
  • Bible Reading: Matthew 5:13-16

    Zebb leaned forward as he and his family traveled through the African game reserve. His excitement at seeing animals in their natural habitats was rapidly being replaced by frustration.

    "There's a springbok!" said their guide, pointing out the window.

    "Where?" Zebb strained to look in the direction the guide had indicated. "I don't see it." He plopped back in his seat. "Why am I the only one who can't spot any animals even after someone tells me where to look?"

    "It's because they blend in so well with the trees and grass," said Mom. "But I'm sure you'll learn to spot the animals soon."

    "I don't know," said Zebb. "If I had to depend on hunting them for food, I think I'd starve to death." He managed a weak smile.

    Dad grinned at him. "God gave wild animals effective camouflage, didn't He? That's just the opposite of the way He wants us to be."

    Zebb rolled his eyes. "Dad! No riddles right now. I'm having enough trouble trying to see the animals!"

    "I think Dad is talking about Christians," said Mom. "He's saying that God doesn't want us to lead camouflaged lives."

    "You got it!" Dad said. "God wants to shine His light, His love, and His good news to the world through us. He wants others to see Jesus by the way we live."

    Zebb stared into the distance. "You're thinking about us going to Uncle Ron's house next week, aren't you?" Zebb knew his uncle didn't believe in Jesus.

    Dad nodded. "I'm praying that Uncle Ron will see Jesus in us and decide he wants to get to know Him himself. Sometimes it can feel daunting to share the love of Jesus with others, but God has given us the Holy Spirit to help us. I'm praying He'll work through us to show Uncle Ron what Jesus is like and give us an opportunity to share the truth with him."

    "Me too," said Zebb. Just then, he saw a flicker of movement near a tree. He focused all his attention on the spot and finally made out a shape. "I see a giraffe--no, a whole bunch of giraffes--in those trees over there!" Zebb beamed triumphantly. "Finally!" Looking at his dad, he said, "I hope people--especially Uncle Ron--won't have as much trouble seeing Jesus when they look at us."

    –Linda Avallone

    How About You?
    Is it easy for others to see Jesus in you? Do the things you do and say reflect what Jesus would do and say if He were living on earth today? Trust Him to use your life to show those around you what He's like. Don't camouflage the fact that you know Jesus. Let others see that you have His Spirit in you and want to follow Him in all you do.

    Today's Key Verse:
    I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes. (NLT) (Romans 1:16 )

    Today's Key Thought:
    Let others see Jesus in you
  • Bible Reading: Psalm 51:1-10

    Brighton sprayed cleaning solution on the whiteboard in the room where she did her homeschool lessons. Then she took a cloth and wiped away all the colorful splotches left behind from the markers used on it. "There," she said. "That's better. Just erasing it doesn't get rid of all the marker spots, but cleaning it does!"

    Mom smiled. "It looks brand new!"

    That evening during family devotions--as she had been doing for the past few days--Brighton prayed for forgiveness for lying to her parents the week before. "I'm sorry I did that, Lord," she prayed. "Please forgive me and help me not to do it again."

    Once again, Mom and Dad assured Brighton they forgave her, and that God did too. But Brighton wasn't sure. "When someone asks me to forgive them for something, I say I will, but sometimes I have trouble forgetting it," she told her parents. "I just want to be sure God knows I'm really sorry."

    Later that evening, Brighton was surprised when Mom suggested she go clean her whiteboard before getting into bed.

    "I wiped it down after school today," said Brighton. "It's clean."

    "Well, why not do it again, just to make sure," said Mom.

    "But I haven't even used it since I cleaned it! If I had just erased it, you'd probably still see some marker smears--sometimes you can even figure out what words were erased. But I washed it with cleaning stuff. You said yourself that it looked brand new."

    Mom nodded. "When we confess a sin to another person, it's a bit like erasing your board. They generally forgive us, but sometimes they have trouble forgetting it--and we do too. But God isn't like that. When we confess a sin to Him, it's like wiping your board down with the cleaning solution. Our sin is totally removed--every bit is washed away! And God promises that He not only forgives that sin, but He sees us as totally clean and new again."

    Brighton liked that. And when she prayed during devotions the following night, she omitted her usual confession about lying. God had already forgiven and forgotten that sin. All she needed to do was remember His promises.

    –Nance E. Keyes

    How About You?
    Have you ever felt like you needed to keep asking God to forgive something you did wrong? You don't need to. The Bible uses several illustrations to show He forgives your sins--casting them into the depths of the sea (Micah 7:19), washing them away (Psalm 51:7), and removing and forgetting them (Hebrews 8:12). Believe what He says. Confess your sin and then trust Him to forgive you.

    Today's Key Verse:
    If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (NKJV) (1 John 1:9)

    Today's Key Thought:
    God forgives sin
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  • Bible Reading: Mark 12:28-31

    Macy glanced at her brother and made a face as Mrs. Jackson from next door stepped into their yard. Here we go again, she thought. Their neighbor was always mad about something.

    Mom got up from the porch swing. "Hello," she said in a cheerful voice.

    Mrs. Jackson harrumphed. "I thought I heard your kids screaming."

    Mom glanced at Macy and Jace. "Not today."

    "Well, keep them quiet when it starts to get late like this. I haven't been feeling well and need my sleep," Mrs. Jackson said.

    Mom's brows knit together. "I'm sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. Is there anything we can do for you?"

    Mrs. Jackson shook her head. "Just keep your kids quiet." She turned and marched back to her yard.

    "I hope you feel better," Mom called after her.

    "Why are you so nice to her, Mom?" Macy asked.

    "Yeah," Jace said. "She's only ever grumpy and mean to us."

    Mom turned toward them. "Sometimes it's when people are acting grumpy and mean that they need love and grace the most."

    "Love?" Jace wrinkled his nose.

    "She doesn't seem like she's deserving of it all the time, I know. But then again, neither are we." Mom sat on the porch swing between them. "God chose to love us even though we're not perfect. We all make mistakes, right?"

