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Holy Heretics seeks to foster honest conversations about the state of religion in the 21st century. We interview experts, spiritual seekers, scholars, and activists in our quest to examine just exactly how modern-day Christianity lost the Way of Jesus while also discovering how it can be regained through subversive thought and action.
Immer die neusten Inputs (Predigten) vom IMPACT, der Kirche für Junge im Prisma Rapperswil (CH). Mit unseren Inputs wollen wir aus christlich-biblischer Sicht am Puls der Zeit sein und inspieren. Wir möchten ein Ort sein, an dem sich Menschen über Themen informieren können, um sich anschliessend selber eine Meinung zu bilden. +++ Kirche neu erleben, dafür steht das Prisma. Durch unsere kreativen, farbigen und vielfältigen Angebote möchten wir Menschen in eine lebendige Beziehung zu Gott begleiten und sie darin unterstützen. impact.prisma.chprisma.ch +++ Uns unterstützen: prisma.ch/onlinespende
Keith Butler Ministries (KBM) is an international ministry with the goal of TEACHING the Word, DOING the Work, and TOUCHING the World. KBM is steadfast in sharing the message of Faith in God and training those who are called to do the same across the world. Globally, this mission is upheld by the grace of God and through the generous support of the partners and friends of KBM.
PISTIS School of Ministry (PSOM) is their Bible training center designed to develop students in every area that is vital for stability, strength and growth in a ministry. Find out more at www.pistis.cc -
Der Podcast der Zeitschrift "Bekennende Kirche". www.bekennende-kirche.de
Welcome to The Marc Clair Show.
Marc is a podcasting veteran. 9 years ago he co-founded Lions of Liberty and took the reins of the flagship program, bringing you the best liberty had to offer.
Now Marc is venturing out into a more broad array of subjects to educate the masses and assist them as they attempt to navigate today’s reality.
If you are one of the millions of people struggling to understand the relationship between the material world and the spiritual world tune in and subscribe to The Marc Clair Show.
It may be your only hope. -
Exploring the profound wisdom of the Hindu/Yoga/religious/spiritual/scientific lifestyle. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dharmayogashram/support
The stories of the nine incarnations of Goddess Durga.
Navratra stories -
இறைவா ! இறைவா ! இறைவனின் புகழ் பாடும் தாசனாய் மக்களுக்கு மகத்தான இறைபக்தி நிறைந்த பல உபோயகமான தகவல்களை கொடுக்கும் இடம் இது . உங்களின் ஆதரவு என்றும் அவசியம்.உங்கள் ஆதரவை அன்பால் கொடுங்கள்..!இறையருள் பெருகட்டும் ! நலமுடன் வாழ்க நண்பர்களே !This Podcast is solely created for worshipping god with devotional information. You can find many devotional podcastwith lots of inspirational information to your life. This gives you great peace for your mind when you hear. We won't disappoint you anytime.God is Great! Please show your support by subscribing to our podcast. Don't forget to share the Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/iraivaa/support
Learning about world religions
This is my first time on this platform
In diesem Podcast erfährst du von dem Medium Yvonne Böhm und dem medialen Life & Business Coach Sebastian Biolik, wie du ein schöneres Leben in Freude, Erfüllung und Leichtigkeit genießen kannst, indem du deine medialen Fähigkeiten und dein Bewusstsein stärkst, sowie die Verbindung zu deinem Selbst erhöhst. Medialität meets Persönlichkeitsentwicklung.
Wir alle möchten ein sinnerfülltes und sinnstiftendes Leben in Selbstliebe, Wertschätzung, Dankbarkeit und vor allem in Harmonie führen. Ganz ohne Selbstzweifel, Beziehungsprobleme und Ängste. Genau dafür treten Yvonne und Sebastian in diesem Podcast an. Um all das nicht Greifbare, leicht greifbarer zu machen und dein Verständnis für dein Bewusstsein, sowie deine medialen Kräfte und Fähigkeiten in dir zu erhöhen.
Wenn auch du mehr von deinem Leben willst, mehr verstehen und durchschauen möchtest, sowie einen tieferen Einblick in die Seelenwelt und in die energetische Welt erhalten möchtest, um ein glückliches und erfülltes Leben in Leichtigkeit verspüren zu können, dann verpasse keine weitere Folge von White Soul Healing. -
Encouraging, Challenging, Spiritual, and Engaging. Join me on an adventure to better understand the world around us through the Scripture.
La voix de l'espérance
Witchcraft, Wicca, Festivals, Spooky Places, and Historic Witch Cult Towns visited. All this and off the wall talk for you to relax and enjoy with a good laugh. Come little children, the times come to play...here in my Garden of Shadows. Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/gardenofshadows/support
“Tutti da Te aspettano che tu dia loro il cibo in tempo opportuno”, dice il salmista. Il buon Dio non fa mancare il pane ai suoi figli. La Parola accompagna e sostiene il cammino della Chiesa, dona luce e forza a coloro che cercano la verità, indica la via della fedeltà. Ogni giorno risuona questa Parola. Ho voluto raccogliere qualche briciola di questo banchetto che rallegra il cuore per condividere con i fratelli la gioia della fede e la speranza del Vangelo.
The Thevaram Podcast aims to take you on a spiritual journey across the major highlights of the lives of the 63 Nayanmargals of Lord Shiva. Thiruchitrambalam
Es geht um die Vielfalt und um die Lehren des Hinduismus.
Trazer um pouco de paz no coração uma oração e sempre uma benção a caminho
The Body of Christ teaches true repentance and the keeping of the laws, statutes and commandments of the Bible through Jesus Christ to the 12 Tribes of Israel that are scattered throughout the earth.
This podcast covers Gita in its True perspective.
5200 years long interval Srimad Bhagavad Gita in its authentic and everlasting exposition : The Science of Religion for Mankind : Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand.