan originator pipelineSystem performance optimizationsStrategic aim for profitability and regulatory compliance

    Current Status:

    Loans under management: 13 million eurosStrong loan originator pipeline with active offers

    Outlook: Positive growth prospects, focus on investor confidence and operational excellence.

    Tune in for more engaging discussions in future episodes of Income Insights!


    Learn more about the Podcast: https://getincome.com/blog/podcast/

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  • Key Highlights:

    Operational Updates at Income: Discover the strategic transition of Income's bank account from LHV to Verifo, aimed at enhancing international transactions and optimizing cost efficiency, showcasing Income's proactive approach to operational excellence.

    Financial Performance Review: Dive into the financial details of core lenders DanaRupiah and ITF Group, discussing their recent performances and regulatory impacts that shape the lending environment.

    Exploring Artificial Intelligence: Learn about the current role of artificial intelligence in Income's operations and its potential to transform marketing, customer service, and risk assessment, ensuring that human oversight remains a critical component.

    Future Outlook: Kimmo shares insights into the potential challenges and opportunities of integrating more advanced AI technologies into peer-to-peer lending, emphasizing the balance between innovation and traditional financial practices.

    Tune in for more engaging discussions in future episodes of Income Insights!


    Learn more about the Podcast: https://getincome.com/blog/podcast/

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  • In this engaging episode of Income Insights, host Denny Neidhardt, alongside Income founder Kimmo Rytkönen, dive deep into the intricacies of the Lender Onboarding and Acquisition process on Income Marketplace, reflecting on the strategic growth, operational hurdles, and the ambitious targets set for the upcoming period.

    Key Discussion Points:

    Latest developments: The conversation begins with Income's recent achievement of surpassing a 10 million Euro portfolio. It hints at an optimistic future bolstered by adding new Loan Originators (LOs) to the pipeline. The discussion then moves to the latest interest rate changes in the platform. Acquisition and Onboarding Process: Income’s strategic approach starts with agents and prioritizing compliant jurisdictions to ensure lenders meet funding and legal standards.Due Diligence and Legal Compliance: Lender onboarding involves due diligence, which includes financial and legal evaluations. Financial analysis evaluates the quality of a lender's loan book. Legal due diligence partners with local law firms to navigate the regulatory landscape.Sales Cycle and Integration: The podcast touches upon the sales cycle duration from initial contact to integrating a new lender on the marketplace.Challenges and Objections: Kimmo discusses some hurdles encountered during the acquisition process, including lenders' reluctance to share information, highlighting the importance of transparency and compliance.Future Prospects: The episode concludes with a glimpse into Income's future plans, including expanding the portfolio beyond traditional payday and installment loans. Potential collaborations are mentioned with broadening the platform's horizon to include innovative and insured cash flow-related products.

    This episode provides valuable insights into Income Marketplace's strategic approach to lender acquisition and onboarding, the rigorous due diligence process, and the platform's future direction. The discussion underlines the importance of compliance, the challenges faced, and the optimism for continued growth and diversification of loan products.

    Tune in for more engaging discussions in future episodes of Income Insights!


    Learn more about the Podcast: https://getincome.com/blog/podcast/

    New to Income? Sign up with a bonus: https://getincome.com/register?ref_code=R5BE1F

  • Regulatory Challenges and Crowdfunding: Insights into navigating the evolving regulatory landscape and maintaining compliance while scaling.Improving Auto Invest Functionality: Strategies for optimizing auto invest to mitigate cash drag, including the introduction of new loan originators.Expanding Loan Supply: The due diligence process and strategic approach in onboarding new and reliable loan originators to diversify asset offerings.Incorporating ESG Criteria: Discussion on environmentally friendly lending and the integration of ESG-compliant loans into the marketplace.Financial Stability and Upcoming Funding Rounds: Overview of financial health, reflections on a challenging fundraising environment, and plans for future growth.Secondary Market Development and Loan Recovery: Considerations for introducing a secondary market and updates on efforts to improve loan recovery processes.

    Episode Highlights:

    Dedicated Q&A session engaging directly with questions from the investor community.Focus on transparency, strategic growth, and enhancing investor experience through functional improvements.Commitment to regulatory compliance, environmental sustainability, and financial stability.

    Tune in for more engaging discussions in future episodes of Income Insights!


    Learn more about the Podcast: https://getincome.com/blog/podcast/

    New to Income? Sign up with a bonus: https://getincome.com/register?ref_code=R5BE1F

  • Episode Notes for "Income Insights Podcast - Episode 4"

    Lender Updates: Updates on DanaRupiah, Vivus Mexico, and ClickCash, showcasing resilience and strategic adaptations to challenges.

    New Investment Opportunities: Introduction of new loan products by Hoovi and the anticipated addition of Current from Latvia, expanding the diversity of investment options.

    Strategic Expansions: Discussion on expanding the ecosystem to include car rental businesses, indicating a broader vision for the platform.

    Investor Protection: Continued focus on protecting investor interests through proactive measures and strategic lender relationships.

    These notes summarize the key points discussed in the episode, highlighting the platform's efforts towards growth, diversification, and investor security.

    Tune in for more engaging discussions in future episodes of Income Insights!


    Learn more about the Podcast: https://getincome.com/blog/podcast/

    New to Income? Sign up with a bonus: https://getincome.com/register?ref_code=R5BE1F

  • In this episode of Income Insights, host Denny Neidhardt and Income founder Kimmo Rytkönen engage in a comprehensive discussion covering the platform's journey through 2023 and its ambitious goals for 2024.

    Key Points:

    1. Reflecting on 2023 Challenges:

    - Kimmo highlights the difficulties faced by FinTechs, discussing the impact on loan onboarding due to market shifts and funding struggles.

    - Regulatory hurdles and issues with existing lenders are addressed, impacting the platform's performance.

    2. Strategic Approach to Growth:

    - Despite challenges, Income achieved a commendable growth from 7 million to 11 million outstanding investments, with a peak at 13 million.

    - The focus in 2024 is on doubling assets under management, with plans to attract larger Loan Originators and resolve the cash drag issue.

    3. CEO's Strategic Transition:

    - Kimmo discusses his shift to a more strategic role, emphasizing the importance of regulatory developments and potential jurisdiction changes.

    - Plans for a funding round in 2024 are unveiled, with a target of around 1 million euros to support the platform's growth initiatives.

    4. Regulatory Developments:

    - The discussion delves into the significance of becoming a regulated marketplace, addressing potential benefits in attracting investors and institutional support.

    - Kimmo expresses the platform's intention to pursue licensing in Estonia or explore other jurisdictions if necessary.

    5. Funding Round and Financial Outlook:

    - The episode provides insights into the platform's financial situation, highlighting ongoing support from key investors and plans for a funding round.

    - Kimmo mentions a target of approximately 1 million euros in the funding round, contributing to a positive financial outlook for 2024.

    6. Operational Improvements and Challenges:

    - Kimmo discusses ongoing efforts to enhance the platform's IT infrastructure, addressing challenges related to auto-invest functionality.

    - Consideration for a financial audit is mentioned, weighing the benefits against the resource and time commitments.

    7. 2024 Goals and Priorities:

    - The main priority for 2024 is to double assets under management, with a short-term target of reaching 30 million outstanding investments.

    - Strategic collaborations with Loan Originators and resolving the asset issue are emphasized to mitigate cash drag and enhance investor experience.


    The episode provides a transparent look into Income Marketplace's past challenges, present strategies, and future aspirations. Kimmo's insights offer investors a comprehensive understanding of the platform's resilience, adaptability, and commitment to growth in the evolving landscape of peer-to-peer lending.

    Tune in for more engaging discussions in future episodes of Income Insights!


    Learn more about the Podcast: https://getincome.com/blog/podcast/

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  • Welcome to another episode of Income Insights with Kimmo and Denny! Here's what they discussed this eposode:

    ClickCash Debt Restructuring

    Context: ClickCash, facing challenges and infrequent payments, prompts a strategic decision for transparent communication and debt restructuring.Decision Explanation: Kimmo Rytkönen explains the rationale behind bridging payments up to 5,000 euros from Income funds. The decision aims to provide investors with a reliable schedule amidst uncertainties stemming from ClickCash's struggles.