    Macy thought about how often she fought with her brother, especially when they were playing board games. "Yeah."

    Mom nodded. "God loves us in spite of our mistakes, and we should show love to others despite how they might treat us too. When we show them love and grace, we're showing them Jesus."

    "I want to be like Jesus," Macy said.

    Jace glanced at her. "Even if it means being nice to Mrs. Jackson?"

    "Yeah." Macy sighed. "That's going to be hard."

    Mom squeezed her hand. "But not impossible. You can trust Jesus to help you love others the way He loves you."

    "I will," Macy said. She wanted to be loving like Jesus, even if it meant putting up with her cranky neighbor.

    –Bethany Acker

    How About You?
    Do you know someone who only ever seems to be in a bad mood? Sometimes people who are grumpy or mean act that way because they're hurting. That doesn't excuse their actions, but it can help you remember that they need love too. God shows us love and grace when we don't deserve it, and He will help us do the same for others. Trust Him to help you love your neighbors the way Jesus loves you.

    Today's Key Verse:
    Love your neighbor as yourself. (NIV) (Mark 12:31)

    Today's Key Thought:
    Everyone needs love
  • Bible Reading: Matthew 6:28-33

    "Mom, what if Dad can't find another job?" Selah was sitting with Mom on the porch, helping shuck corn for supper. Dad had been out of work for months, and even though her parents were still in good spirits, Selah could tell that money was starting to get tight.

    Mom smiled at her question. "The Lord will provide for us," she said confidently as she tore off another cornhusk.

    Selah smiled as her kitten, Max, came bounding around the corner and started batting at the pieces they were dropping on the ground. She still couldn't help but think about the things they would have to give up if Dad didn't find a job soon.

    Mom looked at the kitten, then looked at Selah. "Selah, did you feed Max today?"

    Selah looked surprised. "Yes, of course. I feed him every day!"

    Mom smiled. "Why do you feed him?"

    Selah picked up Max and put him on her lap. "I love him, and he needs food every day," she explained. "Why do you ask?"

    "Your kitten reminds me of a verse in the Bible," said Mom. "It's about how we don't need to worry about what we eat or what we wear, because the Lord will provide for us. We just need to trust that He will keep His promises."

    Selah looked down at Max. He was so small--he would never be able to find food on his own. "So, Max trusts me to provide for him like we need to trust God to provide for us."

    "Exactly," said Mom. "And this corn we're shucking is just one way the Lord has provided for us today."

    Selah looked puzzled. "What do you mean?"

    "The Thomas family from church grew this corn in the field behind their house," Mom explained. "They had so much that they gave us a whole basketful!"

    "Wow." Selah rubbed Max's fur as he stretched out in her lap. "I guess God really

    is taking care of us!"

    Mom nodded. "God provided for our greatest need of all by sending Jesus to be our Savior. He gave us His own Son, and we can trust Him to give us what we need each day too. This corn we eat with dinner can remind us of all the incredible ways God provides for us."

    –Emily Tenter

    How About You?
    Do you trust God to take care of all your needs? Or do you spend a lot of time worrying about them? God promises to look after His children and care for them. When we needed a Savior, He sent His Son to die for our sins so we could be saved. You can trust Him to provide everything you need. Give your worries and burdens to Him and let Him take care of you.

    Today's Key Verse:
    My God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. (NIV) (Philippians 4:19)

    Today's Key Thought:
    God provides
  • Bible Reading: Psalm 56:3-4; Isaiah 26:3-4; Romans 8:35-39

    Editor's note: This story addresses violence and may not be suitable for some children.

    Kendall sat on her bed and looked at her mother. "Can't we just stay home?" she asked. "I don't want to go downtown. I'm still scared." There had been a shooting in the city a few weeks before, and Kendall wasn't sure she ever wanted to go out in public again.

    "Kendall," said Mom, "I understand you're scared, but we can't just hide at home for the rest of our lives."

    Kendall slowly got up and went to the window. Looking out, she noticed a little dove all alone on the balcony. It rested peacefully until two large pigeons landed nearby. The young dove began cooing loudly in alarm. Kendall frowned. "If only that little dove had stayed in its nest, it would be safe." Before Mom could answer, the mother dove appeared and the curious pigeons flew away.

    Mom gently stroked Kendall's hair. "Honey, that little dove was never really left alone. Its mother was always watching."

    Kendall sighed and pressed her forehead against the window. "I wish we had someone to watch and protect us wherever we go so I wouldn't be scared," said Kendall. "Like a bodyguard."

    "Oh, there's someone much better than a bodyguard looking out for you, Kendall," said Mom. "You're God's child, and He is constantly caring for you. He loves you, and He'll always be with you no matter where you go."

    "But we can't be sure He'll keep us safe, can we?" asked Kendall. "I mean, sometimes Christians get hurt too."

    "That's true," said Mom. "We can't understand why He allows some things to happen, but nothing can happen that He doesn't allow. And no matter what happens, He promises to be with us. Jesus died and rose again so we could be God's children and live with Him forever. So even though terrible things happen sometimes, we don't need to be afraid, because God has promised us eternal life with Him, and nothing can take that away from us."

    Kendall thought about what her mother said. "So since God is my Father and He's with me, I don't need to be afraid anymore, even though the world is such a scary place."

    Mom nodded. "God watches over you every moment. Trust Him. He'll never leave your side."

    –Suzanne Daly

    How About You?
    Do you live in fear because of the terrible things that happen in the world? Are you afraid to leave your house? If you're a child of God, you don't need to live in fear and dread. You're never out of God's sight, and nothing can ever separate you from Him. Nothing that happens ever takes Him by surprise. Trust Him and know He's watching over you.

    Today's Key Verse:
    The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry. (NKJV) (Psalm 34:15)

    Today's Key Thought:
    God sees and cares for you
  • Bible Reading: Psalms 97:1-6; 104:31-35; Revelation 1:4-7

    Enzo was watching TV when he saw small ripples appear in his glass of juice. A moment later, he felt slight vibrations throughout his body, as though someone had just started a car he was sitting in. "Mom!" Enzo yelled as he ran into the kitchen. "The floor is shaking!"

    "Quick," said Mom, "under the table!" They scooted underneath the large kitchen table and stayed there several minutes until the rumblings deep in the earth below them stopped.

    Once it was safe, they climbed back out, and Mom flipped on the news. "The earthquake we felt was 4.8 on the Richter scale," she said. "There were some buildings in the area with minor damage, but it wasn't very strong, and no one was hurt."

    "We learned about the Richter scale in school," said Enzo. "It has numbers between one and ten that measure how strong an earthquake is."

    "That's right," said Mom. "A 4.8 is considered a light earthquake."

    "It didn't feel light," said Enzo. "It was scary!"

    "Yes, earthquakes scare me too," said Mom. "When I feel one, I'm afraid it might damage our house or our town--or worse, hurt you or someone else. But earthquakes also remind me how powerful and holy God is and that He is in control of everything."

    "How do earthquakes remind you of that?" asked Enzo.

    "The Bible says that the earth trembles before the Lord," Mom replied. "Even though the huge tectonic plates that make up the earth below us seem incredibly powerful and unpredictable to us, God has complete control over them. There's no scale to measure how powerful He is. He's off the Richter."

    "So the earth trembles before the Lord, just like I tremble in an earthquake?" asked Enzo.

    Mom laughed. "Do you mean you tremble because you're scared or because you're shaking along with the ground?"

    Enzo thought a moment. "Both!"

    "Earthquakes are powerful forces of nature, but they're nowhere near as powerful as God," said Mom. "He has control over the entire universe, and yet He loves us and sent His Son to die for our sins. One day, the whole world will see His power when Jesus comes again to judge sin, but those who trust in Him have nothing to fear."

    Enzo smiled. "What a great God."

    –Courtney Lasater

    How About You?
    Have you ever seen something so powerful it made you afraid? Whatever it was, God had complete control over it--He's more powerful than anything you can imagine. One day, all people on earth will see His power like never before when Jesus comes again, but those whose sins have been forgiven will have nothing to fear. Are you one of those people? If not, trust in Jesus today. (To learn more, click the "Good News!" button in the right column of this page or go to www.keysforkids.org/goodnews.)

    Today's Key Verse:
    Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness; tremble before him, all the earth. (NIV) (Psalm 96:9)

    Today's Key Thought:
    God is great
  • Bible Reading: Psalm 119:97-104

    "What is this?" Lindsey asked her grandma, looking at the metal trays and racks on the kitchen counter.

    "That's honeycomb," Grandma said. "Grandpa took it out of one of our hives earlier."

    "It doesn't look like honey," Lindsey said doubtfully.

    Grandma laughed. "Right now, the comb is draining, so if you look under the metal rack, it should look like honey. Now I need to package it up so Grandpa can take it to customers tomorrow."

    "Can I help?" Lindsey asked.

    "Sure!" Grandma handed her a pair of gloves. "Why don't you put these on, then I'll show you how to do it."

    When her mom picked her up later that day, Lindsey told her about the honey. "It was so cool, Mom! There was honey left on the trays, and Grandma let me taste some. It was so good--it tasted just like sugar. I got to bring some of it home so you can taste it."

    "That does sound really cool," Mom agreed. "I can't wait to taste it. Did you know that there's a Bible verse about honey?"

    "There is?" Lindsey asked. "About honey?"

    "Yep. It's in the book of Psalms, and it tells us that God's Word is sweeter than honey."

    "But the honey was so sweet!" said Lindsey.

    Mom laughed. "Yes, honey is really sweet, and the Bible is even sweeter than that! God's Word teaches us about Him, and He uses the Bible to talk to us. Through it, He tells us who He is and how much He loves us, and He helps us understand what Jesus did to save us and how we should live as His children. Talking to Him and learning from Him are two reasons it's important to read the Bible."

    "I like looking at my Bible." Lindsey bit her lip. "But I can't read it yet."

    Mom smiled. "You'll be able to read it before too long! And listening to the Bible works the same way--that's why Daddy or I read your Bible to you every night before bed."

    "Can we read the verse about honey tonight?" Lindsey asked.

    Mom pulled into the driveway. "That sounds perfect."

    –Kimberly Brokish

    How About You?
    Have you tasted honey? It's very sweet, isn't it? Our Key Verse today tells us there's something even sweeter than honey--God's Word! God's words to us in the Bible are sweeter than anything else. How great is it that God wants to talk to us? Listen to what He has to say by reading the Bible yourself and listening when others read and explain it to you. What is God telling you?

    Today's Key Verse:
    How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! (NIV) (Psalm 119:103)

    Today's Key Thought:
    Reading the Bible is sweet!
  • Bible Reading: Mark 2:3-12

    Kelvin sighed as he picked up a big box. "This room is full of stuff."

    Mom wiped sweat from her forehead. "And we need to get it all moved to the garage. Theresa and her kids will be here soon."

    Kelvin and his mom had been struggling since his dad passed away, and he had been surprised when Mom told him that her friend was going to move in with them for a while.

    Kelvin made a couple of trips to the garage, then he dropped to the floor in the still-messy guest room. "I'm tired."

    "Me too." Mom leaned against the wall. "We can break for a minute."

    "Why are we doing this?" Kelvin asked.

    "Because Theresa had a fire at her house," Mom said. "She and her kids can't live there anymore."

    "I know that, but why do they have to come here? Aren't there other places they can go?"

    "She's my friend, Kelvin," Mom said. "We help our friends when they're in trouble." Mom knelt on the floor. "I'll tell you one quick story, then we need to get back to work. When Jesus was doing miracles, some men came to bring their friend to see Him. Their friend couldn't walk, so they had to carry him to the house."

    Kelvin looked at his mom. "They carried a grownup?"

    Mom nodded. "When they got to the house, it was too full to get inside. Instead of leaving, they climbed onto the roof with their friend and made a hole in the roof."

    Kelvin's eyes widened. "They took him on the roof?"

    "They lowered him down through the hole," Mom said. "And Jesus healed him. The men did everything they could for their friend, showing him the kind of love that God shows us. Jesus laid down His life for us, and when we make sacrifices for our friends like He did, we show them His love." Mom stood up. "And now we need to get this room cleaned and set up for Theresa's family so I can be a good friend and show her God's love."

    "We should get back to work, huh?" Kelvin got to his feet. "At least we don't have to carry people or climb onto any roofs."

    Mom smiled. "Right?"

    –Emily Acker

    How About You?
    Have you ever done something big for one of your friends? Maybe you helped them with homework when you wanted to be playing instead, or you helped them with chores even though you didn't have to. That's the kind of love Jesus showed His friends. He died for our sins so we could be His friends forever, and He'll help you make sacrifices for your friends too.

    Today's Key Verse:
    There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends. (NLT) (John 15:13)

    Today's Key Thought:
    Friends help each other
  • Bible Reading: Romans 8:31-39; 2 Corinthians 12:9

    The wind blew through Georgia's hair as she and her uncle paddled their canoe among the reeds that filled the marshes near her new home. She didn't feel like paddling. Her mom had died of cancer four months before, and now she and her little brother were living far from home with Uncle Steve. The bayou, as Uncle Steve called it, looked like a swamp--nothing like Georgia's home in Michigan.

    Georgia watched the marsh reeds bend under the force of the strong wind and muttered, "I know how you feel."

    "What did you say, Georgia?" asked Uncle Steve, who had been doing more than his fair share of paddling for the last half mile.

    "Oh, nothing. I was just thinking how those reeds and I have a lot in common." Georgia sighed.

    "How so?" asked Uncle Steve.

    "Well, they get blown around wherever the wind wants. They don't get any say in what happens to them." She sighed again. "Just like me."

    "You know, Georgia, I think you're right. You do have a lot in common with these reeds. But not in the way you think. Look a little closer," urged Uncle Steve as he paddled them over to the reeds. "What do you notice?"

    Georgia studied the cluster of reeds. It was true that the wind blew them around, sometimes switching directions abruptly. But no matter how hard the wind blew, the reeds just bent over and popped back up.

    "They aren't breaking," observed Georgia. "As soon as the wind stops, they straighten back up again. But that's not like me at all. I feel like I'll never pop back up."

    Uncle Steve stopped paddling. "There's a verse in Isaiah that says, 'A bruised reed He will not break.' Georgia, no matter how much the hardships of this life may bend you, you can hang on to the promise that you don't have to break because God loves you and offers you grace, peace, and hope. He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for your sins so that you could have the promise of eternal life and never have to face life's troubles alone. In times when it seems like you'll never pop back up, trust Him to hold you up so you won't break--just like these reeds."

    –Laura Kuehn

    How About You?
    Are you going through a hard time right now? Do you feel like a reed getting bent over? Remember God's promise to you--no matter what you face in life, He will be with you. Because of His great love for you, He gave His Son, Jesus, so you would never be alone. No matter how hard the winds may blow, you can trust Him to be with you and hold you up.

    Today's Key Verse:
    A bruised reed He will not break. (NKJV) (Isaiah 42:3)

    Today's Key Thought:
    Trust God to hold you up
  • Bible Reading: Psalm 34:3-8

    "Wanna come to church with me this week, Finn?" asked Tobin, who was at his cousin's house for the day. "We're studying the life of Jesus in my Sunday school class, and I think you'd really like it!"

    "Nah," muttered Finn. "I don't like church."

    "How do you know?" asked Tobin. "You've never been there."

    "I just know I won't like it, that's all. Let's go see what's for dinner." Finn led the way to the kitchen, where he peered over his mother's shoulder. "Salmon patties, yum!"

    Tobin frowned, then felt embarrassed when he realized his aunt had noticed.

    "Don't you like salmon patties, Tobin?" Aunt Kim asked.

    Tobin shook his head. "No, not really."

    "Have you ever eaten one?" asked Aunt Kim. Again Tobin shook his head.

    "Then how do you know you don't like them?" asked Finn.

    Tobin shrugged. "I just know, that's all."

    Finn rolled his eyes. "Salmon patties are so good! But hey, if you don't want any, I'll eat yours."

    "Before you do that, I think Tobin really should try one," said Aunt Kim.

    "Yeah, give it a try," said Finn. "You might like it, Tobin."

    Tobin started to protest but then stopped abruptly. "Okay, you win," he said, grinning. "I'll try a salmon patty."

    "All right!" Finn gave him a fist bump. "I know you're gonna like it."

    When they sat down to dinner, Tobin hesitantly cut into his salmon patty. He put it in his mouth and chewed slowly. "Not bad," was his verdict. He eagerly ate the rest. "I think I'll have some more!" Aunt Kim smiled and passed him the patties.

    "You know, this reminds me of a verse I learned at church," Tobin said as he helped himself to another patty. "It says, 'Taste and see that the Lord is good.' The Bible tells us that when we get to know Jesus, He'll show us how good He is and how much He loves us. That's why I love church--it's a place to learn more about Jesus with others who have seen His goodness and love too." He grinned at his cousin. "Well?"

    Finn looked at him thoughtfully. "Okay, I get what you're saying," he said. "Mom, can I go to church with Tobin this week? I want to give it a try."

    –Barbara J. Westberg

    How About You?
    Have you ever turned down invitations to go to church because you thought you wouldn't like it? If you already go to church, do you pay attention and learn all you can about Jesus? Next time, give it a try! Listen to the lesson and songs and think about them. If you have any questions, ask them. Once you start learning about God and how much He loves you, you just may find you want to know more and more!

    Today's Key Verse:
    Taste and see that the Lord is good. How happy is the person who takes refuge in him! (CSB) (Psalm 34:8)

    Today's Key Thought:
    Let God show you how good He is
  • Bible Reading: Romans 5:6-11

    "Oh no!" groaned Jonas as he and his mom stood looking at the dent in their car. "What happened?"

    "Apparently someone backed into the car while we were shopping, but whoever it was didn't leave a note saying they did it." Mom sighed. "Well, there's nothing much we can do about it, but I suppose we should make a police report."

    After the report was made, Jonas and Mom hurried home to tell Dad about the accident. "Well," Dad said as he went out to look at the car, "I'm thankful it's just a car that's damaged--nobody got hurt." He examined the dent in the fender. "This isn't major damage, but body work can be quite expensive. I'll call the insurance company--I'm pretty sure they'll cover it."

    "I hope so, but it still doesn't seem fair," said Jonas. "The person who backed into us should pay the bill. It was their fault."

    "I know, Jonas, but we can't make them pay when we don't know who they are," said Mom. "So if insurance doesn't cover it, we'll just have to take care of it ourselves."

    "What? That's not fair at all!" said Jonas. "It makes me mad. We shouldn't have to pay when it's not our fault. Whoever hit us shouldn't just get away with it."

    "No, and if we end up having to pay for damages that are someone else's fault, I can't say I'll be happy about it," said Dad.

    "Me neither," said Mom. "But it's not good to drive around with a big dent in the car."

    "Tell you what," said Dad. "When we feel annoyed that somebody is getting away without paying, let's remember that we don't have to pay for everything we deserve to pay for either. Jesus willingly paid the price for our sin by dying on the cross, even when He knew who was at fault--us!"

    "That's right," said Mom. "So let's not spend our energy being angry about this dent. We have so much to be thankful for--nobody got hurt, the damage to the car is minor, and above all, Jesus paid the price for our sin so we wouldn't have to!"

    –Hazel W. Marett

    How About You?
    Would you be angry if you had to pay for something that wasn't your fault? That's natural. But just think--that's exactly what Jesus did for you! He loves you so much that He died to pay the price for your sin so you could have eternal life with Him. If you haven't trusted Him as your Savior, do it today and He will cover the cost of your sin so you don't have to. (To learn more, click the "Good News!" button in the right column of this page or go to www.keysforkids.org/goodnews.)

    Today's Key Verse:
    God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (NKJV) (Romans 5:8)

    Today's Key Thought:
    Jesus paid for your sin
  • Bible Reading: Psalm 66:19-20

    "We're leaving in five minutes, everybody. Let's get moving!" Dad called from the garage.

    Hunter, already packed and ready hours ago, bounded in through the back door. "Mom, Mom! Guess what I found outside!"

    But, distracted with her preparations, Mom didn't seem to hear. She bent over the cooler she was trying to organize and, frowning, pulled out a box of graham crackers. "That certainly doesn't belong in here…and neither does this…"

    "Mom, listen, in the backyard there's this…" Hunter paused, realizing his mother wasn't paying attention. "I know you're busy, but this is really cool!"

    Mom blinked. "Hmm? Hunter, if there's something you need, you can go ask your sisters. I still have so much to do." She glanced at the clock on the wall. "Oh, look at the time!" And with that, she hurried away.

    Hunter found his sisters in the next room. "Hey, Addy, Katie, guess what I saw in the backyard!"

    But the girls seemed to be preoccupied with their own business as well.

    "Addy, do you have my coloring book?" Katie asked her twin.

    "Well, yes, but--"

    "Oh, there it is. Let me have it."

    "Guys?" Hunter interrupted. "Don't you want to hear?"

    Addy ignored Hunter and scowled at her sister. "It's not your coloring book anymore. Mom said I could have it since you never used it."

    Katie jumped to her feet. "What? That's not fair! Give it back!"

    "Nuh-uh! Mom said it's mine!"

    "We'll see about that. Mom!" Katie stormed out with Addy close on her heels.

    Hunter sighed in disappointment. "Isn't there anyone who wants to hear what I have to say?"

    Then he remembered the one person he could always go to when he wanted someone to talk to. Closing his eyes and folding his hands together, Hunter prayed. "Jesus, I haven't been having a very good day--no one seems to have time for me. But I know you're always there and always want to listen. You know what I found today? A robin's nest with two little blue eggs in the tree next to the window. I'm going to keep watch every day so I won't miss it when they hatch!"

    –Eliana Canfield

    How About You?
    Have you ever wanted to talk to someone who wasn't available to listen? It can be disappointing when our family or friends don't have time for us. But the greatest friend of all, Jesus, always listens to our prayers. He loves it when we talk to Him! Next time you want someone to talk to, share your thoughts with Him, the one who always listens.

    Today's Key Verse:
    Even before they call, I will answer; while they are still speaking, I will hear. (CSB) (Isaiah 65:24)

    Today's Key Thought:
    Jesus is always listening
  • Bible Reading: Matthew 7:12; Romans 13:8-10

    Elodie's heart ached as she got ready for school. "No one ever talks to me at school," she told her parents at breakfast. "I hate it here! We've lived here six weeks, and I still don't have one friend--not one!"

    "Elodie, when I was a kid I learned a little poem that I think you need to apply to your life," Mom said. "It says, 'I went looking for a friend, but not one could be found. I went out to be a friend, and friends were all around.'"

    Elodie wiped her hands on a napkin. "What does that mean?"

    "It means you shouldn't think so much about finding a friend and instead focus on being a friend," Mom explained. "Start looking for someone who needs a friend instead of waiting for them to come to you."

    Dad nodded. "In the Bible, Jesus says to do to others what we would want them to do to us. I know it can be scary to reach out to people you don't know when you're the new one at school, but you can start by being a friend like Jesus to the kids in your class. He reached out to us in love before we were His friends, and we can do the same to others. Trust Him to help you do that, and we'll pray that He will bring the right friends into your life."

    As Elodie got out of the car at school, Dad gave her an encouraging smile. "Be friendly today," he said. "I'll be praying for you on my way to work."

    As Dad drove away, Elodie noticed a girl going up the walk. That looks like the girl who sits across from me in math, she thought. What's her name? Oh yeah--Nadia. She doesn't seem to do much with the other kids. Maybe she doesn't have any friends either. Maybe…

    "Nadia!" called Elodie. "Wait up. Can I walk with you?"

    Nadia looked up. "Sure," she said, surprised. "You're new here, aren't you? I am too. I've been here seven weeks, and you're the first person who's really talked to me."

    A warm feeling filled Elodie, and it drove out the cold, lonely ache. Mom and Dad were right, she thought. God, please help me be a friend like Jesus to Nadia.

    –Barbara J. Westberg

    How About You?
    Do you feel lonely or left out? Instead of waiting for someone to be a friend to you, be a friend to them first. Before we knew Him, Jesus reached out to us in love and friendship, and He will help you show the same love to others. Ask Him to bring new friends into your life, and the next time you see someone who needs a friend, think of ways you can reach out to them.

    Today's Key Verse:
    Do to others as you would like them to do to you. (NLT) (Luke 6:31)

    Today's Key Thought:
    To make friends, be a friend
  • Bible Reading: John 10:7-10

    Jayla's black and white kitten dug his claws into the leg of her jeans. She shook him off and started loading the dishwasher. Meow! protested the kitten.

    "What do you want, Jingo?" asked Jayla. Jingo bounced to the sliding door. "I guess you're ready to go outside," said Jayla. The kitten meowed and--according to Jayla--smiled. "You said, 'Uh-huh,' didn't you? I'll open the door for you as soon as I finish putting the dishes in the dishwasher." But Jingo didn't want to wait. He attached himself to the leg of Jayla's jeans again. "Ouch!" she exclaimed. "Quit that!"

    Jingo dropped to the floor and trotted back and forth between Jayla and the door. Finally, he stationed himself there and looked at Jayla with enormous green eyes.

    Jayla laughed. "Okay, Jingo. You win. I'll open the door for you." She dried her hands, and with Jingo at her heels, she walked to the door. When she opened it, he bounded outside and made a beeline for his favorite spot in the sunshine.

    When she was finished with her chores, Jayla went to her room. Soon she returned to the kitchen. "Mom, guess what? I was just working on learning my verse for church, and Jingo gave me an example of what it means."

    "Really?" asked Mom. "And what is that?"

    "Well, Jingo knows he can't open the door himself, so he comes to me and gets me to open it for him," Jayla explained. "So the way outside is through me--it's like I'm the door for him. That's like my verse. It says Jesus is the door to salvation. We can't get into heaven by ourselves, but when we trust in Jesus, He opens the door so we can get in--He saves us from sin and gives us eternal life."

    "That's a good way to look at it!" said Mom, and she and Jayla laughed as they looked out the window and saw Jingo jump around on the grass, having the time of his life. "But unlike you and Jingo, Jesus doesn't just open the door and then leave us. The Bible says He's always with us, from now into eternity."

    "Jingo is a lot of fun," said Jayla. "And now he's taught me something too."

    –Glenna B. Roberts

    How About You?
    How do you expect to get into heaven? Do you think you can get there by being good? By obeying your parents? By going to church? It won't work. There's no way you can get into heaven except through the door--Jesus Christ. The only way for you to be saved and have eternal life is through Him. Trust Jesus to open the door for you today. (To learn more, click the "Good News!" button in the right column of this page or go to www.keysforkids.org/goodnews.)

    Today's Key Verse:
    I [Jesus] am the Door. Anyone who goes in through Me will be saved. (NLV) (John 10:9 )

    Today's Key Thought:
    Jesus is the door to salvation
  • Bible Reading: Philippians 3:20-21; 1 John 3:1-3

    Armel sighed as he looked out the window. He had planned to spend the day fishing with Grandpa, but it was raining. "This is going to be the most boring day ever," he grumbled.

    "Oh, you're always complaining," said his sister. "Read a book or something."

    The sound of a man's voice came from the kitchen where Mom was listening to a podcast of one of her favorite speakers. "When Jesus appears, we will be like Him, because we will see Him as He is," the man was saying.

    Armel's thoughts lingered on that last phrase--"see Him as He is." I wonder what Jesus looks like, he thought. How tall was He when He was on earth? Did He really have long hair like in the pictures in books? I wish somebody who knew Him had written a description. He probably smiled a lot, and maybe His eyes twinkled like Grandpa's.

    "Armel," Mom called from the kitchen. "Grandpa wants to talk to you."

    When he heard Grandpa's voice on the phone, Armel knew he was smiling. Grandpa was calling from ten miles away, but it was easy to imagine how he looked--and Armel liked how everybody said he reminded them of his grandfather. "Hi there," said Grandpa. "What do you think of the weather?"

    "It's raining," Armel replied with a pout.

    "Yes, but I've got an idea. I need some help in my workshop. Are you available?"

    "I'm ready right now!" Armel exclaimed.

    As Armel returned the phone to his mom, the voice in the kitchen caught his attention again. "Our hope lies in the glorious appearing of Jesus Christ. We will not only see Him, but we will be like Him. Until then, the Holy Spirit is working so that others can see Jesus in us now. As He shapes our hearts, we can reflect Jesus's love in our thoughts and actions, looking forward to the day when we will finally be like Him."

    Armel smiled to himself. I like it when people say I remind them of Grandpa because he's such a warm, loving person. I want to remind people of Jesus that way too. And it will be even better when I'm with Jesus, because then I'll be perfect like He is. Armel grinned, imagining what his sister would say about the idea of him being perfect.

    –Phyllis I. Klomparens

    How About You?
    Do you wish you could see Jesus or know what He looks like? If you know Him as your Savior, someday you will see Him. Not only that, but you'll be like Him too! You'll have a new body that will never hurt or die. And you'll never sin again--you'll be perfect. That's definitely something to look forward to! Until then, trust God to help you show others what Jesus is like through your words and actions.

    Today's Key Verse:
    We know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. (NIV) (1 John 3:2)

    Today's Key Thought:
    Look forward to being like Jesus
  • Bible Reading: Philippians 4:11-13; 1 Timothy 6:6-8

    "Hey, Mr. Watson," said Thiago as he walked across the courtyard of his apartment complex. His neighbor was watering pink and white impatiens in a flower box.

    "Hi, Thiago," replied the elderly man. "Have you gotten used to being in the city yet?"

    Thiago put his backpack down before he answered. "No, not really. I wish we didn't have to leave Oceanview. I miss swimming in the ocean."

    "You can swim here too, you know," said Mr. Watson as he began watering the plants in a large urn.

    "I know. That's what Sam said--he's in my class at school. But the only place there is to swim around here is the city pool. I went with him one day, and it was so crowded, it was no fun at all! Nothing like swimming next to a sandy beach in the hot sun."

    "Sounds like you need to make an adjustment," said Mr. Watson.

    Thiago sighed. "What if I don't want to?"

    "I didn't either. Before I moved to this apartment, I used to have a big garden at a house outside the city. When I first moved here, I tried to grow the same flowers on the north side of this complex as I had grown in my big, sunny garden. Most of them either died or grew spindly and didn't bloom."

    "Your flowers look okay to me," said Thiago, looking at the boxes and urns popping with color.

    "That's because I adjusted to my new situation and planted flowers that bloom in the shade," Mr. Watson explained. "I learned that God created more than one kind of beautiful flower. And you might discover that God has good things He wants you to experience here that you wouldn't have had in Oceanview."

    "You sound like my Sunday school teacher," said Thiago. "She's always telling us that if we know Jesus, we can be content no matter where we are or what we have."

    "Well, she's right," said Mr. Watson. "Jesus has given us eternal life and promises to be with us in every situation, and because of that, we can be content. Trust Him to help you adjust to your new situation. Give it some time, and you might learn to like city life--just like I've learned to like impatiens and begonias."

    –Ruth McQuilkin

    How About You?
    Do you have to adjust to something new--like a new home, school, or family member? If you only see the bad things about your new situation, you'll miss out on the good things God has for you. The Bible tells us that, with Jesus, we can be content in any situation. Trust Him to show you something good about your new situation and to help you through any adjustments.

    Today's Key Verse:
    I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I find myself. (CSB) (Philippians 4:11)

    Today's Key Thought:
    Learn to adjust
  • Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:12-14

    As Charlotte carefully counted out the money she had taken from her drawer, her sister Rachel watched from the bed. The girls had decided to pool their money and get their mom a special gift for Mother's Day. "We should go around the neighborhood and ask if there are any odd jobs we can do," said Charlotte. "Then we might have enough money to get Mom that necklace we saw."

    "Well, Mrs. Stowe is always looking for someone to do yard work for her. Let's try her," suggested Rachel.

    Soon the girls were mowing and raking Mrs. Stowe's yard. It was a very humid day, and they were hot and sweaty by the time they finished. Wiping her forehead, Rachel gratefully took the money Mrs. Stowe gave them and put it in her pocket.

    "I'm thirsty," said Charlotte as they started down the street. "I'd give anything for an ice-cold soda right now!"

    "Or a huge cone of chocolate ice cream," said Rachel. "But we can't spend any of our money or we might not have enough for the necklace."

    Just then, the girls heard the music of an ice cream truck as it came around the corner. "Ice cream!" called out the driver. "Ice-cold drinks!"

    Charlotte and Rachel looked at each other. "This is so tempting, Rachel," said Charlotte. "What should we do?"

    "Run!" shouted Rachel. And they did! They ran straight home and immediately poured themselves giant glasses of ice water.

    Later that day, they counted their earnings. Charlotte turned and grinned at Rachel. "We have just enough to get that necklace. Good thing we didn't spend any on anything that ice cream truck was selling."

    "Yeah," Rachel said. "It's like what we learned at church last week--when we face the temptation to sin, the best thing to do is run away. Because Jesus freed us from sin, we don't have to give in. He will help us escape temptation and do what's right instead."

    "But spending our money on ice cream wouldn't have been a sin, would it?" asked Charlotte.

    "Of course not," said Rachel. "But we agreed to use it all on Mom's gift, and I'm glad we stuck to that decision. And when we are tempted to do something that's wrong, we can run away from that temptation too."

    –Linda E. Knight

    How About You?
    What do you do when you're tempted to do something that's wrong? When you're enticed by sin, remember that, through Jesus, you have the power to resist it and act out of love and obedience instead. God promises to always provide a way for you to escape temptation, and when you see it, run! Trust Him to help you resist temptation and do what's right.

    Today's Key Verse:
    Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace. (NIV) (2 Timothy 2:22)

    Today's Key Thought:
    Run from temptation
  • Bible Reading: 1 Timothy 2:1-8

    Alex frowned as he poured some cereal and looked out the window. Joanna never quits talking! he thought as he saw his sister coming up the driveway. I wish she'd leave me alone. He snapped his fingers. I know what'll fix her. I'll give her the silent treatment. So when Joanna came into the house, Alex retreated to his room. She banged on his door and called his name, but he put on some music and turned up the volume so he couldn't hear her, and Joanna finally gave up and walked away.

    A little while later, Joanna started to tell Alex something, but he covered his ears with both his hands and began to hum. I'll teach her, he thought. All morning he refused to hear anything she said.

    At lunchtime, Alex noticed that Joanna had put on her swimsuit. "Are you going somewhere, Joanna?" asked Dad.

    She nodded. "I'm going to Water World with the Mannings."

    "Sounds like fun," said Dad. He looked at Alex. "You're not going?"

    "I wasn't invited," Alex answered crossly.

    "You were too!" said Joanna. "I tried to tell you all morning, but you wouldn't listen. They had two extra tickets and invited both of us, but now they've given the last ticket to someone else."

    "Oh no!" wailed Alex as the Mannings' car turned into the driveway.

