COP28, or Conference of Parties attended for the 28th time, is iconic for a multitude of reasons: from the immense financial funds prepared in anticipating climate change to formulating the very first Global Stocktake. Ambitions for green energy and sustainable industries, in particular, was so evident from participating nations. The brief podcast aims to detail on how these aspects are achieved by COP28 and whether it successfully improvises/strengthen the values we have gotten from the Paris Agreement. Stay tune to our frontiers against the impending threats of climate change.
Carbon has been a crucial resource in our lives, thus making it hard to phase out of its consumption. The deadline of net zero carbon dawned at us with all our ambitions in Paris Agreement 2015. Truthfully, the question does not lie within the possibility of whether it is possible. It lies in our position of global cooperation and stakeholders' engagement. It lies in our willingness to implement the policies we make and the adequate funds of governmental projects. This is a concise introduction on the few of many aspects regarding the climate change resilience and elimination of carbon released to the atmosphere.
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If capitalism is indeed a 'free' market, just how influential is the 'Invisible Hand'? In this second half, I'm taking you through the forces behind capitalism, the concept of Socialism (or let's call it Capitalism's virtuous Yang counterpart), and the supportive Liberalism. Come and immerse yourself further in the world of money.
If your mind limits the idea of "Capitalism" to only Karl Marx and Max Weber, then this podcast will surely enlighten you to something more. Adam Smith, Baron de Montesqueu, Louis de Bonald, David Richardo, and Frederick A. Hayek are some other theorists that gave further meaning to Capitalism. But how did the term surfaced from the Medieval times, what is its relation with social hierarchy, nor how its concept is implemented throughout the centuries? Well, Ky's Weeklu Playlist welcomes you in the journey!
Pt 2: the influence of capitalism, its importance, pros and cons, and its difference with socialism. -
This is the continuation of the previous podcast. However, this time, we will discuss more about the privileges of people who successful in both passion and money. Enjoy my TED regarding the effects of being elite and born lucky in gaining success, and if such privileges do exist.
With the rising urge of self-expression, people are considering to take their passion more professionally though some society are less supportive of artistic abilities due to lack of commercial value. In this podcast, the complex relationship between passion and money are brought some light to see why it is compared and the privileges that plays a major part in its pursuit.
Porsche, Lamborghini, Manors, Mansions... All of these material wealth defining the higher-class, whilst the poor faced invisible barriers in their social mobility. One of wide access and high education degree, earning respect, and live better life quality. The other is stuck in a generational cycle of scarcity, further restraining them from success. Is equality and justice a mere illusion, or is it something that is offered instead of given? This week, Ky would like to shed some light on the matter and why poverty is so much more than income, economy, and society– it is part of an identity.
What is your perception about wealth? Happiness vs Money is a debate that has originated as old as currencies exist. The stereotypes of the lonely rich and joyful poor is commonly found on TVs, but does it apply to the real world? Find out about how privileges and money does influence your contentment in life, right here in this podcast!
With the U.S. reaching the X-date, debt ceiling has become a major topic of conversation. But where does this all started and how will it influence the economy of a country? And how can the U.S. learn from history and Denmark to properly mend its debts?
Sovereign debt is a double-edged sword. Find out why it could bring more good than bad and how it could be solved when it has piled out of hand.
With $200B asset gone during its collapse, how can such a top-tier bank fell both so sudden and gradually? What is the silent mistake that became SVB's first step towards closure? Listen more right here👇🏼
Energy Bill Support Scheme in a nutshell, explained in simplicty by Ky's Weekly Playlist 👌🏻
What plants Inflation and waters it? What can be done by banks to reduce it? How do people like us face Inflation? Let Ky's Weekly Playlist answer your questions 🌟
In this more detailed version of the recent G20 Summit, the world leaders had agreed on focusing 3 priorities: renewable energy transition, global health architecture, and economic restoration through digital transformation. Listen throughout the podcast for more info's!
Lipstick-hate, eye-liner-hate, make-up-hate, sports-lover.... "What? Seriously?" Those girls that changed their personalities to match with boys and constantly bragging being different and "superior" than girls are pick-me girls. Though Tiktok and Twitter had significantly influence the way society view this labels, is the degrading term extremely toxic– or just misused?
Have you ever seen someone that's just so self-sufficient that something inside you wanted to scream in envy? Someone's that's just so attractive, smart, successful, and financially able at the same time? Plus, they know their worth and is confident in living life the way they want. Yes, they are called high value people but how do we become just like them, moreover, as creatures full of flaws?
G20 – an organization to solve world economic problem. Today, we will go through the history that built it and its 2022 Summit in Bali, Indonesia.
'It's true that strawberries bruise easily, but they are also the source of diverse vitamins and fibers.'
Getting mad over Brexit? Snowflake. Denying Trump's results in the elections? Precious Snowflake. As Chuck Palahniuk wrote in 1996's Fight Club: "You're not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everyone else, and we are part of the same compost pile." This is exactly what we're discussing right now: how fragile can millennials be? Do the Snowflake Generation really define them?
Is men always at wrong? Or is women always viewed low?
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