
  • Episode #248: Working in ASEAN for 27 years, Adelina Kamal played a pivotal role in establishing and ultimately being appointed executive director of its AHA Centre for Coordinated Disaster Response, and she also co-drafted the ASEAN agreement on disaster management and emergency response. Overall, she admires the organization. “Basically I grew up together with ASEAN and I have become the person I am right now partly because of ASEAN. ASEAN has shaped me as an individual.”

    Yet at the same time, Adelina has publicly called attention to ASEAN’s shortcomings regarding disaster relief in Myanmar. The ASEAN agreement on disaster management mandates that the affected country must consent to and direct the assistance, deciding who receives aid and how it is distributed. This framework assumes a willing and capable government, which respects national sovereignty and prevents foreign entities from acting unilaterally. However, in the case of the Myanmar crisis, this assumption has all but broken down, and Adelina is calling on ASEAN to address the problem in an effective way. The junta does not prioritize the welfare of its people—in fact, it continues to add to their misery—and therefore the very government of the country cannot be counted on as a good-faith partner, as has occurred in most all other AHA efforts. ASEAN has yet to squarely face, and deal with, this fact.

    “It is an existential crisis of ASEAN!” she exclaims. “It is not only a Myanmar crisis, but ASEAN is in crisis too. I hope that ASEAN will exist in decades to come because really, the relevance of ASEAN is being questioned here. With what's happening on the ground [in Myanmar], and with the nature of the Spring Revolution, which is really teaching us a lot of things; for this older generation, it is really the time for us and for ASEAN to do so; if we want to make ASEAN matter to the people.”

  • Episode #247: Nicholas Koumjian, the head of the Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar (IIMM), shares his insights into the ongoing atrocities in Myanmar. He emphasizes the critical need for collecting and preserving evidence amid the escalating crisis, where crimes have only intensified since the military coup in 2021. Indeed, IIMM’s mission is to meticulously gather and verify evidence, including eyewitness testimonies, social media, and satellite imagery. Although not a prosecutorial body itself, IIMM plays a vital role in any related cases.

    Koumjian highlights the multifaceted nature of the Myanmar conflict, drawing parallels to other international crises he has investigated. The IIMM has faced formidable challenges in collecting data-- not many on the IIMM staff speak Burmese, and the organization has no on-the-ground presence inside the country. So the IIMM leverages innovative technology to collect the vast amounts of data and organize it so that it can be used by courts around the world. He expresses gratitude for the bravery of those who have provided information and reaffirmed IIMM's commitment to justice for crimes committed, and deterrence of future crimes.

    “If you did not prosecute them, you get more of these crimes occurring,” Koumjian says. “It’s very important to establish that historical record. Very important that young people in that country learn more and understand better about what actually happened before they were born, but not that long ago, and that affected their parents, and grandparents, so that they understand them better, and so that it never happens again. And so that is what we hope to be contributing to in our work in Myanmar. We can break the cycle of impunity that has led to such crimes happen over and over again in Myanmar's history.”

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  • Episode #246: Thura, co-founder of Spring University Myanmar (SUM), offers a poignant narrative of resilience and innovation in the face of tyranny. Following the 2021 coup, Myanmar's youth found themselves grappling with a reality where traditional education systems crumbled under the weight of military oppression. Thura's response was visionary: establishing an alternative educational platform that not only defies the junta but also sustains the spirit of learning and resistance.

    Spring University Myanmar has emerged as a vibrant beacon of hope, providing micro-credentials and diploma programs across diverse disciplines. By harnessing the power of digital and analog technologies, including innovative tools like the SUM box and radio lectures, the university transcends the barriers imposed by conflict. Thura's approach is rooted in the belief that education extends beyond classroom walls, fostering critical thinking, cultural appreciation, and active citizenship among Myanmar's youth.

    Despite the ever-present threat of military retaliation, Thura's commitment to safeguarding the identities of students and faculty underscores the delicate balance between defiance and survival. This endeavor not only educates but also cultivates a generation of informed and empowered individuals poised to rebuild a free Myanmar. Through Spring University Myanmar, Thura illuminates the path towards a future where knowledge becomes the cornerstone of resistance and renewal.

    “I've joined some of these faculty lectures, and damn, they are just so wonderful and full of passion, both in their subject material and their approach to teaching,” he says. “So beyond that political affiliation, and the affinity that comes with it, what really keeps the students coming back to SUM is that kind of quality of teaching.”

  • Episode #245: Barry Lapping shares his spiritual odyssey from the turbulence of the Vietnam War era and counterculture movement, to the serene hills of Bodhgaya, India, to becoming a vipassana meditation teacher in western Massachusetts.

    His story begins with a chance encounter with a captivating magazine photo of a meditator in the mountains of New Mexico, which ignited his quest to find true happiness. His subsequent journey led him to try kibbutz life in Israel, before traveling overland through Turkey, Iran and Afghanistan to India, where he found his spiritual home at the Burmese Vihara in Bodhgaya. There, under the guidance of his first teacher, Munindra, and later S.N. Goenka, Barry delved deep into the practice of vipassana meditation.

    Barry highlights the essence of Goenka's teachings, which focus on the purification of the mind through a non-judgmental observation of physical sensation that leads to an experiential understanding of impermanence, suffering, and non-self. Despite initial struggles, Barry found profound transformation through this practice, which provided him with the tools to navigate the complexities of life with equanimity and wisdom. He has devoted his life to helping spread these teachings, and is now the Center teacher at Dhamma Dhara, in western Massachusetts.

    Barry’s story is a testament to the enduring power of meditation to bring about profound personal change and contribute to a more compassionate and understanding world.

  • Episode #244: Matthew Arnold details the aftermath of Operation 1027, and how this has dramatically shifted the landscape of conflict in Myanmar. The junta's inability to maintain control, compounded by losing key territories, showcases a dramatic shift in power dynamics. Arnold emphasizes that the ceasefire brokered by China, although seemingly significant, is more a tactical pause than a strategic peace, driven by the junta's need to save face amid substantial defeats.

    The broader conflict is marked by a series of insurgencies and the junta's heavy reliance on violence against civilians, illustrating its desperation. Arnold points out that the junta's attempts to stabilize their rule through ceasefires often fail, revealing a pattern of transactional and insincere agreements meant to temporarily halt fighting rather than foster long-term political solutions.

    Arnold’s insights highlight the junta's eroding military capacity, strained logistics, and diminishing strategic depth. This scenario underscores a critical juncture where local resistance, ethnic alliances, and international diplomatic pressures converge, potentially leading to the junta's collapse and a reconfiguration of Myanmar's political landscape.

    Matthew Arnold concludes with a powerful message to those continuing on in the resistance movement: “The Myanmar people should take heart. This has been your revolution, you have been the ones who have pushed it, you've succeeded more than any other country has when confronted with a deeply entrenched, genocidal military, and one that is willing to use mass violence against the population. All of this has been through the determination and dedication of the Myanmar people.”

  • Episode #243: Kenneth Wong, a Burmese language teacher and translator, visited Thailand to connect with compatriots who have sought refuge there due to the conflict in Myanmar. While he enjoyed his stay in Mae Sot, a town with a significant Burmese presence, he soon realized that it was quite different for Burmese refugees: after a fraught journey across the Moei River to avoid capture, the community is plagued by fear, extortion by local authorities and a lack of prospects that keep many from even leaving their house, let along learning Thai. Despite these challenges, a strong Burmese community persists in Mae Sot, with hopes of returning home after political change. Kenneth reflects on the plight of previous generations of activists who remained in exile without assimilating, limiting their ability to aid current movements. He also notes instances of Thai kindness toward Burmese workers against the backdrop of a complicated, historical relationship.