    That evening, Alex asked his parents for help with something for church. "My small group leader wants each of us to share some thoughts on prayer during our group time this week," he said. "But what should I say?"

    "Well, let's see," said Dad. "Maybe you could talk about the importance of talking to God and listening to Him."

    "You could tell about how you missed out on a fun outing today by refusing to talk with your sister," suggested Mom. "Then explain that we all miss out on the blessing of communicating with God when we fail to talk to Him."

    Dad nodded. "God loves us and wants us to pray about all the things that matter to us. Jesus died and rose again so we could have a relationship with Him, and that means we can talk to God whenever we want!"

    "Good idea," said Alex. "I'll tell the kids in my group not to give God the silent treatment."

    –Nance E. Keyes

    How About You?
    Do you regularly talk to God? Do you tell Him what's going on in your life and ask Him for help with your problems? Or do you think it doesn't make any difference whether you pray or not? It does! God loves you so much that Jesus gave His life so you could have a relationship with Him. He wants to help you and bless you through the gift of prayer. Talk to Him about everything.

    Today's Key Verse:
    Pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. (NLT) (Philippians 4:6)

    Today's Key Thought:
    Talk to God
  • Bible Reading: Psalms 34:17-18; 147:3; Hebrews 4:14-16

    "I can't wait for the school carnival on Friday!" said Skylar. "My mom's working at the slushy booth. She's gonna make me a slushy with every flavor in it!"

    "My dad's helping out with the pin game," said Gabriel. "He said there are some cool prizes for whoever knocks them all down!"

    "What about you, Nevaeh?" asked Skylar. "Is your grandpa helping?"

    Nevaeh shook her head. "No, he can't work at a booth--he can't be on his feet for long periods of time."

    "That's too bad," said Gabriel.

    Nevaeh smiled and shrugged. "It's okay," she said. "No big deal."

    When Nevaeh got home from school, Grandpa greeted her. "How about some of my famous guacamole?" he said. "I have to put the lawnmower away, but if you'll start cutting up the onions, I'll be back in a jiff to make the rest."

    "Okay," said Nevaeh. But as soon as she sliced into an onion, her eyes started to tear up. The onion must be making my eyes water, she thought. But even after she put down the knife, the tears kept coming. When Grandpa came back inside, Nevaeh was sobbing.

    "I'm sorry, Grandpa!" Nevaeh cried. "I keep trying to accept that I can't live with Mom or Dad and be thankful that I live with you, but when Skylar and Gabriel were talking about their parents working at the school carnival, I really wished my parents were working there too!"

    "Your grandmother never wanted to bother anyone with her feelings either," Grandpa said. "So whenever I sensed something was wrong, I'd ask her to cut up some onions, and the same thing would happen to her--the tears would just come out." He gave Nevaeh a hug. "But your feelings aren't bothersome to those who love you, Nevaeh. Whenever you feel sad or upset, you don't need keep it to yourself. You can tell me--it won't hurt my feelings to know that you miss your parents. And most importantly, you can tell Jesus. He loves you and can handle any feelings you have."

    Grandpa cut into an avocado. "I may not be able to help with a booth, but I could bring some guacamole to your school carnival. How about that?" Nevaeh smiled and nodded.

    –Courtney Lasater

    How About You?
    When you feel sad or upset, do you ever try to keep it to yourself? Maybe you don't want to bother other people about it or don't think they'd care. But it's important to share your feelings with others instead of bottling them up inside. Jesus wants you to tell Him about your feelings too--you can trust Him to understand and to help you with them.

    Today's Key Verse:
    Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. (NLT) (1 Peter 5:7 )

    Today's Key Thought:
    Share your feelings with Jesus
  • Bible Reading: Matthew 25:31-40

    "Are you ready to go, Elizabeth?" asked Mom. Elizabeth frowned. They were going to visit Mom's grandma, who had Alzheimer's disease.

    "I'm not sure why we visit every week," murmured Elizabeth as they started toward the door. "Last week she didn't even remember my name."

    "No, but Grammy always enjoys seeing you," said Mom. Elizabeth doubted that. Visits to Grammy always seemed awkward and sad.

    A cry came from the baby's room upstairs. "Sounds like Simon needs a bottle," said Dad, putting his tablet down. "I'll get it! You two have a good visit."

    "Okay," said Mom, and she and Elizabeth went on out to the car. "Elizabeth, I was just thinking about how much I appreciate your help with Simon," Mom said as they pulled out of the driveway. "You seem to really enjoy feeding him, playing with him, and holding him when he cries."

    Elizabeth grinned. "I do, Mom. He's such a sweet baby, and I love him so much!"

    "Me too," said Mom. "But do you think Simon will remember that you fed him or took care of him at all a year from now? He probably doesn't even realize how much you do for him now, and he's too young to understand who you are."

    "Well, you still need to take care of him, so I'm doing it for you too," said Elizabeth. "I'm happy to help. And when he's older, he will know who I am."

    Mom nodded. "Just like Simon, Grammy needs someone to care for her too, even though she can't fully appreciate all we do for her or even remember our names sometimes. But Jesus still loves her and promises to take care of her, and one way He does that is through us. When we show her the same love and care He does, we're not just doing it for Grammy--we're doing it for God too."

    Elizabeth sighed. "You're right. It's just hard to visit her sometimes when she won't even remember we came."

    "I know, but she'll know somebody cares right now," said Mom gently. "It will help her today." She smiled. "She may not remember, but God will. And one day, when Jesus gives Grammy a new, perfect body, I'm sure she'll remember too."

    –Mike Dize

    How About You?
    Are you willing to help people who will probably forget all the good things you do? God won't forget. Jesus says that the things you do to show love and care to others are done for Him, whether anyone else remembers or not. Be willing to help in whatever way you can, even if you don't think it will make a difference. Do it for the Lord, and trust Him to use your good deeds to show people His love.

    Today's Key Verse:
    [Jesus said,] "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." (NIV) (Matthew 25:40)

    Today's Key Thought:
    God remembers all you do