    Logic Behind 5,000 Euros

    Practicality Consideration: Kimmo clarifies that the 5,000-euro amount is rooted in practicality, considering ClickCash's available funds and the need to balance investor expectations with the challenges of dealing with struggling lenders.Investor Safeguards: The decision acts as a safety net, ensuring investors have a predetermined schedule for repayments, adding a layer of security amid uncertainties.

    Addressing Conflict of Interest:

    Background Explanation: Denny raises concerns about conflict of interest, specifically Kimmo's equity investment in ClickCash.Transparent History: Kimmo provides a detailed background, emphasizing transparency maintained throughout the equity investment process. The discussion touches on potential policies and regulatory considerations to address conflict of interest in the future.

    Vivus Mexico Challenges

    Operational Challenges: Insights into challenges faced with Vivus Mexico are provided, highlighting the struggles with bank policies affecting cross-border fund transfers.Confidence in Resolution: Despite challenges, the platform expresses confidence in resolving the pending issues, emphasizing ongoing communication with Vivus to address the complexities.

    Maintaining Reputation and Transparency

    Potential Reputation Impact: The episode concludes with a discussion on potential damage to Income's reputation and strategies for preventing similar issues in the future.Commitment to Transparency: Kimmo emphasizes the platform's dedication to transparency, finding solutions with lenders, and ensuring investor trust through open communication.

    Auto-Invest Feature Challenges

    Low Loan Supply Impact: Challenges with the auto-invest feature are attributed to a low supply of loans on the platform.Explanation of Logic: Kimmo explains the logic behind auto-invest and acknowledges the need for constant tuning to enhance its functionality. The platform's commitment to addressing concerns and improving user experience is highlighted.


    Overview: Episode 2 provides a comprehensive overview of recent developments, challenges, and strategic decisions made by Income in the dynamic lending landscape.Platform Dedication: The commitment to transparency, the resolution of issues, and the constant pursuit of improving user experience shine through, reaffirming Income's dedication to investor trust and success.

    Tune in for more engaging discussions in future episodes of Income Insights!

    Learn more about the Podcast:https://getincome.com/blog/podcast/

    New to Income? Sign up with a bonus: https://getincome.com/register?ref_code=R5BE1F

    Tune in for more engaging discussions in future episodes of Income Insights!


    Learn more about the Podcast: https://getincome.com/blog/podcast/

    New to Income? Sign up with a bonus: https://getincome.com/register?ref_code=R5BE1F

  • Podcast Introduction: Income Insights opens with Denny from Rethink P2P lending introducing the podcast's concept and its aim to improve investor communication by discussing Income's current challenges and future plans.

    Introduction of Kimmo: The episode welcomes Income's founder, Kimmo, and he shares his enthusiasm for podcasts and past appearances, noting this is his first initiative in creating one.

    Reasons for CEO Change: Kimmo discusses his decision to step down from the CEO position due to personal and time constraints, and he highlights the strategic factors, opportunities, and succession planning behind this transition.

    Insights into Income's Team: Kimmo provides an overview of Income's team structure, roles, and the external services they utilize, giving listeners an insight into the people driving the platform.

    Loan Originator Developments: Denny and Kimmo delve into the general challenges and growth prospects of Loan Originators (LOs) on Income, emphasizing the significance of attracting LOs capable of substantial growth.

    Focus on VIVUS in Mexico: The episode addresses the delay in payments from LO VIVUS and the hurdles related to banking documentation in Mexico, shedding light on AML and KYC issues.

    Handling AML Policies: Kimmo explains the impact of banking regulations and how AML policies can create delays when dealing with LOs in various jurisdictions.

    Lessons from LO ClickCash: The episode concludes with a discussion on the challenges of small loan books and the issue of scalability with LOs, sharing insights gained from Income's experience with ClickCash.

    Upcoming Episodes: Denny teases that future episodes will provide more detailed updates on the Loan Originators, potential solutions, and other aspects of the platform.

    Closing Remarks: Kimmo expresses his appreciation for the podcast and the opportunity to provide more transparency and engagement with Income's investor community.

    Learn more about Income: getincome.com

    Learn more about the Income Insights podcast: https://getincome.com/blog/podcast/

    Tune in for more engaging discussions in future episodes of Income Insights!


    Learn more about the Podcast: https://getincome.com/blog/podcast/

    New to Income? Sign up with a bonus: https://getincome.com/register?ref_code=R5BE1F