    At the end of the day, Kenneth is anything if not optimistic. “I'm hopeful that some of the activists and refugees I met, even though they are in a desperate situation with an uncertain future, they also turning around and helping people who are less fortunate, and helping people who arrive fresh off the boat as it were,” he says in closing. “I have nothing but admiration for them, for the fact that even though they are struggling, they seek reward in selfless acts. I think these are the people that in the post-coup Federal Union, the kind of democratic kind Burma that we envision, these are the kinds of young people who will lead to nation-rebuilding efforts. These are the kind of people who I hope could become a bridge to foster goodwill between Thailand and Burma, because if they go back, maybe they retain some fond memories of the good experiences that they've had in Thailand.”

  • Episode #242: The situation at the Myanmar-India border exemplifies the intersection of regional geopolitics, ethnic dynamics, and national security concerns. Angshuman Choudhury, a policy analyst, emphasizes that the northeast region of India, with its proximity and historical ties to Myanmar, plays a pivotal role in India's strategic calculus. The border, stretching 1,640 kilometers, is not just a line on a map, but a space of significant ethnic and cultural interaction that impacts local and national policies.

    India's relationship with Myanmar is a pragmatic one, influenced by security concerns over insurgent groups finding refuge in Myanmar and the broader geopolitical landscape marked by China's growing influence. Choudhury notes that the Indian government’s Act East policy and investments in border infrastructure underscore an ambition to integrate its northeast region more closely with Southeast Asia, positioning it as a gateway to further economic and strategic opportunities.

    However, the influx of refugees from Myanmar following the coup in 2021 has complicated this goal, highlighting internal policy contradictions. Choudhury notes that while Mizoram's government has shown humanitarian support for refugees because of its ethnic ties and local sentiment, the federal government has taken a more cautious approach, revealing a tension between regional and national security priorities.

    In essence, Choudhury points out how the dynamics at the Myanmar-India border illustrate how local ethnic relations, national security policies, and international strategic interests converge, creating a complex tapestry that has both immediate and long-term implications for the region.

    “As far as Myanmar is concerned, there is almost an across the board consensus [in New Delhi] that ‘we've got to play safe.’ There is an understanding that we need political stability in Myanmar in order to ensure economic development and economic relationship with India, and also to prevent the spillover of the conflict into northeast India,” he says. “In fact, in that sense, there is a bipartisan consensus between India's ruling party and opposition parties over this issue.”

  • Episode #241: “When we look back now, it's easier to look at that [transition] period darkly and dismiss it and say it was kind of a mirage,” says Timothy McLaughlin. “I do think there was there was were some real things happening and definitely benefits. Was it equal across the board? Of course not. And was it halting? Yes, for sure.”

    McLaughlin, a seasoned journalist, begins by highlighting the initial optimism and significant economic changes that took place during this transition period, such as the telecom revolution and banking reforms, which provided tangible benefits despite the overarching political uncertainties and sporadic violence. He then critiques US policy towards Myanmar at that time, suggesting that the Obama administration’s early attempts were genuine but ultimately superficial. The initial post-coup U.S. response, he also argues, was performative and lacked substantial impact, revealing a broader issue with the efficacy of sanctions. He points out the problematic relationship between U.S. actions and the complex dynamics of Myanmar's geopolitical environment, particularly the role of China and regional actors like ASEAN and Thailand.

    The discussion also touches on the significant humanitarian crisis in Myanmar, emphasizing the need for more innovative and localized approaches to aid distribution. McLaughlin underscores the frustration and sense of abandonment felt by the Myanmar people, contrasting the international community's initial enthusiasm with its subsequent apathy post-coup.

    “Myanmar is not going back to what it was,” he says. “What it is in the future, we obviously don't know. But I don't think it's going back to what it was in 2012, or the 2003 era. Something fundamentally is changing here, and it's going to take a while for that all to be seen and sorted. Unfortunately, it's probably going to mean more lost lives and destruction. But I do think that something different is going to emerge from all this.”

  • Episode #240: Isabel Todd, speaking on behalf of the Special Advisory Council for Myanmar (SAC-M), provides a profound insight into the current situation in Myanmar, focusing on the country's struggle for justice and human rights amidst ongoing military atrocities.

    A critical aspect of Todd's discussion is the international community's response to the crisis in Myanmar, or rather, the lack thereof. Despite the clear evidence of genocidal atrocities committed by the military against the Rohingya, and the ongoing human rights violations since the coup, ensuring accountability and justice still seem far off. The International Criminal Court (ICC) and the International Court of Justice (ICJ) have roles to play, but their capacities are limited by jurisdictional challenges and political complexities.

    Todd emphasizes the importance of continued pressure on the international community to act decisively against the Myanmar military. She highlights the efforts of the SAC-M in advocating for the prosecution of military leaders for war crimes and crimes against humanity. This advocacy extends to urging the ICC to expand its limited investigation and for the international community to uphold its responsibility to protect vulnerable populations in Myanmar.

    “It's so important to look at this beyond purely military terms, because this isn't a civil war. This is an uprising!” she says. “It's a revolution to rebuild what Myanmar is, and that's already happening! The sort of foundations of the federal democracy that will be established in the future, are already being built at that community and township level. This is an uprising that people are willing to happen, and there are acts of resistance that are taking place every day that aren't necessarily seen, but what's very clear as people are actively opposed to the junta.”

  • Episode #239: Phil Robertson paints a harrowing picture of the plight of Myanmar migrant workers in Thailand. He describes how migrant workers, driven by economic desperation from Myanmar, are ensnared in a system of exploitation and abuse on arriving in Thailand, despite legal frameworks intended to protect them. They face stagnant wages, hazardous working conditions, and an almost complete lack of legal protection. Employers frequently confiscate their passports, binding them to harsh and oppressive labor conditions under threat of deportation or worse.

    The Thai police and immigration authorities, far from being protectors, often act as predators. Robertson recounts stories of police brutality, sexual assault, and extortion, with migrant workers viewed not as human beings but as sources of illicit income. The systemic corruption and lack of enforcement of labor laws create an environment where abuse is the norm, not the exception.

    Robertson’s call to action is clear: significant legal and regulatory reforms are needed to protect the rights of migrant workers. He emphasizes the importance of international pressure and the role of NGOs in shining a light on these abuses. Only through concerted effort and awareness can the cycle of exploitation be broken, and dignity restored to these vulnerable workers.

    “I would hope that there would be an effort to somehow impress upon the Thais that eventually there's going to be peace, and eventually there's going to be a representative democratic government in Myanmar, and the people who run that government are going to be looking at how Thailand treated them and their compatriots during their hard times. Unless Thailand takes some corrective action, then Thai-Myanmar relations are going to suffer in the future because of these kinds of abuses against ordinary people.”

  • Episode #238: Helene Maria Kyed, a senior researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies. sheds light on the phenomenon of military defections since the 2021 coup. Historically, defections were rare and there wasn't even a Burmese term for it. Prior to the coup, soldiers might desert, but not defect, driven by dissatisfaction rather than a desire to join the ethnic resistance or other oppositional forces.

    The coup has changed this landscape dramatically. Defections have surged, driven by a combination of factors including ideological disillusionment with the military's actions, economic hardships, and the promise of a different future. These defectors are not just leaving their posts; they are actively joining the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) and various resistance organizations, seeking to dismantle the military's grip on power.

    Kyed highlights the critical role of the CDM and ethnic armed organizations in facilitating defections, offering support and safe havens to those who choose to leave. This support ranges from financial aid to logistical assistance, helping defectors escape the military's reach and start anew. However, the journey is fraught with danger, as defectors risk retribution not only against themselves but also against their families.

    The defection movement is not just a numbers game—it represents a profound shift in the military's cohesion and morale. By providing a pathway for soldiers to leave, the resistance is chipping away at the military's strength from within, offering a glimmer of hope for a more just and peaceful future for Myanmar.

    “Historically and comparatively it is quite unprecedented, and quite impressive how, not only in terms of the material support, but also the way that these different activities online have been able to move this defection forward in Myanmar,” she says. “We need to keep in mind the historical unprecedentedness not only in the Myanmar context, but worldwide, of the resilience, and impressive strategies and practices of the revolutionary movement in Myanmar.”

  • Episode #237: Dragos Badita, a seeker of wisdom and a skilled artist from Romania, embarked on a transformative journey to Myanmar in 2019. His desire to delve deeper into Buddhism and meditation led him to the Pa Auk Monastery, where he spent weeks immersing himself in practice. But beyond meditation, Dragos, with his artist's eye, meticulously made sketches throughout his trip, including his monastery surroundings. These drawings, filled with details that he might otherwise overlook, mirrored the patience and commitment required in both meditation and art. Through his art, Dragos reveals the profound meaning embedded in everyday scenes, such as a pair of sandals at a meditation hall's entrance symbolizing community and respect. 

    Reflecting on his own homeland’s transition away from many years of dictatorship, Dragos draws parallels with Myanmar in expressing hope for a democratic future there, seeing the same spirit of change there. So his journey not only enriched his understanding of Buddhist teachings, but deepened his appreciation for freedom and its transformative power.

    Dragos points out that the Buddhist understanding he gained in Myanmar derived from lessons learned off the cushion as well. “You see monks in the morning, and it reminds you that this exists, that it's happening it has some weight to it. A lot of time has passed from when the Buddha gave the teachings, but this is still happening! The monks with the alms bowls in the morning, it is still happening after all this time.”

  • Episode #236: Debbie's life has been a remarkable journey, spanning continents and causes, and fueled by an unwavering commitment to activism and human rights. Born in Malaysia, Debbie’s early experiences as a crime reporter ignited her lifelong dedication to advocacy. Her journalism skills—honed in a landscape where women reporters were rare—provided her a unique lens to view and challenge societal injustices.

    Transitioning from journalism to activism, she found herself deeply involved in the democratic struggles in Myanmar, driven by a fascination with its people and a determination to help topple the oppressive military regime. Her activism reflects a broad fight against inequality and oppression across Southeast Asia. Her approach is deeply intersectional, recognizing the entwined struggles of various, marginalized communities. Through her leadership in alternative ASEAN networks and initiatives, she has challenged authoritarianism and helped nurture a generation of new activists, particularly empowering women to lead in their communities. This work has also extended to challenging economic injustices, advocating for inclusive policies that ensure all voices are heard and respected.

    “It wasn't like I woke up one morning and said, ‘I want to be a champion for human rights, and this ideal is noble ideal,’” she says. “Basically, I became a human rights activist because I was trying to solve a problem. We do need to have a more pragmatic and understanding that, yes, human rights principles are absolutely important. But we have to remember that at the center of this are human beings, we have to be human-centered in our human rights approach.”

  • Episode #235: Peter Morris shares his informed and detailed views on the ongoing challenges and the imminent potential of Myanmar's Spring Revolution. A lawyer and journalist by trade, Morris discusses the critical need for Western support, particularly from the U.S., to bolster the revolution, emphasizing the strategic and humanitarian benefits such backing would entail.

    Morris underscores the present, precarious, military situation in Myanmar. He sheds light on China's nuanced position, caught between its strategic interests and the unstable junta, suggesting that Beijing's influence could be pivotal yet is hampered by internal conflicts and a lack of clear policy direction.

    Throughout the dialogue, Morris articulates a clear vision for Myanmar’s future, stressing the importance of international support through humanitarian aid, which he argues would hasten the junta's fall by alleviating the burden on local resources. This support, he believes, could redefine the geostrategic landscape, particularly in relation to Chinese interests and the broader regional stability.

    “We still have to be patient, that's going to be key,” he says. “After all the successes that they've had going up against this powerful military, with little help from the outside, largely on their own, well, it's been an epic struggle, and they're winning! Many books will be written about this struggle. And women are involved, even on the front lines as well. It's nurses doing all kinds of other things, taking leadership roles. It's a movement, it's a revolution.”

  • Episode #234: Ye Htet joins the podcast to discuss his nuanced and evolving perspective on the efficacy and philosophy of non-violence in the face of Myanmar's turbulent political climate. Initially skeptical, Ye Htet's journey towards embracing non-violence began amid widespread protests following the military coup. His turning point came from diving deep into non-violence literature, which shifted his understanding from mere tactics to a deeper philosophical engagement. This shift was not just intellectual but also strategic, as he began to see non-violence not as passive resistance, but as a form of active engagement that transforms societal structures and norms.

    Ye Htet's commitment to non-violence is shaped by both strategic considerations and a philosophical conviction that enduring change requires more than just the absence of violence; it necessitates a foundational transformation in how power and resistance are conceptualized and enacted. His approach involves educating others about the mechanisms and principles of non-violence, fostering discussions, and building resources that support peaceful resistance. Ye Htet views non-violence as a powerful tool for societal change, one that can alter the very dynamics of power and conflict in Myanmar, moving towards a more equitable and peaceful future.

    Ye Htet also believes that choosing the path of non-harm is not just a net good for society, but an inner protection— and transformation— of the individual those chooses that path. “It’s a very significant chance to deviate your lines of thinking and your original approach and intentions. So that's one thing,” he says. “When you do physical violence and kill, you also kind of sacrifice a part of yourself.”

  • Episode #233: Jeff Vogt, Legal Director of the Solidarity Center and member of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Governing Body, discusses significant labor issues in Myanmar since the 2021 military coup. Vogt explains the role of ILO Conventions 87 and 29, which Myanmar has ratified, focusing on the right to freedom of association and the prohibition of forced labor. He details the historical context of labor unions in Myanmar, noting a brief period post-2011 where laws allowed union formation and collective bargaining, although with many limitations. This period ended abruptly with the coup, leading to the dissolution of unions and a crackdown on trade union leaders.

    Vogt highlights the pervasive control and repression by the military that impacts both the public and private sectors. He emphasizes the severe restrictions now placed on workers' rights and the inability of workers to collectively address grievances or negotiate work conditions. Vogt also discusses the ILO's role and procedures, including the significant step of a Commission of Inquiry—a rare measure reserved for severe violations of ratified conventions. He calls for international actions and sanctions to pressure Myanmar to comply with its obligations, stressing the critical importance of organized labor and freedom of association in promoting democracy and protecting workers' rights.

    “The ability of workers to be able to associate and collectively form trade unions is absolutely important,” he says. “And it's not only important because of the role of workers in advocating for members of their workplace, but the role of workers in their unions in being proponents for democracy, both in the workplace and in their communities and society.”

  • Episode #232: Kasit Piromya exemplifies a life dedicated to the service of his country and human rights. From a long-standing career as a Thai diplomat to a post-retirement shift into politics, Khun Kasit has transitioned into a vocal advocate for democracy and civil liberties. With an unfiltered candor rare among politicians, he recently lambasted the Thai government's cozy relationship with Myanmar's military and their complicit role in illicit border activities.

    During this podcast episode, he underscores the stark disconnect between Thailand's historic benevolence towards refugees and its current government's cold stance towards the Burmese seeking shelter. He implores the Thai government to return to humanitarian policies, envisioning a proactive role for Thailand in aiding distressed neighbors rather than succumbing to economic entanglements with Myanmar's junta. His critique doesn’t spare regional bodies like ASEAN, challenging them to sanction Myanmar's military and to ensure aid reaches the people, not the oppressors.

    Khun Kasit has a direct message to those listening from inside the revolution: “To all my Myanmar friends, I think you have to be encouraged. Now, by your own efforts, congratulations, you have denied the outright victory of the Tatmadaw. They have failed in the coup d’état, and they now on the defensive side.”

  • In the charged atmosphere following Myanmar's 2021 military coup, a young Burmese, known as Little Activist on Twitter, radically changed from his previous political apathy to a total engagement in activism. He abandoned his studies in engineering, rejecting a degree from what he deemed an illegitimate regime. Instead, he channeled his efforts into raising global awareness about Myanmar's plight. With nearly 15,000 Twitter followers, he translates local news into English, facing frequent internet outages and significant personal risk under the watchful eyes of a repressive government.

    Recent developments have heightened his and many others' concerns: new conscription laws compel all citizens into military service to try and make up for the regime's recent manpower losses. The junta's measures also extend to increased surveillance and restrictions on travel, further isolating the population. Economic conditions are deteriorating rapidly, with inflation and scarcity hitting basic necessities like food and power. Amid this crisis, Little Activist voices the resilience of Myanmar's youth, their refusal to capitulate to a regime that views them as expendable. He portrays a nation in dire straits, akin to a "dark room with no doors," yet his resolve and that of his fellow activists remains unbroken, determined to keep fighting for a future where freedom is not just a distant dream.

    “The only thing I can say is I will never give up and I will never stop till we win! And the same like me, there are a lot of pro-democracy Myanmar people who are trying on a daily basis for our current region.”

  • Episode #231: Guillaume de Langre, a former adviser to the Myanmar Ministry of Electricity and Energy, addressing the military regime’s urgent need to exploit the country’s natural resources to keep afloat in the nation’s ruined economy.

    He first notes that while valuable ores and minerals, like gold, silver, lithium, and jade, have been integral to the military economy since at least 1990, profits from these resources have not resulted diversified, equitable development or improved living standards for the local populations. Instead, they have been a curse, subjecting those communities to exploitation and environmental hazards without significant investment in their wellbeing.

    But problems mushroomed following the 2021 military coup. Foreign investment and expertise evaporated amidst the ensuing instability, leaving the economy in a chokehold. With dwindling revenue, and much of the natural resource extraction having been halted, the result has been a massive loss of revenue for the military. Coupled with the their incompetent economic strategies over the years, it spells out a grim future as to how they keep the faucets on.

    De Langre further speculates on the post-coup economic landscape, the challenges of energy infrastructure investment, and the potential for a new social contract that could address the wealth distribution between various ethnic and regional groups. He envisions a positive future where Myanmar ultimately emerge from this turmoil, attracting foreign investment with a commitment to transparency and sustainable development.

     “Myanmar is not doomed! There is a path, but it will be tricky. It'll be very imperfect, and probably unequal. But there is a path,” he says in closing. “This is a moment of flux. It's a moment to propose things, and if you have an expertise… I'm sure that there are hundreds of people out there who have very specific knowledge about things that are essential to understand about development in Myanmar, and how to get out of this situation… We don't have to wait to be given permission to imagine the future.”

  • Anthony Davis, a seasoned analyst deeply immersed in the nuances of insurgency and military affairs in the Asia-Pacific, including Myanmar, sits down with us today. He begins by articulating the palpable and sweeping resolve for change he sees across Burmese society— a collective epiphany that transcends ethnic lines and generations. And it isn't merely a repudiation of military despotism; it's a profound societal transformation, signaling a revolutionary tide reshaping every aspect of Burmese life.

    International perceptions, however, seem misaligned with this reality. They mostly fail to grasp the magnitude of what Davis does not hesitate to call a “revolution.” This has led to tepid and conventional responses at odds with the seismic shifts occurring within Myanmar. Davis argues that true revolutions defy containment and negotiation— they demand acknowledgment and robust engagement, something the world has been reluctant to provide.

    Complicating the picture, however, is the absence of a revolutionary nucleus in Myanmar. As a spontaneous uprising, it lacks centralized direction, leaving a disparate and autonomous array of ethnic armed organizations along with a national government-in-exile to wrestle with the challenge of unifying the fragmented resistance.

    Despite the remarkable successes of the recent Operation 1027, which shattered the myth of the military's invincibility, Davis tempers any premature declarations of the regime's demise. He recognizes the strategic recalibrations of Myanmar's neighbors, who may intensify support for the military, perceiving its vulnerability as a call to bolster their support rather than abandon it.

    “Everybody realizes that this revolution is about putting an end to a morally bankrupt regime! And this is a regime which needs to be shown the back door of history. I just hope and pray that the courage and resilience that population the vast majority of the population in Myanmar has displayed over the last three years can be sustained in the years to come.”