Связанные с
Saated, mida on raske raamidesse suruda. Parimaks kuulamiseks: Spotify, Google podcast, Apple podcast (kliki ikooni)
Friends with a Twist is a podcast hosted by two females who are best friends who met through a swinger's website. We share our experiences, both good and bad, in the hopes to provide insight and direction for fellow ethically non-monogamous lifestyle individuals. In every episode these hot wives have a "chick chat," everyday tips for life in the swinger lifestyle; we "go deep" talking about all of our scandalous and sexy swinging encounters, and we wrap it up with surprise questions from our husbands!
Follow us on our social media platforms!
Twitter: @FWAT_Podcast
Instagram: FWAT_Podcast
Email: [email protected] -
Millistel teemadel sina oma sõbrannaga vestled ja kas oled vahel tundnud, et nii põnevad vestlused ei tohiks jääda saladuseks. Meie oleme sõbrannad Maria Sepp & Kerly Vahur ning soovime jagame teiega omavahelisi vestlusi, milles arutleme erinevatel elulistel teemadel väga avameelselt ja ausalt. Elu on põnev ja jagamist väärt, tule kuula mida kaks sõbrannat räägivad. Kuulamiseks võta kaasa avatud meel ja soovi korral jaga meile ka enda mõtteid. [email protected] Instagram: @s6brannadpodcast
Koomik Aleksandr Popov ja kodanik Märt Belkin räägivad asjadest, mis neile huvi pakuvad - ja mida kohe tahaks jagada. Saab põnevat juttu, niisama jauru ja natuke naeru ka!
Tere tulemast kuulama Ajuvabadus Podcasti! Siin räägime põnevatel ja elulistel teemadel ning jagame mitmekesist informatsiooni. Saatejuhid on Joonas Särplep ja Juhani Särglep, lisaks on saatesse oodata külalisi erinevatest eluvaldkondadest.
GETXEL podcast on YouTube kanali GETXEL videote audioversioonide kogumik. Juttu on erinevatel elulistel teemadel, ent peamiselt käib läbi üks mõte – austa ennast, teisi ja planeeti Maa.
Positive and motivating chats. Fitness. Businesses. Stories. Love of Bucks County PA!
You may not know us yet, but we're basically famous...and always in on the joke. This isn't our first rodeo so we've learned a thing or two and one things for certain: Our lives may look different, but we all deal with the same shit. Welcome to our digital diary, where we're taking our notoriety to the mic and no topic is off limits. Each week, we'll laugh over life's bullshit, share our hot takes and make one of you basically famous too! Need advice? Want to get something off your chest? Or maybe you want to find out if you're the asshole in a situation? Call or text the hotline at 919-867-6776 for your moment in the spotlight. xoxo, Spencer & Wendy
Permanently Moved is a weekly micro-cast, just 301 seconds long, by Jay Springett. Since 2018, his long-running show has explored internet culture, AI, creativity, and the many online worlds we inhabit. In just over five minutes, Jay shares personal reflections on technology’s impact, the creative process, and the ever-shifting landscape of social media. Tune in for fresh insights and thought-provoking ideas — all in the time it takes to listen to ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit.
Unhinged is an off the rails, no seatbelts ride with comedian Chris Klemens. Chris gives his irreverent takes on timely topics both serious and trivial, with unexpected company stopping by to spill the deets. Think of Unhinged with Chris Klemens as the love child that Watch What Happens L!ve and Fashion Police never knew they needed.
Melvin Diaz @childishmelvino Joel Romero @joelbrandano and Gerardo Alarcon @geloldo are Latinos who gather together to discuss different aspects of their culture!
WOS Speaks is your weekly deep dive into the world of politics, hosted by the insightful and unfiltered Wosny Lambre. With a sharp eye on the latest political news, Wos breaks down the headlines, uncovers the hidden angles, and engages with the issues shaping our world. Whether it’s breaking news, cultural shifts, or the stories behind the political noise, WOS Speaks brings clarity, context, and Wos's signature perspective to the conversation. Tune in every week to stay informed, challenged, and engaged.
Hi, we’re Kristen and Courtney. Every week on our podcast, we rip apart crazy texts from exes. Maybe from ours. Maybe from yours. Either way, they’re all real texts that were actually sent, received, and shared with us. Yes, it’s as hilarious and satisfying as it sounds, even if you don’t have a crazy ex.
Hosted by Kelin Daugherty and Leah Nielsen, Sorta 'Splained is a weekly podcast that delves into curious and peculiar subjects. From history to science to pop culture, Kelin and Leah will just sort of explain something of interest to each other.
Please find all of our great sources for our research here:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/11WA6l3kF9ebmifrZNs6IZlhGVaq7PKpzrODFaObtDQY/edit -
The Larger Than Yourself Podcast follows host Thibault Manekin and his inspiring guests as they explore how reimagining industries, leading with purpose, and giving communities a real seat at the table can turn tiny ideas into powerful and impactful movements—inspiring listeners at a time when social entrepreneurship is no longer a buzzword but a global necessity.
This podcast is indescribably sh*tty, but we’ll take a stab at describing it. Riding high on the success of Jackass Forever, Poopies wanted to make a podcast for all of his adoring fans. The only problem is that Poopies is, without a doubt, the worst podcast host in the entire world. Straw Hut Media felt bad for the guy, so we decided to take a risk and create THE SHITTIEST PODCAST. Just like Poopies, this podcast is a little bit all over the place, and each week you can expect a range of topics like chicks, dicks, surfing, Hawaii, stunts, music, skating, comedy, and a whole lot of other shenanigans. So now that you know what you’re getting yourself into, dive on into THE SHITTIEST PODCAST.
Produced By: Tyler Nielsen & Ryan Tillotson
Written By Frank Driscoll & Tyler Nielsen
Narrated By Narrator
From Straw Hut Media -
Welcome to The AI Podcast. A true free speech podcast and not for people who are easily offended. We take no sides, spare nothing, only speak facts as we see them. Obscure News we got it. Options no one asked for we got those too. Jokes only we fine funny, well that the whole point of the show now isn’t it. A truly APPROPRIATELY INAPPROPRIATE podcast with a sick beard.
A LowBlow Podcast Production -
Join influencers Kate Elisabeth and Monty Keates as they divulge everything that’s been happening on their private stories on and offline. Tune in weekly for chronic oversharing, relationship trauma dumps, and your fair share of embarrassing stories. Get involved by sending in your private stories and confessions to @theprivatestorypodcast.
A space of authentic conversation and exploration of life and lineage. Honoring the daughters before us and those that will arrive after. Sharing always with the intention to weave together the mother- daughter perspective. To heal and gain deeper connection, discovery and inspiration through the untangling and following of the red thread.
Morning Brew is a weekly discussion between three longtime friends. Each member brings a topic to the table over a cup of coffee, which tends to derail pretty quickly.